Black Light: Roulette War

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Black Light: Roulette War Page 56

by Grant, Livia

“That’s it! Take it. Take more, Karly,” he dared her.

  His left palm moved to her ass cheek with a loud crack. His right hand flexed inside her, exploring until he found that special button again. He was playing her body like a musical instrument. Experimenting with different combinations until he found the perfect harmony to make her fly high.

  Sean flicked the g-spot deep inside her like he was strumming the strings of a guitar just as he drummed a hard and fast beat across her punished ass with his other palm. Karly exploded with a scream as squirt after squirt of wetness shot from her pussy, drenching his jeans in her juices.

  He’d made Karly fucking Starr squirt.

  I wonder if they pass out trophies for special accomplishments like this.

  But he wasn’t done. His left fingers slid through her wetness, on a mission to find her clit. The second he found it, Sean pinched her button and resumed strumming her g-spot.

  Karly’s legs collapsed from under her again, but he was ready. He lifted her until her boots left the floor completely. He literally held her up from behind, one arm around her waist, hand on her clit while his right arm had her skewered so deep he was grateful he’d rolled his sleeves up.

  A smattering of applause from the crowd of spectators gathered around their platform coincided with the subsiding of the contractions squeezing his fist. With regret, he pulled his arm out, careful to still hold her steady until she was able to stand on her own two feet again.

  “Whoa, there. I’ve got you now,” he reassured her.

  It took nearly five minutes to strip his filly of her pony outfit. He sure as hell hoped Black Light had a good dry-cleaning service on retainer because the club’s pony play gear was in desperate need of deep cleaning, and he couldn’t be prouder.

  Karly didn’t even open her eyes when he took off the blinders and head harness. She flexed her jaw when he pulled the bit free, but that was the only movement she made. Had he not been propping her up when he lifted the stockade to free her from the restraints, she would have face-planted to the floor. Sean scooped Karly up into his arms where she laid limp like a well-fucked ragdoll.

  “Well done, Master Wilde. That was seriously hot.” One of the Black Light DMs had joined him on the platform.

  Sean held Karly close as he said, “I know I have some serious clean-up to do after that scene, but I’d like to do a little aftercare with my sub first. I’ll be back after she comes down from subspace.”

  “Hey, I’ve got this. On a normal night, we ask couples to clean up after their scenes, but we have extra DMs on duty tonight for Roulette. I’ll make sure the pony gear makes it back to Dominick. He’s gonna lose it when he sees how well-used it is.”

  Sean would seriously owe this guy a huge favor. “What’s your name, man? I really appreciate your help.”

  “I’m Tyler, and no worries. You gave me some serious stroke material for after I get off tonight.”

  Knowing the DM was handling things allowed Sean to focus on the naked woman now humming as she snuggled against his chest. He climbed down the few stairs and headed to a lone chair in a relatively dark corner of the main club. The music was still loud. The sounds of sex and punishments surrounded them, but in his arms, Karly was oblivious to it all, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He glanced at the digital clock on the far wall. Ten after ten already. They had less than an hour left. For the briefest of moments, he contemplated standing and heading to the small elevator that would take him up to the suite he’d be staying in later that night. He’d love to carry Karly into the oversized shower to clean her up. The splashing water would wake her up enough that he’d push her to her knees and shove his cock down her throat.

  Such temptation.

  In the end, he was too competitive to just quit the Roulette challenge. They had time for one more spin so that meant he needed to find a cold bottle of water to help quench his sub’s thirst. Once she came out of subspace, he could turn his attention to satiating his own craving for her body.

  Chapter 8


  What the hell just happened? Disoriented, Stephanie first thought she was waking up after a really sexy dream, but as the arms holding her hugged her tighter, snippets of memories flashed.

  God, I hope that was real and not just a hallucination.

  “Here. Drink some water.”

