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Wray Page 28

by M. K. Eidem

  Kim held Wray’s hand, quietly watching Curador as he scanned her. Every now and then, he would make a sound and adjust the scanner. He was starting to remind her of a big, gruff, old teddy bear.

  “Are any of your offspring, Healers?” Kim asked quietly and Curador’s eyes shot up to hers.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Your offspring. Are they Healers too?”

  “I have no offspring.” Curador told her gruffly.

  “I… but why?”

  “Because I was never able to attract a female.” Curador told her shortly, his eyes hardening before they returned to the scanner, but not before Kim saw the flash of pain, he tried to hide.

  She hadn’t meant to hurt him. She had been trying to give him a compliment. He was such a warm, caring male under his gruff exterior. She would have never even considered that a female wouldn’t choose him. Reaching out she gently gripped his wrist.

  “I’m sorry.” She said, hoping he would believe her. “I’m new to this world and still have a great deal to learn. I never meant… you have been very kind to me and I just assumed…”

  Curador looked at the female and saw the honest regret in them. She hadn’t been slyly trying to insult him, as a Tornian female would. She hadn’t been questioning his worth. She truly believed him to be worthy and fit enough to have offspring. He found his throat tightening at the thought.

  “It is for the best.” He forced the words past his lips. It is what he had always told himself. “I doubt I would have been a very good manno.”

  “I don’t.” Kim’s response was immediate. “If you can be this caring for someone you’ve just met, then you would be wonderful with your own offspring.”

  “I… thank you Empress.” Curador said and felt his skin darkening as he looked back to his scanner.

  Wray silently watched the exchange between Kim and Curador and realized Kim had surprised and charmed the old male with her honesty and caring. Just as she had his warriors with her treatment of Damir. None of them were used to a female acting this way, but it felt right.

  “Are you hungry Kim?” Wray asked suddenly realizing just how late it was.

  “A little.” She told him

  “Caitir,” Wray looked to Caitir who was still quietly standing next to the bed. “Would you please inform Veron that food needs brought up for the Empress?”

  “Liquids only.” Curador cut in. “Some of the cook’s sicin soup would be best. Not too hot and several slices of bread smothered in mansikka preserves.” He ordered frowning at his scanner.

  Caitir looked to the Emperor who just nodded before responding. “Right away.” She said and started to hurry away when the Emperor's voice stopped her.

  "Find a covering for her first." He said. If his Kim was going to be eating, he wanted her properly covered.

  Caitir quickly did as the Emperor requested and helped the Empress into the night covering then hurried out of the room.

  “You said the Empress had been scanned and treated before?” Curador’s eyes went to Wray.


  “And there was nothing unusual in the scans?” He asked.

  “No. Yakar would have mentioned it if there had been. Why?” Wray demanded.

  “May I see them?” Curador asked instead of answering.

  Wray stared at the Healer for several moments wondering what he wasn’t saying.

  “Please sire, it would be very helpful.”

  “Is something wrong?” Kim asked.

  “No Empress. I would just like to make a comparison to be sure.” He told her gently.

  “Yakar.” Wray said talking into his comm. “Come in here and bring your scanner.”

  Within seconds, Yakar was striding through the door a smug look on his face. “I knew you would come to your senses sire.”

  Curador watched the Empress stiffen as Yakar approached. She didn’t even try to hide her dislike for the male.

  “Give Curador your scanner.” Wray ordered.

  “What?” Yakar looked at him stunned.

  “Are you deaf male?!!” Curador demanded as he spun around grabbing the scanner from Yakar’s hand. After punching a few buttons, he tossed it back. “Now leave. I won’t have you upsetting the Empress.” Curador told him, then turned his attention to his own scanner.

  “I… what… You…” Yakar was stunned not only was he still not treating the Empress, but that this… male thought he could order him out.

  “Yes Yakar, leave.” Kim echoed not even trying to hide how much she was enjoying the way Curador was treating him.

  Yakar looked at the Empress and saw her smirk. A smirk! She was smirking at him? Him! He felt his anger grow. Who did this little, non-Tornian female, think she was. He was the Imperial Healer.

  Wray watched the exchange between Kim and Yakar and knew something had to change here. Kim would never accept Yakar so another Healer would need to be found. He would not have her at risk. He watched Kim smile at Curador and realized the decision had already been made.

  “Emperor.” Yakar’s voice brought Wray’s eyes back to him.

  “You may leave Yakar.”


  “Leave!” Wray roared. He was done dealing with this male.

  “Yes, sire.”

  Curador’s eyes went from the Emperor to the Empress unable to believe what the scanner was telling him.

  “What is it Curador?” Kim asked, tightening her grip on Wray’s hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “You said Yakar discussed these scans with you?" Curador directed his question to Wray. “That he found nothing unusual?”

  “Yes.” Wray told him.

  “Any damage caused by the Ganglians was repaired?”

  “Yes.” Wray bit out again.

  “And there was no evidence that they had bred her.” Curador cringed slightly as he heard his words and Kim’s gasp. “Pardons Empress.” He said looking at her.

