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Page 25

by Delaney Diamond

  Jackie opened the front door but Tyson held back.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. He stood outside the door, their hands still entwined, but she was on the inside.

  “Jackie, you know I want this more than anything. But are you sure? I don’t want you to have any regrets, baby. I don’t want you to have any doubts about me, either.”

  Tilting her head at him, she smiled. “You really have changed, Tyson. Ten years ago, I don’t think you would have cared one way or the other about my feelings as long as you got what you wanted, and you would have expected—or at least hoped—that I wanted the same thing, too. But I don’t have any doubts about you, or about us. Let me tell you a secret. I have a thirty-day rule. I broke it for you ten years ago, and even though we didn’t end up together, I don’t regret it. So get in here before I change my mind.”

  Tyson flashed his megawatt smile. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  He pushed his way inside and, laughing, they ran up the stairs. At the door to her master suite, Jackie threw open the door with great ceremony and flourish.

  “So this is where the magic happens,” Tyson said, walking slowly across the rich beige carpet.

  “This is where the magic happens,” she confirmed.

  She tilted up her lips, bringing them ever so close to his without touching, allowing her breath to feather across his mouth in a whisper of good things to come. She palmed the front of his pants and felt his dick come to life.

  He backed her up to the bed and planted a kiss on her lips, his arms wrapping her in a tight embrace. She held him close, too, moving her mouth over his and enjoying the pressure of his lips. They transformed into a frenzy of kisses that consisted of mouths and hands and pelvic grinds.

  When he finally let her up for air, she stepped back and pressed a hand to her chest. “Excuse me for a moment. I’m going into the bathroom to slip into something more comfortable.”

  “Don’t take too long.” He bit his bottom lip, his gaze crawling down her body in slow motion.

  “I won’t.” Jackie slowly backed toward the bathroom. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  With one last saucy smile, she slipped into the room and closed the door.


  Jackie went into the bathroom, where she had already set aside her lingerie choice before leaving the house. She came out and stood in the doorway. The long hair of the wig hung over her right shoulder, and she bent her left knee in a sexy pose, extending a hand up the length of the doorframe.

  Tyson sat at the foot of the bed in his boxers, and when he saw her, his lips fell partially open. He looked like a man ready for action, his chest on display, all his smooth dark skin exposed to her hungry eyes.

  “Damn,” he said, sitting up straighter.

  “Like what you see?” Jackie knew she looked sexy in the red bustier and red panties, breaking up the color with black fishnet stockings and black heels.

  “Sure do.”

  She sashayed across the carpet with an exaggerated swing in her hips. His eyes remained glued to her body, his breathing coming in shorter spurts by the rapid rise and drop of his chest. She stopped in front of him, hands on her hips, and he licked his lips.

  Jackie turned in a slow semicircle and stopped to show him the back, giving an up-close view of her bare ass.

  Tyson groaned. “Baby, you look so good. Better than I remember.”

  Her skin warmed at the compliment. This man was so good for her ego.

  With a smirk, she tossed a look at him over her shoulder just as he rose to his full height of six five.

  “I’m not letting you tease me all night,” he said.

  “I never tease,” she returned with a lofty arch to her eyebrow.

  “This is a tease.” Tyson slid his hands down her waist and onto her exposed bottom. When he squeezed her fleshy behind, her brain shut down.

  He ran his nose along the curve of her neck and sucked her earlobe. “Gimme a kiss,” he commanded, and cupping her chin, tilted back her head against his shoulder and covered her mouth with his.

  The upside down kiss was hot and nasty. He swiped his tongue along her teeth and pushed until it touched hers, deepening their connection into moist, dirty movements. His free hand slid between her thighs, and when his fingers discovered the crotchless panties, he groaned and slipped two fingers into her wet cleft.

  Jackie inhaled sharply, shoving her hips against his probing hand to appease her dripping sex. His clever fingers teased the folds, alternating between massaging her plump lower lips and slipping inside to torture her to the very edge of climax.

  Needy and greedy, she let out a frustrated whine and twisted in Tyson’s arms. Face to face, she planned to take control, but he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her harder—continuing to violate her mouth with the rough swipe of his tongue. She could almost come from his kisses alone. Guiding her fingers over the shape of his bald head, she smoothed them down to his nape and over his shoulders to explore the firmness of his skin.

  Tyson brushed his mouth along her exposed shoulder, and the barely-there kiss made her insides tremble with anticipation. She wanted him so much but vacillated between a desire to continue this delectable foreplay or give in to the yearning and have him spread her legs and take her right away.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes,” Tyson said against her ear.

  “To think, I spent all that time deciding what to wear, only for you to remove my clothes within minutes.”

  He compelled her backward until the back of her legs hit the bed. “I appreciate the effort, but you could have been wearing a shower curtain and I would have the same response.”

  He unhooked the stocking straps, then standing close so his hard chest touched her breasts, reached behind her and took his time opening the closures at the back of the bustier—one by one until he dropped the red covering to the carpet. His possessive gaze traveled over the fullness of her large breasts, and she trembled a little, anxious for his touch and to experience the full measure of his lovemaking.