  It took a few seconds to recognize that gravelly voice. It was seductive as hell and she suspected she could get used to hearing it. As the rest of her body parts checked in with her brain, she was certain she could get addicted to the things the sexy body behind that voice did to her lady bits.

  Every part of her body thrummed with a kind of satisfaction she’d never known existed before. Even as she thought it, nuggets of need sparked to life again. She had no idea what time it was, but she prayed it wasn’t nearing eleven yet. She needed more of the magic that Master Wilde seemed to possess.

  “How are you feeling? Up to another roll or would you rather call it a night?” he asked so politely that she panicked.

  Was I that bad that he wants to quit Roulette early?

  “I’m not a quitter,” she argued before tacking on a quick, “Sir.”

  His chuckle helped her relax a bit. “Okay then. Neither am I, but considering you’ve been out of it for over ten minutes now, I didn’t know if you’d be able to give it another go.”

  She took a long swig from the water bottle he was holding to her lips before answering. “I just needed a bit of a rest. I’m not usually a napper.”

  The chest her head was resting on rumbled with a chuckle.

  “You weren’t napping, Karly. You were coming down from subspace.”

  Subspace. She’d always thought that was just a mumbo-jumbo codeword submissives used to stroke a man’s ego. She now knew there was at least one man capable of producing the magical mental state, and now that she’d gotten her taste, she wanted more.

  “I’ve never…” Steph let her voice trail off, oddly insecure at the thought of admitting the truth. “…well you know. I’ve never hit subspace before.”

  “Then I’ve done my job as your Dom for the night.”

  She snuggled into a tighter ball on his nap, grasping the front of his button-down shirt. Dare she?

  “Actually, I was kinda hoping you could do your job again tonight, Sir.”

  Sean Wilde used his right index finger to force her chin up until their eyes met. The need in his own gaze was a promise—a promise she looked forward to cashing in.

  “Oh, Karly, I can most definitely help you come again… and again. But, before we go spin the wheel again, don’t you think it’s time you tell me your real name?”

  What? Who was this guy?

  “Why? What difference does that make?” Only after her words were out did she realize how defensive they sounded.

  “Call me old-fashioned, but I like to know the real name of a woman I’m about to fuck into next week.” The grin that accompanied his naughty promise got the molten goo of her insides boiling again.

  Damn, this guy was good.

  She wasn’t going to make things too easy on him, though. “Tell you what, you make me come like that again, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  There was a playful mirth in the Dom’s eyes. This guy was actually taking the time to flirt… with her. Didn’t he know she was a sure thing?

  “Anything? Hmmm… game on. By the way, I plan on asking you enough questions that you’ll have to finish up answering over tomorrow morning’s breakfast delivery.”

  Stephanie felt lighter than she had in years… playful.

  “Pretty sure of yourself, there, Wilde, aren’t you? Fair warning, I’m coming off a pretty long dry spell so don’t get over-confident. The guy who drove my Uber tonight could have got me off.”

  “Yeah, but could he have made you squirt out a gallon of pussy juice? I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have to send my jeans through the laundry twice just to get the
sexy smell of you out of them.”

  His words were raunchy enough that she felt an uncharacteristic blush across her cheeks.

  She wasn’t used to men flirting with her—holding her gently—looking at her like she might say something important.

  “You know, I’m not some insecure submissive who you have to lie to just to get in my pants,” Stephanie said as she wiggled to separate herself from him.

  “Enough!” He hugged her tightly, stopping any notion of getting away.

  The gentleness of his finger on her chin was gone, replaced with his full right palm squeezing her throat hard enough that she had to fight for her next breath. Stephanie forced down a panic, waiting for him to loosen his hold on her. When he let go of the grip on her neck, he also let a few choice words fly too.

  “Let’s get something straight. I’m not nearly as interested in getting inside here,” he grabbed the skin right above her pussy, before adding, “as I am at getting inside here,” he said tapping against her temple.

