Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 51

by JG Jerome

  ‘Beloved Queen? O’ren you old rascal!’

  Titania says, “O’ren, please approach.” She carefully walks down the steps to stand in front of the dais. O’ren blinks to stand just outside her reach. She opens her arms, and he steps forward to embrace her. She collapses into his arms as she cries out her pain.

  I look around to see the hall filling. I call, “Queen Myra, can we give them some privacy?”

  Myra looks at me and nods. She steps a little closer and calls a Shadow Veil around herself, O’ren, and Titania.

  Chapter 50 - Christie reconciles

  As they disappear inside the veil, “Frannie, let me know when the veil comes down.”

  The Orcan beauty turns to me and bows. “Yes, Master.”

  I walk over to join Sera and my hated foe. Gary starts to back away. I hold both hands up and say, “Relax, Gary. If I were going to kill you, you would be dead already.”

  He calms down visibly. Sera kisses his cheek before separating from him. She comes and wraps me in a hug and gives me a quick gentle kiss. She slides under my arm as we both face her father.

  Gary asks, “What do you know about this guy who sodomized my daughter?”

  I shake my head, “Not nearly as much as I need to. I know that he frequently passes himself off as Spanish, but he speaks Arabic with a Saudi dialect. He’s wealthy enough to travel internationally. Selene and her mother both met him in Spain. The Nameless met him in Marrakech. Sera and Prudence met him in Miami. He either has great flexibility with his schedule, or he is able to make changes quickly. Based on his rhetoric, he’s Muslim; however, that could be a ruse. From a comment he made, I assume he made a conscious choice not to become the Green Lord. He threw it away to embrace hate and divisiveness rather than love. I need to ask Peg and the nymphs if they felt anything between 150 to 200 years back. He is willing to take over his minions and destroy them if he thinks there is an advantage to be gained. His indoctrination is barbaric. He seems to have a preference for breeding children and then turning them into slaves. Selene’s mother was one of his get, as is Selene - he’s both her sire and grandsire. In short, despite talking to him when he took over Selene, I don’t have a clue as to his identity. That’s an issue I need to resolve quickly.”

  Gary asks, “I’m not really Sera’s father, am I?”

  Sera gasps when he asks it.

  I tell him, “Gary, you are the only father she has ever had. The beast that provided the DNA is no father. You have been the one to raise her, comfort her when her mother wigged out, and it was you she cried for when I cut off her forearm. You are her father. Quite honestly, her love for you is the only reason you’re still alive. I know what I went through losing my family. I don’t want to do that to Sera.”

  Sera launches back over to embrace Gary. “Daddy, please don’t stop loving me.”

  He kisses her forehead. “That could never happen, my baby girl.”

  She assures him, “I love you, Daddy” as she buries her head into his shoulder. Then she looks up and asks him, “Would you like to meet my sister?”

  “Sure, Honey,” he says with a smile. He lets her go to retrieve Selene.

  He asks, “What are we going to do about Prudence?”

  I tell him, “My plan is to leave her with Titania. There are few other things I could do, but I was tired of killing long before I ever left the army. I prefer to keep things non-fatal when I can. I let Trevor live; and he was beating one of my ladies for hours. He won’t be athletic anytime soon, but I healed him for the most part after I broke him.”

  “Does Sera need any more healing?” he asks.

  “No,” I tell him. “Knowing what Selene went through, I knew to look for damage on Sera. I healed her from the damage he inflicted.”

  “Thank you,” Gary says quietly. He pauses for a moment and asks, “So, what are your intentions for my daughter?”

  I can’t help it. I cut loose with an evil chuckle, “I don’t know, Stepdad. What are yours?”

  “You’re an asshole, Jack.”

  “Yeah, I know. I try to keep it in check, but I’m failing miserably at the moment. Anyway… basically, I want to protect her and teach her what I’ve learned about being Verdic. I don’t know how many of my Verdic abilities she will be able to use, but I suspect both Sera and Selene will both will be able to heal. They may have some of the other manipulation of living matter abilities, too.”

  “Like lifting Daddy?” Sera asks as she walks up.

