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Seasoned Page 26

by Delaney Diamond

  He pondered her words, wondering what she could possibly be planning that would have her hesitant to share with him right now. “You can tell me anything, but I’ll let you tell me about these mystery plans when you’re comfortable. Until then, know that I’m in this for the long haul. No games. No running away this time.”

  “Good to know.”

  Her lovely brown eyes met his, and she squeezed his hand, squashing the surge of anxiety he felt when she initially mentioned plans. If she still had doubts about him, he needed to continue putting in the work to convince her to trust him completely, and he was up for the task. He needed to make some phone calls and get the ball rolling on his transition to the west coast. He’d need to sell or rent his condo and ship more of his clothing and belongings to San Diego since he’d be here longer than expected. For now, he’d keep his plans under wraps.

  “How about breakfast? My housekeeper will be here soon, and you can put in a special order for whatever you’d like.”

  “How soon will she be here?” Tyson asked.

  Jackie glanced at the bedside table. “In about thirty-five minutes.”

  “Hmm, that gives us thirty minutes to fool around, with five minutes to spare.” His lips found the side of her neck and she moaned, turning her head and kissing the corner of his mouth.

  She smelled earthy and sweet like the goddess she was. He sucked gently on her fragrant skin and flicked the tip of his tongue against her clavicle.

  “I like the way you think,” she whispered.

  Tyson rubbed a hand over his face and smothered a yawn. “Why are you up so early? It’s Sunday,” he grumbled.

  The past week passed in a blur of dates, snuggling on the couch, and rushing from the house early in the morning to get to work since more often than not, they dallied over coffee because she didn’t want to say goodbye and leave for the day—having to wait until nighttime before she saw him again. Jackie had gotten accustomed to the mad dash out the door, then making a quick stop at the Starbucks drive-thru for an egg sandwich and more coffee before she headed to work.

  “I’ve always been an early riser, never needed an alarm clock. And since I always go into work early, I keep the same schedule even on the weekend.” Jackie shrugged.

  He watched her slip on a pair of red boy shorts with lace edging and a white stretchy top with a big red heart on the front.

  “I’m going to have to break you from this habit. Maybe give you a reason to stay in bed longer.” His narrowed eyes and his softly smirking mouth promised more pleasurable moments like last night.

  “Look at you. We’ve only been together a short while and already you’re trying to change me.”

  “Usually it’s the woman in a relationship who tries to make the changes, isn’t it? We’re doing this all wrong.” He yawned again.

  Jackie gave him an indulgent smile. “How about some breakfast?”

  “Breakfast would be nice.” He folded both arms behind his head.

  “Coming right up, but don’t get too used to this. I’m only cooking because my housekeeper has the day off. I don’t make breakfast often—or cook in general. Too much work.”

  “You just need someone to make it worth your while, that’s all.”

  “Just appreciate what I’m doing, okay?” she said tartly.

  “I promise to appreciate everything you offer me,” Tyson said, licking his lips.

  “Your mind stays in the gutter.” She shook her head, tossing over her shoulder on the way out the door, “When I get back I have something for you.”

  “I can’t wait!”

  Laughing softly to herself, Jackie went downstairs and prepared a quick meal of scrambled eggs, ham, toast, and coffee. She took the tickets she’d printed the day before off the printer and set them on the tray with the food.

  Back in the bedroom, she found Tyson strolling out of the bathroom in a pair of navy boxer shorts. He was a beautiful man who took time to exercise regularly, and it showed. He had long, toned legs, a smooth firm chest, plus a high-wattage smile that never failed to make her heart thud faster.

  He rubbed his hands together. “Right on time.”

  “Follow me.”

  She led the way out to the balcony, afforded privacy by the cluster of trees that bordered the edge of her property.

  “This looks good. Thanks, baby.” Tyson gave her a quick kiss, and she tasted the peppermint from the toothpaste.

  “You’re welcome.” Jackie sat down and waited for him to notice the tickets.

  He sat across from her. “What’s this?” He picked up the printed pages and his eyes widened. “You got Charlie Wilson tickets?”


  “Hot damn! I haven’t seen him perform in years, but he always puts on a good show.” He kept staring at the printout.

  “My sister planned to go, but she had to cancel so I bought her tickets and thought you and I could go instead. I figured since you’re such a big fan, you wouldn’t mind. They’re great seats, near the front row. Do you have plans on Saturday?”

  “Let’s see…” He frowned, thinking. “Actually, Kendrick and I were going out, but we can move that to another night. Charlie Wilson, baby. I can’t wait!” He hopped up, clutched her face, and gave her another loud smack on the lips. “I love my surprise.” He whispered the words against her mouth and then sat down.

  With warm cheeks and fullness in her chest, Jackie bit into a piece of buttered toast. His enthusiasm was addictive, and being with him was so easy. Their relationship was loving, fun, and she looked forward to his calls and every moment they spent together.

