Gorgeous Gyno

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Gorgeous Gyno Page 29

by Karen Deen

  “Now you can make memories of dancing with your old man.” Milton laughs at himself as he smiles. “I haven’t danced with anyone since your mother passed away. It’s about time I get my feet moving again. What do you say, princess, you happy to have your toes stepped on by your dad?” We’re all laughing and talking as we leave the bar.

  Gray is walking with his arm around me, having me tightly tucked into his side.

  “You tried to tell me your date wasn’t as big as mine. You were right, little one. This is so much bigger. I can’t even tell you how much today means to me.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head and then goes silent again. Looking up at him, the look on his face tells me there’s a lot going on in his head today.

  When the instructors ask how much experience we have, I happily put my hand up.

  “Zero, and I was born with two left feet. So good luck with me, Gray.”

  “Not sure I’ll be much better, baby. We can crash land together, okay?”

  Milton explains he can dance but hasn’t for a long time and wants to take it slow, so Bella gets the basics. Slow sounds like a great plan to me.

  We’ve been dancing for about an hour, laughing, stumbling, looking ridiculous but having the best time together. Being the end of the class, each couple performs a dance for the other couple to watch. Milton and Bella are amazing and make it look so easy.

  They dance to the fast-paced Elvis song Follow that Dream. It was just a perfect moment for them both.

  Applauding their great display, it’s time for Grayson and me to take the floor.

  “My baby likes things nice and slow, so it will give us a chance to get this right.”

  Milton slaps him on the shoulder and smiles. “You’ve got this, son. Just feel the music.”

  “Don’t help him, Dad. Let me at least be better at something in my life.” Bella laughs from the side of the dance floor.

  We stand in the middle of the room, and as the music starts, I know I’m done for. Love me Tender plays through the music and Gray looks down and smiles. I have a feeling I have been set up. As we start to move slowly around the floor, in our own little world, Grayson sings me every word with such love in his eyes. The feeling of longing that is coming with every word has me floating on air.

  Forgetting there are others in the room when the music stops, Gray’s hand slides up my neck and into my hair. Tilting my head to place his lips on mine. Slow and sensually his mouth moves in sync with mine. The kind of kiss that makes you weak at the knees, takes away all rational thought, and releases the butterflies in your stomach. The kind that lets you know deep into your soul that you have found your other half. The person who will own your heart until the day you die.

  As he slowly releases me and looks deep into my soul, he voices the only words that I need to hear.

  “Love you, Matilda, and I always will.” We stand together for a few moments just savoring the moment until there is the faint sniffle from the side of us. It’s enough to bring us back out of our love bubble.

  Bella is tucked in her dad’s arms crying a few tears at us.

  “That was so beautiful, one day I hope I can find what you two have. Now can you stop making me cry today?” She pulls herself together and the seriousness of the moment is broken.

  “I know you two are ditching us now, so Dad, can I take you to dinner?”

  Milton smiles down at her. “No, but it would give me great pleasure to take my daughter and beautiful dance partner to dinner. Plus, we need to celebrate, we totally whooped their asses on that dance floor.”

  There’s a lot of contention on who are the better dancers as we all hug and say our goodbyes. Today has been a lot more emotion than I ever expected. It makes me glad that the last part of my date is quiet and will end the day perfectly.

  “You have me to yourself again, so what do you plan to do with me?” Gray stands on the sidewalk waiting for his next instructions.

  “We need a cab, kind sir. I’m taking you home.”

  His hand shoots into the air.

  “Taxi!” he yells looking straight at me. “Best thing I’ve heard all day. Be prepared, Tilly, I’m ready to completely devour you.” Kissing me on the forehead, he’s concentrating on getting us a taxi as fast as he can.

  “I need to feed you first, big boy. I’m thinking you may be using a lot of energy later.”

  “You will be feeding me, that I can guarantee. The food part can come later.” I feel the heat of my cheeks blushing.

