Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 3

by JG Jerome

  Then I get romantic, “I think I have one more form that I need to deflower, yes?”

  Supreet snorts a laugh out her nose, “Oh yes, my Lord! Although, as far as verbal foreplay goes, that sucked!” I laugh with her.

  “You wouldn’t want me to be perfect, would you?” I kiss her nose.

  “Heavens forbid. Stay inside me while I switch. I didn’t feel it break during the last transition, so maybe we can avoid the painful part this time, too.”

  I roll my eyes, “My lady, you are SO demanding!” Four arms grab my two, while the top pair lightly play a drum tattoo on my skull.

  “Submit, you brute!” she giggles.

  “Okay, okay! I give! Little Jack and I will do your bidding, Beloved!”


  She closes her eyes. Her skin has been slowly fading from blue into her human skin tone, but now the blue rapidly disappears.

  Suddenly Supreet gasps, “Jack, it’s not working! I’m not changing back!”

  “Shhh. Calm down, Love. We’ll figure it out.”

  “Jack, I can’t go to work with six arms and six tits!”

  “You’d have Reddy eating out of your hand if you did.”

  “Jack! This is not funny!” She is getting frantic.

  I pull her to me and kiss her temple. “Seriously, Supreet. Calm down. You told me earlier you had four arms and two breasts in your hybrid form, so your body is probably still adjusting to the changes. What did you feel when you tried to switch back?”

  Supreet continues to hyperventilate a bit, but she does stop to think for a moment. “There was an ache in the middle pair of arms and my back as well as an emptiness where my bottom arms should go.”

  I nod. “Okay, let’s assume for a moment that your body transforms in a certain order. There was an obvious progression when you changed from human to naga. So, let’s assume the same is true for hybrid to human. Okay?”

  She calms as she wraps her head around the problem from a logical versus emotional perspective. “The lower arms emerge from my rib cage where the lower breasts are currently, so maybe they have to absorb before the arms.”

  “What comes out of your back?”

  “Nothing,” is her response with her shaking head.

  I ask a different approach. “If the bottom arms come from the rib cage under the breasts, let’s assume the middle arms have to get to the rib cage, too. Maybe since you are laying on your back, they can’t align on your back to absorb. I hate to say this, but I think you need to dismount Little Jack and sit or stand up.”

  She looks at me like I’m insane for a moment, which may well be true. However, after a moment of pushing the emotion aside and working the logic, her face takes on the cutest little ‘ah-ha’ expression.

  I pull out of her and manage not to cry at my loss, then I help her sit up. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply several times before her middle arms reach behind her back. Her lower arms press her lower breasts upward as they and the middle upper breast absorb into the two remaining breasts. The lower arms fuse to the flesh under her now huge, jiggly F-cup breasts, which slowly shrink and firm into the two gorgeous, firm, grapefruit-sized, perky breasts that I remember from our playtime before. By the time the breasts finish transforming, her lower arms are gone. I look around to her back, and there is no evidence of additional arms there either.

  There is a small dark mole in her decolletage and three in a row below her breasts.

  “How is that, Supreet?”

  She launches onto me. “Perfect, Jack! Thank you for talking me off of the ledge.” She plants a garden of kisses over my face.

  I lick my finger and rub it over the mole in her decolletage, which elicits a gasp. They’re still there! I tell her, “Oh honey we are going to have some fun with these,” as I rub the other three mini-nipples.

  She wraps me into another kiss. “Now you poor man, you must deflower this form!” She exclaims with a lascivious grin.

  Shaking my head, “Work, work, work! Working in a coal mine, going down, down, down…” Her giggles turn to gasps as my lyrics are replaced by more-cunning linguistics.

  Chapter 1 - Kristina Visits

  She looks at me with sorrow in her eyes, and then says in a clear warm voice, “Jacques Guillaume Jerome, listen to me and obey.” Her eyes glow with the blue of a clear summer sky.

  My phone wakes me from my nap in time to make the bed and take another tour around the condo before Kristina arrives. This is her ‘wine and roses’ weekend. I have been courting her regularly since winning the HCI contract.

