Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 40

by JG Jerome

  I slowly awake lying on my back on top of my assassin. My left hand is still gripping Eventide, and the assassin is encased in a thick coat of ice. Its shivering is slowly subsiding. Marisol and Myra help me to my feet. I do my best Corrina impersonation by croaking, “Water! Lots of water! And a bucket.” I sit up slowly and then kneel again with a knee on its chest. I look down into the miserable eyes of my assassin.

  I will it to sleep, and it falls off immediately. I reach out to grasp Eventide. *That’s probably good enough, Eventide! Let it thaw. We’ll bind it with ropes.* Eventide’s grip turns warm, and then I pull her out of the assassin’s abdomen. I return her to her sheath.

  L’liana is standing to the side, apparently filming with her camera. I cock my head in a query, and she replies, “So it is documented that you killed your assassin, my Lord.”

  I nod sadly. I assess the health of the assassin and discover in the process that it’s a ‘she.’ She still holds onto life by the barest thread.

  I remove the ice from her wound and then heal it. I pull the mask off her face to reveal beautifully sculpted facial structure wrapped in dark grey skin - nearly black. She has the sharply pointed ears of an Elf and cropped pure white hair. I turn to Marisol, “Please take her some place we can be assured will hold her. Maybe where Geri and Liesl were kept. Since she can blink, you’ll have to shackle her. Shackle her to yourself now, then to the wall when you get her in a cell before you unshackle yourself. You can give her free reign of the cell, but she needs to be bound to the cell or she will be able to blink out. Strip her down and ensure she has no weapons hidden anywhere on her person. Clear?”

  Marisol nods and says, “Yes, Lord.” She kisses me warmly, and then cracks the ice on the assassin’s arm before cutting off the sleeve. Sowie uses it to tie Marisol’s wrist to the assassin. Then Marisol, Sowie, Selene, and Geri lift her and carry her off.

  Trina hands me a full water bottle as I stand. I drain it, and then she hands me another. I drain that before she says, “Assuming the bucket was to pee in, there is a loo behind the first column.”

  I chuckle, “You’re right, Pet. Would you secure that bracelet, too? Be careful. There is a horribly lethal toxin on the clasp. Maybe elsewhere. Also her blades. I’d assume they are all poisoned, too.”

  She kisses me warmly and says, “I’ll handle it, Master.”

  Myra kisses me and says, “I was worried, husband! Please be more careful!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I tell her with a smile. “I love you, too!”

  Myra turns to Corrina, “Would you show him to the loo, Darling? I need to get back to Mother.”

  Corrina bows her head and says, “Of course, my Queen. This way, my Lord.”

  Chapter 42 - Catching a breath

  I see Trina wave Charli over and quietly give her very explicit instructions as she ticks them off her fingers. Charli nods enthusiastically and bounds off.

  Despite being fairly certain I got the toxins out, I’m starting to get a headache. I suppose it’s from the exertion of using my abilities so much.

  I see Solange and Liesl entering from a side corridor, escorting a bedraggled Sidhe woman in a prisoner’s shuffle.

  Corrina says, “That’s my commander, Claudette.” We approach the earlier indicated column, making our way through the crowd of curious Sidhe. Once we’re through the throng, she waves me to the door behind the column. “There you go, Jack. Do you need me to hold Little Jack for you?”

  I stop and look at her for a moment. Then I ask, “Do you need to hold Little Jack for me?”

  She smiles at me and shakes her head, “No. I just want to. I think I’ll wait my turn once we get out of here, my Lord.”

  I nod, “Sounds like a plan, Beautiful.” I hurry inside and drain the main vein with a sigh. I am so happy to have the toxins out of my system. I suspect that I’ll need to go through a couple of drink-piss cycles to get rid of it all based on how fast the kidneys filter the blood.

