
Home > Suspense > Bedrock > Page 7
Bedrock Page 7

by Britney King

  William stood, walked around to the front of her desk and perched himself there. He reached down, taking her hand. Surprisingly, her heart sped up and began racing faster than it already was. Why did this man have this effect on her?

  “I’ve arranged for a car to pick you up here in the lobby at noon. Carl, my driver, will be holding a yellow slip of paper in his hand. He knows who to look for, so just follow him to the car where he and a few members of my security team will take you to an undisclosed location. I’ll meet you there.”

  Addie was stunned, speechless. How had this suddenly become her life? Sneaking into cars? Drivers? Security teams? Undisclosed locations?

  William spoke firmly, interrupting her thoughts. “I can’t stay here, Addison. It’s too risky. We need to talk and sort this out. My guys are good. They’ll get you there and back, unnoticed.”

  Addie nodded.

  William gave her shoulder what she assumed was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze and walked towards the door. Turning back, he paused just inside the doorway. “Oh, and Addison . . .”

  Unable to meet his gaze, she stared out the window. “Yeah?”

  “You’re even more beautiful than I remembered.”

  Then, just as quickly as he’d come, he was gone.

  But all Addie could think about was what deep shit she was in. Clearly, she was in way over her head.

  Addie wanted Patrick to hear the news from her. She owed him that much, knowing she was backed into a corner. She dialed his cell, unsure of what she would say.

  He answered on the first ring. “Hey, honey, I was just thinking about you.”

  Fuck. I can’t do this, not now and not over the phone. Hearing his voice utter those few words, she lost her nerve. She tried to sound upbeat. “Oh yeah? What were you thinking?”

  “Just how I can’t wait to see you. How much I’m looking forward to coming home and showing you just how much I’ve missed you.”

  “Hmmm” was all Addie could get out. “I miss you too.” Addie replied, wincing.

  Dead silence.

  “Shit. I’m sorry. I gotta run. I’m supposed to be in a meeting in five. “Can I call you tonight?”

  As she hung up the phone, Addie laid her head on her desk and let the tears come. This would end her marriage. While it certainly had its issues already, this was entirely her fault. There was no denying that. Her children would never forgive her. This realization only made Addie sob harder. Her head was spinning.

  “Uhhmm.” A voice said, startling Addie. Well, that’s two times today; Addie looked up and found Sondra standing across the room staring at her. Dammit! Why now? Addie sat up straighter, trying her best to compose herself.

  “Everything ok, Mrs. Greyer?” Sondra asked, eyeing her disapprovingly.

  Addie searched her desk for the box of tissues. “Yep. Just having a rough day.” God, she hated this woman.

  Sondra moved closer. “Would this happen to have anything to do with Mr. Hartman?”

  Addie froze. Shit. Think fast. “No, of course not. What would make you suggest that?” Addie replied, hoping her body language didn’t give her away.

  “Look, Mrs. Greyer. I’m not going to waste your time here. And I ask that you don’t waste mine. Are we clear?

  Seriously. Who does this bitch think she is? “Clear about what?” Addie replied, feigning ignorance and refusing to let this woman, boss or not, get the best of her.

  “I know what happened in the elevator, Addison.”

  Addie’s face remained neutral, refusing to give anything up. “I’m not sure what you mean.” Ok, so maybe she knows. But make her spell it out.

  Sondra shoved papers and a sealed envelope she’d been holding onto Addie’s desk. “Sign the top form.”

  Addie glanced at the paperwork in front of her. “I signed a confidentiality agreement in my new-hire paperwork.”

  Sondra frowned, sighing loudly. “This one is different. It’s personal. You need help. This is my offer. Sign the goddamn paper, Addison.”

  Something in Sondra’s tone, something in the way that she looked at Addie, told her what she knew she needed to do. She signed the form and pushed it towards Sondra.

