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Bedrock Page 9

by Britney King

Addie laughed. “I’m sure.”

  “Come to Italy with me, Addison. Please. I want you there.”

  “You know I can’t, William.”

  William kissed the tip of her ear, trailing soft warm kisses down her face towards her neck. “Why not? We’ll have separate rooms. I worked it out with Sondra. You can bring the boys. I don’t see the problem.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Addie said, distracted.

  Addie sat up, trying to clear her head. “How do you know Sondra anyway? And how do you know so much about me?”

  “It’s my job, Addison. It’s what I do. Research.”

  “You mean take overs?”

  William grinned. “I like to think of it more in terms of mergers.”

  There on the floor of William’s office, with those words uttered, the matter was settled. Addie had always wanted to visit Italy. Mistake or no mistake, she decided she’d be crazy not to jump at the chance when it presented itself.

  Later that evening, when Addie picked up the boys from her in-laws, she explained that she had to go out of town on business to handle a client situation and asked Penny if she’d mind checking in on the kids for a few days. Addie had already decided that it was best if they stayed with Nanny Kelsey, whom they adored, in their own home. While it was kind of William to offer to bring them along, Addie never once considered that an option. Even though making the offer to Penny would complicate things by having to explain the trip to her in-laws and her husband, she knew how much Penny wanted to be included. Addie wanted to do the right thing, especially since she had recently been doing so much of the wrong thing. To her surprise, Penny was supportive of the trip and her idea, which Addie took as a positive sign since her mother-in-law had never once been supportive of anything she did. Finally, it seemed things were making a turn for the better.

  Two days later, Addie and William boarded a private jet headed for Naples, Italy. Addie had a lot on her mind, knowing she needed to make a decision in regards to Sondra’s offer as well as Patrick’s suggestion that she and the boys move to China. She was relieved to get away for a few days and hoped it would give her a better perspective. Patrick hadn’t been thrilled with her impromptu trip to Italy and urged her to quit her job when she said she had to go. He explained that it was taking too much time away from where she needed to focus her attention: on her children and their home. If you only knew . . .

  Italy was nothing short of amazing. From the sights to the smells, and the food to the language, Addie was fascinated. Upon arrival in Naples, they were driven by Carl and several members of William’s security team to a ferry that would take them to the isle of Capri where a boat was waiting to take them to their final destination: a private villa that belonged to one of William’s business associates. The whole thing was so carefully orchestrated it made Addie dizzy. William seemed to take it all in stride, but for Addie, this was a vastly different way of living. Having someone tell you where to be and having so many resources at your disposal was foreign and yet intriguing.

  The villa was gorgeous and the views were stunning. Addie and William had separate bedroom suites, though she found that he seemed to spend most of his time in hers. William, it turned out, was fun to be around, even when they weren’t in the sack. He was serious when he needed to be and entertaining when he didn’t. While they were there on business and William spent the majority of his time working, he included Addie, asking her advice and opinion on the deals he was working on. Addie didn’t pry. She didn’t ask unnecessary questions, deciding that it was best if she kept her distance. Still, she enjoyed William’s company and felt freer than she had in a long time.

  William Hartman was the happiest that he’d been in perhaps, well, in forever really. He was here on the beautiful isle of Capri where he was about to close a major deal, an acquisition that he’d been working on for years. It wasn’t only that the deal was going to close and he could finally put it behind him or that it would make him an extreme amount of money that had put him in such a good mood. It was the fact that he was here with the first girl he’d ever cared to get to know.

  There had been many women in and out of his life but none that he’d ever wanted to keep around. The problem he found with these women was that they were addicted to and in love with the lifestyle, not so much with him. He’d first witnessed this with his own mother who was always looking for a way to advance up the food chain, yet with each marriage, finding herself more and more miserable. William was determined not to make the same mistakes she did. So he threw himself into his business and didn’t look back. When he was lonely, there always seemed to be a ready replacement for the last disaster who’d occupied his bed. But William never kept them around longer than a few weeks at most. Any longer than that and they started grating on his nerves. With each passing day, the needier they became.

  The thing that William found most unsettling was that the more he pulled away, the tighter the women clung on, each one trying harder than the last to prove that she could be whatever she thought it was he was looking for. And when that didn’t work, she assured him that she was willing and able to put up with his philandering ways. What they didn’t understand was what they were buying into was a myth. Most men, and especially William, didn’t want a woman who devalued and disrespected herself, who was willing to put up with being treated in a way that was less than she deserved. This quality in women in addition to fame and money seeking seemed to go hand in hand.

  On the other end of the spectrum were the businesswomen he bedded: powerful women looking to prove that they didn’t need any man, only to reveal in their next breath that they were looking to take over the world and would appreciate using his knowledge and assets to do so. The kicker was that it was almost always another man at the heart of their motive.

  So meeting Addison Greyer was a surprising breath of fresh air—one he didn’t realize he’d needed until he noticed her standing there in the elevator that day. And then suddenly, he couldn’t get enough. First of all, she was crazy sexy, a natural beauty who carried herself in a way that told you she knew it, yet didn’t flaunt it. She didn’t have to. William noticed the way people looked at her, the way they watched her while she seemed oblivious to it all.

