Passing to Payton

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Passing to Payton Page 2

by C. E. Kilgore

  Payton being gay... Jamie’s wet dream come true.

  Yeah, right. That should’ve been Jamie’s first red flag that it was a trap. Bastards probably had a camera hidden someplace, and his pale ass and hard dick were now on their way to the campus rumor mill.

  ‘Sooners’ Queer Quarterback Gets It Up for the Tight End!’ Jamie could see the headlines now.

  “Hey, Jamie? That you?”

  Jamie flinched at the sound of Tucker’s voice. “Fuck off, Tuck.”

  “Aw, c’mon man!” Tucker’s voice was coming from right outside the shower. “I wanna know how it went. Did you talk to Payton?”

  Jamie twisted the tap off and reached past the edge of the shower curtain to yank down a towel. “So, you did know about the joke...”

  “Joke? Uh, what joke?”

  Jamie wound the towel around his waist and opened the door between the shower-toilet area and the rest of the bathroom. Tucker had the most confused look on his face that Jamie had ever seen, and Tucker got confused a lot. “You know, the joke you helped Peterson set up?”

  “Peterson?” Tucker’s bushy unibrow raised as his huge arms crossed over a barrel chest. “When the fuck have I ever helped that prick?”

  Jamie huffed, leaning back against the counter that supported a double sink layout. It wasn’t Tucker’s fault the poor guy was an idiot sometimes. “I’m sure you didn’t mean to, but apparently Peterson tried to pull another Vickers on me with Payton.”

  “What?” He scratched his head. “Nah, man, that can’t be right. Payton came out to me a week ago, so I told him he should take you out on a date.”

  “You... What?”

  Tucker got a proud grin on his face. “Yeah! Remember, you said you were like, in love with him or whatever? Huge crush, right? I thought, man, Tucker, that’s like, fate! Payton coming out to me, I mean, not even a month after you told me you liked him.”

  “You...” Jamie’s gut flipped sideways. “So, Payton told you he’s gay, and you believe him?”

  “Yeah. He said he liked you, was tired of ignoring it, and that he was gonna come out to Coach, ask you on a date and make it the best damn birthday he’s ever had!”

  “Oh. Shit.”

  “But,” Tucker scratched his head again. “What are you doing back here? Payton had this whole shower thing planned. LeBron said he was being a total girl about it, and that he should just tell you, but I thought it was sweet, and...Uh, Jamie? Man, are you okay?”

  “No,” Jamie wheezed out, his head dizzy. “I thought it was a joke. I told Payton to fuck off.”

  “Uh-oh,” Tucker set a hand on Jamie’s wet shoulder. A shutting door was followed by a commotion from the living space, thudding footsteps and then Tucker squeezing Jamie’s shoulder. “Holy shit, Jamie! You hit the poor guy?”

  “What?” Jamie raised his eyes and met Payton’s serious, green-eyed gaze, then he noticed the welt on Payton’s cheek.

  “I fell,” Payton answered.

  “Now look,” Tucker crossed his arms again. “I don’t want to come between a lovers’ quarrel, but domestic abuse is-”

  Payton’s serious expression broke down into a chuckle. “No, seriously Tucker, I fell. Slipped on a damn bar of soap when I went to chase after our quarterback.”

  “Oh.” Tucker looked back at Jamie. “You ran?”

  “No,” Jamie huffed. “Okay, maybe. Yeah.”

  “Dude,” Tucker shook his head. “And they say I’m dumb... Well, I’ll let you two sort this out then. I’m meeting LeBron out front of Wentz Hall to pick up our dates and take them out to dinner before we take you out to get plastered. Uh, we are still going out to Taters tonight, right?”

  “Am I turning twenty-one?”

  Tucker scratched his chin then grinned with a nod. “Awesome. Okay, see you there at nine, and be prepared to close the place down!”

  As Tucker left, Jamie was attempting not to hyperventilate. He was once again alone in a bathroom with Payton while practically naked. His fist held tightly to the Sooners towel around his waist.

  “I’m sorry, Jamie,” Payton spoke first. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. As encouraging as Tucker was for my stupid idea, LeBron was right. I should’ve just told you as a friend, while fully clothed, instead of making a pass at you in the shower.”

  Jamie looked back up to Payton’s strong jawline and nervously twitching smile. “So, you were making a pass at me?”