  Sliding into the taxi, Grays’s hand is already running up and down my leg. Each time getting slightly higher. I think it’s lucky for the taxi driver that Gray’s apartment is not far from here. Otherwise he may be getting more than he bargained for from his passengers.

  The ride in the elevator tells me the rest of this date may not go exactly as I had planned but I’m totally okay with that. I’m trying not to laugh at Grayson who is standing with his back against the elevator wall. Hands clenched tightly together. He hasn’t touched me since we entered this small confined space. He knows if he does then he won’t be stopping.

  The walk to his front door is fast and direct.

  No words.

  Door open, and I’m directed straight in. He closes it behind me, and the lock is engaged. He is making sure there are no interruptions this time from unannounced visitors.

  I stand looking across the room towards the large glass floor-to-ceiling windows. The sun is almost set, and the lights of the city are already twinkling. Before us on the floor, is a cozy setting I arranged for Arabella to lay out. Pillows, twinkling tea lights, fruit platter, wine chilling in the cooler along with the antipasto platter.

  I feel Gray behind me, his fingers delicately pulling my hair to the side of my neck. His hand slides from my shoulder down my front and rests on top of my breast, delicately squeezing. He must be using all his restraint to go so slowly. My breath is quickening as he then starts to lick and kiss my exposed neck. His free hand is now moving across my stomach and pulling me hard back against him.

  A light moan escapes my mouth as I feel his hard cock pressing into me.

  “Oh baby, tell me I don’t need to wait. I need to fuck you so badly. You have been driving me wild since you stepped out of that race car. Suit unzipped and your tight tank top underneath. So fucking hot!” His hands are now roaming my body and I just want him to take the ache away.

  Words aren’t coming easily between the moaning. My body is rocking into his hands as they press and stroke the places that take away my clear brain.

  “Let me fuck you, then feed you, then fuck you again. Tonight, I don’t want to stop.”

  “Gray!” I cry out as he takes over my body. I willingly give him my all.

  “I’m going to strip you bare and bend you over this couch, Tilly. Then every time I walk through the door, I will picture you here waiting, with your fucking sexy ass and pussy on show just for me.” I don’t want to stop him. When he talks like this it makes me so wet and my body is on high alert.

  “Enough talking. Do it.” I’m getting impatient now, he has me begging for it.

  “You want me, baby? Tell me you want me.”

  “Fuck me, Grayson, please!” I gasp as his hand slips under my shirt and I feel skin on skin. “I want you so bad. You’ve made sure of that.”

  Both his hands take my shirt and drag it up my body, throwing it to the ground then quickly unclasping my bra. My pants are down around my ankles and I’m kicking them to the side as Gray drops to his knees behind me. Using his teeth, he is pulling my lace panties down for me to step out of.

  “Legs apart, baby, and lean your body forward. I’m suddenly very hungry.” I’m already quivering as his tongue starts its way up the inside of my leg. His hands on either ass cheek, he spreads me as his tongue swipes right through my pussy.

  I let out a loud cry as he sucks hard on my clitoris with no warning. I’m so close to my peak that I know I don’t have long until I let go.

  “Oh, oh…oh god…oh my fucking god.” I’m racing to an orgasm that I know is going to rip me to my core. Without waiting, he stands and pounds into me from behind. Burying himself as far into me as he can. He completely fills me with immense pleasure. Pulling out and pounding into me while his fingers grip my hips so tightly. My nipples are grazing on the leather couch as he pushes me hard.

  Just as I’m about to explode Gray grabs my hair and pulls my head up to look at him.

  “So perfect, you are so fucking perfect.”

  The pain and pleasure simultaneously have me screaming out as my orgasm hits like a rush of ecstasy.

  “Grayson.” I’m pleading for him to make me come again as he continues to slide into me over and over with such feeling, until finally, he thrusts and groans as we both explode together. Slumping forward for the couch to hold us both up, I’m breathless, sweaty, and in heaven.