  “Sit, let me take off these stockings.”

  Jackie sat on the bed and lifted her left leg, and Tyson removed the high heel then took his time rolling the stocking down her leg, his fingers igniting sparks of electricity down to her ankles. After he flung it aside, he placed a kiss on the fleshy part of her calf, one on her knee, and the last on her inner thigh. He did the same to the other leg, taking his time and making her skin sing before he pushed her backward onto the bed and removed the lacy G-string.

  He kissed her sex and flicked her clit, and her skin cried out for more as she widened her legs. Tyson swirled his tongue around her clit and skimmed her bare lower lips, sending a surge of pleasure arching up her spine. He teased her inner thighs, taking his time to go down to her ankles and moved back up, nipping the tender skin with the edges of his teeth and nibbling on the crease of her hips. Stroking his bald head, she urged him to continue with encouraging moans and by arching her back.

  He obliged, tormenting the tips of her breasts with his tongue and running his hand all over her naked body. He had complete control, turning her into nothing more than a quivering, needy mess of heightened nerves and aching loins.

  One hand trailed over her breasts, sliding down the rounded curve of her belly to the flare of her hips and settled on her sex, which dripped with lust and desire.

  “Tyson,” she moaned.

  “Right here with you, baby.”

  His lips brushed her belly and his tongue slipped into her navel. Moving restlessly, she savored every touch, each caress that he sprinkled all over her skin making her dizzy with pleasure.

  His teasing fingers crept up around her throat and tilted back her head, and she sighed with abandon. It felt so good to be free and uninhibited with a man who knew what he was doing. And everything Tyson did felt good. Every touch. Every kiss. Every movement made her crave more.

  She ran her hands up his torso over skin that was firm yet soft
, and she spread her fingers to engage as much of his flesh as possible. “You’re next,” she said, pushing at his boxers.

  He slipped off the bed and shoved them completely down his thick thighs and exposed the fullness of his arousal. Her eyes went wide. Thick, dark, and long, his hardened flesh stood up against his hard abs in a lusty salute.

  “See something you like?” he asked with a cocky grin.

  “I do,” Jackie replied, sounding breathless. “I remembered you were big, but I forgot you were this big.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re afraid. You handled it last time. ”

  “Oh, I can handle it this time, too.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.”

  He grabbed the condoms from his pants and tossed them onto the bedside table. Capturing her mouth again, he plied her lips with deep, languid kisses while they moved backward toward the pillows. Jackie gripped his ass and sank in her fingernails. She rubbed her aching sex against his erection, and when he released her mouth, she whimpered as his teeth played with her erect nipples.

  “Tyson, I…” Need beat like a hammer in her blood. She couldn’t get the sentence out, but they were so in tune he still understood.

  “I hear you, baby.” He breathed the words in a rough whisper against her shoulder.

  With fluid movements, he took one of the packets from the table and sheathed his immense length. Gazing down at her, he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Look at you. So damn beautiful.”

  Nostrils flaring, he took possession of her—hard into soft, firm into wet. She cried out, the sound torn from her lungs as excruciating pleasure sank its claws into her body. Tyson buried himself deep, his hard, penetrating thrusts making her blurt incoherent words like a worshiper speaking in tongues. Pumping her hips, she clung to him and clawed his back, the throbbing deep inside of her reaching a crescendo and creating an explosion so intense she screamed as her entire body quaked through the climax.

  With labored breathing, Jackie closed her eyes and felt the tension ooze from her satisfied body. That was the best orgasm she’d had in a long time. Maybe ten years. If she could freeze this moment in time, this feeling, she would, and keep it close to her heart for good.

  Tyson eased away and fell onto his back.

  “You didn’t come.” Jackie rolled onto her side. He was still fully erect.

  “I will in a minute, when you get on top of me. You know I like to watch you.”

  “You’ll have to wait. I don’t have the energy I had ten years ago.”

  “I’ll wait.”

  “Well…I don’t want you to wait too long.” She smoothed a hand down his chest and clasped his dick in her hand.

  He flinched as if she’d hurt him. “How long is not too long?” he squeaked.

  “Right this minute.”

  Jackie took the top position and guided Tyson between her legs and sank onto his silken length.

  “Like this?” she asked coyly, moving her hips.

  “You know damn well—”

  His words broke off when she moved in a circle. She took her fill the way she wanted—slow, sliding repeatedly up and down and alternating by rolling her hips over his pelvis.

  Holding onto her waist, he cursed softly as he watched her, eyes mere slits, nostrils widening with each deep breath as he fought for control. Watching him struggle made her want to drive him crazy even more. Hands on his sternum, she let herself go, biting her bottom lip as she indulged. His hip movements intensified and the raw power of each thrust filled her body. The way he moved underneath her was both heaven and hell—a tortuous blending of sensations that left her dizzy with agonizing desire.

  Her hair fell forward and shrouded her face, and Tyson caressed her breasts. He squeezed her nipples, each tweak of his thumb and finger sending a pulse of heat right between her legs.

  His movements increased with speed and force and she struggled to keep the pace. “Tyson…”

  He flipped her onto her back and took control—pumping his hips, bringing them both closer to climax.

