Black Light: Roulette War

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Black Light: Roulette War Page 48

by Grant, Livia

  “How can I help you?” Annie, the assistant in costumes, asked him. He’d worked with her before, putting together costumes for some of the subs he’d played with. She’d never steered him wrong.

  “Yeah. We’re looking for diapers,” he said, not bothering to lower his voice. If anyone heard him, it would only aid in his objective and, glancing over at Quinn, he could see he was on target. A sweet blush covered her cheeks, and her gaze lowered to the floor.

  Annie grinned. “For you or her?”

  “Oh God,” Quinn mumbled behind him. He squeezed her hand.

  “For her, please. And we should probably take a pacifier if you have it… oh, and a rattle.”

  “Fuck me,” Quinn groaned quietly.

  “We have a whole kit put together for tonight. Let me grab it.” She leaned to the side to get another look at Quinn before walking off.

  “We don’t need a pacifier,” Quinn said as soon as Annie walked away.

  “I disagree.” He lifted a shoulder. “You have trouble keeping your words in your mouth when they should stay there.”

  She bit down on the bottom corner of her lower lip. “I’m not using a pacifier.” She raised her chin an inch and pulled her hand out of Jack’s to fist on her hip.

  He gave her an exaggerated appraisal and smiled. “I see.”

  “I don’t think you do.”

  “Oh, I see perfectly fine, Quinn. If you weren’t going to play by the rules, why bother signing up tonight?”

  She dropped her hand from her hip. “It’s not that I don’t want to play by the rules.”

  “It’s that you really want that ass whipping so you can get the relief you’re looking for. Because you’ve never experienced anything other than impact play.” He crossed his arms over his chest and fixed his gaze on her.

  “Would I prefer impact play to diaper play? Yes, but I’m not trying to manipulate you into spanking me,” she defended. “I mean—I don’t mean to be doing that.”

  He believed her.

  “I’m also guessing you’ve never actually submitted to a Dominant before. You had a few on speed dial, spanker friends who would scratch your itch when you called, but nothing outside of that.”

  If she’d only ever played with one form of submission, how could she know the relief that could come from all the other forms? There were more outlets for her stress than she knew, but he needed to get her mind set right before he could teach her.

  She blinked several times before a forced laugh erupted. “No!”

  He touched the tip of his nose. “I think you’re being less honest with me than you should be considering I’m the one who decides if you’ll get out of the diaper before or after you’ve used it.”

  All color dripped from her face. Her jaw slacked. If her eyes could leap out of her head, he had no doubt they’d be lying on the floor at his feet.

  “I… I’m not… no way—”

  He leaned toward her. “Then I really suggest you behave yourself.” No matter how hard she pushed, he would not give in and give her the spanking she obviously craved. She’d drink as much water as needed to fill her bladder, and he’d bind her to a chair until she filled the diaper before he gave her one slap on her asscheek, if her attitude didn’t start to change.

  “Okay, here you are. There’s a few diapers in here, a bib, a bottle, a pacifier, a rattle, and a blankie.” Annie held the bag of items out for Jack.

  He moved back a step, keeping his eyes on Quinn. “I need water for the bottle.”

  Quinn’s lips pinched into a thin line, but she kept quiet.

  “Sure thing. Want me to fill it up?”

  “That would be great.” Jack took the bag from her once she removed the bottle.

  “You can’t be serious,” Quinn hissed once she was gone again.

  “Oh, baby girl, you have no idea how serious I can get. Now, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind a free month, so I’d rather you not cry off. But if you don’t think you can handle this… that’s the only way out.”

  Her nostrils flared with her huff.

  “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes.

  He laughed. “I think maybe the prospect of having all these little decisions taken away from you is appealing.”

  “I think you’ve known me for all of five minutes and are making a whole lot of assumptions,” she snapped.

