Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 14

by Anne Rainey

  He took her hand and led her down a dirt path. “I’ve never been to this park,” she said as she looked around. “Usually I go to the one closest to my office. It has great biking trails.”

  “This place is a little more rustic and there aren’t any biking trails.”

  She shrugged. “It’s pretty. I love the outdoors. We used to go camping a lot when I was a kid.”

  Jake was surprised. The sophisticated woman with her expensive clothes and manicured nails didn’t strike him as a nature lover. “You’re a constant surprise to me, Dr. Smart.”

  “You didn’t think I’d be the outdoorsy type, did you?”

  He held her hand when she tried to pull away. He’d said something wrong, but he wasn’t sure what. “You sound disappointed in me.”

  “I hate when people judge me simply because of my profession. It’s annoying to be slipped into the category of china doll.”

  He pulled her to a stop. She wouldn’t look at him, but Jake wouldn’t be deterred. “It’s not your profession. It’s you.”

  Her head whipped around, her eyes blazing with anger. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m some fragile little thing who needs to be coddled. You’ll be sorely disappointed.”

  “I would never think you needed coddling, but you aren’t exactly bulging with muscles and tromping around in hiking boots either. You have a delicate way about you. It takes a man a minute or two to see past the surface.”

  “And what do you see below the surface, Jake? Tell me, I’d really love to know.”

  “I see a stubborn woman who’s strong enough to take charge of her own pleasure. You’re polished, but not afraid to get dirty. I see a woman I want to get to know better.”

  “Then why are we in the woods when we could be in a bed, naked?”

  Straight to the point, that was Roni. “Turn around,” he softly demanded. She squinted at him, as if suspicious. “You have to turn around if you want to see why I brought you here.”

  “Fine,” she gritted out, then swung on her heel. She stared at the large metal cage before finally letting out a frustrated sigh. “All I see is another empty cage, Jake.”

  Jake stepped up behind her, letting his body brush hers. He felt her shiver in awareness and it made his blood run hotter. “Look up, on that branch near the top of the cage.” He pointed over her shoulder.

  He heard her sharp intake of breath and he knew she saw it. “Oh, Jake, it’s beautiful.”

  “It’s a red-tailed hawk. She had a broken wing, that’s why she’s here. Someone found her and brought her here to recover. She would have died on her own. I don’t think she would have been able to hunt for food.”

  “She looks sad, don’t you think? Caged up like that?”

  “I’m sure she’s a little sad. But they take good care of her here. When she first arrived she was pretty bad off. I don’t think they expected her to survive. A hawk doesn’t just take food you give her; she hunts for her dinner. It took a lot of work to get her just to eat.”

  She turned around and Jake was surprised to see a tear slipping down her cheek. “I’m glad they saved her, but shouldn’t she have been allowed to die a natural death?”

  Unable to keep his hands off her even a moment longer, Jake cupped her cheeks in his palms and swiped away the tear. “I don’t know. I’m glad she has a chance to survive though.”

  “Me too, but she’s better now, Jake. Maybe they could release her back into the wild.”

  “Maybe.” Jake didn’t like seeing the hurt on Roni’s face. “If it was within my power I would open the cage myself and let the bird go free, but even if I could, would it be fair to have saved her, just to let her starve to death now? Or let some other predator pick her off?”

  “She survived, even though the odds were against her. It’s possible she could fend for herself now.”

  He wondered. Was the hawk well enough now to survive on her own? “I’ll talk to the park officials first thing Monday and see what can be done.”

  “You would do that?”

  He nodded. “It might not help. I’m sure if she could have been set free they would’ve done it. But it can’t hurt to find out more.”

  She went up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was soft and Jake wanted more. He wanted to devour her.

  Roni pulled back, her eyes shining bright with emotion. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Jake groaned. “How about I get you back to my place where you can thank me properly?”

  She grinned. “Yes, good idea.”


  “You’re a slob, Dr. Smart.”

