by Paul Lendvai
Corvinus University, 155, 182, 245
Council of Europe, 105, 113, 116
Court of Auditors, 107
Creighton, Mandell, 149
Crimea, 224
Croatia, 46, 168, 170, 192, 199
Crown of St Stephen, 45, 102
Csányi, Sándor, 166, 170, 184
Csillag, István, 181–2, 246
Csurka, István, 43, 48, 49
Czech Republic, 181, 199, 200, 217, 249
Czechoslovakia, 37
D-209 affair (2002), 54, 59
Daimler, 220
Dalberg-Acton, John, 149
‘dance of the peacock’, 116, 198, 239
Danube Business Consulting Ltd., 156
Danube river, 10, 94, 167, 223
data protection law, 97, 116
‘day of general outrage’ (2014), 136–7
Day of National Solidarity, 89
Day of the Civic Opposition, 42
Dead Man Walking, 78
Debreczeni, József, 8
Antall, biography of, 34–5
on corruption, 175
on Gyurcsány, 59, 68
on Manifesto of National Cooperation (2010), 87
‘meteor’ simile, 9, 42
on one-man leadership, 44, 87
Orbán, interviews with, 47, 50
Orbán, biographies of, 11, 50, 52, 87
on parliamentary election (2002), 49
on parliamentary election (2010), 84
on Smallholders’ Party, 43
Declaration for a Civic Hungary (2002), 51
deficit, 41, 47, 55, 120–21, 162, 180
délibáb, 111–12
Democratic Youth League, 58
Demokratikus Koalíció, 80, 132, 228, 240
Denmark, 184
Dialogue for Hungary, 240
Dobrev, Klára, 58, 235
Dobrev, Petar, 235
Dragnea, Liviu, 210
dual citizenship, 89–90, 130, 237, 241
Dual Monarchy, see Austria-Hungary
Duna-TV, 115
East Germany (1949–90), 40, 189
Echo TV, 120, 162
education system, 109, 127, 133, 181, 183, 234
Együtt Party, 166, 156
1990 parliamentary election, 23–4
1994 parliamentary election, 27, 30–31, 33, 74, 88, 148
1998 parliamentary election, 9, 21, 33, 42, 43
2002 parliamentary election, 9, 49–50, 51–2, 74, 114, 115, 148
2004 European Parliament elections, 56–7
2006 parliamentary election, 9, 60–63, 65, 74, 148; local elections, 70
2010 parliamentary election, 9, 11, 21, 83–8, 94
2014 parliamentary election, 9, 89, 98, 127–32, 146, 240–41; European Parliament elections, 132; local elections, 132, 137
2015 Veszprém byelection, 137; Tapolca byelection, 137
Élet és Irodalom, 166, 238
Elios, 168
Elizabeth II, queen of the United Kingdom, 240
emigration, 125, 130, 180
Engels, Friedrich, 2
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 3
Erdogan, Recep Tayip, 213, 220–21
Europa-Forum, 45, 83
European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA), 116
European Anti-Fraud Office, 168, 244
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 108
European Central Bank, 108, 113, 153
European Commission
and Central European University closure, 214
competition policy, 120, 140
Fidesz, conflict with, 113, 114, 116, 123–4, 117
Kovács, 67
and media law, 114, 116
and National Bank, 108
Navracsics, 137
Reding, 113, 123–4
refugee crisis, 203
and taxation, 120, 140
European Council, 215–16
European Court of Human Rights, 104, 208
European Court of Justice, 105
European Parliament, 24, 75, 83, 96, 105, 113, 116, 197
Article 7 (Treaty of Amsterdam), 124, 215–16
elections, 56–7, 132
Hungarian presidency of EU (2011), 117
Orbán’s speech (2012), 123
and ‘over-the-border’ Hungarians, 89
Taveres Report (2013), 117, 124
European People’s Party (EPP), 24, 72, 83, 113, 124, 197, 213–16
European Stability Initiative (ESI), 201
European Union (EU)
Article 7 (Treaty of Amsterdam), 124, 215
Austria, boycott of (2000), 84
Brexit, 199, 216
Cohesion Fund, 120, 181, 194
