Heart of Hope: Books 1-4

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Heart of Hope: Books 1-4 Page 32

by Williams, Ajme

  I flicked my tongue over her clit, loving how her hips bucked and she cried out.

  “I’m gonna make you come hard baby. You ready?”

  “Yes…Devin…oh, yes.”

  Music to my ears. I used her moans and sighs and mews to guide me as I used lips and tongue to push her up and up. Just when I thought she’d fly over, I stopped, moving to kiss or suck her inner thigh. Chances were, there’d be a mark. If there was another man in her life, he’d see that she was mine now.

  “Oh God, Devin, don’t stop, don’t stop…” Her hand gripped my head and I knew I needed to give her what she wanted.

  I thrust two fingers inside her, and sucked on her clit. Her entire body went taut for a second and then she screamed my name as I fucked her with my fingers and sucked her clit. By now, my dick was aching. Precum dripped onto the floor and chances were good he’d blow all on his own.

  “I’ve got to fuck you baby.” I stood, grabbing the condom on the table and with shaking hands finally getting that sucker on my dick. I nearly chucked it and would fuck her bare. In that moment, it was worth risking a pregnancy just to feel her around my dick again. I’d done that the last time and thank fuck she hadn’t gotten pregnant. Then again, maybe if she had, she’d have come to Europe with me.

  “Oh God, Devin more…I need you inside me.”

  Jesus, when she said that, it always nearly made my head explode. I hooked her legs over my shoulder and lined my dick up.

  “Touch yourself baby because I won’t last long enough to make you come again.” With that, I thrust in and sweet mother of God it was like going home. She was so tight. It made me wonder if maybe it had been a long time since she’d been with anyone. Her body wrapped around my cock like it was made for it. Like she was made for me.

  Her fingers slid to her clit and rubbed, and it was so fucking hot. “Yeah, baby, make yourself come.” I thrust in and out of her so hard the table scraped back on the floor. I held her hips as I drove in again and again. Need coiled tight in my balls.

  “Ah fuck baby…now…now…”

  Her hips bucked up and her pussy fisted so tight around my cock I swore I saw stars as she launched me into the stratosphere.

  “Yes!” I yelled as the first wave of release shot out of my cock. I pumped in her again, each time amazed at just how fucking good it felt.

  Finally, my dick was empty. My legs were noodles. I grabbed the chair and sank down.

  “Come here.” I used what strength I had left and pulled her into my lap. Her head dropped to my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. We sat in the kitchen, her wrapped around me straddling my lap, messy from jam and cum. It was fucking perfect. If only it could last.

  But of course, it didn’t last. She’d given me the day, but on the drive back to the city, I could feel her slowly pulling away. When we reached her apartment building, she wouldn’t let me walk her up. She tried to be nice about it, but she was adamant. I wanted to push her on it, but I also didn’t want to ruin the fantastic day we’d had by ending it with an argument.

  “I want to see you again,” I said reaching for her hand that she pulled out of my reach as we sat in the car.

  “We will during the planning of your parents’ party.”

  My dick was fully invested in this relationship, but at that moment, I realized my heart was already latching on to hers because I could feel it crack as she once again pushed me into the client-zone.

  I nodded, because what else could I say or do? What I didn’t understand was why. I could ask, but she wouldn’t tell me. That I knew for sure. My only choice was to use the party for my parents as a way to wear down her emotional wall until she let me in.

  Project get-Serena-to-open-up started the next week back out at the beach house. I could see when she walked in that she was going to try to make this a work-only situation. Initially I went along with it. After all, the party was real and it did need to go off well, not just for me and my parents, but for Serena and her career as well.

  She brought books and catalogs with all sorts of party items that I had to choose. Mostly, I didn’t care and let her be the expert. She’d ordered invitations, which I had my assistant send out. Serena recommended that I call people too since it was short notice, which I’d done the day before.