  Roni took in the messy surroundings. Clothes were strewn everywhere, her dresser was a chaotic mishmash of makeup, spray bottles and…damn, was that a coffee cup? It was a ridiculous mess. Still, she was glad she’d managed to talk him into coming home with her, instead of the other way around. “It’s the way I live, deal with it.”

  “I bet you say that to all the guys,” he whispered as he continued removing her clothing.

  Oh, God, they were moving too fast and she knew it. He’d already shucked his clothes and now he was helping Roni out of hers. Roni couldn’t seem to put a stop to it. Something about Jake pulled at her. He didn’t treat her like she would break. He pushed and demanded and Roni loved it. She’d never let a man take such control. She’d even begun to suspect she was incapable of letting down her defenses long enough to ever have a normal relationship. She’d discovered pretty quickly that going to Kinks afforded her the luxury of being herself. There were no expectations. She could act on her desires and there were no consequences.

  As she stood in her bedroom, allowing Jake to undress her as if she were a small child, Roni discovered a new kind of pleasure. When he removed her bra, leaving a pair of white silk panties covering her from his view, Roni was nearly ready to surrender and let Jake run the show.

  As he slid the scrap of silk down her legs, Roni suddenly felt a bout of shyness overcome her. When he didn’t stand back up to take her to the bed, she frowned. “What are you doing?”

  On his knees, his face mere inches from her pussy, he stared up at her. “I’m looking.”

  Her clit throbbed as she watched him lick his lips. Jake leaned forward and kissed her drenched curls tenderly, forcing her to reach out and clutch his shoulders for support. His talented mouth lingered, licking up and down between her swollen folds. Roni whimpered and dug her fingers into the powerful muscles of his shoulders.

  “Oh, God, Jake.” Roni didn’t know what to do. A storm brewed inside her and she needed to control it. To rein it in. As his arms wrapped around her hips and he cuddled her bottom, Roni tried to wriggle free. She ached to open her thighs, to give him better access. But he was too strong and he wasn’t budging.

  “Let me play, baby,” he cajoled, his voice rough with passion. “I need to savor this hot little cunt for a bit.”

  Who was she to deny the man? As he sank his tongue in, laving at her, Roni’s knees nearly buckled. She would’ve fallen had he not been holding her in his firm embrace. When his talented mouth found her clitoris, the tremors built inside her by slow degrees. Little ripples moved through her, gaining momentum as he sucked at her clit and licked her pussy.

  Roni couldn’t take much more of the pleasurable torture. She sank her fingers into his hair and pulled hard enough to gain his attention. His gaze darkened, turned savage, as he pulled back and looked at her. Roni wouldn’t be deterred by his feral expression. “Finger-fuck me, Jake,” she demanded. “Do it now.”

  Without warning, Jake released her and stood. She would have fallen on her ass had he not steadied her. When she was about to order him back on his knees, he only slung her around and brought his palm down hard on the sensitive flesh of her ass.

  “Ow! That hurt, damn it!”

  “Next time we fuck, you can order me to do your bidding,” he gritted out. “This time you’re mine.”

  “I told you before I’m a dominatri
x,” she bit out. “I like to be in control.”

  He swatted her again on the other cheek. “You got your way when you insisted we come back to your place instead of mine. Now hush and let me play. You’ll get your turn.”

  It wasn’t in Roni’s nature to hold her tongue. She’d never been good at it. “I’ll take my turn now.” She tried to turn but his hands gripping her hips were too strong.

  “You were doing fine, baby. Why the sudden change?”

  “It’s not rocket science, Jake. I want to come, it’s that simple.”

  His hot breath against her ear had her pussy creaming. “Let me take you there then. Stop fighting me.”

  Could she let him have control? She turned and looked at him. “I’ll get my chance later?”

  He smiled. “I promise, princess.”


  He looked her over and groaned. “A pretty, stubborn, blond princess.”

  She bit her lip and contemplated the merits of giving in to Jake. He wanted to pleasure her in his own way. It wasn’t exactly a hardship to let the man take over. “Okay.”

  Gently, he kissed her lips. “You won’t regret it.”

