Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 20

by JG Jerome

  The stranger lifts her head and weeps, “Christie? Please. Take me with you! You’re the only friend I have. Please let me come!”

  Christie responds, “Of course, Georgia. Why didn’t you call me?”

  Georgia wails, “My phone died as I was looking for you at the airport. I had all these confusing visions, and then I got lost. By the time I thought to call you, I had no more battery remaining.”

  “It’s okay, Georgia.” Christie says. “Tiphanae is going to bring you to me.”

  Kristina pipes up, “Actually, I will. She’s gonna ride with Chelsea and me. She can tell us all about herself as we drive home. That okay with you, Georgia?”

  Georgia sniffs and nods her head emphatically.

  Solange asks Tiphanae, “How long before you’re ready to go?”

  Tiphanae rocks her hand side-to-side before answering, “Five minutes, max. We’re clear on toxins and surveillance. I just need to check for explosives.” She dashes off to finish.

  Solange says into the phone, “We’ll see you in 45 minutes or less, Christie.”

  Christie’s voice responds, “Great. I’ll feel much better when you’re all safely home. Bye for now.” The connection closes.

  Kristina takes Georgia and puts her in the front passenger seat. She asks the Bitch, “Do you mind sitting behind her. She’ll find it comforting if you can keep your hands on her shoulders. We can both still watch for threats.”

  Chelsea nods her agreement.

  Tiphanae runs over to Solange and returns the elf-tech kit. She stops by Kristina’s window as she heads back to her vehicle.

  Kristina rolls the window down, and Tiphanae tells her, “Georgia has true visions. Not like Christie’s, more like glimpses into the near future. It’s why so many of the Sidhe shunned her - she makes them nervous. If she tells you something is going to happen, listen to her.”

  Kristina nods, “Thanks for the heads-up, Tiffy. Be safe. See you at home.”

  Georgia mutters, “There’s also the rumors of a Brownie ancestor that didn’t do much to ease my social situation.”

  Tiphanae mounts up as Kristina edges past Solange’s vehicle to lead the convoy home. Solange follows, and Tiphanae takes the trail position.

  * * *

  The convoy pulls into Jack’s condo. The two SUVs park in guest parking and Kristie takes the CRV down to it’s habitual spot in the garage.

  The ladies all converge on the condo. Christie greets them at the door wearing one of Jack’s shirts. She wraps Georgia in a warm hug as she drags her to the couch. Christie tells her, “Let’s get you out of those clothes, so you can feel me holding you. Okay?”

  Georgia nods, sets her backpack at her feet and begins to strip off. Once she is naked, she slides her arms under Christie’s shirt, pulling her close. Georgia shivers with the emotion of connecting again with her missing friend.

  Solange says, “Did you all see the Pretty Boys pulling up as we left?”

  Marisol laughs, “Can you believe it? They pulled up in stretch limos! I guess they thought they’d pass themselves off as a boy band? Goddess, they are irredeemable.”

  Christie smiles, but says, “I hope not. We’re going to need them to be contributing members of the Winter Court if we are all to survive.”

  Solange agrees, “Good point. Mari, let’s get into our tac uniforms. I’ll be right back ladies. Do whatever you need to do to get ready to go join Jack. We leave in 30 minutes.”

  Christie says, “Georgia can stay here with me and the little ones to hold the fort.”

  Kristina asks Chelsea, “Wanna ride with me again? It’s not as nice as Jack’s ride, but it’s reliable, and it’s all mine.”

  Chelsea smiles and says, “Sure. That would be great.”

  Kristina says, “Solange and Marisol can take Megan’s SUV. Tiphanae, you want to ride with them? I only have a bench seat in my pickup truck.”

  Tiphanae chuckles, “I’ll take a ride in your hupti another time, Krissie!”

  Kristina feigns offense, “Hupti? You called my baby a hupti? I’ll have you know my old truck can run circles around any of these SUVs you were driving today!”

  Tiphanae laughs and wraps her arms and wings around Kristina, muffling her objections with her bosom. Kristina eventually shrugs and then latches onto Tiphanes’s left breast and proceeds to suckle her. Tiphanae’s eyes open wide in surprise. She lets loose a moan and her tail wraps around Kristina’s leg and prods her crotch.

