Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 11

by JG Jerome

  Christie adds, “Honestly Jack, if Carolyn were Winter court, she’d probably be a Raven candidate for being abnormal. Her measurements are easily 125% of what we consider normal. Lisette’s figure is what the Summer Court consider perfect. I can see why Carolyn might be willing to hope for better elsewhere.”

  Carolyn shakes her head, “Humans are a better option for me than being a Raven. I don’t think I could pass the training. They would probably just give me to the Goblins. They apparently don’t care. I have never met one, so I don’t know what I would think about that.”

  I turn back to my questioning. “Lisette, how many people came with you?”

  She answers, “Just the fat bitch.”

  “Lisette, your answers are too short. You need to be more forthcoming.”

  She frowns. I thought so - she’s fighting me. I flood her brain with more ‘willingness.’

  Her features go slack. “I figured we would kill off a human. Then I can use that as leverage over her. She’s from a powerful family. I might be able to get business concessions or money from her. My family isn’t so well off. Just prettier.”

  “Lisette, who asked you to come here tonight?

  She replies, “No one, Lord.”

  “Who do your report back to, Lisette?

  She frowns, “I tell the Summer Lady anything unusual that we run into.”

  I ask, “Did she know you were coming out tonight?”

  Lisette responds, “She did. She knew Phoenix has been my preferred hunting ground for a few months. She asked if I wanted a lift to Phoenix. I’m supposed to meet her at the airport for the flight back to Columbia at midnight. Chubby wanted to go clubbing, so we hit a couple of places I’ve hunted before. The nice guys all hit on me, of course. She didn’t like any of the sleaze bags that were attracted to her tits. D-cups! Like anyone nice would ever want someone with those huge orbs. I told her we could come here and find willing nice guys. She didn’t want to come, but I haven’t achieved my objective. So, here we are.”

  “Lisette, how long have you been working Carolyn to get her to join you on a hunt?

  “Oh Goddess!” she exclaims. “Months. She’s such a pain in the ass with her ‘goodie-two-shoes’ attitude. It makes me sick.”

  “Lisette, do you ever hunt down by the university?”

  “Sure, but it’s harder to kill one of those young guys off. I don’t mind a challenge, but some of those studs can go for days with proper care and feeding! I don’t want to set myself up for failure!”

  “Okay, Lisette. Thank you for your cooperation. I know it was an inconvenience to you, so I am going to reward you. Your reward is that you will go down to reception and call a cab to take you to one of your favorite haunts and find a large group of men, buy them all as many drinks as they want, and dance with them all until after midnight. Then you will make your way to the airport and figure out how to get home. If prostituting yourself is the only way to do so, then that is what you do. If someone tries to abduct you or drug you, then you may use all of your abilities to kill them. Is that clear, Lisette?”

  She grins, “Yes, Lord. I hope someone tries to abduct me.”

  “Taking you home does not equal abduction. They have to try to coerce you into going with them to count.”

  She frowns, “Yes, Lord.”

  “Lisette, once you get back to Columbia, you will decide that your games are not bringing you happiness. You will search out the nicest, kindest members of the Summer Court and try to earn their friendship. If you have offended them to the point they spurn you, you will do whatever it takes to get into their good graces and stay there.”

  “Nooo,” Lisette moans. “That’s impossible!”

  “No Lisette, it’s not impossible. It will require hard work and a sincere change in attitude on your part, but you can do hard work even if you don’t have any experience at it.”

  She looks genuinely appalled. “Lord, please just make me fuck random men instead. Don’t make me do that. Please!”

  “My mind is made, Lisette. Having you fuck more men doesn’t really mean anything to you. The only punishment in it would be that I would be making you do it. You have no respect for your body; therefore, whoring yourself isn’t a punishment. Making you be nice is going to be much more difficult and meaningful.” She repeats it back to me.

  I tell her, “Good girl, Lisette.” She preens at the praise. Curious. “Now once you leave my presence, you will forget ever seeing me, forget everything we discussed, and you will think you left Carolyn at the club with a guy. You will execute all commands, but you will think they are your own idea. You will not remember any of this. Is that clear?” She reads it back to me. “Go, Lisette.”

