Nox Bay Pack: Complete Series Collection

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Nox Bay Pack: Complete Series Collection Page 21

by Connor Crowe

  "What do you think he will be?" Felix asked, holding the babe close. He planted a kiss on the baby's forehead, and when the nurse pushed the curtain aside to take her leave, I could see clearly.

  Tufts of curly hair, red as fire. I'd never seen so much hair on a baby before, but God, it was beautiful.

  "The animal isn't important," Markus said. "What matters is that he's ours."

  "Welcome to the pack, little one," Felix murmured into that beautiful mop of red hair. Like father, like son. "And as for names, Markus? I have quite the feeling he's going to be one little trickster. With both of us as parents?" He grinned impishly.

  "Let me guess...Loki?"

  "Loki." He tore his eyes away from the baby long enough to meet Markus's gaze. "It suits him, doesn't it?"

  Maybe it was a trick of the light. Maybe it was my vantage point. But in that moment, I could have sworn I saw tears in the Pack Alpha's eyes.

  "Loki," he agreed at last. "Our little Loki. It's perfect."

  "He's perfect."

  "And so are you, my love."

  I couldn't hear what else they said. And to be honest, it didn't really matter, either. My omega, as moved by the display as I was, was showing his own form of affection.

  His arms were around me, his lips found mine, and there was nowhere else I would have rather been in the world.



  One Week Later

  How strange it was, waking up in a pack home with friends bustling all around me.

  How strange it was, to feel the movement deep in my belly. The very one that promised a new life on the horizon, and a new beginning for both me and my mate.

  And that was probably the strangest bit of all. Me, a perpetual loner, basically feral, man-onto-himself, had found love.

  I had found more than that, though. I had found a purpose. A family I never even knew I had. A long-lost pack brother.

  A new life.

  "Come on, Leo! The others are waiting!" I called into the bathroom, leaning against the door frame while I waited for my alpha. Tonight was a special pack dinner, and Lionel, of course, was making it into a way bigger deal than it needed to be.

  "My name's not Leo!" He shot back from behind the door. "It's Lionel, you know that!"

  "Whatever you say, little lion!" I teased. A huge grin broke out over my face. I knew he teased me about the nickname I'd come up with for him, but he secretly loved it, even if he'd never admit it. It was our little way of ribbing him for being the only human in a pack full of shifters.

  That didn't mean he didn't fit in, though. Oh no. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although Lionel and I were both new to the structure and expectations of pack life, I'd found it actually quite easy to fall into a routine with the others. We got up, did our chores for the day, and things were generally pretty laid back. There were rules, sure, but not nearly as bad as I'd feared they'd be.

  Pack life wasn't so bad, after all.

  The door creaked open and Lionel stepped out at last. I couldn't help it—my mouth dropped open. No longer was he the gangly academic I'd come to know during our short time together. He cleaned up surprisingly well, and my cock stiffened in my pants at the sight.

  His hair was slicked back, no longer the untamed mess it usually was. He'd shaved his stubble and put on a splash of cologne that instead of covering up his natural scent, actually complimented it.

  He wore a brand new brown suit that hugged him in all the right places. Markus had them specially made to honor the new members of the pack family. Of course, Lionel wasn't going to go in the same suit as everyone else. He'd put his own special touch on it—a shiny silk bowtie that he'd brought with him from his former home.

  It looked adorably nerdy, but you know what? It suited him, and just turned me on even more. The thought of unwrapping him like a present later tonight was an appealing prospect indeed...

  "What do you think?" Lionel asked, taking a little spin so I could see all of him. And damn...those pants were made for his ass.

  "You look..." I started, licking my dry lips and trying to find the words. "Wow. That suit looks great on you. And the bowtie is a nice touch." I pointed out with a smile.

  "You're looking pretty dapper yourself, omega." He looked me up and down and from the flicker of desire I saw there, I knew he liked what he saw.

  My suit was a bit different, a more modern, flowing style than Lionel's. Long, flowing coat tails went down to my knees and I wore a skinny tie and a slim fitting shirt. My pointed leather boots completed the look.

  "Well come on, we don't wanna keep the pack waiting," Lionel nudged me.

  He rushed for the door, leaving me jogging to catch up. "Wait! You were the one taking forever in the first place!"

  I chuckled as I ran after him. This was my life now, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

  The hall was full of smiling faces when we arrived, and everyone had already taken their seats for dinner. Besides a few pointed looks from our friends, we managed to slip into our chairs just in time for the food to be brought out.

  Platter after platter of meats, vegetables, and savory sauces came out, piling ever higher on the table. Every time I thought I couldn't eat another bite, the next course came out and I found out that I did, in fact, have a little bit more space in my stomach. I sat with Felix and Markus, with Elliot and Arric at our sides. Tristan sat the end of the table and picked at his food throughout the night, never eating much of it.

  I meant to ask him if something was wrong, but he was too far away and I didn't want to shout across the table. His eyes kept flicking off to somewhere in the distance, but when I tried to follow his gaze, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

  Nothing except...