  I ask the relics to go back to their lighter versions. Jacob, Durec, Bobo, and Pally all revert. I ask Yoren to assume the form of a wrist watch. I can feel his embarrassment as I feel the helm diminish in weight, too. I apologize, and he eventually relents. Feeling much better all the way around despite the burgeoning headache, I wash up and see Eliana has shaped herself into a light weight, dark green, circlet of a crown. I think to her, *Smart ass!*

  I hear both her and Durec chuckle in my mind. I sense the others are getting a good laugh at my expense, too. Eliana finally says, *It’s fitting of your station, Lord.*

  *Maybe a headband?* I ask. I hear no response, and I see no change.

  I think to her again, *Smart ass!*

  I walk quickly back to my guide. I find Louis and Trinity standing with Corrina talking quietly and urgently to her. The rest of the Goblin Ladies are standing behind them. Trinity sees me approaching and immediately slumps her shoulders and bows her head. Louis notices and stands at attention.

  I walk to Trinity, cup her cheek, and pull her into a kiss. She moans in my mouth as she tries not to hold me. I let her go and step back.

  I frown for a second before I turn to Corrina and ask, “Do I deserve to be treated like that? Doesn’t she know I’m no one special?”

  Corrina‘s eyes fly open and she is about to speak before she catches herself. She looks at me appraisingly and then says, “No Lord, she thinks the sun and moon rise and set on your shoulders. Eventually she will learn that it’s true, and then she will know it instead of just ‘thinking’ it.” She gives me a mischievous grin.

  I cock an eyebrow at her. “You think just because I barely finished rescuing you I won’t spank that fine ass of yours, Corrina?”

  She continues to grin at me as she bites her lip, “A girl can dream, can’t she, my Lord?”

  I pull her into a hug and turn her away from the Goblins. Then I lift the hem of my coat to bare her ass and spank each cheek soundly. “Better?” I ask.

  She turns to me and devours my mouth while she wiggles her ass. I spank each cheek again twice, hard. She shivers as she breaks the kiss.

  I tell her, “I didn’t think you liked it that rough, my Love.”

  She shakes her head, “I don’t, my Lord and Master. It’s kind of like when you spanked Daphne the day we all met. I just needed your touch.”

  “Is it enough, Darling?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. I push her back to the column. I hand out commands, “Louis, you and the ladies ensure no one disturbs us unless it’s Queen Myra.” Then I pull my tech shirt over my head. “Trinity, hold this.”

  Corrina runs her hands over my bare chest. I ask, “More, my Love?”

  “Please, my Lord. Please take me right now. I’m sorry, but I’m suddenly feeling very needy!” she gasps.

  *Gisela, let loose please.* I catch the belt with both blades and wrap the belt around them. I turn to the large Goblin woman, “These too, Trinity.”

  I turn back and kiss Corrina wildly as I open my pants and let Little Jack out. He’s already nearly rigid. I hook Corrina’s leg in the crook of my left arm and guide a now fully erect Little Jack into her already moist pussy. I slowly push inside her as she moans and lifts her other leg to wrap around my waist. Trinity is standing behind Louis staring at us with desire painted across her face.

  I press my body against Corrina as I slowly start to move my hips in and out. “Is this what you needed, my darling C’rina? Are you getting enough touch now?” I grab her ass in both hands and squeeze.

  “Yes! It’s a good start, my Lord!” she gasps.

  I lean into her ear and whisper gently, “Look at Trinity, my Love. See how she longs to be loved?” Corrina nods. “That’s how you were when I met you. Standing on the outside wanting someone to love you.” She nods again. “You’ll never be on the outside again, my Love. You are mine. I am yours. Forevermore. I would like to give you my baby, C’rina. Create a beautiful being from your beautiful spirit and my love for you.”

She turns her head and looks at me, “No, my Lord. Not now. There’s too much to do right now. But I am young, my love. I’m not even 100 yet. I will let you know when it’s my time. Then I will gladly bear you many children. Until then, I would love to practice. Frequently,” she says with her beautiful, mysterious smile.

  “Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl, Liebling,” I tell her.

  She shakes her head with a smile, “No, my Lord. YOUR wish is MY command.”

  “C’rina, my wish is that you kiss me while you let go and give me your orgasm. Give it to me NOW!” I whisper insistently. And she does. Her mouth devours mine as I feel her inner muscles milk me. It’s too much when she keens in my mouth, and I explode inside my beloved captain.