  Lisette turns around and walks down the hill.

  I turn to Carolyn, “So, what do you think?”

  She looks at me with eyes wide open. “You own her now with everything she told you. You could tell the Queen, and the Valkyries would be eating her for dinner.”

  “Hmmm. Is that a just fate for her?” I muse out loud. “Arguably, yes. Given how she finds entertainment. I may tell her queen. Do you really think your queen would do anything about it?”

  Carolyn shrugs, “I don’t know, Lord. It happens more than I want to admit. I am far from the popular crowd despite my father’s influence. I suspect the queen knows about it if I know about it.” Christie wraps her arms around her torso and shakes her head with sorrow.

  I nod, “Lisette did say the Summer Lady knows she hunts here. Okay, here’s the deal. I don’t want to let you run off without having you bound to me in some way. I don’t want to coerce you, but I’m concerned about the pieces you can put together from what you’ve seen. I also would really like you to be my source in the Summer Court.” I look at her for a moment trying to figure you out what is best to do.

  Carolyn says, “Lord, if you’re doing something, I don’t think it’s working. I don’t feel anything.”

  I laugh, “Well Carolyn, if you can feel it when I think through different options in my brain I should just hire you outright for my business and take you to all my client meetings.”

  She is surprised, “Oh! I thought you were trying to use an ability on me. I’m sorry, Lord.”

  I take her hands in mine, “Carolyn, never apologize for telling what you honestly believe is true. If I don’t like what you say, that is my problem. I don’t get to be angry with you or punish you. If I don’t understand what you’re saying, I’ll ask questions. You just tell me true. Agreed?”

  She gives me a warm, genuine smile. “Okay, Lord!”

  I nod, “Okay. My name is Jack Jerome. Some people refer to me as the Green Lord. Apparently, I am a type of being that hasn’t been seen for millennia. This is what I would like from you. Anything you learn about plots against the Winter court, you tell me.” Carolyn nods. “Anything you learn about plots or people looking for me or my family, you tell me.” She nods again. “Anything you hear about someone or something called the ‘Dread Lord,’ you tell me.” Another nod. “Anything you learn about plots to hurt anyone, regardless of their race or where they are, you tell me.” Again she nods. “I’m not demanding, Carolyn. I’m asking. No compulsion, no influence. An alliance between two people that want to do good together. Either way you have a home with my greater family if you want it. If not, I would still like you to be my ally. Do you agree?”

  She nods. “Yes lord.”

  “I’m honored, Carolyn. Type your phone number into this text.” She takes my phone and types her number in before handing it back to me. I text her my name and email, and I hear her phone ping after a short delay.

  “Carolyn, I’d also like you to tell me how Lisette does on following my direction. I’m still learning the ins and outs of influencing people without scrambling their brains. I’m doing really well at not scrambling brains, but I’m not sure how effective my direction is. I don’t think the back and forth with the subject is typical. Lisette seemed to be able to fight it
. The last person I tried it on also was more interactive than I’ve seen before. I can do it like Summer. There was no feedback when I did that, but I don’t want to butcher people like that unless there is no other option. I’d appreciate the feedback.”

  That ‘butcher’ comment really got her attention. “Of course, Lord.”

  I smile at her, “And I prefer you call me Jack.”

  “Yes, Jack,” she smiles at me.

  I ask, “Ed, can we detour to take her to the airport before we head home.”

  He nods, “Sure, Jack. Whatever you want.”

  “Okay, Carolyn can you ride shotgun?” She nods and gets in, while I go shake the valet. He comes around slowly. “Hey buddy. You doing okay. Did you fall down? Are you alright?”

  He responds, “Uh...yeah.” I help him to his feet.

  “Do you need me to go upstairs and get someone to stay with you?”

  “Uh, no man. I mean, no sir. I’m good. Thanks for checking on me.”