  The reverberations of metal on glass caught my attention and the bustle of people obscured my view. I settled back down into my seat and the din faded. Markus stood at the head of the table, his arms wide to encompass us all.

  "Nox Bay!" He roared, rousing a cheer from the crowd. Men stood up to face him, raising their glasses in salute.

  The Pack Alpha's eyes raked over the crowd. He had that uncanny talent of making everyone feel like he was looking directly at him, and when his eyes met mine, I thought I saw a flicker of amusement there.

  "Wolves, dragons, shifters, and humans!" He cried, keeping his arms wide. "How large, and how wonderful our pack has grown, in such a short time. Our journey is not yet over, but I wanted to take tonight to honor the heroes of The Emerald Isles campaign, and to welcome formally the newest members of our family."

  The crowd settled down, all eyes on the alpha as he continued to speak. An arm laced around my shoulder and I leaned into its owner, Lionel.

  His warm, leathery scent mixed with the rest of the food and ambience of the evening was intoxicating. My mind didn't whir or race the way it normally did. I was at home. At peace.

  "As you all surely know by now," Markus continued, "there were once four Keys of Life in our world. They came in different forms, but they granted the bearers expertise and experience over one of the elements. Earth, fire, water, air. We here at Nox Bay had the fortune to possess the Eye of the Ocean, once upon a time. It provided us with bounty from the seas, good harvests, and fair rains. But," he glanced to his mate Felix, who stood at his side. "There were those who wanted to take it from us. Those who wanted that power for themselves."

  The hall grew silent now, everyone frozen as they listened for the rest of the story.

  "We lost the Eye of the Ocean in the events that followed, yes. But we gained something as well. I may be biased, but I daresay it's even more valuable, not only to me, but to the future of the pack as a whole. When we lost the Eye, I gained a mate, and one week ago today, he gave birth to a glowing baby boy. Our pack's heir."

  Cheers and whoops went up from the crowd. Everyone craned their neck to see. Felix hoisted the babe and held him against his chest. Large, curious eyes looked out upon the c
rowd. A wide, toothless mouth gaped and then stretched into a smile.

  "People of Nox Bay!" Markus gestured with that kind of glowing pride that only a new father could muster. "Meet Loki!"

  "Loki!" The crowd chanted in unison, their glasses and hands raising in salute.

  "And that's not all," Markus continued, drawing his mate and child closer to him. "For soon, we will have new children on the way from our newest pack members!"

  Lionel squeezed my hand and I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder. The amount of love and warmth in the air was staggering—so much unlike the life I'd come to know. But perhaps this new sort of life wasn't so bad. After all, with warm food, friendly people, and the most wonderful mate in the world, what else could I ask for?

  "But all is not well in the world of Nox Bay, I am afraid to say." The crowd grew hushed. "Though our pack grows in size, our resources dwindle. The Keys of Life snuff out one by one, their owners driven mad by power or greed. The world is entering a new age, and we all must be prepared."

  "What happened to the other Keys?" Someone piped up from the crowd. "You only spoke of the Eye."

  "Two others were lost in our attempts to search out and protect them. No one man or one clan should own that much power—that much we've learned over the last months of our trials. But we have lost both the fire element and the earth element in the process. The Heart of the Hearth and the Fist of the Mountain are no more."

  A rumble of unease. People shifted in their chairs. Lionel's hand tightened around my own.

  "But there is one Key remaining. The Key of Air still eludes us, and it is more imperative than ever that we find and protect it. If the final Key falls, these disturbances we've been feeling in the environment? In our own clansmen's shifts and abilities? I fear that they will get even worse."

  Silence fell over the crowd. I didn't know what to say. Lionel and I had been pulled into this at the height of some interclan war, and now the very fate of the elements was on the line?

  "Never a dull day in Nox Bay," Arric murmured from beside me.

  "We have brought in people from all over the world to help us in this quest. Over the past months you've met not only wolves, but dragons, foxes, griffins, and even a phoenix. And I'm proud to say that Nox Bay may be the first shifter pack to ever welcome a human into its ranks, as well. For too long shifters and humans have been at odds, terrified of one another and protective of their lands and their secrets. For good reason, of course, but in our recent mission to the Emerald Isles, the stray human that stumbled upon our pack became an indispensable resource. He saved our lives on the beaches of the Isles, and for that we owe him our gratitude. I'd like to extend a special thank you and welcome to our very own Dr. Lionel Dupree!"

  My mate froze beside me for a second, then stood. All around us, people clapped him on the back. Raised their mugs. Offered their thanks.

  My heart swelled with pride and I stood beside him, grabbing his hand and raising it to the sky with my own. And to think, I had sworn off humans as my bitter enemy only weeks ago.

  And now? I had one at my side, and I couldn't imagine it any other way.

  "To Nox Bay!" He bellowed, thrusting our arms higher.

  "To Nox Bay!" The crowd echoed, and the sounds of celebration carried through the night.

  The battle wasn't over, that much was for sure. But when I looked around at the smiling faces, the different breeds and species of shifters and humans around us, I knew that we could defeat anything that came our way.