  I stayed with her that Sunday and Monday after going to school with the elves on Saturday. We had lots of cuddle time, groping, etcetera, but no ‘real’ love making. I lucked into an AirBnB in Sedona for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend later that week. That allowed me to host Thanksgiving dinner for Myra, Trina, Kristina, and the Ravens. Myra brought Megan along to ‘meet me,’ which is when Megan’s giggles gave away that Megan and Myra had been comparing notes. Bottom line, Megan asked my wife, her sister, permission to bed her brother-in-law - i.e. me. Kristina thought that was hilarious. She took it with better grace than I did. Trina was cheering Megan’s cause the whole time. I suspected that she was looking to play sandwich between the two sisters and sandwich me between herself and Megan. Kristina was the lady of the house, arriving Thanksgiving morning after breakfast with her family, and she presided over the table arrangements and hospitality while I ran the kitchen. We all had a great time cooking, eating, laughing, making music, and cuddling and loving each other. Supreet was the only one of my ladies missing, but Trina, Kristina and I wished her a Happy Thanksgiving on a Whatsapp Video chat. She seemed ecstatic to be included in our family function. We also had a short chat with Peg by phone.

  So this afternoon, I am fidgeting while waiting for Kristina to arrive. Megan managed to snag box seat tickets to the Andre Rieu holiday concert at Talking Stick arena. Kristina is my date, and I’ve gone all out. Custom tailored tux, limo, champagne and roses in the limo. Roses on the dining table. Peg is going to spray rose petals over the bed while we’re gone and light candles as I open the door. Apparently she doesn’t need to be here to do it. I’m rather distracted not knowing how Brownie Magic works. All I know is that she said it would happen; consequently, it will happen. I somehow doubt it will all end with passionate, romantic, piercing of loins, etcetera. That would be great of course, but the whole point is to drive the point home to Kristina that despite being surrounded by beautiful Sidhe women, I love her, cherish her, think she is very beautiful, and reinforce that she has an important role in my life. All the Sidhe agree with my opinion, but apparently Dwarf women are nearly as insecure in their personal image as humans are. Trina, my beloved concubine, helps immensely, so I’m hopeful we’ll soon have Kristina securely in the ‘Krissie is fabulous’ camp with the rest of us.

  I do a quick check around the condo again to ensure that all is in order. I use it as an opportunity to practice blinking from place-to-place. I discovered it was something I could do after my last visit with Supreet. I blinked in front of her before her father could grab her. As Supreet and I were talking in our post-coital glow, she asked me about how I did that. I hadn’t realized I did. After checking with L’liana, O’ren, and crew I discovered it’s an Elven ability. Both ‘High Elves,’ ‘Dark Elves,’ and even the ‘Wild Elves’ have the ability. The Dark Elves are pretty much limited to line of sight, which is what I’m aspiring to. High Elves can also do it long distances, between galaxies, and between dimensions. After discussing this with L’liana, I’ve come to the conclusion that the more you can do without wearing yourself out, the more useful it would be in a defense scenario. So, I practice. I can blink back and forth across the room, but I start to get a headache after about three jumps in quick succession. I would love to spend a couple of weeks in Cherry training with Tr’niel and L’liana on hand-to-hand and blinking. Until I get some of my business obligations taken care of and get my
house in order, that will have to wait.

  Finally the doorbell rings. I check the door on my iPad, then open it to pick up the diminutive beauty standing outside my door in a bridal carry and drag her across my threshold without bashing her head into the door.

  She giggles, “Put me down, Jack! I need to pee!”

  I walk her to the guest bath door and set her down. “There you go, Krissie.”

  She multitasks by kissing me as she pushes her snug jeans over her hips, then waddles over to take a seat. She frowns at me as I lean against the door, so I blow her a kiss and retrieve her bags from the corridor. Good thing we don’t have lots of traffic here!

  She calls behind me, “Please put my bags in your guest room, Jack. I don’t want to clutter up your bedroom.”

  I stop in the doorway of the bathroom and cock an eyebrow at her. “Who’s bedroom?”