  “I…” Kim’s shocked eyes flew to Wray. “I never thought… never considered it possible…” Her eyes filled with tears. “Are you saying that…”

  “No!” Curador instantly denied, realizing what she thought. “No Empress! Of course not! Just the opposite.”

  “Then why did you ask!” Wray demanded not liking how pale Kim had become.

  “Because I wanted to make sure Yakar had told you everything.” Curador turned gentle, caring eyes to Kim. “In all my years, I have never encountered another species so similar to our own. Kaliszians are very close and still we are unable to successfully Join with them.”

  “That’s not true.” Kim argued back with a shaky voice. “You can successfully Join with one Curador. You just aren’t able to have offspring.”

  Curador raised an eyebrow at her, realizing she was correct. For Tornians a successful Joining meant the successful presentation of fit and worthy offspring. It wasn’t necessarily the same thing.

  “You are correct Empress and looking at the scans Yakar took, he should have realized that the chances were high that you and the Emperor could have offspring.”

  “Just as we could have offspring with Kaliszians, Curador?” Wray fired back angrily. Not liking how he was getting Kim’s hopes up. “That doesn’t mean we will and I don’t care. All I want is Kim.”

  “I understand this Emperor, but things have changed.”

  “What do you mean?” Wray demanded.

  “According to the scan I’ve just done the Empress is with offspring. Your offspring.”

  Curador’s words were met with absolute silence as both Kim and Wray just looked at him. Curador couldn’t help but chuckle at the stunned expressions on their faces.

  “Congratulations.” He said.

  “There’s no doubt that…” Kim turned fearful eyes to Curador worried about what he had said before.

  “It is the Emperor’s, Empress. A thousand pardons that I could for even a moment have made you doubt that. I was trying to reassure you that it wasn’t possible, not the oppos
ite. You have not been with offspring long, a week at most.”

  “Wray?” Kim looked at him and found his eyes glued to her.

  Wray couldn’t believe it. His Kim was with offspring? He wanted to roar it to the stars, but then another thought struck. “Is she at risk?” Wray demanded of Curador his eyes never leaving Kim.

  “There is always a risk sire.” Curador told him, frowning. “Especially since this is the first offspring between a Tornian and a human.” Curador now understood his Emperor’s concern, it wasn’t because he didn’t care, it was because he cared so much. “She will need to be closely monitored as she is so much smaller than our females, but otherwise I see no reason for her and the offspring not to be fit.”

  “You will accompany us to Tornian.” Wray stated, not bothering to ask. “You will be the Empress’ personal Healer.”

  “It would be my honor Emperor.” Curador said, giving him a slight bow. “But what about Healer Yakar?”

  “The Empress does not care for him,” Wray said looking to Kim. “So he will not treat her.”

  “Thank you Wray.” Kim said, leaning over to kiss him, shocking Curador.

  “You don’t need to thank me for caring for you my Kim. Your happiness is all that matters.”

  “He will not take this well.” Curador warned quietly.

  “He will have to adjust.” Wray said dismissively.

  “Yes, sire.” Curador said and found a smile breaking out across his face. “This news will be celebrated throughout the Empire.

  “Wray…” Kim said, her eyes turning uncertain.

  “What is wrong my Kim?” Wray asked, frowning. “Are you feeling ill?” He shot concerned eyes to Curador.

  “No. I just…”

  “What my Kim?” Wray slid closer cupping her cheek with one hand. “You can tell me anything. You know that.”

  Taking a deep breath, Kim just spit it out. “I don’t want anyone to know I’ve conceived. Not yet.”

  “What?” Wray gave her a confused look. ”Why?”

  “I…” Kim looked at him, not sure how to explain. “I just want there to be something that’s ours… at least for a little while. There’s already been so many questions, so many strange looks. When this gets out… we don’t even know if it will be healthy… fit.”

  “My scan shows the offspring has no defects Empress.”

  “You can tell that? Already?” Kim asked, her eyes wide.

  “Yes, Empress.” Curador said, smiling indulgently.

  “You still don’t want anyone to know.” Wray’s eyes never left Kim and he could tell he was right. “You want time to adjust.”

  “Yes. Is that okay?” She gave him a beseeching look. “Am I asking too much? I know what this means to you… to your people.”

  “To our people and no you aren’t asking too much my Kim. It is never too much if it is what makes you happy.”

  Curador looked at the couple on the bed in shock. Did they really mean to keep this a secret? They needed to find the Empress’ home world. Needed to see if more females were available because he had no doubt that this was the first of many successful Joinings.

  Yet looking at them, he saw something he has never seen between a male and female before… true affection and caring… they spoke to each other not at each other. They discussed things and they… touched. He has never seen this before and seeing it now, he realized it wasn’t his place to question their decision. His place was to make sure the Empress and her offspring remained healthy.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Reeve walked around the body of Gyula, his expressionless face revealing none of the rage that filled him. How was this possible? Two of his finest warriors were dead. Gyula lay at his feet, disemboweled by the Emperor. He arrived just as Gyula begged the Emperor to be ended, shaming every warrior in House Reeve… for fit and worthy males never begged.