  Kristina moans, “Okay, I give up. You can call my baby a hupti.” At that point Tiphanae releases her as they both catch their breath and break into fits of laughter.

  As they wind down, Kristina tells them, “Get a big drink of water and one for the road. Bathroom rotation, too. I’ve got the guest toilet first.”

  More laughter follows her down the hall.

  Chapter 20 - Alliances

  (Cottonwood, Arizona)

  After nearly two hours on the road, without a stop for coffee, I’m about ready to jump out of my skin. My escorts have been mostly silent for the drive, and my efforts to engage them in conversation have yielded very short direct answers. As we have been riding in an SUV with strangers, Charli and I decided not to entertain ourselves with carnal delights. She kept yawning until I pulled her to me for a kiss and told her to lay her head on my lap and try to catch a nap. She demurred, but I promised to wake her if things go sideways. Finally, she obeyed. That left me to march around inside my head exploring all the ‘what-if’ scenarios that we might face when I go to retrieve the rest of my family. That didn’t leave me with a peaceful, easy feeling.

  Now we are finally pulling into the parking lot to the north of the Red Rooster in Old Town Cottonwood. I wake Charli. She gives me a glorious smile before sitting up, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me wetly until we both need more air. I’m thinking I may have made a mistake not pursuing the carnal delights regardless of the prospect of having the boys all watch.

  We all get out of the SUV and stretch. Jeremy tells me, “We’re in the back room of the Red Rooster, Lord Jack.”

  I tell him, “Thanks, Jeremy” despite the ‘Lord’ part. I gotta get used to it because apparently it is the proper form of address.

  As I’m waiting for traffic to clear my path across the street, I see a familiar brown Yukon turn in front of me with Trina waving at me from the passenger seat.

  The boys get a little upset when I turn back to meet them in the parking lot. I honestly don’t care. Daphne parks next to the wolves’ Suburban, and my two precious pets launch out to wrap me in hugs and drown me in kisses. When I come up for air, I notice Cholley joining us.

  I look at the extensive scarring on Trina’s face. I ask her, “Will you let me repair that, my Pet?”

  Juan joins us and exclaims when he sees Trina’s face, “Holy shit! What happened to you?”

  She buries her face in my chest as she hugs me tighter and nods.

  I tell her, “Look at me, Trina.” She raises her eyes to mine, and I tell her, “You are a beautiful person. Just let your inner beauty shine out, and you will be healed, Beloved.”

  Then I lean forward to kiss her passionately as I pour my love and a bunch of healing energy into her as I will her flesh to heal.

  We finally break the kiss to catch a breath, and I look at her pristine, beautiful face. “How’s that feel, my Love?”

  Trina touches her cheek, and her eyes open wide.

  I hear Juan exclaim “Holy shit” for the second time in as many minutes.

  Trina says, “That feels wonderful, Master! Thank you so much for loving me and taking care of me!” She kisses me again and then gives me her dazzling 100 kilowatt smile.

  Daphne pouts, “Master, I stubbed my toe really bad! Can you make me better, too?”

  I spank her ass, and she says, “Oh! That’s much better, Master! Thank you!” Then she kisses me and takes point to lead our little party to the Rooster.

  Trina introduces Cholley, “Master
, I know you probably recognize Cholley, but given the circumstances last time, I thought introductions might be in order. Lord, this is Cholley Soulcrusher. Cholley, allow me to introduce the Green Lord.”

  Cholley’s eyes bug as he realizes where he recognizes me from. He says, “Lord, please forgive me for not protecting Princess Trina better. She deserves better from me.”

  I shake his hand and tell him, “She does, Cholley. She deserves better than what I have to offer, too. All we can do is work to earn the love she gives us.” He looks at me funny. I continue, “I have a pressing appointment inside. Please join us.”

  Then I follow Daphne to catch up with the wolves. Juan takes the trail position.

  We cross the street and enter the Red Rooster. I see a familiar face at the register as I walk in.