competition policy, 120, 140
and ‘dance of the peacock’, 116, 198
and deficit, 120, 180
eastern enlargement, 88
and Elios, 168
eurozone crisis (2009–), 200, 209
financial aid to Hungary, 78, 114, 146, 168, 172, 173, 181, 182, 185, 194, 215, 239
and Fundamental Law of Hungary, 122
Hungarian presidency (2011), 114, 116, 117, 185
and media law, 115–17
and nationalism, 123
Orbán government, conflict with, 114–17, 123–4, 127, 141, 177, 197–205, 214–18, 225, 226, 230, 231
and refugee crisis, 193, 197–205
Russia sanctions, 225
Schengen area, 244, 247
Taveres Report (2013), 117, 124
and taxation, 120, 140
values, 9, 123–4, 127, 136, 141, 201, 214–15, 225
eurozone crisis (2009–), 200, 209
Eximbank, 171
Export-Import Bank, 159, 172
Facebook, 136, 137, 218
fata morgana, 111
fees abolition referendum (2008), 76–8
Fejér region, 168, 244
Felcsút, 12–14, 45, 149, 150, 165–6, 169–70, 172, 228
Ferenc Puskás Football Academy, 169–70
Ferenczi, Sándor, 111
feudalism, 148, 177, 184
Fidesz, 4, 9, 10
and anti-Semitism, 25, 48
authoritarian system, 92–4, 127
budgetary policy, 47
and casinos, 158
and Central European University, 211–20, 225–6
and Christianity, 25, 36, 38, 42, 50–52, 76, 90, 102, 123, 201, 203, 204, 217, 238
congresses, 23, 26, 34, 36, 42, 93
and constitution, 93, 95, 96, 97–9, 101–7, 116, 123–4
corruption, 135, 136, 138, 151–63, 165–75, 183–7, 224, 229
Day of National Solidarity, 89, 90
and education system, 109, 128, 133
elections, 128–33
EU, conflict with, 114–17, 123–4, 127, 141, 177, 197–205, 214–18, 225, 226, 230, 231
fees abolition referendum (2008), 76–8
Fodor, break with (1993), 29–30, 75
foreign relations, 220–28
foundation (1988), 21–2
Free Democrats, relations with, 27–8, 29, 38
Fundamental Law of Hungary, 96, 99, 101–3, 107, 110, 122, 238
gerrymandering, 129, 130
Gyurcsány, resignation of (2009), 79
headquarters, sale of (1992–3), 46
history, rewriting of, 102
illiberal democracy, 29, 106, 140–41, 161, 183, 184, 194, 207
Jobbik, relations with, 69–70, 89, 165–6, 228–9, 248–9
land law (2014), 121
and Liberal International, 26
liberalism, 25–7, 34, 51, 75
and ‘lie speech’ scandal (2006), 67, 68, 70, 71, 75
Manifesto of National Cooperation (2010), 87, 90
and media, 76, 105, 114–23, 128, 147, 156, 158–63, 174, 204, 207
Merkel government, relations with, 119, 137, 140, 197–205, 220, 224, 236
National Bank, 107–8, 152–5
and national media authority, 96
and national question, 88–90
nationalism, 29, 34, 37, 42, 51, 111–13, 121–5
nepotism, 10, 183
Orbán government, first (1998–2002), 44–52
and ‘over-the-border’ citizens, 89–90, 130, 237, 241
and pensions, 79, 121, 186
Pokorni, attack on (1994), 75
refugees, 189–205, 208, 213–14, 217
right-wing shift, 36–8
Romania, relations with, 48–9
Round Table Talks (1989), 22
Schmidt, attack on (2007), 75
and separation of powers, 93, 103, 109–10
Simicska, break with (2015), 135, 145–8, 150, 151, 160, 162, 227
social background of members, 11, 28–9
and Soros, 207–20, 224, 230, 236, 246, 247
and Stephen I, 45
and taxation, 120, 135, 139, 170, 186
tobacconists, 109, 138
US travel ban, 136, 141
women, 143
and World Union of Hungarians, 89
as youth party, 25, 27
Figyelö, 155
financial crisis, see global financial crisis
Financial Times, 213
Finkelstein, Arthur J., 156, 243
Finland, 191
Fischer, Ádám, 123
Fischer, Heinz, 74
Fodor, Gábor
Bibó István College, studies at, 18, 19, 23