  “How the hell did I let you go before?” he growled in a ferocious whisper.

  Those were the last words he uttered before she came, another loud cry tearing from her throat as she soared to unimaginable heights. Tyson didn’t let up until he came, too, and with a loud shout careened off the edge right along with her.


  Tyson woke up slowly. Rubbing a hand over his bald head, he blinked against the light coming through the windows before registering that Jackie stood in the doorway.

  His breath caught. Like the night before, she looked incredible, but in a different way. The wig was gone, and her short curls were on display, red and vivid against her brown skin. A short-sleeved, button-down sleep shirt with vertical lines showed off her legs, and in her hand was a cup of coffee, its caramelized scent enticing him from across the room.

  “Good morning,” she greeted him.

  “Morning. How long have you been standing there?” Yawning, he sat up.

  “Not long.” Jackie walked over and handed him the cup.

  “Thank you.” Steam filtered into the air, and Tyson carefully took a sip, his gaze traveling over her voluptuous figure as the memories from the night before came back with a vengeance. She had been uninhibited in their lovemaking, and her cries of passion still echoed in his head.

  “What are your plans for the day?” she asked.

  “Whatever you’re doing, I’m doing.” Tyson set the cup on the table nearby. He swung his legs off the side of the bed and, resting his hands on her hips, pulled her between his legs.

  Placing both hands on his shoulders, she said, “I have to work. Around noon I’m going to one of my smaller stores. You want to come with me and help stock merchandise and change out the displays?” A teasing glint filled her eyes.

  “No, ma’am. I’ll make myself scarce for a bit and head home. I have to call my granddaughter later and wish her a happy birthday.”

  “You have a granddaughter?”

  “And a grandson. My oldest, Carina, is their mother. Hold on, I got a ton of pictures.”

  As he hopped off the bed, Jackie sat down. He pulled on his boxers and pulled his phone from the jacket he’d worn on last night’s date. Taking a seat beside Jackie, he opened the album with photos of his grandchildren and handed her the phone.

  “That’s Bethany, named after her paternal great-grandmother, who raised Carina’s husband. Jackson was named after my father. We call him Jack for short.”

  “They’re adorable,” Jackie murmured, swiping through the photos. She laughed at a picture of the kids taking a sudsy bubble bath together when they were toddlers, and ahhed at Bethany’s kindergarten graduation photo.

  He smiled at a photo he took with the kids, one on each knee, sitting on a balcony. “Took that one last year when I took Carina and her family to Hawaii. We rented a villa on the beach for two weeks. My youngest daughter, Niecy, flew in for a week to hang out with us. We all had a great time. Several times during the trip, I watched the kids so Carina and her husband could spend time alone sightseeing. We went to the beach, ate ice cream, watched the movies they wanted to watch. I swear I know every animated Disney movie now. Those kids know how to work me over. They’re spoiled rotten, let me tell you.”

  “That’s the way it should be.”

  “Yeah. I’m just glad I’m able to spoil them in a way I couldn’t spoil my kids. And, at least my girls don’t hate me.”

  “Are you saying that Kendrick does?”

  “‘Hate’ might be a strong word, and he’s definitely changed his attitude toward me since I’ve been here. The other day we went to the beach, and he taught me how to surf. I fell off the board so many times, I’m surprised he didn’t give up. He stuck with me, though.” Tyson chuckled, shaking his head at the memories.

  Jackie’s eyes widened. “Are you crazy? I can’t believe you got on a surfboard!”

  “Sure did. Hell, I liked
it, too. It really wasn’t that bad once I got over the fear of falling. I’m thinking about taking a class so I’ll get better. I figure it’ll be a nice hobby to take up once I move here.” He kept his eyes on her to see her reaction.

  Jackie blinked. “Oh. You’re thinking of moving here?”

  “I am.” Tyson looked into her eyes so she understood the gravity of his words. “You are here.”


  “Jackie, you know how I feel about you. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you ten years ago, but instead of following my heart, I chased success and wanted to experience everything I’d missed out on as a young husband and father. The older, wiser Tyson knows that he can’t let you go. I told you, I’m taking a chance and fixing my mistakes.”

  “We’ve only been on a few dates.”

  He took her hand and leaned closer. “Tell me something, did you really forget about me like you said you did? Or did I make a deep impression on you the way you did me?”

  Jackie paused, then nodded her head, admitting in a low voice, “You made a deep impression on me. It took a long time for me to get over our time together.”

  He breathed easier. “You don’t have to make me any promises. I just want to be nearer to you so I can woo you.” He smiled.

  “I don’t want to talk you out of moving here, but I don’t want to make any promises, either.” Jackie seemed to choose the next words carefully. “There’s a lot going on in my life, plans I’m making, and if you move here, I’m not sure how…how you’ll fit into my life once those plans are implemented.”

  “Business plans?”


  The cryptic answer intrigued him. “Can you tell me what those plans are?” Tyson asked, ready to convince her that he was willing to do whatever was necessary so she would allow him space in her life.

  “Not yet, but it’s definitely something we should talk about. At some point,” she added hastily.


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