  “Exactly,” I confirm

  Sera says, “Daddy, this is Selene Schatten of the Winter Court. We share the same...sire.”

  Selene asks, “Jack, when do we change our names to Jerome?”

  “Uh,” I respond with great mental acuity.

  Gary laughs.

  I finally pull my head out of my ass. “Whenever you want to Selene. At this point, I think Myra is the only one using Jerome as a surname. We haven’t legally changed it, though.”

  “Yes, she has,” Sera says. “Megan did it for her. O’ren is a registered celebrant, and he filed your marriage license. Megan used a copy of that for the name change. She said it will be more complicated for the rest of us, but we may be able to do it as part of a corporate agreement.”

  “Hmmm,” I respond. “I actually have some ideas about that. I’ll have to talk to Megan about it when we get an opportunity.”

  Sera wraps her arms around me and gives me a wet kiss. She purrs, “Don’t worry about it, my Lord. Megan has it all figured out.”

  I look at Gary. “Maybe you should ask Sera that question.”

  He laughs, “I expected that. She’s an all-in kind of personality.”

  She looks at Gary over her shoulder. “Daddy! I just met Jack. Don’t start making wedding plans, yet.”

  Selene turns my head and kisses me relatively chastely. “I am going to move slowly, but don’t think I’m not all in, too. The abuse I received was less severe than what Sera endured, but you have a pretty good idea of how emotionally messed up I was prior to you saving me. I need to get my act together before I…,” she stops as she works up her courage.

  “...take a lover?” I ask.

  “Yes, Jack. Thank you,” she says as a rose shade creeps up her neck and into her cheeks.

  “You know, you’re not limited to me as your lover. You can choose someone else, Selene. You would still be family,” I tell her.

  “Thank you, my Lord. I don’t have any designs on anyone. It’s nice to know I don’t have to commit to anything else until I’m ready,” she says.

  Myra walks out of the Veil. She asks, “Corrina, can you give me a five-minute timer?”

  “Yes, my Queen,” Corrina acknowledges as she pulls out her phone.

  She walks over and says, “Excuse me, ladies. May I have some of our man for a moment?”

  Selene jumps back. Sera still has a hand on my lower back, but gives Myra plenty of room as Myra kisses me passionately. When we take a breath, she looks into my eyes for a moment before she leans forward to whisper in my ear, “I never knew. O’ren and Titania are definitely an item, and it looks like they have been for a long time. O’ren may be Linden’s father; I’m pretty certain he’s Christie’s.”

  “Doesn’t matter, does it?” I ask.

  “Not really,” she agrees. “It just surprised me. It might be why Christie and Linden are such sweet young ladies versus their elder sister.”

  “What do we have left to cover, Beloved?” I ask.

  Myra replies, “I need to get her commitment. I want to talk her into letting me address her people, too. I need to get the message out that the Fae are resuming our abandoned stewardship of the earth. I also want to emphasize the division between the courts is going to be a fuzzy line rather than a stone rampart.”

  I respond, “Hmmmm. I like that verbiage, Beloved.”

  She chuckles as she burrows her face into my neck, “Well, then I’ll just keep it in my core message.”

  “Time, my Que
en,” calls Corrina.

  “A Queen’s work is never done,” I tease.

  She bites my neck hard enough to draw blood. “Ow!” I yelp.

  Myra looks over her shoulder and winks at me before stepping back into the veil.

  Sera steps in front of me, and her eyes pop open for a moment. Then she steps in close, and I feel her tongue laving the wound. I feel it healing, but I doubt it’s her doing yet. It’s way too early.

  I hear “Jack!” behind me. I turn to see Carolyn. I give her a big smile.

  “Hello Carolyn! How are you, beautiful?” I ask. She is wearing blue scrubs and her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She has a medium-sized purse over her left shoulder, tucked under her arm.

  She smiles back as I reach out and pull her into a hug. “I’m doing fine, Jack. I was surprised to see you so soon. My day just went from fine to great,” she murmurs.

  I kiss her quickly. “Are you just getting back from work?” I ask.