  Tyson reached across the small table and took her hand. He brought her fingers to his lips and looked in her eyes. “This sounds corny as hell, but I was thinking about our relationship this time around, how much deeper it is than when we first met. Even though I was crazy about you ten years ago, what I feel for you now is different. I literally can’t imagine my life without you. When we met before, the timing was wrong. This time, everything feels right, you know? I want to move here and spend the rest of my life with you, like this. Having breakfast, traveling together, going to concerts, making love until my eyes roll back in my head.” He grinned, but his eyes remained serious as they searched hers. “Do you feel even a little bit of what I feel?”

  Jackie nodded. She hadn’t expected the second iteration of their togetherness to be so enjoyable. She’d expected something temporary, fleeting. Yet every time she saw him, all she thought about was…forever.

  “I do. I want to be with you, Tyson.”

  “Then we’re on the same page.”

  Except for one detail. Her adoption plans. She thought about telling him, but if she wasn’t approved, it wouldn’t matter. So she set aside the conversation for now, one they could have at a later date.

  “We’re definitely on the same page,” she agreed.


  That smile made her day. The smile of a woman who found a clothing item that fit.

  “I love it,” the customer said, flipping her dark hair over one shoulder and turning to the left to get a better look at the side view in a hot pink corset.

  “You look amazing. Pink is definitely your color,” Jackie said. She stepped back to survey the fit with the black leather pants the woman had brought in. The ensemble screamed sexy night-on-the-town.

  The woman continued to study her image in the mirror. “Do you have any babydoll nighties in the same color?”

  “Not in the store, but we can order one for you. Let me show you our selection.”

  She took the woman over to one of the racks, and they spent a few minutes discussing the different styles. Eventually, she settled on a see-through mesh design with the matching underwear that could arrive in the store in a week. Jackie took the order, rang up both purchases, and sent her out the door with a smile.

  Cindy came behind the counter, wearing a sea-green pantsuit and her red Afro in two big puffs today. “You headed to lunch now?�

  “Yes. I might be a little late coming back. I have to stop by the bank for a bit. I’ll see you later.”

  “I’ve got it. Take your time.”

  As Jackie left the store, she pulled out her phone and saw a missed call from her adoption case worker, and he’d left a voice message. Her heart sped up. What could this be about? Surely it was good news, right? Yet she was afraid to call and find out.

  “Just check the message, Jackie,” she said out loud, smiling at a man who gave her an odd look as she walked by.

  She was about to do just that when she spotted Kendrick walking toward her. He was dressed casually in a navy-blue Biggie Smalls T-shirt and jeans, his thick hair picked out into an almost perfect circle of curls around his head.

  “Kendrick. Hi,” she said cautiously.

  “Hey beautiful, how are you?” he replied.

  Interesting word choice.

  Jackie stopped but maintained what she considered a safe distance because something about him was off. “I’m well. How about you?” She watched him closely. His eyes were red, as if he hadn’t been getting enough sleep.

  He shrugged and started walking again, so she followed suit.

  “I’m living. I was on my way to your store to see if you wanted to have lunch with me.”


  He laughed. “Yeah, lunch. You know, the meal people eat around this time of day. The one in between breakfast and dinner.”

  “Sorry about that. I’m just surprised to see you. We haven’t talked in a long time, and…”

  “And you’re dating my father.”

  Jackie cringed. She couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed.

  “How are things going with you two?” Kendrick asked.

  “Fine.” Her footsteps slowed to a stop at her silver BMW.

  “Your relationship should be better than fine, and that answer makes me think that I was right to come here today. I’ve been thinking a lot about us, and I believe I gave up too easily.”

  Whoa. Jackie’s eyes widened. “Kendrick, before you—”

  He grasped her arms and stepped into her personal space. Eyes earnest and intense, he said, “I still have feelings for you, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win you over.”

  Caught off guard by the scent of liquor that infused his breath, Jackie leaned away from him. Coupled with his red eyes, it was obvious he’d been drinking quite a bit even though his words didn’t slur as he spoke.

  She eased out of the grip of his long fingers. “Kendrick, I’m very flattered, but our time has passed. Your father and I are together now, so your being here is a bit awkward.” Her shoulders tensed as she braced for his response.

  “So what, he just swooped in and won you over, just like that?” He snapped his fingers.

  “I knew him before,” Jackie said gently. She didn’t want to hurt him, but he needed to understand that the feelings she had for Tyson started long before this summer.

  “So that’s it? I get nothing?”

  “Honey, I don’t know what you mean. Aren’t you and your father working on your relationship?”

  “Yeah, sure. We’re working on our relationship,” he said, the bite of sarcasm deep in his words.

  “I thought you were getting along.”

  “He and I had plans tonight, but he canceled. And he told me he canceled because he made plans with you. Am I right?” He challenged her with his eyes.

  Jackie pressed a hand to her chest. “I’m sorry. That’s my fault. I surprised him with tickets to a concert, not thinking much about the fact that he would have other plans. I should have—”

  “No. He should have told you he couldn’t make it and had other plans. Of course he’d choose you over me. Everybody comes before me.” He laughed bitterly, the hand at his right side clenching into a fist. “You know what, forget it. Forget you. Forget him, especially. I’m out of here.”

  Jackie grabbed his wrist before he could turn away. “Don’t leave. Let me take you home. You’ve obviously been drinking and are in no condition to drive.”

