Book Read Free


Page 23

by Delaney Diamond

  “You have been back. And you never called,” he said in a heavy voice.

  “You never called me, Tyson,” she reminded him, her voice thick with unwanted sorrow. If he’d called just once, she would have hopped on a plane and met him anywhere he asked.

  “I know.” The burden of regret pressed his shoulders into a downward slope.

  Jackie drained her glass and set it on the metal table nearby. “It’s late. I should go.”

  He took her hand, and once again she was overwhelmed by his touch. Her fingers trembled and her body awakened with a need that defied reason.

  “I wasn’t ready. I’m not making excuses, I’m explaining.”

  “I don’t think I can do this.” Her voice shook.

  The night had been going so well, but the emotional turmoil he inflicted threatened to sully the minutes that remained. She wanted to escape. Needed to be free from him and the fantasy life she conjured every time she considered what could have been if they’d stayed in touch.

  Jackie tugged her hand, but Tyson’s grip tightened. “Three dates. That’s what you agreed to.”

  She swallowed hard and cast her gaze to the concrete floor at their feet.

  Tyson lifted her hand to his lips and slowly placed three kisses—one, two, three—across her knuckles. By the time the last kiss landed, her fingers had curled tight around his and a flare of yearning so deep consumed her that she almost begged him to screw her.

  He stepped closer, forcing her to look up into his dark eyes. His mouth temptingly near. His gray-speckled beard close enough for her to rub her cheek against. How was it possible to want him so much after all this time? Yet she couldn’t take the final step and reach out—pull him close and end the misery that had plagued her since he showed up at Bodacious that first night.

  “How long do you plan to stay here, Tyson?”

  “As long as it takes to win you over.”

  Jackie shook her head. “That’s not what we agreed to.”

  His lips flattened with disappointment, and then he said, “All right then. Two more dates, like we agreed. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “Two more,” Jackie agreed, wishing she were strong enough to say no…and simply walk away.


  Today’s date was a bit unorthodox, and Jackie had not known what to expect when Tyson called and told her to dress casually, they were going to do some exercising. With only her keys and a small change purse attached to the keychain containing her I.D., credit cards, and a little cash, she rounded the corner of her house and met Tyson in front of the driveway’s three-car garage. To her surprise, he had a new vehicle—a black Cadillac SUV with two bikes hitched to the back.

  “You changed cars,” she commented, walking slowly toward him.

  Of course he looked scrumptious in a set of blue joggers and a navy T-shirt. She wore red joggers and a white T-shirt.

  “The two-seater wasn’t practical in general, and definitely not for what I have planned today.”

  “And what do you have planned today?” She eyed the bicycles with dread.

  “You and I are going on a bike ride.”

  “Oh no, we’re not. Been there, done that. I learned my lesson. Remembering how to ride a bike is not as easy as everyone says.”

  “Come on, you can’t give up that easily. You’re telling me you can take all the lumps that come with opening and running a business, but you give up on something you want to do because you have one accident in the park? And by the way, I’m not even mad about you running over my son, otherwise you and I would not have reconnected.”

  “Be that as it may, I am in no way prepared to ride a bike in the park. What if I fall again?”

  “I’ll be right there with you. I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”

  He opened the passenger side door and gestured for her to get in.

  Jackie folded her arms over her chest. “You’re serious? You’re going to force me to get back on a bike?”

  “You fall down, you get up.”

  “I did get up and accepted that bicycle riding is not for me. I’m not getting back on a bike!”

  “I may not have been the best father, but I did teach two of my girls how to ride their bikes, and I’m pretty sure I can do the same for you. You have to trust me.”

  He waited with the door open, and Jackie hesitated. If she busted her ass in front of Tyson, she would be mortified.

  “I won’t let you fall,” he said again.

  He seemed so certain, she finally let out a dramatic sigh. “Fine. But if I do have another accident, you’re going to be sorry.”

  “Fair enough. Hop in.”

  They went to the park, the same park where she had knocked down Kendrick, and immediately her anxiety spiked. Nonetheless, she climbed out of the Cadillac and waited for Tyson to unlock the bikes from the back.

  She took one and glanced at its pristine condition. “Where did you get these?”

  The bikes were in good shape, the tires fully inflated, and the frames looked almost brand-new.

  “Rented them from a bike shop. You ready?”

  Her belly fluttered with unease. “No.”

  “You got this,” he said reassuringly, and gave her arm a squeeze of encouragement. Against her better judgment, Jackie took one of the helmets he handed her and followed behind him. They walked in silence to a section of the park that ended near some trees and was away from the general foot traffic.

  “We’re going to practice here,” Tyson announced, pushing down the kickstand on his bike.

  “I’m so nervous,” Jackie said, looking at him for reassurance.

  “I got you. Put on your helmet and hop on.”

  She did as he instructed and within seconds, was riding on the bike. Riding on a level surface was the easy part. The problem had arisen when there was an incline, but she followed Tyson’s instructions, riding around their little area, practicing how to brake slowly and suddenly, as she became more comfortable on this new bike.