  “Okay,” I tell him as I get in the car. “Goodnight.” I close the door and pull Kristina on my lap. “Okay, Ed. Let’s roll.”

  I keep the divider down for the trip to the airport. I question Carolyn about what she does when she’s not being led astray by Lisette. She explains that she works as an ER Nurse at University Hospital in Columbia. She is also working on her DNP at University of Missouri in Columbia. Christie and Carolyn start talking nursing, and I am soon lost.

  I kiss Kristina to keep myself occupied. ‘The sacrifices I make!’ I also manage to find my hand caressing her exposed leg, but I manage not to delve deeper under her skirt while the divider is down.

  We get to the airport and agree to drop Carolyn at Terminal 4 rather than at the General Aviation terminal in order to make it less likely she gets spotted with us. She plans to take the terminal bus from T4 to GA. We pull into the American drop off. Ed opens my door, and I get out. We both survey the area looking for anyone apparently looking too close. Not seeing anyone, I nod to Ed to open the door for Carolyn. I give her a hand out of the car and wrap her into my arms.

  I whisper in her ear, “I appreciate your willingness to be my eyes and ears in your court. Don’t wait for something to report. Call me periodically to let me know you’re okay. You’re one of my people now. Got it?”

  She nods as she looks into my eyes. “Jack, this is really nice. Is it possible to do debriefs in person periodically?”

  I smile. “Of course dear. I’m a firm believer in letting my people know I appreciate them. Would a kiss be out of order?”

  She turns shy suddenly, but shakes her head. I lift her chin with a finger and press a kiss onto her lips. She looks surprised. The second one she opens her mouth, and I meet her tongue just inside her mouth before she decides to devour my face. I slide a hand down her back and cup her firm, round backside. She is curvy, but firm in all the right places. ‘I love Sidhe tushies!’

  I release the lower cheek and cup the upper one. “I look forward to you next debrief, Carolyn.”

  She bites her lip before saying, “I’ll make sure to wear some, so you can remove them from me, Jack.”

  “Ooo! The lady does humor! Carolyn, are you going to turn into a brazen hussy?”

  “Jack, I am likely the oldest living virgin in the Summer Court. When you take that away from me, I suspect I will be VERY needy!”

  I chuckle, “I’ll keep that in mind. Just so you know - if that’s what you want from our relationship, I’m not good at going half-way. Be sure you’re ready to move in. You are mine. I am yours. Is that clear?”

  She asks a question I haven’t heard before, “What happens if I find another man in the meantime, Jack?”

  “It doesn’t change anything, Carolyn. The commitment is still there. The sex might not be, but I don’t have sex with all my people. But I do tend to keep the ones I do have sex with close. Is that clear enough?”

  She smiles gently, “Crystal clear.” She looks surprised suddenly. “No pun intended.”

  “None taken,” floats out of the car in Christie’s voice, followed by a chorus of giggles from the back seat.

  We kiss one more time, and then I watch her walk into the terminal. She stops about ten feet in front of the door to orient herself. Then she turns around and seems surprised that I’m still standing there. She blows me a kiss. I catch it and plant it over my heart. She smiles and walks to the escalator.

  I climb into the car, and Ed closes the door. I pull Kristina onto my lap, and then Ed pulls us into traffic to head home.

  I pull my phone, and send a text to Megan.

  ‘Sorry I had to leave so rapidly. I hope you all had a good time after we left. Text me to let me know you got home OK. Call tomorrow to catch up on those investments we discussed tonight. Goodnight!’

  After that we all just rode quietly home, letting full tummies and wine have their way with us.

  We pull up to my condo. Ed opens my door, I get out, and we repeat our scanning drill. I give the ladies each a hand out in turn - Kristina, Christie, Tiphanae.

  I shake Ed’s hand and ask, “So what do you think about this assignment? Are you up to work for me again?”

  He asks, “Not the most boring assignment I’ve had, but not the craziest either. I had a rockstar try to fuck a groupie one time while they were both standing out the sunroof.”

  I laugh, “Who was that?”