  His lips crashed down on her mouth with the same velocity as the damn belt had when it had crashed into her ass. The kiss was unexpected. Personal. Intimate. It robbed her of her breath and the last shred of resistance. God help her, but this man made her want to submit.

  The kiss ended, but Master Wilde held her close, their foreheads brushing.

  “For the record, I can’t think of one single submissive I’d rather be playing with tonight—you know why?” Thankfully, he didn’t wait long enough for her to answer before continuing. “It’s because you’re the perfect dichotomy of experience and newness. I hate playing with coy subs who are too afraid to voice what they want sexually. I love that you embrace your sexuality, but I’m finding your newness to the BDSM lifestyle specifically a huge turn-on for me.”

  She saw the truth in his eyes. Sean Wilde wasn’t lying.

  As if he had read her mind, he grabbed her left wrist and yanked her forward until her hand came into contact with his jeans.

  Soaking wet.

  Steph could feel the heat rising higher, making her feel flushed. How long had it been since she’d actually felt embarrassed—shy even—when it came to sex? But then again, what they were doing wasn’t just sex, was it? The pony play scene had been so much more. Humiliation… punishment… edging… restraint… role playing… fisting… Hell, he’d made her lose control of her body completely and he did it without even taking his cock out of his pants.

  What the hell magic could he wield if he actually takes his pants off?

  “Master Wilde? Sorry to interrupt sir, I know you are in aftercare mode, however Elijah asked me to remind you that you need to either keep playing with your original spin’s kink or you’ll need to spin again if you don’t want to be eliminated.”

  Steph could feel Sean tensing under her. Afraid he might just tell the DM to fuck off and end their night early, she finally looked up, their eyes meeting.

  “So… you think you can make me get your pants even wetter tonight?” she challenged.

  Her Dom paused before grinning and answering. “Sorry, but you won’t be able to get my pants any wetter tonight,” he teased, “since I don’t plan on wearing any pants for our next roll, whatever the hell it is.”

  She felt a bit like a prima donna being carried in his arms all the way from the main club room, back through the social area full of nearly drunk observers, and into the small theater. The lighting was dim, and the room was noticeably warmer than the rest of the club. Madison waited on the stage, talking to some huge biker-looking guy when she turned to welcome them.”

  “There you are! I had to ask if you two had quit. The night is already in our last hour and I’m just seeing you back at the wheel. You must have had a really great time with your pony play roll.”

  Master Wilde finally lowered her legs to the floor, but she was grateful that he stayed close enough to help steady her as she took the small white marble Madison held out.

  “Roll a good one,” Sean prodded as Madison gave the wheel a strong spin. Stephanie released the ball above the blur, letting it bounce around until finally falling into a slot that was still spinning too fast to read the writing flying by.

  The wheel had to almost stop before she could read their next kink.


  Now that she knew her Dom for the night wouldn’t be letting her get away with just having sex, Stephanie found herself wishing she’d put a few of those kinks down as hard limits after all. If she had, this kink just might have been on her short list of limits since she did, actually, enjoy being alive.

  “Well done, sub. I can’t wait to continue your submissive education. I suspect you’ll be a fast learner. Either that or you might pass out again, this time from lack of oxygen.”

  Fucking great. She’d rolled Breath Play.

  Chapter 9


  Sean’s mind raced with the possibilities at his disposal. Breath play itself wasn’t a huge turn-on for him, but he did love the intimacy it offered. Trusting someone with your very life had a way of bringing people closer together.

  And he planned on being as close as possible to his sub before their time together ended.

  He threw Karly up and over his shoulder like the last time they’d left the theater. This time, spectators got the joy of seeing her perfect, naked body striped with belt and crop marks instead of her business suit. With each step he took toward the main room of the club, his plan for their upcoming scene solidified.

  As he had expected, the open shower area at the back wall of the lap pool was open. There were a few couples sitting around the pool, their legs splashing in the water, but there were no swimmers that night.