  At noon, the caterer arrived with samples for us to try. I liked it all, but again, deferred to Serena for the final selection of food. When the caterer left with our order and my money, I knew it was time to make my move.

  “I’m going to grab a glass of wine. Will you join me?”

  “I should get home.”

  “Just one glass. We got a lot done. I know my parents are going to have a great event. We should celebrate.”

  She gave me that look that said she knew what I was doing, but she nodded. “One drink.”

  I smiled, knowing it undid her a little bit when I did, and then got the wine.

  “You know, this party isn’t that far from St. Patrick’s day and your family is Irish. I wonder if we shouldn’t have done that?” she said.

  I shook my head. “My mom will like the elegance of the pearl theme. As long as we have real Irish whiskey on hand, my dad will be fine with anything.”

  She sat on the couch in the sunroom as I handed her the glass of wine. I sat next to her, but gave her some space.

  “How Irish are you?” she asked.

  “About as Irish as you can be outside of Ireland. The ancestor that opened the Roarke in New York came from Ireland. The first Roarke restaurant was a little pub his father had opened in Dublin.”

  “The Roarke was the first franchise,” she said.

  I laughed. “I suppose. My mother was an O’Conner. All their ancestors were Irish too. I think they were mostly arranged marriages, especially after they built their wealth.”

  “Hmm.” She looked at me funny, but I couldn’t decipher why. Maybe it had to do with her thinking my family wouldn’t think she was good enough.

  “Do you still do the St. Patrick’s Day pub crawl?” I asked.

  “No. Not since the time we did it.”

  “Really? Why not?”

  “School. Life. You know.” She sipped her drink and looked out over the ocean. I got the impression there was more to her answer but that she didn’t want to tell me about it.

  I put my glass down. “It’s no secret here that I want you, Serena—”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I know.” I turned to her and rubbed one of her dark curls between my fingers. “But out here…there is no school or life. It’s just us.” I saw the flicker of interest in her eyes. “I’ve been respecting your space and I still will. Whatever is holding you back isn’t out here though.”

  “It’s not good to indulge in this thing between us.”

  “Why not?” I took a chance, moving closer and caressing her cheek with my finger. Her head tilted into it and her eyes closed as if she was savoring my touch.

  “It just isn’t.”

  “But you want to?” I leaned forward, kissing her neck.

  “Yes.” She turned her head to look at me. I hated the war I saw in her eyes. Why couldn’t she just let go? “You’re like chocolate, Devin.”


  “Sweet. Sexy. And I can’t get enough.”

  I grinned. “You can have as much of me as you want.” I wanted to push her back and take her, but I waited and waited, staring into her lovely blue eyes until finally, she pulled me over her and opened to me once again.

  Her body was like a garden of Eden, lush, sweet, ripe. Knowing this was my only chance to have her for a while, I took my time hoping that with my touch, I could convince her to not shut me out when we left again today.

  She pushed me back, and for a moment, I wondered if she’d changed her mind. But then she straddled me, her body taking in my hard cock, her tits bouncing as she rode me. I buried my face in them, inhaling the sweet scent of her. So much of her was like before. Her be
auty. Her scent. Her sexy body. Her quick wit. And yet she wasn’t as open and approachable, except in moments like this. When our bodies were entwined, I knew all of her was with me.

  “Oh God, Devin…I’m coming…” Her head dropped back and her fingers gripped my shoulders as she rode me hard, seeking her release. It was the most beautiful vision in the world.

  “Yes, baby come…I want to watch you come…” I gritted my teeth to stave off my own release that was rapidly approaching.

  She cried out, her pussy clamping around my cock like a vise as she came down on me.

  “Ah fuck…” I gasped as my orgasm teetered on the brink.

  Her moan was long and beautiful as she continued to ride me. “Come with me,” she gasped.

  That was all it took. I let go and when she slid down on me again, I was off into the oblivion that only her body could take me to.