  I kiss Corrina again as we both slowly pull our wits about us. Finally, I’m coherent enough to stand without leaning into Corrina and the pillar. I ask, “Are you ready to stand, my Love?”

  She nods, and I slowly release her right leg and squat to get her feet on the ground. She holds onto my shoulders until she is steady. Then she kisses me and tells me, “Thank you, husband of my heart. I now feel whole.”

  I step back and turn to Trinity as I tuck Little Jack away. She watches him disappear hungrily. I buckle up and zip up. Then I call, “Trinity, may I have my shirt back, Sweetie?”

  She hurries over to us as I nuzzle Corrina’s cheek and caress her left breast since it’s sticking out of my coat so prettily.

  “Here, Master,” Trinity says as she holds my shirt out to me. I take it and pull it on. Then I take the sword belt and unwrap it before pulling it around me. Gisela buckles herself into place. *Thanks, Gisela.*

  Then I cup Trinity’s cheek and kiss her lips quickly. “Thank you, Trinity. You are a treasure.”

  I look at Corrina and ask, “Are you going out like that?” I notice my headache is feeling better.

  “Maybe,” she says with her mysterious smile. “Actually, Trinity and Louis came over here with serious business, my Lord. They didn’t come here just to watch you fuck me.” Her eyes are shining with joy.

  Trinity calls to Louis and beckons him over. She looks at him, and Louis nods. Trinity looks at me and says, “Master, all your new people are concerned that you don’t have a guard.”

  I look at her like she’s crazy, “What do you mean, Trinity? I’m surrounded by Ravens wherever I go. They are elite trained bodyguards.”

  She shakes her head, “Master, they are assigned to the royals of the Winter Court. I see those in your family are all devoted to you, but they have other assignments. Confusion can cause opportunity. I propose that you have your own dedicated guard, Master. I am trained as a fighter and guard. So is Louis. The other Goblins and Frannie have all been trained in weapons and would gladly go through training to be more effective guards for you. Frannie can’t go out in public with you because Orcs have no human form, but she would gladly guard you in your castle or when traveling within the Fae communities. The rest of us can leverage our human forms to travel in public.”

  I look at her for a moment. Then I look at Corrina. “What do you think, Captain?”

  Corrina buttons a couple buttons on my coat and looks over Trinity and Louis. I nearly cry as her breasts disappear. She nods and says, “In general, I’m in favor. You would report to me, and we would need to have a squad leader over the detail. I like the idea of our Lord having a dedicated guard force.” Then she points a finger at Trinity and says very sternly, “However, if I ever discover our Lord is in danger because you or one of the other ladies were mooning over him like lovesick teenagers, I will flay you, rub salt in the wounds, have Jack heal you, and do it again. Are we clear?”

  Trinity snaps to attention, “Yes, Captain!”

  She points her finger at Louis, “Same goes for you mooning over any ladies, mister. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he barks as he snaps to attention.

  Then she reaches up and kisses each of them gently. “Welcome to my team. Louis, you stay with him for now. As Trinity said, he is surrounded by capable warriors that will die for him, but we should start building good habits now. Trina is trained to be one of us; although, she isn’t assigned as a Raven. Grab her and L’liana, the cute little Elf that came through with Jack, to cover him.”

  Louis nods and says, “Aye, Captain.”

  Corrina wraps her arm into the crook of Trinity’s arm and drags her off saying, “Let’s collect your sisters and see about getting us clothed and armed, shall we?”

  “Aye, Captain,” Trinity responds. I don’t know if the ‘aye’ thing is a Goblin thing or if she is just taking cues from Louis. They saunter off, as Corrina waves at the other Goblins to rally around her. They fall in behind Corrina and Trinity. I enjoy the site of all that fine, firm, female flesh walking away from me. Sherrine looks over her shoulder and winks at me. As she turns her eyes back to the front she puts a little more sway into her motion.

  I tell my new guard, “Well we best get moving, Louis. I don’t want you in trouble with your captain on your first day.”

  The big Goblin bears his tusks in a grin and says, “I think you’re onto something there, Lord.”