  He’d be changing that soon.

  His anticipation urged him to pull her off his shoulder roughly. He had to hold her up with his left arm while reaching to pull up on the chrome faucet on the back wall. Cold water immediately sputtered out of the three different shower heads above them.

  “Stop! Too cold!”

  Sean jumped back out of the water spray trying not to get completely drenched. When Karly attempted to follow him out of the downpour, he cautioned her.

  “No! You’re a very dirty pony. We need to get you cleaned up before we can start our next scene.”

  He loved the emotion playing across her beautiful face. Sexual excitement with a dash of embarrassment and a hint of fear—a perfect recipe for a submissive.

  The water must have warmed as Karly didn’t try to escape the spray again, instead reaching out to press a few squirts of body soap into her palm from the dispenser on the wall. As she started to lather her body, Sean got to work unbuttoning his shirt. He felt her gaze warming as she watched him do his own brand of a strip tease.

  Karly’s eyes widened as he’d expected when he took his shirt off, uncovering the dozens of colorful tattoos blanketing his chest and arms. To the outside world, Sean Wilde may be the respectable and hardworking winery owner, but those closest to him knew he had a wild streak running through him to match his last name. The tattoos were just a small appetizer of his darker side.

  He’d left his belt back at the pony play stage so it didn’t take long to have his jeans unbuttoned and off. He’d come commando and it was almost orgasmic to release his hardened dick from the tight confines of his pants.

  He didn’t take his eyes off Karly as he waited for her reaction. He wasn’t disappointed… and clearly, neither was she.

  “See something you like?” he teased as she turned pink. Karly Starr had just blushed like an untried virgin seeing her husband’s cock for the first time on their wedding night. As the thought came to him, he chuckled. Where the hell had an image of a wedding night come from? Playing with a stranger for three hours at a sex club was pretty much the antithesis of marriage. Still, the newness of their dynamic held the same level of excitement for him. And that kiss had been most unexpected.

  Time to have some fun. Let your wild run free, Wilde.

rushed forward, not giving her even a second to anticipate the start of their newest kink play. Sean’s right hand squeezed at her throat as he pushed her body until they both crashed into the tiled wall of the open shower with a thud. With the hardness at her back, Karly was suddenly trapped between him and the wall.

  Sean watched her eyes closely for panic while he laid down a few new rules. “Once again, I don’t plan on giving you much of a chance to speak during this scene, so your safe word is now three blinks of your eyes. Got it?”

  Of course, he knew she couldn’t answer him. She had just started to panic when he barked. “Blink now to confirm you understand, Karly.”

  Her eyes fluttered wildly, her attempt at silently begging for a breath. Sean obliged.

  Karly gasped and sputtered as he released her, reaching for a palm-full of soap for himself. He didn’t give her any time to recover before shoving her back against the wall again, but this time his hands were all over her body, lathering her arms, caressing her tummy, and moving lower to her legs. He took his time, inspecting his prize as he admired her curves, liking the few extra pounds she’d put on since she’d retired from in front of the camera.

  “Spread your legs,” he instructed before adding, “Wider,” when she barely moved her feet.

  Sean lathered his hands again before placing both hands on her inner thighs, massaging her as he inched his fingers closer to her pussy—the same bald pussy that he’d enjoyed making messy earlier. He cleaned his sub’s slit, preparing it for their next scene. Karly hummed with desire as he stroked her hooded gem just long enough to edge her higher.

  And then he took his hands away from her and she growled that sexy growl of hers—this time with frustration.

  “Settle down, sub. Let me rinse off.”

  He moved his hands across her body gently, easing her down from the edge he’d taken her to minutes before. Only once the water ran clean and the last soap washed down the drain along with her fear did Sean pounce again. Determined to keep her off base, he scooped his sub up into his arms and took a few long strides to the edge of the lap pool and dropped her like a rock.


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