  She gives me ‘deer in the headlights' look and stops mid-stream. “Uh, yours and Trina’s bedroom?” I shake my head, and she frowns at me. “Yours and Myra’s?” I just look at her. She gives up with an exaggerated, “What?”

  “Our bedroom, my love. Our bedroom. It’s as much yours as mine.”

  “Fine,” she grouses. “Our bedroom, in which case I really don’t want it cluttered up with all my extra garbage. Now get out of here, so I can pee!” she commands.

  “Stagefright my darling?” I ask with a cheesy grin.

  She gives me her best cross look and points down the hall, “GO!”

  “Bossy little minx,” I stage whisper to myself. “I want to marry this woman? I must be insane!”

  “I heard that, Jack Jerome!”

  I continue in the same tone, “At least she’s not deaf. Can’t claim she doesn’t hear me.”

  I hear a “Huh? Whatchoo say?” drift down the hallway as I hang her garment bag and set her other bags on the bed. There’s a flush and the sink is running. By the time I am back by the bathroom door there is a 5’-nothing dynamo blocking the hallway with her fists on her bony little hips, trying hard to look angry with me.

  Kristina points a finger at my face, “You are a bad man, Jack Jerome.” She’s trying desperately not to laugh.

  “Yes I am. I’m good at it, and I have references,” I answer smugly.

  She launches into the air, catching her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist as she attacks my face with her kisses. “Goddess, I’ve missed you, Jack!” she murmurs between kisses.

  I squeeze her tight little ass, “Krissie, if you keep this up your ‘wine and roses evening’ will be your prize for delivering rather than an enticement to woo you into my bed.”

  The joy on her face glows on mine, “I hate to admit Trina is right, but I don’t want to wait any more! I’ve been fantasizing about making love to you for weeks, and I was creaming my panties the whole drive down here! Please, Jack! Don’t make me wait any longer! Take me now! Take me later! Take me over the railing in the theatre! Take me in the limo both directions! Sit me on your cock during dinner! Take me in a crowded bar surrounded by a crowd! I don’t care! Take me, my darling Jack! Make me yours!”

  I nod once and then devour her mouth as I march into our bedroom and lay her down as gently as possible. Then I stand and shuck out of my clothes while she squirms out of hers while lying on the bed. As I finish she is kneeling on the edge of the bed holding her panties to my face.

  I inhale her moist aroma from them and take them from her. She’s not kidding about them being soaked - her jeans are probably pretty wet too. Tossing her panties away, I pull her gorgeous taut body to me. Shoulders taper slightly to a barely existent waist then flares mildly over her lean athletic hips. She is sinewy goodness all over. Her little rosebud breasts call to me, so I suckle them as I pull her close. I grip an asscheek with one hand as I slide the other up between her lean strong thighs to delve her treasure chest. The gates are open, the doors are open, and as I slide a fingertip into her opening it feels like she is suckling it.

  “Kristina, I need you in the worst possible way!” I moan around her breast.

  “Yes, Jack! Take me in the worst possible way! Take me hard! Use me, my man! I am yours! Claim me!”

  “Oh my, Krissie!” I gasp as I push her down to the mattress and spread her thighs wide. Her pussy is gaping open, gasping like a fish out of water! It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen! I line Little Jack into position, and she immediately hooks her heels behind my ass to pull me in. I look down at her a moment to burn this moment in my brain, then I bend down to kiss her before I ram myself into her hot wet opening. She screams a “YEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!” as I hilt myself with her heels goading me on.

  She opens her eyes. “Again!” she gasps. I grab both her hips as I back out until I can see the ring under the glans, and then slam back into her again. And again. And again. And she locks into spasms around my cock as I ram her. “MORE!” she gasps out. “HARDER! BREAK me, Jack! Destroy me!”

  I pound her again with all that I have. And again. The next one is too much as she bathes me in her hot juices and suckles me inside her sweet, hot pussy. I slam into her and spray my seed into her. She screams louder and clamps down harder before squirting juices out all around the tight seal she has around Little Jack. I lay down on her and try to curve down to catch her mouth in mine. She meets me half-way and digs her nails into my back as she keens into my mouth. We lay there riding our waves of bliss to the shoreline of dreamland. I wake up later still hard, clamped deep inside her as she begins to stir.