  I gripped her hips as I pumped my life into hers. Or I would have, but I remembered to wear a condom. But I could imagine all my cum inside her, dripping out of her and it heightened my release.

  As we came down, I held back my request for more time with her knowing she’d shoot it down. I felt a bit foolish allowing myself to be happy with crumbs. Didn’t I deserve more? What sort of pussy was emotionally whupped to accept whatever little bit a woman would offer? Me, that’s who.

  A part of me resented her for that, and yet, I knew that right now, I had no choice. Not if I wanted these fleeting moments. I had to hope that over time, whatever was causing her to put up barriers would be overcome and we could truly see what if we had something special.



  I thought I’d been doing a good job in resisting Devin once we left the beach on my first visit to plan his parents’ party, but on the second visit, I succumbed to his sexy charm again. The worst thing about it was that he’d given me opportunities on both occasions to not get naked, so the only one I had to blame was myself and my helpless hormones.

  Back in New York, when I met with Devin, he respected the boundaries I set and I appreciated that. Each time I was with Devin, naked or not, my guilt over not telling about Andrew grew. I had to tell him, but the more that became obvious, the more scared I became. He might forgive me for not telling him five years ago. After all, his mother was the one who sent me packing. But over the last few weeks, and two glorious sex-filled days, I’d learned that while he might be arrogant, he wasn’t shallow and callous like his mother. He wasn’t caught up in appearances and pedigree. It made me fall for him all over again, and so not telling him seemed like an even bigger betrayal. Would he forgive me? If not, would he try to take Andrew from me? Would his mother shun Andrew if Devin sought to claim him? Ugh! I was driving myself crazy trying to anticipate what could happen. And because I couldn’t, I kept my mouth shut.

  I finally decided to tell him when his parents’ anniversary party was over. He’d asked me if I’d stay with him in a B&B after the party to celebrate our success. Since I’d arranged to have Andrew stay with my parents that weekend, I could take an entire night with Devin. It would be the perfect time to tell him the truth and hope, against hope that he not only understood why he didn’t know until now, but also, that he’d be interested in knowing Andrew.

  The weather was relatively mild for February on the east coast, so we not only had the sunporch set up for the party, but also we’d decorated and set up the deck as well. The living room was elegant in pearl and champagne colors, and the caterers were well at work in the kitchen.

  “How about a quickie before my folks get here,” Devin whispered in my ear as I told the bartender where to set up.

  “I’m too stressed out to enjoy it.”

  “First, don’t be stressed. It’s fantastic, Serena. Really. Second, I feel confident I can relax you.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  I agreed. He had mad sex skills, but still. “Save it ‘til later, lover boy.”

  He flashed me his signature sexy grin.

  He was right that everything was going great. My team was as excited as I was to help with the party, so they were in top-notch form. I had a moment of fear when Devin’s parents arrived worrying that his mother might remember me, but I didn’t see a moment of recognition in her eyes. What did that say about her that she’d completely forgotten a woman who five years before told her she was carrying her grandchild? Slightly miffed about that, I busied myself in the kitchen with the caterers, letting my team make sure everything was going to plan in the main party areas.

  “The only problem with small intimate parties is that they’re small and intimate,” a striking woman said entering the kitchen and sitting with a large glass of wine at the breakfast bar.


  “I love my parents and brother, but closeness only goes so far, you know. Sometimes it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.”

  Brother? I studied the woman and saw the same green eyes as Devin’s. “You must be Brianna Roarke. I’m Serena Moore.” I extended my hand.

  Her smile was friendly. “You can call me Bri.”

  That surprised me. Was she like Devin and didn’t put as much stock in class structure?

  “I have to admit, I was worried when Devin said he was planning this shindig. But he pulled it off with your help. The pearl theme is lovely.”

  I smiled feeling proud of my accomplishment. “Thank you.”

  “And I see you stocked Dad’s whiskey. He’s such an Irish cliché.”