  “You can call me ‘Jack’ if you like, Louis. I’m getting used to the idea of being a ‘lord,’ but I’m still pretty informal.”

  He says, “Yes, Lord,” as we walk to L’liana and Trina who are conveniently standing together talking.

  Trina looks to me and tells me, “Christie is working with Peg and the Summer Knights to get her sister’s body wrapped up ready to go to Summer ... oh my Goddess, you smell like you have been fucking Corrina.”

  I laugh, “Guilty.”

  “Good,” she laughs along with me.

  “Pet, this is Louis. He is one of my newly assigned guard force. His Captain, Corrina, has given him directions for my personal guard detail.” I look to Louis and say, “Go ahead, big guy!”

  Louis stutters for a moment before says, “Uh, L’liana? Would you join us please?”

  She steps up and pulls her active mind from whatever she was thinking about. “Sure. What’s up?’

  Louis says, “Captain Corrina ordered me to guard Jack and enlist the two of you to help until she gets the rest of his force equipped. Will you help me?”

  Trina looks at him a moment and says, “Where is that brash, violent monster that tore up my friend’s business?”

  Louis looks ashamed, “I think he died on the road to Sedona while trying to walk on four stumps. I suspect he’ll resurrect himself rapidly if someone else threatens our Lord.”

  Trina smiles at him, “I can live with that. You okay with it, Lili?”

  “You betcha,” my elfin lover responds with a big smile.

  I grin at the trio and then say, “First order of business is to talk to Selene’s sister.”

  I walk past the knights. Selene and Charli are standing over the brunette from Summer Court. I see they have bound her stump with a tourniquet, but she looks exceedingly pale. She looks at me and sobs, “I want my Daddy!”

  Selene looks at Charli, who tells her, “Go ahead. You’re one of us now. You have to be able to talk to the head of our family.”

  Selene smiles at her and then at me. “My lord,” she begins. “This is Sera ab Dread Lord Mac Waterlilly.”

  The young woman says, “My father’s name is Gary. Gary Owen of the Waterlilly clan. My mother is Prudence, also of the Waterlilly clan. I’m Sera ab Gary Mac Waterllly.”

  My blood runs cold. “Did you say ‘Gary Owen’ is your father?”

  Something in my tone alerts Sera I’m about to come unglued. She looks up at me with fear in her eyes, “Actually, he’s my step-father. He doesn’t know. He thinks I’m his.”

  “Keep talking,” I tell her as I take a knee next to her right arm.

  “My mother met my birth father in Miami on spring break when she was in college. They had a fling, and I’m the result,” she says.

  I pick up her arm and remove the tourniquet. Then I a
sk her as I start healing her arm and growing her a new hand, “So when did he indoctrinate you?”

  She gasps as the healing begins. She stutters out, “I met him there last year when I went to Miami for spring break. It was my senior year of college.” She stops to watch a new hand grow from her stump.

  I gently encourage her as her hand begins to form, “Keep talking, Sera.”

  “Uh…,” she starts. “Uh, I didn’t know he was my father. He was a nice looking older guy. I thought he would be fun to play with. He took me to his hotel and he…he...” She starts to cry.

  Selene caresses her shoulder as she says, “He tied you up, ass raped you, and then he whipped you until he was hard enough to do it again. He kept it up for a solid 24 hours.”

  Sera is amazed that Selene knows so much, “I...I think it was over 72 hours. He kept saying he had to put me in the right mindset. So, I would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is my master,” she says to Selene.

  “Then he gave you the bracelet and said he would be in touch,” Selene continues.

  Sera shakes her head, “No, he clamped it on my arm while I was tied up. Probably about half-way through my preparation. It burned into my arm. He said it could never be removed, that it was part of me now.”

  That causes me to stop what I’m doing and assess her health and try to sense any bit of him still remaining. I get nothing. I tell her, “I don’t sense any remnant of him, but your sire is a tricksy fella. I’m guessing he didn’t anticipate anyone cutting off your arm, but I’m going to monitor you for a while just to be certain.” I resume healing her hand. “We’ll have to figure out what the monitoring piece looks like.”


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