Fidesz, break with (1993), 29–30
Fidesz, leadership of, 23, 26, 27
Free Democrats, relationship with, 27–8
Liberal Party, 240
military service, 17
Minister of Education (1994–5), 34
parliamentary election (1990), 23
Fonda, Henry, 39
football, 12, 15–17, 38–9, 45, 62, 167, 169–72
Forbes, 166
foreign investment, 41, 244–5
Foreign Ministry, 138–9, 172, 226
FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs), 84, 138, 200
Fraenkel, Ernst, 19
France, 121, 138, 144, 151, 194, 216
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 162, 240
Franz Liszt Academy of Music, 42
Free Democrats, see Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége (SzDSz)
freedom of information law, 97
Freedom Party, see FPÖ
Front National, 138
Führer democracy, 186
Führer principle, 179, 245
Fundamental Law of Hungary, 96, 99, 101–3, 107, 110, 122, 238
Gabriel, archangel, 7
Garancsi, István, 171, 175, 226
Gazdag, Gyula, 169
Gazprom, 226
geci, 242
Gelegs, Ernst, 69–70, 121–2
Georgia, 225
Adenauer chancellorship (1949–90), 3, 204
Audi, 220
Berlin Wall, fall of (1989), 40, 189
Bertelsmann, 139, 161
Bosch, 220
Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 84, 220
Christian Social Union (CSU), 197–8, 216, 220
corruption, 173
Daimler, 220
East Germany (1949–90), 3, 40, 189
Kohl chancellorship (1982–98), 40, 84, 144, 204
Merkel chancellorship (2005–), 119, 137, 140, 197–205, 220, 224, 236
Nazi era (1933–45), 6, 37, 48, 102, 238
Ostpolitik, 3
refugee crisis, 189–90, 193, 197–205
reunification (1990), 37
Schröder chancellorship (1998–2005), 61
Springer, 161
TV stations, 121
West Germany (1949–90), 3
gerrymandering, 129, 130
global financial crisis (2008), 1, 78–9
Göncz, Árpád, 95
‘Good morning, Hungary’, 68
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 3, 22
Göttweig Abbey, Lower Austria, 45, 83
Greece, 193, 217, 247
Greens-European Free Alliance, 117, 124
Gregory VII, Pope, 239
Gruevski, Nikola, 210
Guardian, 212, 245
Guizot, François, 151
Gyurcsány, Ferenc, 57–63, 65–72, 74, 77–81
and Apró family, 58, 59, 61, 235
Demokratikus Koalíció, 80, 132, 228, 240
fees abolition referendum (2008), 78
‘lie speech’ scandal (2006), 65–72, 73, 75, 81, 229, 237
parliamentary election (2006), 61–3
prime minister, accession to (2004), 60–61
Putin, meeting with (2009), 223
and Russia blackmail allegations (2017), 228–9
and Sólyom, 95
resignation (2009), 79
Gyurgyák, János, 141–2
Habony, Árpád, 11, 155–7, 163, 165
Habsburg monarchy, 44, 114, 148, 173, 203
Halmai, Gábor, 192, 238
Handelsblatt, 220
Handó, Tünde, 104–5
Haraszti, Miklós, 29
healthcare, 76, 78, 133, 181, 183
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm, 1, 3
Helsinki Committee, 192, 211
Hennis, Wilhelm, 53
Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor, 239
Heroes of the Withdrawal, The’ (Enzensberger), 3
Heroes’ Square, Budapest, 6–8, 22, 141, 172, 221
Heti Válasz, 120, 147, 160
HírTV, 120, 147, 160, 174, 242, 245
Hitler, Adolf, 37
Holocaust, 6, 102, 158, 208, 248
Holy Crown of Hungary, 45, 102
Homo Kádáricus’, 13
Hong Kong, 157
Horn, Gyula, 34, 40, 41, 60, 74, 235
Horthy, Miklós, 6, 44, 48, 102, 142, 184, 196, 238
Horváth, István, 18
House of Terror, Budapest, 75, 204
Humiliation of Canossa, 118, 239
Hundred Thousand Against the Internet Tax, 136
Hungaria, 138
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 186