  “Wow. Yeah, but apparently I failed horribly at that, too. This is all new to me, you know? I just... Dammit, I like you Jamie. But, I also respect you, and if you just want to be friends, then I’ll accept that.”

  “I like you, too.” Jamie’s eyes bugged as his heart spoke without checking in with the rest of him first. Of course, his dick was all on board with the direction this conversation was going and took the opportunity to bob against the towel.

  Aw, fuck it...

  “I’ve liked you for a while,” Jamie continued. “I mean, you’re fucking gorgeous. You know that, right? And you’re smart... And funny... And... I’m going to shut up now.”

  Payton stepped up to the counter and leaned into Jamie’s space. “Don’t stop on my account. But, if you wanna talk about being fucking gorgeous, you should look in a damn mirror, Jamie.”

  “Oh, please,” Jamie lowered his gaze as the heat rose up the back of his neck. He could toss a football, sure, but he wasn’t one of those quarterbacks that became poster-boys for sports drink commercials or pinup calendars. “I’m just a hick.”

  “With a dimple the size of Texas on your left cheek when you smile, and brown eyes that turn to gold in the sunlight. And the way your whole body moves when you arch back, looking for an opening, or when you wink at me as you hand me the ball to make a run for it... God, it’s a wonder I’m able to run straight and find the goal line.”

  “I do not wink... Shit. Do I really wink at you?”

  Payton chuckled and posted his arms against the counter on either side of Jamie. “Every. Single. Time.”

  Jamie swallowed hard. On the field, he was confident and cool under pressure. Off the field was a different story. And right now, faced with Payton’s body so close, Jamie was an anxious ball of knots.

  Mustering his courage, he lifted his gaze back up to meet Payton’s. The communication was silent, but obvious. Payton leaned down as Jamie pushed up from the counter, and that first kiss was like scoring the winning touchdown against the Wildcats all over again.

  Jamie swore he even heard a crowd cheering in the background, but that’s all it was – background noise. His whole focus became consumed with passing his tongue between Payton’s suckling lips and the play Payton’s hands were making against the towel. As Payton’s palm pressed over Jamie’s tented groin, Jamie let out a long-held moan.

  Payton’s hand pulled back, his eyes searching Jamie’s for direction; the same way they did during a hand-off. “I don’t wanna mess this up,” Payton whispered. “I... We could date first, or... Dammit, I want you, Jamie, but I want you more. Does that make any kinda sense?”

  Jamie smiled. It was the perfect play. “Yeah, it does. And, we will date. But right now, I’d really like it if you’d kissed me some more.”

  Just like out on the field, Jamie didn’t have to relay the instruction to Payton twice. With a boyish grin that turned all of Jamie’s insides to jelly, Payton leaned back in. The kiss was sweeter this time; a tease of Payton’s tongue across Jamie’s bottom lip. Experimental. Unpracticed, but full of potential.

  It had Jamie panting as Payton moved from Jamie’s lips to his neck. Then, Payton’s hand was back on the towel. Then under the towel. Then-

  “Mmmfuck,” Jamie squirmed as Payton’s big fingers gloved his cock like a forward pass.

  “You like that?” Payton whispered against Jamie’s neck. “I’ve never... With a guy...”

  “Feels good,” Jamie offered encouragement and thrust up against Payton’s palm.

  “God damn, hea
ring you say that has me so fucking turned on.”

  “Oh?” Jamie was all about turning Payton on, and couldn’t believe Payton may have a thing for dirty-talk like he did. “I love the way your hand feels on my cock, Payton; the way you stroke it. Can’t you feel how hard and wet my dick is for you?”

  Payton shuddered. “Fuck. You’re gonna make me blow.”

  “That’s the game plan.” Jamie untucked Payton’s shirt. “First, I want you out of this shirt.”

  Payton groaned, his fingers brushing across Jamie’s sac. “That means I gotta let go of your dick.”

  Jamie’s back arched as his balls tightened. “Momentary sacrifice,” he managed to huff out, not wanting the hand to move any more than Payton. “But, it’s all about the end game.”

  Payton grinned, slowly sliding his hand from under the towel. “Guess it’s only fair, seeing as how you’re practically naked.” He reached behind and pulled his shirt up from the back and over his head, giving Jamie a good show of flexing ab muscles and winking pectorals.