  “Read the proposal and see me in my office tomorrow morning, eight o’clock sharp. And remember, you signed this, Mrs. Greyer. No one’s eyes but your own are to view what’s inside that envelope, are we clear?”

  “Clear as day. Oh, and, Sondra, be a dear and close the door behind you on your way out, will you?”

  Sondra waltzed out, slamming the door behind her. She had to admit she really liked this girl. She could see that this was going to work out well. Very well, indeed.

  Despite everything on her mind, Addie managed to get a little work done before she was due to meet with William. She glanced at the clock and realized that she needed to be downstairs in half an hour and needed to freshen up. Why should I even care? Addie was bothered by the fact that she wanted to look good for William. Stalling, she checked her email one last time. Addie inhaled sharply, trying to force as much air into her lungs as possible. There was an email from William. Ugh, why did he have this goddamned effect on her? Holding her breath, she clicked to open it.

  From: William B. Hartman

  Date: 6/16/12

  To: Addison Greyer

  Subject: Impatiently waiting . . .

  Dear Addison,

  Mere words cannot describe how it felt seeing you again this morning. I never could’ve imagined it possible to miss someone this much. Someone I barely know.

  I am beyond sorry that we have found ourselves in this predicament. I never intended to hurt you. It pains me that my celebrity has encroached upon your life, and I promise to do everything within my power to see that you and your family remain in anonymity.

  That said, I do believe that sometimes events can occur in our lives that lead us down a different path than the one we thought we were on: a path that steers us in a new direction. While we may not have intended to take this route to begin with, the road is more beautiful than we could have imagined. It leads us to bigger and better places, to dreams we didn’t know we had.



  P.S. Make sure you delete this immediately after reading it. Then, empty your trash, so it’s not stored there.

  Addie exhaled. Damn. She was in trouble—big trouble. Grabbing her purse, she headed down the hall to the ladies’ room. Looking in the mirror, she realized that if she hadn’t known better she could easily pass for someone on her way to a funeral. Her little black dress and peep-toe pumps were certainly fitting for a day like today. But overall, she looked good in her overpriced wardrobe. Once she washed her face and reapplied her makeup, Addie hurried down to the lobby. Although the lobby was buzzing with people, it didn’t take her long to spot Carl. He had obviously noticed her before she had him, and once she met his gaze, he nodded quickly, ushering her into the black SUV that was waiting just outside at the curb.

  No sooner had she hopped in than the door was closed behind her. Addie couldn’t help but feel intimidated by the three large men in suits who occupied the car with her. She nodded slightly, as if to say hello but remained quiet the rest of the ride. She strained her ears, trying to hear the conversation between the two men in the front but only garnered bits and pieces, mostly about whether or not they were being trailed.

  They pulled into a parking garage of The Plaza. Why were they at The Plaza? They were supposed to be going to an undisclosed location. Everyone and their mother knew where The Plaza was.

  Carl opened the door for Addie, ushering her out. He seemed to sense Addie’s confusion. “Slight change of plans.”

  Addie studied the man briefly. Carl was tall and thin. A black man who looked to be in his 60s, he had a weathered but friendly face, and Addie decided that he seemed trustworthy enough.

  They made their way into the elevator, where she noticed Carl press a button marked “P.” As the elevator climbed, she also noti
ced that everyone with the exception of Carl was unwilling to look her in the eye. That was it. Addie had had enough. She broke the silence. “Well, you’re certainly a friendly bunch.”

  The men nodded, looking her in the eye for the first time. The shorter one even smiled a little.

  The elevator door opened to a large foyer. Addie’s breath caught at the sight of William standing there in his dark pressed jeans and white t-shirt. He look younger dressed like this. Still, each time she laid eyes on him, he somehow managed to look better than before, if that was even possible. The men who had accompanied her suddenly made themselves scarce, leaving Addie wondering where they went off to.

  “Welcome to my home.” William smiled as though trying to gauge her reaction.