  She looks up in my eyes and says, “Wow!”

  Speech still hasn’t returned to my skill set, so I just nod sagely.

  “You’ve gotten bigger, Jack!” I shake my head. I’m pretty certain, I would have noticed.

  “Seriously! I had you in my mouth for Thanksgiving. That was plenty, but this is like a cornucopia. I don’t think I could fit you in my mouth now.”

  Okay, this is going too far. “No sweetie. You’re just such a tiny little treasure that it seems big.”

  She smacks me. “Don’t give me that shit, Mr. Jerome! Myra and Trina both remarked over the holiday that you’ve grown. Shoulders too, but they were focused on your cock. Let me up.” She pats my shoulder gently.

  I sit back as she slides off me. She immediately flips and pops Little Jack in her mouth. He decides there might be more work to do. He starts recovering what little he’s lost since his delivery job finished. She works me over with significant skill and then pops off Little Jack’s helmet to sit back on her heels.

  “Jack, I think I’m right. You’ve grown a little bit since Thanksgiving. Be careful, my Darling. Don’t let that get out of control,” she says as she smiles at me brilliantly. “I need to be able to stuff you into all my holes whenever I want. If you get too big, a couple of them will be disappointed.”

  I laugh at that and wrap her into a hug as I fall down to the mattress, laying in the middle of Lake Kristina and hold her as we doze for a while. Eventually, we get up, and I take her to the kitchen, holding her on my hip as I walk. I sit her naked ass on the counter as I give her water and start coffee. We chatter about what’s been happening in the wine bar business since we talked yesterday morning and she tells me of some of Annette’s latest adventures. She’s about to update me on the farms and vineyard business, but I can’t keep my hands off her. By the time she’s ready to talk about my business, I’ve pulled her to the edge of the counter and entered her again. Slower this time, gentler, but still urgent.

  Afterwards she is leaning on my chest as I lean in towards the counter we just anointed. She asks me, “Is it always going to be like this, Jack?”

  I shrug, “I don’t know, Krissie, but I vote yes.”

  “Did I hear you right earlier? Are you going to ask me to marry you?”

  “Yes. Bended knee and the whole bit. Not Vegas.”

  “All our extended family, please. Obviously, I’ll need a cream colored dress since I may be a bigger slut than your Faerie Queen.”

  “Ceremony at Cherry? Elven wedding?”

  She shrugs, “We will see. That would make our extended family happy, but I will need to appease my dwarven family, too. We don’t do the biting thing; although, I think I would like to do that with you. Auntie Amelia says I have enough Sidhe blood to make the magic work. Either way, the idea of you eating my flesh makes me wet.”

  “Everything makes you wet, Krissie my treasure.”

  “Not true. Just you...and Trina...and Annette...and maybe that Faerie Queen of yours, but just that one time I think.”

  “She’ll be disappointed. She’s quite taken with you.”

  She shrugs, “What is it you like to say? The future is not yet written? That’s about right, I think.” She pulls me close and buries her face into my neck and bites it gently. “I am madly in love with you, Jack Jerome. I have been since I first met you. And now you are mine!”

  “Yes I am, Love.”

  “Please don’t hate me, Jack, but the thought of you loving all your beautiful ladies makes me jealous. I want to be open minded, but sometimes it’s difficult. God knows I’m no prude, but sharing you is so hard! I think of you fucking them, and I want it to be me you’re fucking.” I caress her head as I try to figure out how to untwist this knot. She looks up at me and tells me, “I have seen you make love to them, Jack. I see you really do love them. Deeply. All of them. I see they love you as deeply as I do. Honestly watching you with them really gets my motor running. Watching you make love to them is just too beautiful to even begin being jealous. The jealousy only raises its head when it’s in the theoretical space apparently - when I think about it before or after.” She looks up to me and implores, “I’m a fucking mess, Jack. Please don’t decide I’m too much trouble for you! It would kill me to lose you!”


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