  He shakes his head, “I can’t tell you. Part of the job. Was that some kind of weird mind-control stuff going on between you and the redhead? ”

  “Yep. Not the brunette, though. I just sold her something she wanted to buy.”

  “What’s that?” Ed asks.

  “Belonging,” I tell him. “If you decide you want to belong, send me your résumé. I’ll have you interview with the head of my security division. She’s got a lot of experience in close protection and driving.” I hand him my card. He hands me his card with a grin.

  “You bet, Jack. Have a good night, sir.”

  “You too, Ed.”

  I escort the ladies into the building, and we have an uneventful trip up the lift. As we exit and make our way to my door, my phone goes off. I unlock it with my fingerprint before handing it to Kristina and pulling Eventide. “Check it please for me, Sweetheart.” She checks the text as I hand Eventide as an 18” dagger to Christie. Then I pull my pistol, chamber a round and take it off safe before transferring it to my left hand to pull my key out.

  “Tiphanae, take care of all my ladies.” She gulps and then nods. I wave them down the hall until they are about twenty feet beyond my door. I unlock the door, push it open, and start clearing the condo. There is no one there, but there is a lovely carpet of rose petals leading to the master bedroom door. I step out into the corridor and wave the ladies to me as I decock, safe, and holster my pistol.

  Kristina tells me, “It’s Megan. Apparently her mom showed up after we left and there was drama with her sister. They all went to Springfield, so tomorrow is out of the question. She says she’s hopeful for Monday.”

  “Shit. That doesn’t sound good,” I opine. “Okay, nothing to be done. Ladies please wait at the door. Krissie, you first!”

  I scoop up Kristina into a bridal carry and manage to safely get her across the threshold and into the bedroom without smacking her head. Then I go back and pick up Christie, delivering her to the living room. Finally, I go back for Tiphanae. She demurs, but I insist.

  “Tiphanae, you are one of my ladies. I think you deserve the special treatment, too. You are special. Please let me treat you like you are special.”

  Tears track down her face as she nods. I scoop her up, and I tell her as we step into the doorway. “Remember darling, once I close that door, we are home. No illusions when we’re home. Clear?”

  She sobs into my neck, “Yes my Lord.”

  I tell her, “I like that...being your lord, not just some random lord.” I feel her lips smile at that as I carefully carry her through the doorway and kick th
e door close. Suddenly rather than holding a classically beautiful human female, I’m holding someone much more akin to a winged angel.

  I set her down, kiss her lips chastely. “Much better, Tiphanae. Welcome home.” She smiles.

  Kristina says while looking at my phone, “Jack! I think you need to read your messages.”

  Chapter 10 - In the wind

  (the VIP Entrance at Talking Stick Resort arena)

  Solange starts coming around as the Ravens clear the VIP exit, but unfortunately one of the policemen posted at security sees them. Marisol decides to take advantage and leads the trio to the policeman. As they get close she tells him, “Some guy that looks like a supermodel shot her with a taser! I think he and his buddy were trying to abduct us!” The policeman focuses on her as her eyes glow. She whispers to him. “Call your partner over here.”

  He turns to a giant bodybuilder looking officer with acne. “Morrison! Get over here, quick!”

  Morrison says, “What’s up, Krieger?”

  Marisol says, “Officer Morrison!” He looks into her glowing eyes. “Listen and obey. Both of you. There are sixteen guys that look like male models running around with tasers. They are trying to abduct us. We need your tasers and batons to protect ourselves.” The two officers frown and then pull the tasers and collapsing batons from their kit belts. Solange takes the batons as she steadies herself on her feet. Charli and Marisol each grab a taser. They all take their shoes off and hold them in their hands. Charli is watching towards the door.

  The doors burst open, and Marisol tells the officers, “Those two were the ones that shot us! Kill them!” The officers unholster their weapons and start unloading rounds into the two Sidhe males as the ladies slink past them.

  The Ravens head towards a pedicab and jump in. “Arizona Center,” says Solange as she takes charge again. The driver stands on the pedals and makes a good start considering he’s pulling three adults.

  * * *


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