  Catching our breath only lasts a few seconds as Grayson stands, pulling me up and scooping me into his arms. He walks and places me in the pile of pillows on the floor. Grabbing a blanket off the arm of the couch so I don’t get cold, his eyes never leave mine. He strips the rest of his clothes off and kneels down next to me with his face above me.

  “I’m keeping you, Matilda Henderson. There is no way I can let you go. One day when you’re ready, I’m going to ask you to marry me and we will live happily ever after. I can’t promise to wait long, but for now I’ll go slow like you asked.” I place my hands on his cheeks, dragging him down to lay with me.

  “Not yet, but soon. When the time is right, my answer will be yes. I can’t breathe anymore without you.”

  Time for talking has finished and our lips are finding the love we have expressed. We lay enjoying the quiet, and each other’s bodies for a while. Eventually we remember the food when Gray’s stomach growl breaks the moment.

  “We need to eat, otherwise your little growl will turn into a hangry Grayson.” I sit up to reach for the platters and place them next to us on the floor.

  “You will learn, nobody needs a hangry Grayson, it’s not pleasant.” He passes me a glass of wine as I pull the blanket up over my breasts and tuck it under my arms as I lean back against the couch.

  “I think the queen needs feeding.” He places a strawberry in my mouth that has juice running down my chin as I bite down.

  “I’m supposed to be feeding you, it’s your date.” He chuckles as he cut some cheese and loads the cracker before putting it into his mouth.

  “Why are you laughing at me?” I ask as he puts more food in my mouth.

  “Baby, your date finished the minute we got in that taxi and all I could think about was fucking you. The rest of the night is just about us. Date done.”

  Smiling, I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

  “I can live with that. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now. You’ve worked up my appetite.”

  “I hate to tell you, baby, but it takes two to play the games we’re playing. You can’t blame just me.”

  “Fair enough, but I’m still saying it’s your fault so feed the princess.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” Crawling under the blanket with me, Gray puts the food on our laps and continues to feed me as we talk and laugh.

  Feeling full and now lying with my head in Grayson’s lap, I look back over the last few days, and they couldn’t have been any more perfect.

  I know there is just one more thing I need to do before he has all of me. I promised myself when I found the man I will marry, that there will never be any secrets. I was crushed once before by lies and deceit. Never again will I let that happen. It’s now or never.

  “Gray,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, little one.”

  “I need to tell you something, and it won’t be easy, but I need you to know.”

  “I’m always here to listen, take your time.” His strong hand is now sitting on my naked shoulder, squeezing me for strength.

  “When I went home to see Henry, it wasn’t because I missed him.” I pause knowing this part is hard. “Um, it was more than that.”

  “It’s okay, you don’t need to do this,” he offers quietly.

  “Yes, I do, for me I need to tell you.” He just squeezes my shoulder to let me know he understands. Facing the window is easier, but I know to do this right I should be looking at him. Rolling on to my back so I’m looking up at him, I take a deep breath and then let it go.

  “I was pregnant and was going home to tell him. After I walked in on him, in all his glory with her, I screamed at him that I was pregnant and that he has wrecked everything. He told me straight he didn’t want anything to do with the baby and to fuck off back to the city.” Little tears are pooling in my eyes, but I don’t want to give him the power to hurt me anymore.

  “I was so devastated at what he did and said, that I lost the baby in a miscarriage a few days later. It ripped me apart and I blamed myself. I ran back to the city and I’ve hardly been home since. It just hurts too much.” I’m looking at Gray trying to wonder what he feels about what I’ve said. He leans down and kisses me ever so softly on my forehead, holding it for a few seconds.

  “Tilly, I know about the baby and I don’t care. I promise you the miscarriage wasn’t your fault. I can give you all the technical reasons why, but they don’t matter. All that I care about is you knowing that it had nothing to do with you and that the past is the past. I love you and I will care for you for the rest of our days.”

  “I don’t understand, how do you know? And aren’t you worried I might not be able to have children?”