  Addie scanned the palatial high-rise apartment. It was notably gorgeous with its exposed stone, luxurious oversized leather sofas, and antique, yet homey, feel. “Your home! What the fuck am I doing at your house? I thought you said we were meeting at an undisclosed location, and you bring me to your goddamned house?! Is this some sort of joke to you, William?”

  “Addison, I’m sorry. I . . . This . . . My attorneys managed to stop the sale of the tape. Though to be honest, we’re not sure for how long. It may be only temporarily.”

  Addie walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows, trying to put as much space between the two of them as possible. She was certain if he got close enough she’d hit him. She cut him off, lowering her voice. “This is my life we’re talking about. I have a husband and children—a family—people who count on me. And I let them down. Majorly.”

  William sat on the oversized couch in the middle of the room. “I know.”

  Addie was quiet for a long time as she stared out across the city. It was an overcast day, and she could see cars and people far below—each of them going about his day, most of them living ordinary, uncomplicated lives, while stories above, her world fell apart.

  William broke the silence. “Look, my security team is one of the best in the world. They wouldn’t have brought you here if they thought you might be seen. This is what they do, Addison. They’re experts. And it’s my fault that I decided to break the rules and go into the office that day. Alone. The day we met never should have happened. It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been selfish. I decided that day that I just wanted to be a normal person, to see what it’s like to be free of all of this. And look what happened. I caused this. But I don’t regret it, Addison, because I met you. I just needed to bring you here to talk to you—to tell you in person how I feel. I wanted you to see that I’m a real person and I care about you more than I’ve ever cared about anyone.”

  “You don’t even know me, William.”

  William stood and walked over to the window where Addie was standing. “Maybe not. But you haven’t exactly given me a chance. I do know that what we had that day in the elevator was more than just sex. I know that I can’t stop thinking about you. Every time I look at you, I’m surprised that I never want to stop. Tell me you don’t feel it, Addison. Tell me you don’t think of me, too. Just say the words and you can walk out of here and pretend this whole thing never happened.”

  As he spoke, Addie saw something in William’s eyes that she recognized. There was loneliness, a longing she knew all too well. But she saw something else, too: Sadness. Hunger. Passion. And that, she couldn’t resist.

  Right then and there Addie planned all the ways in which she would kiss him. But the rest, well, the rest came as a pleasant surprise.


  Once Addie fed and bathed the boys and had finally gotten them off to bed, she sat down with a glass of wine and Sondra’s envelope—anything to keep her mind off of what had transpired that afternoon.

  Unable to keep the images from replaying over and over in her mind, she downed her glass, poured another, and tore into the envelope. The first page was a letter:

  Dear Addison,

  What I am about to propose will likely shock the hell out of you. Before you continue any further, I want you to promise to keep an open mind and give some careful consideration to what I am asking of you. If I didn’t think that my offer was a plausible solution to your situation, I would not be offering. I take what I am about to tell you very seriously. This is my life.

  In addition to my work at the agency, I own the most prestigious private dungeon in the state of Texas where I work as Head Mistress. Mistress and Dominatrix are two words used to describe a dominant female who performs the art of domination and discipline and fantasy role-play. This profession is not illegal and has nothing to do with prostitution.

  Sex of any kind is prohibited, and the Mistresses I employ are fully clothed at all times. A good Dominatrix or Mistress is intelligent, articulate, quick-witted, creative, and good at improvisation—all qualities I see within you, Addison.

  Professional dominatrices take pride in their psychological insight into their client’s “needs” and fetishes as well as their technical ability to perform complex BDSM practices, and other forms of bondage, suspension, torture role-play, and corporal punishment, as well as other such practices, which require a high degree of knowledge and competency to safely oversee.

  Due to unforeseen medical complications, I would like to offer you the role as Head Mistress for a twelve-week term. During this period, in addition to your regular work and salary at The Carlisle Agency, you would be responsible for working ten hours maximum per week at a rate of $15,000/week, completing sessions with my most exclusive clientele. At the end of the term, you will have earned $180,000. This is on top of your regular earnings.