  Perhaps we really were stronger together, after all.

  And as for the fourth and final Key of Life? We'd find it. We'd find out what happened at the Emerald Isles with the witch and her shifter-canceling powers. We'd restore balance to the land and finally live out our days in peace.

  And most of all...we'd have each other.

  Our family.

  Our pack.


  Thank you for reading, and come back soon for Sharing His Heart, the final book in the Nox Bay Pack Quartet!

  Keep reading now to find out how it all ends :)

  Sharing His Heart

  Nox Bay Pack Book 4

  Connor Crowe



  You’re needed in the library immediately. Come alone.

  I stared at the message in my hands, reading it over and over. I crumpled the paper and opened my mouth to ask a question.

  The mysterious messenger was already gone.

  Ever since joining the ranks of Nox Bay, there had never been a dull day. That much was for sure. But unlike my time in the Black Hands, here I felt wanted. Here I felt safe.

  So what was this mysterious summons for?

  I knew that some of the pack members had a sense of humor, (a sense of drama, if you asked me) but I’d never quite gotten the hang of it. I preferred things straightforward and practical, thank you very much.

  So obviously, not knowing what was going on had my mind running in circles.

  I peered at myself in the mirror hanging next to my bed, taking in the man I saw there. No longer the small, frightened omega I’d once been in the slavery of the Black Hands. No, pack life had been good to me. My skin had cleared up. Even my eyes looked brighter.

  How things had changed.

  I threw on my coat and strode toward the pack library, trying to keep the worrisome thoughts at bay. Especially in light of the recent mission to the Emerald Isles, everyone was on edge. The absence of three of the Keys of Life had thrown our magic and our shifts into disarray, and I wasn’t the only one feeling it.

  The pack leaders believed that the only way to stop it would be to find the final Key and protect it before it was too late. If all of them fell to ruin?

  I didn’t want to think about it.

  “You rang?” I stepped into the library to see three men looking up at me. “I came as soon as I got the message.”

  Lionel, the pack’s first human, gave me a smile and motioned for me to sit down. I stepped around the piles of paperwork and books to my seat, folding my hands and trying not to fidget.

  Just what was this about? And why was it so urgent?

  “Thanks for coming by, Tristan,” Markus said. “As you know, we’ve been doing research into the Keys of Life and what our next move might be. Dr. Lionel here has been quite the asset in our investigation, and he suggested we interview the various newcomers to the pack. It has grown quite a bit in number as of late, you know.”

  I nodded. “That it has. How’s baby Loki doing?” Markus and his mate, Felix, had just given birth to a baby boy not long ago. Rumor had it that Elliot’s little one would be here soon as well.

  The Pack Alpha’s face lit up at the mention of his son. “He’s doing wonderfully. A handful at times, but what infant isn’t?”

  The others grinned knowing smiles, nudging him in the side. I didn’t admit it, but something in my heart tugged at the mention of the child. I’d never wanted anything more than to have a child and a family of my own.

  Too bad the fates had never seen fit to bless me with a mate.

  Or a body that could bear children.

  “How is Felix doing? Adjusting to fatherhood?” I tried to change the subject, but the sick feeling remained in the pit of my stomach. Was it really my fate to watch everyone I knew and loved have children, but never have one to call my own?

  “He loves it,” Markus told me. “Of course, it’s a learning process for us all, but things are going pretty well. I’m lucky I have such a strong pack around me to help out.” He gave me a meaningful gaze at that, and I knew he was about to launch into the real reason he’d called me to the library.

  “You joined our pack at around the same time Felix did,” he continued. “You were one of the brave few that escaped the Black Hands during our raid. You’ve blossomed wonderfully here. You, Felix, and Elliot, all three. I know conditions weren’t great there, but I will be forever grateful that you gave us a chance to be your new family.”<
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  My heart warmed at that, and I almost forgot my longing for a moment. “Thank you,” I said, bowing my head. “I don’t know what I would have done if you and the others hadn’t shown up. It was no way to live.”

  Wasn’t that the truth.

  “Since you came from varying packs and villages before joining us, we were hoping you could provide some insight or intelligence into your homelands.” He leveled his gaze at me. “Specifically, anything that might help us find the final Key.”

  I frowned at the oncoming memories. I didn’t much like reliving that part of my life.

  “I know it’s hard to think about,” Markus said with a soft smile, “but any information you can give us could help us all. With the Keys out of alignment, our shifters have been having trouble. Some of them worse than others. You want our dear Hugo here to be able to control his shifts again, don’t you?” His eyes flashed as he nodded to the phoenix shifter at his side.

  I clenched my hands into fists. Damn, he was playing dirty today.

  “Yes,” I conceded at last. “I’ll tell you what I know. But it’s not much. I haven’t been back there in oh...” I ticked off some numbers on my fingers. “15...20 years? Feels like a lifetime.”

  “That’s all right,” Lionel said, his pen and paper at the ready. “We just thought that since you came from a herd of gryphon shifters, and the last Key is air-based, perhaps you’d know something about where to look.”


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