  She steps back and shakes her head. “No. I’m leaving in about forty-five minutes. I’m on swings today. My father said I might want to stop by the audience chamber before I leave. He said there were historical events happening. I can postpone a couple of errands if I must for that,” she says with a smile.

  “Soon, I think,” I respond. “So your father is clued into events in the audience chamber?”

  She nods. “He’s the Queen’s Chamberlain.”

  “Oh!” I exclaim. “That would do it.”

  Frannie calls to me quietly, “It’s coming down, Master.”

  Carolyn responds, “An Orc in your entourage? That’s very progressive, Jack.”

  I respond, “It sounds like you approve.” I lean in to kiss her cheek before I turn to face Titania.

  “I like that you judge people on who they are rather than what they are, Lord,” she murmurs beside me.

  Selene resumes her position in Myra’s guard detail as Titania calls, “Linden and Heather, please attend me.”

  Christie slides in and kisses my left cheek before moving to her mother’s summons. Sera follows her in to kiss my lips quickly before going to stand with her father. Chelsea steps up to reoccupy her ‘prime real estate,’ while Carolyn loops her arm around my right elbow. My guard detail forms up smartly around me as though they had rehearsed it, but L’liana spoils the effect by turning to wink at me briefly.

  A tall, elegant Sidhe woman joins Christie and her mother. She has the same svelte lines as Christie with slightly larger breasts and a little more flare to her hips. Titania is speaking pointedly to Christie, but I can’t hear anything. Titania must have an elf-tech cone of silence on her somewhere. Christie shakes her head vehemently, points to herself, and then mimes offering a sword as she silently yells at her mother. Titania just stares at Christie in shock when the other woman, I’m assuming Linden, wraps them both in a hug as they both appear to be sobbing.

  Christie eventually continues talking as she hugs her sister in return. She shakes her head, and finally Titania pulls her youngest into a hug, too. She caresses Christie’s cheek and speaks to her earnestly. Christie leans in and kisses her mother’s cheek, and then does the same to her remaining sister. Then she walks to Myra and says, “My Queen, the Summer Queen would like to consult with you before she addresses her people. I’m to call the Chamberlain now.”

  Myra pulls Christie into a hug, “Thank you, Beloved. Jack and I will both hold you and dry your tears - assuming Megan gives us a chance.” Christie smiles briefly as the women kiss each other’s lips. Christie breaks away and walks to the stage right side of the throne and disappears behind it. Myra walks over to join Titania, who is holding Linden by her shoulders and speaking to her very seriously. Linden nods repeatedly and responds to her mother as Myra joins them. Titania eventually releases Linden and looks at Myra for a moment before Myra pulls the Summer Queen into a hug. Eventually Titania returns the embrace as Myra strokes her former rival’s back. When Titania steps back, Myra puts a hand on a shoulder of each woman and talks to them both. Soon all three women are nodding, and Linden actually smiles. Myra continues talking to them, rubbing their arms to give them comfort.

  Christie returns to stand beside her sister’s body and wipes her eyes. Georgia hugs her while Tiphanae stands close behind her with hands on her shoulders while whispering into her ear.

  Then I hear three resounding booms followed by an equally booming voice, “Hear ye, all people of Summer! Her Majesty, the Summer Queen, Titania ab Jorl Mac Cavanaugh, will address all her subjects. Attend her within five minutes or face the consequences!”

  I look around and finally spot a handsome, middle-aged man in ceremonial robes with a staff in his right hand and a tablet tucked into the crook of his left arm.

  He repeats the ritual one more time, and then he leans the staff against the right side of his neck as his fingers fly over the surface of the tablet. As he tucks it back under his arm and grabs his staff, I hear a rolling chime of bells ring throughout the audience chamber.

  I check to see Myra is still deep in discussion with Titania and Linden. I check on Christie, and she’s standing with her hands clasped as tears run down her face. She eventually senses my gaze and turns to me. She looks at me as more tears run down her face. I nod to her, and she runs to me. Chelsea and Carolyn make room as Christie flings herself into my arms. I hold her close to me and caress her back, kissing her temple as she sobs into my chest. Chelsea hugs her on one side as Carolyn steps up to hug her from the other. Georgia and Tiphanae join the huddle, each reaching in to touch their beloved friend.