  “Dude,” Jamie groaned this time. “Now who’s trying to make who blow an early load?”

  Payton raised an eyebrow, but had a blushing grin. “Like what you see?”

  Jamie reached for Payton’s jeans and popped the button. “Since the day you jogged onto the field.”

  The man laughed at that. “Man, I thought it was just me, checking you out when I hoped to God no one was looking.”


  Payton’s grin flat lined and his eyes darkened. Yanking the towel off Jamie’s groin, Payton’s voice went deep. “Seriously.”

  Then before Jamie could catch his breath or get Payton’s zipper all the way down, the big guy was on his knees, eyeing up Jamie’s cock. Payton’s tongue skirted his lips and his hands coasted up Jamie’s quivering thighs. “I’ve never... But fuck, I want to taste your cock so bad, Jamie.”

  Jamie wove his fingers into Payton’s damp hair. “If you want to, I won’t stop you. But, only if you want to. We can go as slow as you like.”

  “I want,” Payton said with determination in his voice, as if he was completely accepting his queer self and the desires he had. “We may need to go slow, because I got no practice in this, but I most definitely want your cock in my mouth, right fucking now.”

  Hearing those words had Jamie’s dick spurting a long drizzle of precum as his stomach tightened. Payton grinned at that and seemed to take it as an invitation to use his tongue to lap up the precum like it was frosting. And holy shit, what Payton lacked in practice, he made up for in raw talent that had Jamie quaking against the countertop.

  The tip of Payton’s tongue swirled over Jamie’s cockhead then down to the base and back up in a slow-motion, tortuously-thorough inspection. Payton’s lips rounded around Jamie’s tip then sucked it in, his tongue dipping into the slit in a rapid tease. Jamie’s hands gripped both Payton’s hair and the edge of the countertop, his eyes winced shut and he cried out before pulling his dick away from Payton’s mouth with a pop.

  “Fuck!” Jamie’s curse echoed across the tiles.

  Payton remained on his knees, looking up. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Jamie’s wide-eyes met Payton’s concerned gaze, and his heart nearly fell out of his chest. “No, Payton. That was...” He huffed out a breath, unable to find the right words. “I didn’t want to come yet, and you were just too damn good.”

  The blushing, boyish grin reappeared on Payton’s face. “Oh. Because, I could honestly do that for like, an hour... or two...”

  “Liked having my dick in your mouth, did you?”

  “I did.”

  Jamie stared down into those deep green eyes, finally finding the confidence off the field he’d always had trouble maintaining. “Did it make you hard, Payton?”

  Payton’s body gave a little shiver and his eyelids half closed. “It did.”

  “I want you to show me.”

  An exhale passed from Payton’s open mouth and his fists clenched against his bent knees. Then, in a fluid motion that displayed the true grace that the massive tight end used on the field, Payton stood. His hands slid down his legs as he kicked off his shoes and removed his jeans, turning to give Jamie another nice view of that glorious tight end.

  “I see tight end isn’t an oxymoron...”

  “What?” Payton blinked over his shoulder then glanced at his own bare ass with a blush. “Oh. I... I’m not sure if... I’m ready...”

  “It’s okay,” Jamie smiled, already knowing where Payton’s nervous stuttering was going with that. “Your ass isn’t my end game, Payton. Maybe, someday, but that’s a big step.”

  “It is,” Payton agreed, turning around to face forward. “I mean, I want to try it someday, with you, but... Maybe buy a guy a beer first?”

  Jamie laughed then choked as his eyes fell to Payton’s cock. Like the rest of the man, it wasn’t small. “Fuck, dude. Did you eat nothing but hormone-fed beef growing up?”

  Payton’s cheeks burned crimson as his thick, left-leaning cock twitched. “Well, my folks do own a cattle ranch.”

  “That... explains a lot, actually,” Jamie smirked then reached out and pulled Payton closer by his cock. It wasn’t overly long, but damn, it was a handful. Payton let out a little grunt as Jamie’s fingers trailed along the shaft, getting a feel for it before holding its hot weight in his palm.

  “Jamie,” Payton gasped, his hips jutting forward. “I ain’t gonna last...”

  “Then I better make it good.” Jamie kissed the center of Payton’s chest, then his chin and finally his lips. Letting go of Payton’s cock, Jamie took the man’s hand instead. “C’mon.”