  Movement on the other side of the kitchen caught my eye. Devin and another striking woman were walking through the hall. He bent over to whisper in her ear, then with his hand on her lower back, he escorted her to a door. Opening it, he led her in and shut it behind him.

  Everything in my body went cold.

  “That’s Evie, Evelyn Winthrop,” Bri said.

  I turned my attention to her and saw she was looking to where I had been.

  “They’re probably talking about when to have their firstborn, if my mother has any say about it.”

  What? “Oh?” It took a herculean effort to keep my tone calm and not run down the hall to scratch both Devin and Evelyn’s eyes out.

  “They’re supposed to get married.” Bri stole a bruschetta off the tray one of the caterers set on the breakfast bar for one of the wait staff to take to the party.

  “Married? I didn’t realize he was engaged.”

  She nodded. “Practically since birth. Of course, my brother isn’t ready yet. He’s still sowing his oats. I don’t know why she puts up with that, but who understands love, huh?”

  I had been so sure that I’d been keeping my heart safe, but at that moment, I felt like an anvil had been dropped on it. How I was still standing there was beyond me because I was crushed.

  Briana took a long swig of her wine and leaned toward me over the counter. “Personally, I think he could do better, but even Devin with all his talk about being his own man can’t escape family duty.”

  “Serena, we’re about out of the scallop and truffle appetizer,” Debbie from my team appeared with an empty tray.

  It took me a minute to make sure I could speak without crying. “Take this bruschetta. I’ll see if we have more of the scallops.”

  “Oh, let me have one more of those,” Bri said before Debbie walked off with the bruschetta.

  “I’m sorry, I need to check on the food,” I said to Bri, casting a glance toward the door Devin and Evelyn had gone through.

  “He’s probably fucking her. It’s probably why she never gives up on him. I swear he’ll do it anywhere.” She shook her head, but then she gave me a strange look. “He didn’t lead you on, did he? He’s a nice guy really, but—”

  I waved my hand away. “No. But he’s the host and should be at the party,” I said by way of excuse.

  Bri jumped down from her stool. “I’ll take care of the party.” She sent me a sassy grin. “Taking credit for Devin’s work is always fun.”

  I watched her leave thinking t
hat I liked her. Of course, she and I would never be friends. Just like Devin and I would never be together.

  Idiot! I chastised myself for getting caught up in the dream of Devin. I put all my focus into the evening, avoiding Devin and not looking his way when he finally emerged from whatever that room was.

  A couple of times he approached me but I busied myself with something else and asked Debbie to check with him.

  Near midnight, the party started to break up. I worked with my team and caterers to clean up while Devin and his family were out on the sunporch.

  “Deb, can I ride back to the city with you?” I asked her. There was no way I was going to spend the night with Devin in a B&B, especially right after he fucked another woman.

  “Yeah sure, if you don’t mind being squished as we all rode out together.”

  “How’d you get here?” Jimmy who also was on my team asked.

  “I came out with Mr. Roarke, but he’s staying here and I forgot to arrange a ride back.”

  “If I were you, I’d try to arrange to stay with Mr. Roarke. Like in his bed. He’s yum, yum, yummy.” Debbie sighed wistfully.

  “His fiancé probably wouldn’t like that,” I said tightly.

  “Fiancé? I didn’t know he was engaged,” Debbie said.

  “Apparently it’s been set up for a long time.” Not wanting to talk about it, I said, “Let’s finish up here. The faster we’re done the sooner we can be on the road.”

  When we were done, I left the bill in an envelope with Devin’s name on it on the breakfast bar. Normally, we personally handed it over along with a thank you for their business, but I didn’t trust myself to keep it together talking to him.

  We were fifteen minutes up the road when my phone rang. Noting it was Devin, I pushed the “Don’t answer” button. A few seconds later a text came in.

  I’m at the B&B. Where are you? Are you okay?

  At first, I ignored the text, but then I worried he might call the police or something if he thought I was missing, so I responded, Had to go home.


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