  Myra, Titania, and Linden finally break their huddle. Titania pulls an elf tech device out of her pocket and disarms it in time for me to hear her say, ‘ Queen.” Then Linden escorts her up the steps of the dais to take the throne. Linden then stands beside the throne, stage left.

  Titania calls, “Janaella! To me!”

  A Valkyrie flies to land at the foot of the throne. “My wish is to serve you, my Queen,” she says as she genuflects before the throne. A Valkyrie in flight is awesome to behold.

  Titania says with more than a little heat, “Janaella, please have lady Prudence taken to the aerie. I will be coming to question her before I grant you a feast.”

  Janaella bows her head, “It shall be done, my Queen.” She stands as she calls, “Aria! Jig! To me!”

  Two more Valkyrie land to stand at attention before Janaella. They strike their fists to their chests after receiving their whispered orders. Then they go pick Prudence up off the dais, one gripping each arm. Then they launch into the air in unison with the traitor hanging between them.

  Myra takes position in front of the Ravens who fall back into a block formation around Corrina directly behind Myra.

  Chapter 51 - the Faerie Queen

  The Chamberlain walks at a stately pace to stand before the dais about two meters in front of Myra. Then he thumps his staff onto the stone floor before he intones, “All attend! All attend! Her Majesty, the Summer Queen, Titania ab Jorl Mac Cavanaugh, will address all her subjects!”

  After that, the Chamberlain takes his station stage right of the dais and fiddles with his tablet again as Sidhe flood the audience chamber.

  I give Christie my handkerchief for her eyes. She kisses me before taking position at the front of Zelwyn’s escort. Tiphanae and Georgia stand behind her.

  I take position parallel to my two ladies. L’liana, Chelsea, and Supreet fall in behind me. The Goblins form up behind them.

  Titania stands and says, “Hear me, people of Summer. It is with great sadness that I must announce that my beloved daughter Laurel, our former Summer Lady, has died. She died violently after attacking the Green Lord. Despite her ill-considered actions, I mourn her loss. She will lay in state in the audience chamber for three days following this address. My youngest daughter, Heather, has prepared Laurel’s body, so all is in readiness. My thanks to her guards for trying to protect her despite facing a power you could never hope to

  Titania sighs and takes a couple of deep breaths before continuing. “Laurel’s untimely passing leaves us without a Summer Lady. It is my duty to select one immediately to ensure continuity of our Court. I appoint my middle daughter, Linden ab Lochlin Mac Cavanaugh, to serve as Summer Lady.”

  Linden steps down twice to stand in front of her mother. She kneels before her mother and prostrates herself on the step in front of her. She intones, “I live to serve the people of Summer, my Queen.”

  The Summer Queen responds, “Rise and serve our people faithfully, Lady Summer.”

  Linden rises and moves back up to stand on the opposite side of the throne.

  Titania continues, “There have been many events recently that are historically noteworthy. My daughter Heather, has renounced her affiliation with the court and her position as Crystal to serve as as a concubine to the Green Lord. My understanding is that she will bear him his first child. She asks that you address her henceforth as Christie Jerome. I wish her and her lord much happiness in their life together. Please come visit your poor old mother frequently, Christie, my love.”

  Titania wipes her eyes and composes herself once more. “I have twice mentioned the ‘Green Lord’ to you in this address. Our Crystal and our Historian spent numerous hours explaining to me what the Green Lord is. It was news to me, so I’m pretty certain you don’t know what a ‘Green Lord’ is. I am still not entirely certain myself, but this is what I can tell you. The Green Lords appeared long before the beginning of recorded time. They were powerful beings that may have actually created our race. The Elves refer to them as the Verdic people. We, the Summer Court, killed the last known Green Lord in existence over 4,000 years ago. Our ‘Green Knight’ was originally created to leverage the fear the Green Lord engendered on the battlefield by girding him with the Green Lord’s ancient armor. O’ren, the Loremaster of the High Elven people, is probably the most knowledgeable person on the planet regarding the Green Lords. I’ll be spending much time with him in the near future to educate myself, so I can better guide you.”


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