  Payton stumbled out of his daze and followed the lead. Jamie took them into his bedroom then gave Payton’s chest a gentle shove. “On the bed, cock up.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Payton muttered as he complied. “I don’t think I could lay any way but cock up right now, with as hard as I am.”

  “I like this,” Jamie smiled, taking a moment to admire the view.

  “Hmm?” Payton lay in wait with a raised eyebrow.

  “I like you in my bed. I... Well, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t had a few dreams of you like this.”

  “You dream about me?”

  “All the damn time,” Jamie admitted as he searched through his nightstand and retrieved a bottle of lube. Setting the bottle on Payton’s six-pack, he winked. “Now, don’t fumble the pass, Payton.”

  Payton’s green eyes went wide as they stared down his torso at the bottle standing as upright as his dick. His abs flexed and he held his breath to keep the bottle steady as the mattress shifted under Jamie’s movements. Jamie slid up between Payton’s trunk-like thighs, mounting the man with their cocks side by side.

  “Show me your palms,” Jamie ordered, smiling as Payton immediately did as asked. Payton watched with increasingly wider eyes as Jamie drizzled some of the clear lube into the big hands Payton presented. “Man, your hands are huge.”

  “That’s why I can carry footballs.”

  “Well, now you’re gonna carry a couple of cocks.” Jamie took Payton’s hands and encouraged him to surround their erections. “Mmfuck, yeah. Hold tight, Payton. Yeah, just like that. Don’t fumble.”

  “Don’t fumble,” Payton repeated, followed by a groan as Jamie gripped the underside of Payton’s knee before thrusting hard.

  Jamie stroked his cock against Payton’s dick and the man’s firm grip. Slick, slapping sounds filled the room as they rutted, and the grunts coming from Payton had Jamie ready to come.

  With an inhale to steel his courage, Jamie let his fantasy come to life as he gave voice to the words seated on the tip of his tongue. “You like that, Payton? You like me fucking your cock?”

  Payton’s grip tightened. “Fuck... Yes...”

  Jamie thrust harder, this tip of his cock sliding along the ribbed, calloused texture of Payton’s grasp. It was better than Jamie could’ve ever dreamed, and the way Payton
was writhing beneath him was so fucking beautiful. “So good, Payton. You’re so damn good.”

  “Jamie,” Payton whimpered. “Love it when you talk...”

  Oh my fucking... Yes! “Yeah? You like that?”

  “Yeah, I like it.”

  Jamie groaned and stroked harder. “You feel my sac hitting yours? Hear that slap?”

  “Love that sound... I love your dick in my hands,” Payton muttered, his eyes rolling back. “Jamie, I’m gonna... Oh, fuck...”

  “That’s it, Payton. Come for me. I want to see your cum coating my dick and-”

  And that was all it took. Payton’s moan choked in his throat, his hips rose and then three long jets of milky white cum coated his hands, his stomach and Jamie’s dick. Jamie’s fingers dug into Payton’s thigh and pectoral as the sight of Payton in ecstasy pulled Jamie over the edge.

  “Fuck yeah, Payton!” Three hard thrusts of his cock slicking through Payton’s cum, and Jamie was done for. The orgasm rocked him like a blindsided tackle. It had him gasping for air, leaving him speechless and quivering.

  The deafening buzz and blinding stars dissipated. He blinked back to reality, greeted by the sight of Payton’s wide grin. With heavy, panting breaths, Jamie placed a kiss centered on Payton’s chest. His lips captured a mix of their essence, and he licked his lips clean while Payton watched.

  Jamie gave the man a wink. “Good job not fumbling. Was that good for you?”

  “Good?” Payton huffed a laugh. “Shoot, Jamie, I saw stars. And... I think we’re gonna need to take another shower.”

  Jamie’s eyebrows rose. “I’ll wash yours if you wash mine.”

  “F...uck...” Payton blew out a breath, his head sinking back against the pillows. “Best. Birthday. Ever.”

  Jamie chuckled as he reached over the side of the bed for a random workout shirt. With affectionate care, he cleaned up Payton’s hands and the rest of their mess then stood up on wobbly legs. Tossing the shirt near the hamper, Jamie opened a dresser drawer, pulled out a box then returned to the bed.


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