  Addison was refreshing. She was caring and intuitive, but she also had a vulnerability about her that made William desperately want to take care of her. She was maternal in a sense that William couldn’t fully comprehend. This scared him. It took a lot to faze William, but children, even the idea of children, threw him for a loop.

  He understood that children weren’t pawns; they weren’t something to take for granted. You were either in or you were out. It wasn’t so much children per se that scared him shitless as much as it was that he worried whether or not he’d be a good father. He excelled at everything he tried, and he didn’t want fatherhood to be the one thing he messed up. He’d never had a father, and since his own mother didn’t have a maternal bone in her body, he worried that perhaps it was genetic. She saw William as her meal ticket, and she took it, leaving the rest up to the slew of nannies she employed.

  The fact that Addison was married hadn’t bothered him at first. He’d dated his fair share of married women and had never really given it much thought, until he met this married woman and she hadn’t returned his calls and emails or responded to the flowers he sent.

  William was all the more confounded when she seemed generally conflicted about sleeping with him, determined to put it behind her and focus on her marriage. This just didn’t happen to him. Rejection was a new concept. He was handsome and extraordinarily wealthy, and things came easy for William. Everything except love. Real love. So when he saw it written upon Addie’s face as she spoke of her husband and children, when he felt her restraint and knew she was holding back, when most women would’ve taken the selfish route and given in, that was it for William.

  He wanted that. He wanted her. He knew that he would do everything within his power to win. This was William’
s sweet spot. After all, takeovers and acquisitions were his specialty.

  Despite trying to keep her distance, Addie was falling for William. He was extremely charming and did everything he could to see that she was comfortable and happy. He was the kind of man that Addie dreamed about loving. The kind of man that needed saving and who would save her in return. From what little she knew about him, she found that she and William were alike in so many ways. For one thing, their upbringings were similar, and they connected over shared experiences. She was open with him in a way that she had never been with anyone about growing up in her grandparents’ home, without parents, where love was scarce and affection was nonexistent. Because he got it. He understood. Still, deep down she knew William was never a long-term thing. His type never was. For starters, their lives were so very different that they practically lived on two different planets. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun and enjoy the moment, which was exactly what she was doing when she made the life-altering decision to accept Sondra’s offer.

  Lying on a chaise lounge by the pool overlooking the expanse of the ocean with her head on William’s chest and the warm sun shining upon her face, she decided she’d do it. Addie couldn’t put her finger on it, couldn’t nail down the exact reason why in her mind, only that she felt it was the right choice to make. It was more of a hunch, really. A feeling that something was about to change and that taking the role and ultimately the money was the smart thing to do.

  What she hadn’t decided was whether or not she and the boys would move to China and reunite with Patrick. What she did know was that, no matter how welcome the distraction or how well it soothed her hurt, no matter how amazing the sex or how beautiful the location, her heart wasn’t here. It was at home with her children, her life. And part of it was in China with Patrick. Yes, they had problems and had certainly made mistakes, but that didn’t erase their history. It didn’t erase the years, the decade, and all of the good times they’d shared.

  That was the thing about marriage. It’s never all good or all bad. It’s just two people doing the best they can. Addie’s mind flashed back to memories of Patrick hold and soothing Connor as a baby. To him cheering as the twins were delivered. She pictured him on their wedding day, and she realized what she already knew, that she missed him, that she loved him, and that she wanted to be a family again.

  But whether or not she was willing to uproot her family and leave a job she loved to do so was another matter altogether. She’d have to give it a lot of thought. And later, once William left to attend a series of meetings, she decided she’d sit by the pool and pore over the training materials Sondra had given her. In hindsight, she would come to understand that sometimes not choosing was in actuality doing just that.


  Addie awoke in William’s arms as he lowered her gently down onto the bed. God, she loved it here. Everything was peaceful. Serene. If her boys had been here with her, she knew she’d be tempted to stay forever. The smell of the ocean, the breeze blowing at just the perfect speed, the warm sunshine, and, oh my God, the food, it was almost too much. She tried her best to soak it all in.

  “What time is it?” Addie asked, yawning, forcing her eyes open.

  “Two o’clock. You fell asleep by the pool. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Addie rubbed her eyes, confused. “You carried me all the way here?”

  William smiled. “Yep.”

  She pulled William down on the bed toward her, kissing him lightly on his lips just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. He was real. Damn, those lips. What was it about this man that drove her to the edge?

  She picked up her pace, lifting his shirt over his head. His chiseled body was now a deep shade of brown. She hadn’t thought it possible for him to look any better than he had that first time. But he did. “Addison, I can’t. I have to go. My meeting is in half an hour.”

  Addie grazed the edge of his jaw with her tongue. “This won’t take that long. Promise.”

  William laughed though his gaze was serious, focused. “No, really, Addison. I have to go,” he replied, gently removing her from his lap, placing her on the bed.

  Addie scoffed. “Oh, and here I was assuming you were the boss.”