  Jack opened the bag and fished out the pacifier. “I can see we’ll be starting with this.” He plunged it between her lips and held it in place. “Spit this out and you’ll be sorry. I don’t spank bad girls.” In actuality, he did, but she wouldn’t respond appropriately to a punishment spanking yet.

  Her resistance to the object ceased.

  “Good girl. Now keep it in, suck nice and hard on it—practice for when I replace it with my cock.” He winked and released his hold on the pacifier. The little pink blush blossomed crimson, but her pupils expanded right before his eyes.

  Ah, his little pain slut had a lot to learn. And he had the next thirty minutes to start her first lesson.

  Chapter 4


  Quinn stared at the pink blanket dangling from Jack’s hand. She would argue with him further, except the pacifier was still lodged in her mouth. The walk from the costume room back to the main play area had lit a fire under every butterfly in her stomach. They were banging off the walls of inside her. She didn’t bother trying to make eye contact with anyone as he marched her back into the main room.

  She chewed on the pacifier bit as he laid out the blanket on the bench, smoothing out the wrinkles.

  “Okay, up you go.” He turned to her.

  Dragging her gaze up from the blanket, she stared at him. How could she do that? Get up there and let him put a diaper on her? As much as she disliked the pacifier, at least it kept her from saying something so obnoxious he quit on her.

  She blinked hard a few times, unable to get her body to move. She was frozen in place.

  “Baby girl, you need to start obeying, or this isn’t going to be as much fun for you as it will be for me.” He laid the blanket back on the leather padded table.

  It would have been easier to fly Brian or Ben out every other weekend to have some fun than to go through all of this. Why did she think she could actually go to a new club and play with someone new? She’d been so buried in work, pushing her company to new levels of success for so long, meeting anyone outside of a professional capacity no longer felt natural.

  Jack seemed nice. He hadn’t brushed her off yet, but the limit was coming. He’d realize what a socially awkward mess she was and hit the road. This was a bad idea. A horrible idea.

  Once he had the blanket adjusted to his liking, he approached her.

  “Just breathe, baby,” he ordered in a soft tone, collecting her hands in his. She stared into his dark eyes. “Breathe with me,” he said and inhaled deeply. “Let me help you, Quinn.”

  She could really mess up this scene if she let her panic take over completely. Every Dom she’d every scened with had played so nicely in the impact zone, no one tried to push her outside those boundaries. What if none of this worked out right? What if her nerves were more rattled, her anxiety soared too high for her to get what she loved so much out of these play scenes? If he didn’t spank her, could she find the relief she wanted?

  Jack seemed to understand how quickly her mind was reeling away from her.

  “Breathe with me,” he said again, putting her hand flat against his chest so she could feel him inhale. How the hell was she supposed to concentrate on his breathing when she could feel his hard pecs. “Do it, Quinn.” He pressed his hand against her chest.

  With her eyes locked on his, she dragged in a slow breath, letting her chest expand at the same rate his did until he instructed her to exhale. In and out, he conducted her breathing pattern until the butterflies were dancing gently instead of having a gangbang in her stomach.

  “There. Better?” he asked.

  She nodded. Much
better, actually, but she couldn’t articulate very well with the damn pacifier in place.

  “Now, let’s get you out of these clothes.” He worked the buttons on her blouse while she continued to stare at his face. After he finished unbuttoning the blouse, his gaze lifted to hers, and the edges of his lips pulled up gently. He slid his hands inside the shirt and she felt their warmth as he caressed her stomach. “No, don’t stiffen up on me now.” He lowered his chin, kicking up the look of dominance in his expression.

  His thumbs flicked the underside of her breasts. Even through the satin fabric of her bra his touch sent a current through her body.

  Moving farther up, he rested his hands on her shoulders then shoved the blouse down her arms. He tossed it onto a nearby chair.

  “Pants next, baby girl,” he said and squatted down in front of her. Heat pumped through her veins with each heartbeat.