  The Emperor’s warriors had immediately followed the Emperor after Tora's call that there were warriors down. Reeve had held his back. He saw now that it had been a mistake. Had his warriors been on hand, they might have been able to assist, if not Gyula, then Fala.

  How Tora was able to behead Fala Reeve would never know. Others were more skilled with the sword than Fala but Fala never fought fair and that was why he had never been defeated. Tora wasn’t yet eighteen, there was no way he should have been able to defeat him, it made no sense.

  Turning away, he saw Tora climbing up the bank. Frowning Reeve moved towards him, leaving Gyula as he lay.

  “Tora, is everything alright?” He asked, forcing just the right amount of concern into his voice.

  “Of course Lord Reeve.” Tora responded and Reeve watched him tuck something into his pocket. “The Empress is safe and those,” he glanced over at Gyula, “unworthy of being called ‘Warrior’ are no longer.”e

  “Yes.” Reeve said through gritted teeth.

  “I expect the Emperor will be demanding a full report on how your security failed to protect the Empress.”

  “What?” Reeve asked, stunned.

  “He will want to know how males that he deemed unfit were able to gain access to the grounds of House Reeve when the Empress was present. How was it possible that a ship was able to land undetected on just the other side of the river? I’m sure you already have worthy warriors investigating this, knowing that as soon as the Empress is secured and calmed that the Emperor will be demanding answers.”

  “Yes of course.” Reeve said his mind racing. “I have my best already working on it.”

  “I thought this was one of your best.” Tora said, gesturing to Gyula.

  “At one time he may have been. I don’t know what could have caused him to act like this.” Reeve easily lied.

  “Nor do I, Lord Reeve.” Tora said, his eyes revealing none of his thoughts. “For any male that acts as these have, or those that tolerate them, have no place in this Empire.” Tora said and delivering his barely veiled threat to move past Reeve and head for his manno.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Crossing the open grounds of House Reeve, Tora found his manno's warriors attending to the three fallen guards.

  "They are being taken to the shuttle?" Tora questioned, leaning down to assist with one.

  "Yes Prince Tora." The warrior said.

  "They are to receive the utmost respect." Tora said.

  "Of course, they were ended defending our Empress. She would have it no other way." The warrior looked at Tora as if he should have realized that.

  "Good." Tora said, hiding his surprise. He had not realized Kim had made that kind of impression on his manno's warriors already. Once the males were ready for transport Tora proceeded on to his manno’s chambers.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Veron raised an eyebrow at Tora when he finally came striding into his manno's chambers. Veron had assumed he had gone to clean up, but he was just as dirty as when he left him at the river, a little drier but still dirty.

  "Where have you been?" He questioned.

  Tora raised his own eyebrow at the question. "I needed to see to a few things." he told Veron. "The Empress?" he asked, his eyes moving to the closed door.

  "Is currently being treated."

  Tora frowned; he had literally bumped into Yakar just outside the Wing. The Healer had been muttering to himself not even acknowledging Tora as he'd continued. "By who?"

  "Healer Curador." Veron informed him. "The Empress does not like Yakar and refused to allow him to treat her."


  "She was quite... vocal... in expressing what she would do if he touched her."

  Tora found himself smiling at that. He had been on the receiving end of Kim's words just last night and understood what Veron was so delicately saying. "You've received no word though?" He asked, his eyes moving to the closed door.


  As they spoke, the resting chamber door opened and Caitir came out closing it behind her. Seeing the room filled with the Emperor's warriors, she

  "What is it Lady Caitir?" Veron asked, ignoring the shocked looks on Tora's and every other warriors’ face. "It is what the Empress has demanded we call her." He said making sure all heard.

  "I need to go to the kitchens to have a special meal prepared for the Empress." She told him.

  "Warrior Acton. Warrior Dov. You will accompany Lady Caitir to the kitchens. Make sure she has no problems obtaining what the Empress requires."

  "Yes, Captain." The two immediately replied and looking at Caitir nodded before following her out the door.

  "She truly gave her the title?" Tora asked after the door closed.

  "Yes. Lady Caitir and her uncle, Jael, are now the official clothiers of the Empress. They will be accompanying us to Tornian."

  "House Torino already has a clothier."

  "And he will continue for the Emperor, but the Empress has become very fond of Lady Caitir."

  Tora gave him a confused look. A female fond of another one? Was that even possible? Then he realized that with Kim anything was possible.

  She'd survived the Ganglians longer than any other female.

  She’d survived a crash landing on Pontus.

  She’d survived repeated attacks by Fala and Gyula. Had actually fought back.

  She’d survived the river.

  Yes, it was entirely possible she could be fond of another female.

  Tora looked at the closed door to the resting chamber. Normally he would never think to enter it when the Empress was there, but then the Empress was never in the Emperor’s resting chamber. There were things he needed to tell his manno and he still had something to return to the Empress. Making his decision, Tora moved to the doorway and knocked.

  Wray looked impatiently at the door. Who would dare knock on the door of his resting chamber?

  “Come in.” Kim’s sweet voice had his head swinging around to her. “What?” she asked giving him a questioning look.

  ‘You need rest you don’t need…”

  “Tora!” Kim’s excited tone had his head swinging back in the other direction to see his first male enter the room.


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