  Kellianne looks up, recognizes Trina and myself, and excuses herself from her customer. Then she runs across the room and throws herself onto me with a hug. “Welcome back, Jack,” she says with a big smile on her face. Then she sets me free and wraps Trina in a hug, too. “It’s so good to see you both again. I’ll let Johnny know you’re here.” She pulls me into a group hug with Trina.

  I kiss her cheek and tell her, “It’s great to see you too, Sweetheart. I’m here to meet with some folks in the back room. Hopefully I can stop to visit with you and Johnny before I go.”

  She releases and nods, “Sounds good! I’ve got to get back to my customer. Talk to you soon!” Then she walks back up to the register to take care of her elderly customer.

  The older woman says, “Well I never!” as we walk past her. I stop. It can’t be. I look at her, and sure enough it’s the same old biddy that was appalled by the public displays of affection between Kristina, Trina, and myself last time I visited the Rooster.

  I can’t help myself. I say to her, “What? You still haven’t? It’s been three weeks since I last saw you. I highly recommend you give it a try.”

  Trina explodes into laughter as we continue to the back ignoring the muttering of the elder woman.

  As we exit the hallway, I see a very fit middle-aged man sitting at a table in the center of the room with about a dozen strapping young men posted around the room, watching out the windows and scrutinizing anyone walking into the room like the predators they are.

  I stride over to the gentleman at the table and introduce myself, “Hello! I’m Jack Jerome. I’m here to meet with the Alpha of the Americas.”

  The gentleman stands and offers his hand to shake. “Hello Jack. I’m Carl Mansfield, Alpha of all the Wolf Shifters in the Americas.”

  “Well Carl, I just rode a significant distance to meet with you when I really need to be figuring out how to retrieve my family. What can I do for you?” I ask.

  Carl motions toward a chair as he returns to his. I take a seat as he says, “Jack, I really appreciate how you took care of the Ronald situation. That was masterfully done. It was particularly novel in how you were able to set the wolf free like that. I would like to bring the wolf back to the pack.”

  Carl indicates a young blonde guy with longer curly hair. I judge him to be in his early 20s. “This is my nephew Michael. He was born without a wolf. It’s fairly rare among our people. He’s grown up in the pack and knows our ways, but has always been left on the periphery since he only has the one spirit and one form.”

  I assess the lad more closely. He’s in good enough shape that I took him for one of the wolves initially; although, maybe the Buddy Holly glasses should have been a give-away. From what little I know about shifters, I would have thought their natural healing would preclude the need for glasses until they are elderly. I sense him and find that he is essentially just a very fit human. No wolf is present.

  Carl continues, “I would like your help to find the wolf with his host. Then I will offer our Wolf Brother to join with Michael. If he accepts, I would like your aid to help Wolf Brother join with Michael.”

  I tell him, “Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever done that before, Carl, but I’m happy to give it a try. I’m still trying to sort out how to use this whole package of abilities that come with being the Green Lord. I’ve been basically flying by intuition. I guess we can start by trying to call them to come here. It’s probably easier than trying to track them down.”

  Carl nods his agreement, “That sounds reasonable. We’ve had no luck. We don’t know what the dog smells like, and the wolf spirit probably changed his scent anyway. What do you need me to do?”

  I shrug, “I’m not sure yet. Let me try a couple things. If I think of something you can help with, I’ll let you know.”

  “Sure, Jack.”

  I turn to Trina, “Trina, please tell Kellianne that we’re going to be having a large Rottweiler joining us shortly.” Trina heads up front, and I follow her spectacular ass until I break off and walk outside the restaurant to stand on the sidewalk.

  I squat down against the wall beneath the windows facing Main Street. I breathe deeply to calm and center myself. Then like I would call to L’lianna, I call *Good Boy! Come here, Good Boy!* while focusing on that particular Rottweiler and his wolf companion.

  I wait a minute and then try it again. *Good Boy! I’m where we first met. Come here, Good Boy!*

  I feel a vague response on the edge of my awareness. I’m surprised I feel anything because I’m pretty certain canines and humans don’t necessarily have similar brain functions and thought patterns. I guess it’s part of my gifts that I‘m able to use a heuristic representation or an abstraction layer in my mind. The abilities translate that into what I intend. Regardless, I was able to communicate with them before. So, I take it on faith that I can do it again.