  When he stepped backward, Roni let her gaze drift over his muscular chest, then on down to his hard cock. “I know,” she murmured.

  Jake held Roni’s gaze as he slowly lowered himself to his knees in front of her. Her eyes rounded, and there was a fire he hadn’t seen in them before. “I want to taste this pretty pussy.” She started to protest but in the end stayed silent and let him have his way. Knowing she was willing to relinquish control melted his heart. Instinctively, Jake knew Roni rarely gave a man control.

  He licked his lips and stared at the glistening golden curls covering paradise. “You taste like heaven. A slice of sweet honeyed heaven.”

  Her cheeks bloomed pink and her eyes darkened. The soft light on the bedside table lent to the sensuality of the moment. “Would you like my tongue on your clit, Roni?”

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  Jake leaned in and kissed the little nub. “Say please, pretty baby.”

  “Please, damn you!”

  He chuckled. “Not quite what I had in mind, but it’ll do.” Jake clutched her thighs and tugged her forward. She moaned his name and it fueled his own raging need. With her body so close, Jake could smell her arousal. Christ, he was starved for her.

  “You’re so goddamn sexy. Sexy and wet and ready.”

  “Jake,” she muttered, “I’m dying here.”

  As she held on to his shoulders, sharp nails digging into flesh and muscle, Jake knew he’d never forget this moment as long as he lived.

  The need in her quivery voice urged him on. “Put your leg over my shoulder.”

  She was unsteady but eager as she did as he instructed. The position put the apex of her thighs directly in his face. It was a major turn on. She looked a little bit awkward and wobbly. Jake cupped her ass and squeezed, then kissed her clit. “I want your juice on my tongue. I’m going to really enjoy licking you dry, Roni.”

  He spread her open with his thumbs and exposed her hot little cunt. When he leaned in and licked her slit, Jake tasted pure, feminine heat. He ached for more, to drown in her liquid desire. His tongue delved inside her opening as his hands clasped onto her bottom, bringing her closer. Jake was suddenly swept away on a sea of desire as emotions rocked his body and tore at his heart and soul. He sank deeper, his cock throbbing as Roni’s inner muscles clenched around him. Her fingers moved to his hair and she pulled him forward, forcing him to bury his head in her wet pussy.

  “Your tongue, Jake,” she moaned. “I need more of your tongue, please.”

  He gave in and flicked his tongue over and around her clit, relishing the needy sounds Roni made. Her thighs started to shake and her body began to spasm out of control. Jake tongue-fucked her, sinking in and out of her dewy heat as if starved. Without warning, Roni shuddered and screamed, her juice pouring into his hungry mouth.

  He lapped at her several times, eager to swallow every drop of her passion, before he pulled his mouth off her. Roni slumped over him. The feel of her soft curves, leaning on him for support filled him with masculine pride. In this single moment, Roni appeared vulnerable and trusting. It pulled at Jake to see her so open to him. He gently kissed her swollen nub one more time, then pushed her away enough so he could stand. He slipped one arm behind her back and the other behind her knee before lifting her into his arms. After he placed her on the bed, he stepped back. Her quick breathing and heavy-lidded eyes had every one of his possessive instincts kicking in. Damn, she was beautiful. He didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but in that moment he vowed they would be sharing more than a single night together. No way in hell would he be letting her slip through his fingers now that he’d had a taste of sweet heaven.

  Roni came out of the pleasurable haze Jake so effortlessly wove around her and peered up at him. He looked edgy and wild. It was a little scary and extremely exciting. She wanted to feel all that untamed strength between her thighs. Some part of her was afraid he was taking too much of her, as if there were more than great sex at stake here. She had a mind to send him home, to put him at arm’s length. Luckily, the sane part of her knew better than to let the delicious man out of her sight.

  Tomorrow, she’d send him on his merry way.

  “You know your way around a woman’s body, don’t you?” Roni didn’t want to think of how he’d managed such skill either.

  “Just as I’ll bet you know your way around a man’s.”

  Roni laughed. “Maybe. Come closer and we’ll see.”