  He opened the button on her pants then pulled the zipper down, casting a smile up at her briefly. She tried to step back, but he had a firm grip on her pants and shook his head. She bit down on the plastic of the pacifier. No one had undressed her before.

  It had always been more efficient for her to strip and get ready for her Dominant. Letting him remove her clothes—that would have been intimate. Too intimate for a spank and run.

  Her pants were pulled down to her ankles.

  “Lift your leg, baby girl,” he instructed, and she complied. He slipped her shoe off then pulled the pant leg free. He repeated the actions with her other leg, leaving her standing in her bra and panties and the fucking pacifier.

  He grabbed hold of the waistline of her panties—a comfortable cotton brief—and yanked them down to her ankles without ceremony. Instinctively, she sucked in her belly.

  “Don’t do that,” he said without looking up at her. He folded her panties and tossed them onto the pile of clothes on the chair before standing up again, bringing his blazing gaze to hers. “Your bra.” He twirled his finger in the air, telling her to turn around.

  She tried to reach behind herself to undo the hooks, but he grabbed her hands and slapped them both hard.

  “Turn around,” he ordered. She shook her hands once he let her go. The fire was supposed to be on her ass, not her knuckles!

  She spun around so fast she stumbled, and he had to catch her before she fell onto the table.

  “See what your attitude gets you?” he whispered into her ear from behind her. “I’m going to give you what you need, Quinn. But you have to open your mind to it for me. You can’t resist, or it’s useless.”

  A shiver ran down her spine at his words. Did he know what he was asking her for? Trust. He wanted her to trust a perfect stranger to give her what she needed in a way completely foreign to her.

  Without peeling his body away from her, he worked the hooks open and dragged the straps down her arms. Her heavy breasts fell free from the cups. She lifted her arms, folding them beneath her tits. She wasn’t overly obsessed with her body—it was what it was at this point—but she didn’t like her boobs hanging so fucking low.

  “Nope.” He tossed her bra then pulled her arms down to her sides. He wrapped his arms around her, playing with her nipples while his warm breath washed over the shell of her ear.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she said around the pacifier. Garbled, but clear enough he probably understood.

  “Oh, a nipple girl?” He chuckled and twisted each nipple hard, pulling downward.

  She gasped at the jolt of pain, then everything went black. The room fell into complete darkness and abrupt silence when the thumping music stopped on a dime.

  “What the fuck?” he muttered and released her nipples, pulling back from her but still holding her arms.

  People all over the dungeon started asking what was happening. Emergency lights flickered to life.

  “Don’t move. Just stay here,” he said, holding her firmly. Where was she going to go? Run off into the dark naked?

  She moved the pacifier to the side of her mouth so she could speak a bit more clearly. “I’m not scared of the dark.”

  “That’s because I’d slay the monsters for you,” he said.

  She laughed. “You really like to lay on the cheesy stuff, don’t you?”

  He squeezed her arms. “Just keep that pacifier in place until it’s time for your bottle.”

  The lights flickered back to life, settling down the crowd. She squirmed her way free to face him. He couldn’t be serious.

  But he was.

  His eyes were fixed on her, his jaw set firm. No, he didn’t look like someone she could easily persuade to change his mind.

  Not that she wouldn’t try.

  “Now. Up on the table.” He slammed his hand on the leather.

  Time to either submit to the game, to him, or safe word. She’d not only be giving up her free month but would be costing him one as well. A dungeon monitor walking the room paused near them. He was watching. Because she hesitated? Because if they didn’t get started, they could be disqualified? Her skin felt too tight for her body; her heart didn’t seem too worried about staying inside her chest either.

  “You need to breathe, Quinn,” Jack stated. “You keep holding your breath. Just let out the air and get on the table.”

  She released her breath. When had she started doing that? Had she always?

  “I don’t think I can actually use it,” she whispered around the pacifier. No need for the DM to overhear everything.

  “Then being a good girl is the best way to avoid having to.” Jack patted the table again. He wasn’t backing down, and she couldn’t tell if he was just trying to push her buttons or if he meant it. Would he actually make her use the diaper, or was he just dangling the threat?