  I shrug as I call again, *Please come here, Good Boy! I’d like to see you again!*

  I feel him getting closer over time.

  As I’m waiting on the sidewalk, Cholley joins me. I ask him, “Why are you here, Cholley? I can’t forgive you for not preventing the threats to Trina. Only she can do that. I know she values you as a dear friend and she always thought highly of you.”

  Cholley squats beside me with a grunt and looks at the pavement for a moment. He turns his head to look at me. “Lord, I have come to serve you. I have family who are precious to me. Trina is also precious to me. King Saureg threatened my family if I didn’t allow the Queen’s agent Dick-boy to access Trina’s vehicle. I thought they were putting surveillance on her. I had no idea they would try to kill her. When she didn’t show back up in Sedona within a couple of days, I was afraid they had killed her. I was...crushed. ‘Despondent’ is the correct word, I think.”

  He pauses to collect himself, returning his gaze to the ground. “After that, knowing the King didn’t have the welfare of my family as a priority, and that he was conspiring to hurt others I love, I made arrangements to hide my family far from the machinations of the King’s court. Finally, when Trina showed up I was hugely relieved. She wouldn’t talk to me and avoided me. I took care of her truck anyway until I could get a chance to talk to her. The chance came when Lorn, AKA ‘Dick-boy,’ attacked her with his pack of sycophants. They wounded her horribly with that Dremel, but then they made a tactical error in letting Daphne free. She killed one with her pistol, and I threw my wood chisel into the eye of another. Then I rushed Dick-boy, picked him up in the air and slammed his spine across my knee. Daphne finished off the other one, and then Trina had her revenge on Dick-boy. She told me that I would have to be judged by you and that with luck I might be able to serve you.”

  He looks up at me. “Lord, the Goblins remember a little more about the Green Lords than the Sidhe. I heard stories from my great grandma about the Green Lords who ruled with strength, fairness, and a deep abiding love for their followers. We fought them often in history, but we served them just as often. They always had the respect of the Goblin people. I don’t know what I can do to serve you, Lord. I just feel in my soul that it is the right thing to do.”

  I look into his eyes for a moment and assess the old
man. I see his strength, resolve, and character. “Cholley, Trina’s love for you is a huge endorsement as far as I’m concerned. Hold onto that thought for a moment.”

  I close my eyes and call out again, *Good Boy! I’m where we first met. I’m waiting for you. Please come here, Good Boy!*

  Then I return my gaze to Cholley. “Cholley, there is so much work to do that I’m not sure that I’ve started doing it right, and I don’t even have a clue where it will end. I can tell you that past this immediate emergency to retrieve my family, I have to battle an entity similar to myself, but whose superpowers are hatred and dread rather than anything remotely positive. That’s all I know of him. I feel there is more to do after that, but I’m not sure what that looks like yet. I need to do something about the Sidhe courts, but I’m not sure what.”

  Cholley nods, “The courts have strayed from their purpose. The Summer Court is meant to promote and govern growth, life, joy, romance, and play. Interestingly enough, atrophy and entropy fall under their bailiwick. Arts such as music and plays are theirs, too. The Winter Court is meant to govern the transition to death, but also rest, renewal, healing, familial love, and reflection or introspection. Winter used to promote the more introspective arts like poetry and writing. Neither has been doing a good job at their remit. They fight each other for power and influence in the human and fae worlds but with no purpose. I think putting them all under one ruler and forcing them to work together is what they need.”

  I give him a wry grin. “Cholley, I need people of character to support me. I currently refer to my ‘court,’ if you will, as my family. Obviously, they’ve all been female to this point; although, the Demifey are almost family, too. One of them is male. Regardless of my blathering, I need people of your character. I invite you to serve me as I will serve you. Is this what you wish?”

  “Yes, Lord,” he whispers.

  I pull Eventide and take his right hand in my left, then I cut deeply across the palm of his hand. Then I switch the knife to my left hand and cut as deeply across my own right hand. Then I grab Cholley’s bleeding hand in my own and ask, “Cholley will you serve me and my family as I and mine serve you and your family.”


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