  “Not at all. If we are worried, I know a good gyno who we can ask. If that doesn’t work, then just know you are enough. I just want you, Tilly, anything else that happens in our life is a gift.”

  He kisses me hard then pulls away as he whispers, “I just want you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Do we really have to get up? Can’t we just sleep here on the floor. It’s been just fine for all the rest of our nocturnal activities tonight.” Gray just shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

  “You are not sleeping on my floor, I paid good money for my bed. I need to get value for money from it. Now give me your hand and I’ll pull you up.” I get the giggles trying to coordinate myself out of the blanket and all the pillows I’m buried in.

  “I think maybe I had a little too much wine, GG.” Trying to stand up is proving a little more of a challenge than I was expecting. I get little head spins as Gray sweeps me up into his arms.

  “This is easier, that way I know you’ll make it to the bed safely without falling over. It’s not a hardship that you’re completely butt naked either.” I lay my head on his shoulder to stop the room from spinning.

  “That was a silly challenge, wasn’t it?” My speech is becoming a little slurred.

  “Not for me, baby, I could have kept going all night. I just don’t think you drinking a full glass every time I make you come is safe for you. Because let me assure you, I can keep you screaming over and over.”

  “Nope, not possible. Girls can’t do that. Only once is normal for me. You’re just this super GG and have this magic cock. My GG who is the master of the G.” I know I need to stop talking, but it just keeps spilling out of my drunk mouth.

  “You’re adorable drunk, baby. I have a feeling GG means more than my name, doesn’t it?” Gray places my head on the pillow gently and then starts to pull the blanket up.

  “Ssshhh, don’t tell anyone. GG is my gorgeous gyno. He is all over the G. You know his name is Gs and then he is GG and he knows my G-spot ssssoooooo good. Oh and then he makes me say God all the time. He is just my multiple-G man.” In my head I’m telling myself to shut the hell up, but my brain is not working with my mouth. I’m so going to regret this in the morning. Lord help me that hopefully I won’t remember it all.

  I’m fooling myself if I think Grayson will let me forget anyway.

  “You need to stop laughin
g at my drunk words, Gray. I shouldn’t have told my secret. Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to share my GG.” My eyes are starting to get heavy and the room is still spinning a little too fast.

  “Sweetheart, your secrets are safe with me. I love every G that I am to you. Now go to sleep. You’re going to regret this in the morning, and I can’t imagine I’m going to be a popular GG.” Walking around to the other side of the bed, he crawls in behind me and pulls me close.

  “You are in trouble because you are too good at sex. Who makes me come nine times, or ten, I can’t remember now.”

  “Tilly. Go to sleep. The morning will be here soon enough and so will your headache.” His voice is stern.

  “GG, Grumpy Grayson!” I giggle like a little girl.

  “Matilda.” Now I know he’s done with my drunk ass.

  “Mhmm, love you, Grumpy Grayson.

  “For fuck’s sake, I will gag you in a minute and not for a good time. Sleep, woman, you’re …” That is the last I heard.

  Ugh, that light is not my friend.

  Mmm don’t move quickly. Head is banging.

  I hear a door open, but I don’t want to open my eyes.

  “Morning, Princess. How’s the head?” Grayson’s voice gets closer to me, coming from the direction of the bathroom.

  “I hate you and your super sex,” I groan which sends him into a fit of laughter.

  “First time you’ve complained about the super sex from your master of the Gs”

  The bed dips as he crawls on to lie down next to me.

  I slowly open my eyes and put my hand on my forehead.

  “I can’t believe I told you that. What did you put in my drinks last night?”

  Kissing my cheek, he just smiles. “It’s not what was in the drink, just the amount you consumed, little one. It is like a truth serum for you. That’s a trick I will be keeping up my sleeve for later.”

  I slap him on the shoulder for being annoying.

  “You should have stopped me. You know, responsible service of alcohol and all.” I lean into his shoulder to get a cuddle.


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