  Tyson walked along beside her and made sure she remained steady and balanced. When she was completely comfortable, they both hopped on and went for a slow ride along the paved pathways. They eased past joggers and speed walkers, and Tyson rode behind her, keeping an eye on her progress.

  “Take it easy,” he coached, when she wobbled a little bit.

  Her fingers tightened around the handlebars and she tensed.

  “Relax,” he advised, pulling up beside her. “Take a couple of deep breaths.”

  She followed his instructions and finally relaxed, the two of them cruising along beside each other. She became so comfortable that when she saw people walking in front of her, she no longer semi-panicked. She simply rang the warning bell and most people scooted out of the way. For those who didn’t, she carefully went around them.

  “Want to try going a little faster?” Tyson asked.


  They increased their speed, and after a few minutes of tension, Jackie relaxed again. She was doing this. She was really doing this!

  “I can’t believe I’m riding this bike!” She let out a loud laugh and her gaze connected with Tyson. His grin said I told you so, and she couldn’t fault him.

  “You’re a good coach,” she said.

  “Could you say that a little louder? I might need to record that so I can hear you repeat it over and over again later.”

  “You’re a good coach. Satisfied?”


  When they approached the area where she had knocked into Kendrick, her stomach tightened a bit and her fingers clenched around the handle bars.

  “Remember what I told you. Relax, guard your brakes, and go as slow as you need to. I’m right behind you.”

  Jackie nodded her understanding, and they started down the incline. Her fingers closed on the lever, slowing the bike down. It wasn’t the smoothest slowdown, but at least she didn’t scream and careen into anyone like she did the first time. When they ended up on level
ground again, she let out a squeal of victory.

  “I did it!”

  Tyson pulled up beside her, his grin as broad as her own. “Yeah, you did. I knew you could.”

  Tyson pulled into the driveway of Jackie’s house and parked in front of the three-car garage. The exterior of the two-story Spanish-style home was a sunny golden color, bright like the woman who lived within its walls. One day he hoped to see the inside, but he knew better than to suggest any such thing right now.

  The day had gone better than expected. After riding for a bit, they went for lunch and then walked off the food on the beach. Jackie was a great conversationalist, and once she relaxed, he learned a lot about her. She’d opened up more than she had the other night at his house.

  She’d never been married, but had one failed engagement under her belt. Though he’d known she opened her first Bodacious store in her thirties, he had no idea her parents had tried to talk her out of the venture. But she’d seen a need in the market, believed in herself, and opened the store anyway. Very impressive.

  They walked slowly around the side of the house to her front door.

  “How did I do today?” Tyson asked.

  “Not bad,” she replied.

  Not exactly enthusiastic.

  They stopped outside her red door and Jackie twirled on the heel of one foot to face him. “Thank you for a lovely day. I enjoyed myself.”

  “Was that so hard?”

  “I can’t let you get a big head,” she said.

  “Me, a big head? Noooo.” He wrinkled his nose, and she cracked up.

  Having her laugh at his jokes all day, no matter how minor, had given his ego a major boost. There was no doubt in his mind that they would make a great couple, and no doubt the attraction he felt for her was reciprocated. But he was no fool. Jackie might be bold and daring in business, but she was definitely cautious, downright hesitant with him. He’d have to move slowly, though all day he’d been imagining her naked—or semi-naked in one of the sheer lace teddies he’d drooled over on her website—and contemplated all the things he would do to her once he got the chance.

  Tyson eased closer. “I know it’s only our second date, but I was hoping I could squeeze in a kiss this time. I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day. That’s a lie. I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I saw you at Bodacious that first night.”

  “I was with your son then.”

  “And I never wanted to fight that kid more in my life.”

  She smiled, her eye softening. “Still selling me something, Tyson?”

  “Myself, if you’ll have me.”

  She tilted her head to the side, eyes assessing him for the moment. “No, I don’t mind if you kiss me,” she whispered.

  Tyson reined in the fierce urge to grab her into his arms and attack her mouth. Instead, he cupped her cheek in his hand and lowered his lips to hers. He’d intended for it to be a soft peck, but the moment their mouths connected, his brain short-circuited. He heard Jackie’s sharp inhale, reflecting his own surprise at the charge of excitement that zipped through him.

  Slipping his arms around her body, he pulled her close—her soft breasts, belly, and thighs smashing against his harder frame. A throbbing ache manifested in his pelvis, and he groaned in frustration because he’d give anything to have this woman horizontal right this moment.

  The kiss continued, his mouth pressing harder into hers, the smacking sound filling the night air as they tasted each other. One of her arms slipped around his waist and ran up his back while the other caressed his neck and stroked his bald head. That simple touch spiked heat in his blood, and he prolonged the kiss, nipping at the corner of her mouth and licking the moist insides.

  When he finally released her and stepped back, they were both short of breath. Tyson licked his lips, reliving the flavor that he knew he would not forget for a very long time.

  “Well…ahem.” Jackie straightened her T-shirt, which his roving hands had pushed up and twisted in the heat of the moment.

  Tyson bit his bottom lip. Shaking his head, he said, “I think you better go inside before I forget I’m supposed to be patient.”