  A muscle in his jaw jumped. He leaned down and kissed her, hard. As if branding her with his lips. The kiss was urgent and filled with heat. It seared her clear to her soul.

  Jake pulled back, his dark hair tousled, his breathing labored. “You won’t regret a second you spend with me. I’m going to make you scream, baby.” He placed one knee on the bed and moved over the top of her.

  When he braced himself on his elbows on either side of her head and delivered little butterfly kisses over her cheeks, Roni blurted out the first words that came to mind. “I think I already regret it.”

  Jake stopped and pulled back. “What did you say?”

  Too late, the words were out, there was no taking them back. “I figure I must need my head examined for being here with you. We don’t even know each other, Jake. I’ve never had sex on a first date. Ever.” It mattered little to her libido, but her head rebelled at this newest stunt.

  Jake touched her chin with his index finger. “We may not know each other very well, but there’s no way I’ll regret this night. I don’t sleep around any more than you do, but wild horses couldn’t drag my ass away from you right now.”

  There wasn’t a chance for her to reply or even think about his statement as he stood up and wrapped a fist around his cock. He slowly moved his hand up and down, drawing a pearl of moisture to the tip. The man was pure sin. A powerful, broad-shouldered, dark-haired, stunningly bare slice of delicious sin. His cock jutted out, swollen and pulsing, and Roni’s mouth watered.

  “Touch me.”

  He was back in command mode, Roni realized. It was in the harsh tone of his voice and his compelling, watchful gaze. Still as a statue, Jake dropped his hands to his sides and waited. It was her move. He clenched and unclenched his fists, the only sign of his agitation. This was a test. Roni suspected Jake was unsure if she would do as told or balk at the notion of submitting to his dominance. Jake liked pushing her past her comfort zone. She understood that now. It aroused her like nothing else. Roni wanted to surrender to him. Had she waited her entire life to find a man strong enough to master her? Maybe. Either way, she was here now and she’d make it good. Who knew what tomorrow might bring?

  She rolled to her side and lifted on her elbow before reaching a hand out and touching his stomach. She ached to learn every muscled inch of his body. The ripped abs, the dark sprinkling of hair across
his hard chest. Her palm flattened out as she massaged over his bulging muscles and wide ribcage. Her fingers sifted through the springy curls as she touched his left pectoral. Her pussy grew damp, as she imagined sitting on his face while he tongued her.

  Jake grabbed her wrist, his blue-green eyes capturing her gaze while he pushed her hand downward.

  “You know what I want. Take my cock in your hand.”

  Testing the waters, Roni held back. “And what if I don’t?”

  His eyes narrowed and a muscle jumped in his rigid jaw. “Do you like to push me? Does it turn you on to see me lose control, princess?”


  One side of his mouth kicked up. “You’re a naughty girl.”

  He released her hand and took a step back, putting a measure of distance between them. “Stand up, then get on all fours in front of me.”

  Orders? He expected her to obey? Sex games weren’t new to her, but usually she did the ordering and the men did the begging.

  “You need to know how this works. I never repeat myself, Roni.”

  Jake’s gruff voice traveled along her nerve endings like a forbidden caress. The dark expression made her a little afraid and a lot turned on. As she got up and started to do as he commanded, she was stunned to see him moving to the far corner of the room. He bent and she became pleasantly distracted by his sexy ass. When he turned and started back toward her, Roni noticed his leather belt dangling from his fingers. Her heart sped up and she shook her head. “No way.”

  Inches away now, Jake angled his head and murmured, “I’m not going to whip you, sweetheart. I’d never hurt you. Maybe you could give me at least a kernel of trust?”

  She fidgeted and asked, “Then what are you planning?”

  His nostrils flared and his eyes seared her from head to toe, her body coming to glorious life everywhere his gaze touched. “Pleasure,” he growled. “Bend over the bed.”

  Oh God. Could she, of her own volition, accept whatever he had up his sleeve?

  For an instant, Jake’s implacable mask slipped. “Let me have you.”


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