  She pressed her ass to the edge of the table and pushed herself on top of the soft fabric of the blanket. He hadn’t even touched her yet, but she could feel the blush all over her body.

  Jack noticed the DM lingering nearby and called him over. “Sorry, man. I forgot to grab my play bag before we got started. Mind grabbing it for me or watching my girl here?” He pressed a hand to her shoulder, forcing her to lie on her back. “I don’t want my baby to roll off the table.”

  Her face ignited. Actual flames could probably be seen, but she wasn’t going to open her eyes to find out.

  “I’ll grab it. Where is it?” the deep voice responded. She clenched her fists at her sides while she forced her mind to block out their conversation.

  “We need to wait for him before I can put the diaper on, but you should have your bottle while we wait. Sit up a little,” he directed. Once she pushed herself to a sitting position again, he hopped up behind her, wrapping his legs around her waist. He pulled her closer to him and yanked the pacifier from her mouth.


  “Uh-uh, I don’t think baby girls call their daddies by their first names.” He tweaked her nipple again.

  “I… oh fuck.” She rolled her head back, leaning into his chest as he twisted and pulled, sending a delicate heat through her body.

  “Go on. You were saying something.”

  She blinked. What had she been saying?

  The nipple of the bottle appeared in front of her. “While you’re thinking, let’s get some water into you.”

  Before she could object, the nipple was between her teeth. “Be a good girl now. Drink it all up.”

  He maneuvered his body back until she was lying in his lap, looking up at him. A casual grin danced on his lips. He wasn’t mocking her in anyway.

  She started to reach for the bottle, but he shook his head. “Daddy holds it, baby girl.” He winked. And just that little gesture was enough to make her clit twitch. What the fuck was he doing to her?

  Suckling lightly, the water fell onto her tongue. Looking up at him, she lost herself in his gaze. Warm and caring, he locked gazes with her.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby girl,” he said softly cradling her in one arm and brushing her hair away from her
face with his free hand. “I’m right here.”

  Muscles that had been pulled tight with the stress of work and moving and all the pressure she put on herself to build a successful company began to ebb.

  “Such a pretty girl,” he smiled down at her. “Drink it all gone.”

  Suckling harder, she downed most of the bottle without focusing too hard on what she was doing. Too easily, she became lost in his eyes.

  “Here it is.” The DM had come back.

  “On the chair is fine, thanks,” Jack said without breaking his stare with Quinn. The bag made a thump sound, but Quinn remained locked on Jack until the last bit of the water had been drunk.

  “That’s a good girl,” he crooned and removed the bottle from her mouth. She licked the edges of her mouth then tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. She shouldn’t feel so relaxed.

  Jack helped her sit up and hopped off the table. At least he didn’t try to burp her.

  “Relax a second,” he said and pressed a kiss to her temple. A warm touch of his lips, brief but the tingle lingered as he walked over to the bag the DM had brought him.

  She lay back on the table, keeping an eye on him as he dug through his bag.

  “Okay, I think I have what I need.” He turned around holding a vibrator and a condom. then grabbed the bag of baby stuff and brought it back to the table. “Let’s get your diaper on so we can really have some fun.”

  A snappy retort sizzled on her tongue, but she kept it behind her closed lips. They couldn’t change what they rolled and fighting him on it wasn’t fair to him. He’d done everything so far in a way to help ease her tension, to strip away her apprehension. Maybe if she leaned into him, she’d find the release she sought at Black Light.

  Laying the diaper on her belly, he tore open the condom wrapper. “I’ve cleaned it, but just to be sure,” he explained as he rolled the condom over the portion of the vibrator that would be inserted into her. She’d seen the toy advertised but never used one. Shaped like a U, part of it would be inside, while the other would lie over her clit. Supposedly the sensations would bombard her from both sides and drive her straight to an intense orgasm.


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