  He glared at her. “Don’t treat me like a child. I’m a man.”

  “A man who I cannot let drive,” Jackie shot back in a hard voice.

  Her fingers tightened on his wrist. She didn’t know how, but she would keep him from getting into his vehicle in his condition.

  The fire in Kendrick’s eyes died, and with a defeated sigh, he slumped against the door of her BMW. All the fight had drained out of him. “Fine,” he muttered.

  Relieved, Jackie unlocked the doors and they both climbed into the car. He closed his eyes and rested the back of his head against the seat.

  Before she pulled out of the parking lot, she shot Tyson a text, letting him know she was with Kendrick and taking him home because he’d obviously been drinking. He responded quickly that he would meet them at the apartment, and she started the car.

  When she pulled into the parking lot of Kendrick’s apartment, Tyson was already waiting and jumped out of the Cadillac SUV. He looked good in a pale rose-colored shirt with the top buttons undone and a gold rope necklace glinting against his dark brown skin. Concern marred his forehead as he watched her and Kendrick climb out of the car.

  “Thank you,” he said, keeping his eyes on his son.

  Kendrick slowly walked past him, hands hooked in the belt loops of his jeans. He didn’t even acknowledge his father.

  Jackie touched Tyson’s arm and captured his attention. She quickly told him what Kendrick had said to her about their plans and that he felt everyone else came before he did in Tyson’s life.

  With a grim nod, Tyson said, “Thanks.” He leaned toward her, as if to give her a quick kiss, and then thinking better of it, shook his head. “I gotta talk to him. I’m sorry about tonight, but I’ll call you later or tomorrow—as soon as I can.”

  “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” Jackie climbed in her car and drove away.

  Tyson jogged to the building and caught up to Kendrick at the elevator. They rode to his floor in silence and entered his apartment in silence.

  “Say what you have to say and then go.” Kendrick tossed his keys onto a side table and plopped onto the sofa. Not once did he look at his father.

  Tyson sauntered over. “I don’t have anything to say, but I’m sure you do.”

  His son snorted. “I went after your woman. I know you have something to say.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk.”

  He sat on the coffee table, directly in front of Kendrick. Kendrick finally looked at him, but his eyes remained expressionless. Tyson shoved down his dismay at the emotional distance between them. If anyone had to fix this rift, it was him, and he couldn’t do that focused on self-pity.

  “You weren’t going after my woman. You were trying to get my attention, and now you have it. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  “I don’t have shit to say to you.”

  “You don’t want to tell me how disappointed you are in me? Tell me that the shit I do is not what a real father does?”

  “You’ve heard all of that before,” Kendrick said, with a bitter twist to his upper lip.

  “Yes, I have,” Tyson said, pain piling up from the bottom of his stomach. “I thought we were getting closer. I thought…” His teeth clenched in frustration. He didn’t know what else to do. He couldn’t be wasting his time, could he? “I’m sorry about tonight. I do want to spend time with you. I love you.”

  Kendrick’s gaze flew to his. “You don’t.”

  “I do. Whether you believe it or not. I didn’t do a good job of showing you when you were growing up, but I do love you. I didn’t cancel our plans tonight because I don’t care. I wasn’t thinking, but I promise to do better.”

  “It’s not just tonight’s plans. I’m surprised you came to San Diego because you never seemed to want to spend time with me before. You took Carina and her family on vacation last year, but you didn’t ask if I wanted to come.”

“I didn’t think you would. I figured—”

  “You got all this money now and you don’t do anything for me. Three years ago you bought Niecy a car for her birthday, but Patrick and Mom pay for everything for me. You gave up all your responsibility to me, and I’m your only son.”

  “You said you didn’t want my help.”

  “You’re supposed to still try!” Kendrick bellowed. “I don’t get emotional or financial support from you.” He slammed his fist into his palm.

  The silence in the room sounded extra quiet after his outburst.

  Maybe Yvonne was right again. He should have told Kendrick how he contributed to his lifestyle, because clearly his son had secretly been holding what he considered Tyson’s lack of financial support against him.

  With a boulder of dread in his stomach, Tyson said the words he’d been afraid to say before, for fear of further alienating his son. “I covered your car payment three times since you’ve been out here, and the down payment for the car that you thought came from your mom came from me.”

  Kendrick’s frown deepened and surprise lit his eyes.

  “When you went part-time, I started subsidizing your rent.”

  “Mom and Patrick—”

  “Your mom and Patrick promised to keep quiet about what I was doing. I asked them not to say anything and told them I would take care of whatever you needed.”

  “Why would you do that when you know I barely wanted to talk to you?”

  “You’re my son, Kendrick.”

  He swallowed and surveyed the room. “You really been helping me with my rent and…and the other stuff?”

  Tyson nodded. “I had to do something—even if you didn’t know—to make up for all the times I screwed up. For missing your basketball tryouts, for instance.”

  “You didn’t miss anything. I sucked,” he mumbled.

  “That’s not the point. I should’ve been here,” Tyson said, resting his elbows on his knees. “I should’ve been there when you auditioned for the commercials and shouldn’t have been late those two times your mother asked me to pick you up from your friend’s house.”


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