  William leaned in, kissing her firmly. He lingered. “Wow. That was a low blow. But you know . . . you’re pretty cute when you pout.”

  Addie rolled her eyes and plopped herself playfully backward on the bed, sighing loudly.

  William scooped her up. “That’s it, young lady. You asked for it.”

  He carried her to the bathroom and placed her on the counter as he slipped out of his bathing suit. “I hope you like it in the shower.”

  Addie bit her lip, considering how much trouble she was going to be in if she didn’t get a hold of herself. “Well, as a matter of fact . . .”

  Addie threw her swimsuit on and gathered her training materials and made her way back down to the pool. Glancing behind her, she saw a man she only knew as Joe following not far behind. It was weird to have one of William’s security guys in tow with her everywhere she went, but she did her best to try and ignore it.

  The first day there she questioned William about why she needed security when he was the likely target. He spoke in a clipped tone, only saying that if she were known to be traveling with him then she was just as likely a target. Noticing the way his demeanor changed and his jaw tightened, Addie let it be and left it at that.

  Addie sat down and flipped through her booklet before opening it, trying to ensure that Joe didn’t get to close. He sat down across the pool and began reading a book of his own.

  She turned the first page: Lessons for a Dominatrix.

  LESSON #1: (THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL!): Being a Dominant is 99% mental.

  You must believe in and harness your power or you cannot expect anyone else to. This takes a lot of preparation and training. But it is the first and foremost important rule of being a Mistress. You are playing a role much like an actress plays a role. A Mistress must nail her part each and every time. She must tune in to what her audience needs from her and fulfill those needs. Leave them wanting more. Always remember, you become brave by acting brave.

  LESSON #2: Sessions provide an experience.

  Potential submissives (slaves) often ask what is involved in a BDSM session. They want to know what services are involved. The very use of that word “service” shows that the majority of people still see BDSM as some sort of service to be provided, akin to a massage, a haircut, or a visit to a brothel. Perhaps there are some Mistresses that place themselves in that category of “service provider.” Not at Dungeon Seven. Money often referred to as a tribute never exchanges hands between Mistress and sub. All tributes are handled prior to the session, taking place by a third party, the receptionist at Seven. When one wishes to have a session with one of our Mistresses, he is informed of how We at Seven approach the concept of a session.

  First, our Mistresses do not provide services. It is the submissive (sub or slave) that makes him/herself available to serve the Mistress. It’s better to think of a session as a lesson. When coming for a session, a submissive expects to be taken on a journey: an inner journey into the realms of the mind, into one’s intimate senses. A session is an experience. Now, how much one gains from a session depends on his ability to learn, surrender, and trust his Mistress. While previous experience is not a requirement, only an eagerness to go on the journey, the clients at Seven are properly vetted and undergo an extensive selection process.

  LESSON #3: You will see the same rotation of six clients during the duration of your term as Head Mistress. Never anyone else.

  Included in your training materials, I have provided lengthy, detailed information on each client you will see. You will study their likes and dislikes, as well as specific information about what happens in an average session with that particular client. Explicit detail about each client’s specific and individual needs and deepest desires should be learned both for
ward and backward.

  A good sub (slave) remembers all rules set up by his owner. He will do his best to uphold those rules and keep within the set boundaries. Keep in mind some subs like to push their Mistress, challenge her authority or be naughty; this only works if the Domme is compliant in such games. If not, the sub is breaking the golden rule by putting his own needs above his Mistress’s. This behavior must not be tolerated.

  Commit this information to memory, as you will be tested. Remember, the submissives I am entrusting you with are my most valuable clients, and they must be treated with the utmost respect and care.

  LESSON #4: Rules of a Session. Subs understand them. YOU enforce them.

  A session begins with the submissive undressing and sitting in the chair in the middle of the room. The Mistress then fastens a black leather collar around the sub’s neck, which marks the beginning of the session.

  The sub must always ask permission before he/she says or does anything. PERIOD!

  A sub must always use the proper form of address when speaking to you. They must ask, “Mistress, may I have permission to speak?”

  Submissives are never to say, “No,” when their Mistress instructs them to do something. If they don’t follow the rules of the session, it is imperative that they are disciplined.

  The “Safe Word” is “MERCY.” Subs know to use this word when the situation becomes unbearable. Do not take this lightly. Stop the session and talk it out. Tune in to body language; use your intuition to determine when more or less is required within a session. Remember each session is different and treat it as such.

  LESSON 5: Never underestimate your role as Mistress. Respect it. Uphold yourself to the highest standard at all times. Expect the same from your subs.

  As Mistress you are a considered a therapist of sorts. Being a sub can take on many forms: being a slave, being told what to do, crawling around on all fours at Mistress’s feet, being kept on a leash or chain, feeding from a bowl, various fetishes, role playing, and, of course, being punished when naughty and rewarded when compliant. All of these scenarios stem from the same desire: the willing and joyful surrender of control. For a sub, nothing can be more liberating than this—to step out of the “real world,” relinquish responsibility, worries, and everyday pressures, and hand over his life to another.


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