  She stood there for a few seconds longer, looking like she was about to say something to him—lips parted, eyes wide. Then she abruptly turned to the door and let herself inside. “Thanks again for a lovely day and for making sure I can now comfortably ride a bike.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  Jackie closed the door and he remained there for a while, chest constricted like a tight fist. Turning, he strolled around the house and climbed into the SUV. Regret was beating at him.

  More than ever, he believed she was his future. She was sexy, driven, and their chemistry was still off the charts.

  He had to convince her they belonged together.


  “I’m going to sleep with him.”

  Jackie’s announcement was met with an eye roll from Renee.

  “We already knew that, sweetie,” Adelaide said. She stood in front of the stove and held out her hand. “Give me that plate, would you?”

  Jackie handed over the dish, perturbed by the lack of confidence her friends had in her. It was Sunday afternoon and Adelaide was making omelets for their brunch meal. Jackie had brought large cinnamon rolls smothered in icing, and Renee had shown up with a fruit salad.

  “Don’t judge me.”

  “I’m not gonna say I told you so, but that didn’t take long.” Renee looked at her wrist, though she wasn’t wearing a watch, and if she was, it wouldn’t tell her how long Jackie had taken before she weakened.

  “I don’t want to give in, but he was so nice and so damn sexy during our daytime date. Grr.” Jackie covered her face.

  Renee patted her shoulder. “Happens to the best of us. Have you figured out which piece of lingerie you’re going to wear?”

  “I’m down to two options,” she answered. If these weren’t her best friends, she’d be embarrassed, but they already knew she had planned out her wardrobe of seduction. It was good to have people in her life who understood her. She had to decide between a black teddy or a red bustier. “Am I crazy?”

  Adelaide slid a mushroom, onion, and green pepper omelet onto the plate and handed it to Jackie. “Crazy, no. But I do hope you’re being careful, the same way you told me to be careful about Hector, remember? Do you know for sure that Tyson doesn’t have a woman back in Atlanta?” She led the way to the back patio.

  Jackie could only imagine what her friend went through after being married to someone for twenty-five years, having your life intertwined with that person, having children with them, living with them for all that time, and then having all of that severed with the stroke of a pen. She’d missed Tyson terribly and been a wreck after one week.

  “No, I don’t know for sure.”

  They sat at the table with their meals.

  “Tell us everything. How did the two dates go?” Adelaide asked.

  “Both times were wonderful.”

  She gave a quick synopsis of their activities and ended with the passionate kiss at the front door. She actually blushed from the memory of that encounter. Tyson had her all discombobulated.

  “Having him cook dinner for me was nice, and I learned a lot about him, but our second date was my favorite. We had fun, and now I feel comfortable on my bike.” She paused, and leaned toward her friends in earnest. “You know how some men find it hard to have a good conversation? Not him. He’s open and shares his thoughts and feelings. He let me know all about his past, how he married young after his girlfriend at the time got pregnant, because he thought it was the right thing to do. And his screwups. He admits he wasn’t the best father because he wasn’t present in the lives of his children once he and his wife divorced.”

  “You really like him. You’re glowing,” Adelaide said.

  “Am I?” Jackie touched her cheeks with both hands and laughed. “I haven’t felt like this about a man in a long time. Being with Tyson is exciting, but a
little bit scary.”

  “Because you’re afraid of getting hurt again?” Renee asked.

  “Yes.” Admitting that out loud put a damper on her excitement. “I guess I’ll just have to see how things go. He says he wants to be with me, but who knows what will happen down the line. Right now all we’ve shared is a couple of meals and a very hot kiss. I’ll see what happens on our third date.”

  “Which tie?”

  Tyson held up a navy tie and a red and navy tie against the powder-blue shirt he planned to wear on his date tonight with Jackie. Seated at the kitchen counter, Yvonne bent her head toward the screen to get a closer look. Her mahogany-brown skin was makeup free, and her short hair tucked neatly behind her ears.

  “The red and navy one. The color from the red is a nice touch.” She sat back.

  Her husband, Patrick, sauntered into the frame and placed a hand on her lower back. “Hey, baby,” he said.

  “Back so soon?” Tyson asked.

  “Yeah, I didn’t plan to stay long. I just wanted to see the riding lawnmower up close, and now I’m pretty sure that I’ll get it. What are you two talking about?”

  “Yvonne said I should go with this tie. What do you think?” One after the other, he held up the options again.

  Patrick shrugged. “I’m more inclined to go with the solid blue one, but maybe you should do what she says.”

  “He should absolutely do what I say, because I’m right.”

  Patrick chuckled. “And there you have it.”

  He disappeared from the screen, and Tyson heard him open the refrigerator.

  “Okay, I’ll go with the red and blue. I have a feeling she’s going to like this one better, like you said.” Tyson tossed aside the other tie and placed the other on the bed beside his jacket and matching pants and vest.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?” Yvonne rested her chin on her hand.

  “Dinner at a restaurant in Little Italy, and if she’s up to it, a walk along the beach later.”


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