  There will be extensive training, which shall take place over the course of two weeks, beginning next Friday. During this training period and throughout the duration of your twelve-week term, you and your family will be provided with any and all staffing services The Carlisle Agency provides. This includes, but is not limited to round-the-clock car service, a personal chef, twenty-four-hour concierge, a personal assistant, live in nanny, and daily maid service.

  Included in this envelope is a Mistress Handbook. Please read over the handbook and training materials before making your decision. Again, Addison, I sincerely urge you to give this matter serious consideration, especially given your current predicament. It’s no secret that you are having an affair. What happens when the video tape is released? Can you properly support your children in the aftermath of a likely divorce, one in which you are the at-fault party?

  I have no doubt that you are perfect for this role, Addison. In fact, I have handpicked you from a group of many, most of them already trained, highly experienced Dom’s.

  I look forward to discussing this with you further.

  See you tomorrow at eight a.m. sharp.



  What the fuck? God, she had already made so many mistakes, just that day alone, and now there was this. Sure, Addie had consumed nearly a half a bottle of wine, but she certainly didn’t see that one coming. “Not a chance in hell,” Addie told herself, as she lay tossing and turning, pondering her future and the freedom an additional $180,000 could give her.

  The following morning was gray and misty, the kind of day that nearly convinced you to pull the covers up and stay in bed. Addie considered calling in a mental health day. Overwhelmed and frazzled, she just needed quiet. Perhaps tomorrow. Today she needed to talk with Sondra and put this whole thing to bed and get it behind her.

  The boys had been excessively whiny and clingy since Patrick left—not that Addie hadn’t expected it. Still it had been harder than she could’ve imagined. With the thirteen-hour time difference between Beijing and Austin, neither she nor the kids had heard from Patrick all that much, and it was taking its toll. On one hand, Addie missed him like crazy. They’d never been apart this long. But on the other, she was angry and resentful. Her mind flip-flopping back and forth within this array of feelings was hard to reconcile.

  Once Addie got the boys off to school, she
headed into the office, her thoughts drifting to William. It was already bustling by the time she entered the lobby. Word about the agency seemed to be spreading, and they were busier than ever. Requests for placement were coming in so fast that they would likely need to hire someone to help Addie within the next month or so.

  Before heading to Sondra’s office, Addie checked herself in the mirror, barely recognizing the reflection starting back at her. Wearing a navy, sleek, wool crepe J Crew dress that had been impeccably tailored to fit, she saw that it flattered her in all the right places. She felt elegant, sophisticated. A far cry from the person she was just a few short months ago.

  Addie’s phone buzzed, startling her. Picking it up, she noticed a new email from William. She smiled, unable to stop herself. Addie noticed the butterflies flutter in her stomach and hated herself for having them.

  From: William B. Hartman

  Date: 6/17/12

  To: Addison Greyer

  Subject: Grazie Per Ieri

  Dearest Addison,

  I can’t seem to get you off of my mind.

  I’ve thought of you a lot today. 817 times to be exact.

  I need help.

  Call me.

  Baci Tutto,


  Addie immediately opened up Google and typed “Grazie Per Ieri and Baci Tutto.” Thank you for yesterday. And kisses all over. In Italian. Her heart skipped a beat.

  From: Addison Greyer

  Date: 6/17/12

  To: William B. Hartman

  Subject: English Translation

  Dear Mr. Hartman,

  You may not be aware of this, but I am not Italian.

  And just so you know, in English, Baci Tutto translates as “time to put your guard up.”



  P.S. 817 times? Don’t you have a corporation to run? Better get to it.

  Addie hit send and glanced at the clock. Seven fifty-nine a.m. Shit.

  Hightailing it to Sondra’s office, she knocked once before letting herself in.

  Sondra didn’t look up from computer. “Morning, Mrs. Greyer.”


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