Hungarian Democratic Party, see Magyar Demokrata Fórum (MDF)
Hungarian Football Association, 170
Hungarian language, 112
Hungarian Octopus, The (Magyar), 91–2, 237
Hungarian Revolution (1848–9), 112, 203
Hungarian uprising (1956), 3, 4, 6–8, 16, 71, 111, 112, 189, 236
Hungarians, The (Lendvai), 112
‘hunger march’, 175
HVG, 96, 120, 168, 201, 225, 227, 225, 226
Hypo Alpen Adria, 161
Ibiza, 157
Ignatieff, Michael, 211
illiberal democracy, 29, 106, 140–41, 161, 183–4, 194, 207, 220–21
Illyés, Gyula, 5
Index, 196
Inotai, András, 55, 121, 239
Institute for Global Economy, 245
Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, 33, 45, 209
Institute for Political Science, 186
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 41, 78, 113, 180
International Press Institute, 105
Internet tax, 135–6, 139, 186
Iraq, 189
Ireland, 190
Islam, 193, 196
Israel, 230, 243, 249
Italy, 158, 187, 217
Jahanbegloo, Ramin, 2
Janke, Igor, 39, 50, 52, 150
Jaruzelski, Wojziech, 3
Jászi, Alice, 234
Jeszenszky, Géza, 227
Jewish people, 28, 132
anti-Semitism, see under anti-Semitism
Holocaust, 6, 102, 158, 208, 248
Jobbik Party, 137–8, 219, 248–9
anti-Semitism, 69, 138
and corruption, 138, 165–6, 228–9
and ‘lie speech’ scandal (2006), 69–70, 72
as neo-Nazi party, 138,
parliamentary election (2010), 85, 86, 89
parliamentary election (2014), 131, 132
and refugee crisis, 196, 213
Russian spy scandal, 228, 248–9
Tapolca byelection (2015), 137
John Paul II, Pope, 51
Johnson, William M., 111
judiciary, 97, 104, 109, 114, 116, 127
Justice and Life Party, see Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja
Kaczyński, Jarosław, 199
Kádár, János, 3, 5–6, 9, 11, 15, 18, 40, 53, 73
as ‘father of the nation’, 5
hunting, 171
living standards under, 13, 77
May Day, 171
ouster (1989), 3
‘strongman’ leadership, 6
and uprising (1956), 3
and Vienna Awards, 37
Kahlweit, Cathrin, 201
Kaposvár, 52
Karsai, Lászlo, 241
Kazakhstan, 10, 223
Keleti station, 189, 190
Kemény, István, 29
Kerekes, Zsuzsa, 97
Kéri, László, 234
Kész, Zoltán, 137, 241
Khrushchev, Nikita, 181
Kis, János, 22, 28, 54, 196–7
Kiss, Péter, 60, 67
KISZ (Kommunista Ifjúsági Szövetség), see Young Communist League
Klagenfurt, Austria, 161
KLIK (Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ), 109
Klub Radio, 163
Knaus, Gerald, 201
Kohl, Helmut, 40, 84, 144, 202, 204
Kommersant, 226
Konrád, György, 201
Korda, Alexander, 234
Kornai, János, 92, 185, 237
Körösényi, András, 186–7
Kossuth Rádió, 119
Kossuth Square, Budapest, 69, 218
Kötcse, 93
Kovács, Béla, 228, 248–9
Kovács, László, 67
Kovács, Zoltán, 166, 247
Kövér, László, 10
background, 17
Bibó István College, studies at, 18
and Europhiles, 29
Free Democrats, relationship with, 28
military service, 17
parliamentary election (1990), 23
Round Table Talks (1989), 22
Speaker of National Assembly, 24
alleged split with Orbán, 145
and Századvég Foundation, 242
wealth, 242
Közgép, 147
Krastev, Ivan, 199
Kreisky, Bruno, 61
Kronen Zeitung, 93
Kulturkampf, 123, 124
Kuria, 104
Lady Hamilton, 234
Lake Balaton, 66
Lánchíd Radio, 147
Lánczi, András, 151, 154, 155
Lánczi, Tamás, 155
land law, 121
language, 112
Las Vegas Casino Kft., 158
Lavrov, Sergei, 225
Law and Justice Party, 199
Lázár, János, 147, 150, 178–9
Le Bon, Gustave, 193
Le Pen, Marine, 138
Left Alliance, 131, 240
Lendvai, Ildikó, 67
Lengyel, László, 13, 145, 165, 179, 198–9