Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 16

by Anne Rainey

  Jake had a feeling Roni wasn’t much into sleepovers. Why she kept herself at arm’s length with men was a mystery. There wasn’t a chance in hell he would let her kick him out now though. He placed his fist beneath her chin and gently forced her to look at him. “I don’t do one nighters, Roni. I intend to wake up with you all snuggled against me. I’ll make you breakfast in bed. Then maybe if you’re a good little princess I’ll show you how good a masseur I am.”

  Her frown disappeared. “Breakfast and a massage both?”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Yeah, baby, both.”

  “I want an omelet or it’s no deal.”

  He winked and helped her down off the counter. “Omelets are my specialty.”

  “Then we have a deal,” she said, as she stepped into the shower. When he moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to pull her against him, his semi-erect cock pressed against the top of her ass. Damn, he loved her ass. He could so easily imagine fucking the tight passage. And he wouldn’t use a fucking condom either. They’d be skin to skin. Christ he was getting hard again.



  “Tomorrow night,” she said softly, “it’s going to be my turn.”

  Jesus, he’d never live through it.


  Roni couldn’t take her eyes off Jake as he slid his jeans slowly down his muscled thighs and calves. She watched him bend and pull them off, then shove them aside. He hadn’t bothered with underwear or a shirt. Now he stood in her kitchen without a stitch of clothing on and Roni suddenly had a craving for male flesh.

  “Time for breakfast, sweetheart.”

  He’d stayed true to his promise of the night before. Roni had slept like the dead snuggled up against Jake. When she’d managed to pry her eyes open it’d been to the sight of Jake setting a tray of food on her nightstand. The omelet had tasted heavenly. The massage afterward had been even better.

  She’d only left the bed because she’d wanted to make a pot of coffee, but he’d effectively changed her mind when he’d lifted her to the counter and started to peel the camisole and pajama pants from her body. He’d kissed each patch of skin he exposed until she was completely nude. Now, as she stared at his hard, pulsing cock, Roni couldn’t seem to string enough words together to form a sentence. A drop of pre-come appeared at the tip and she caught herself anticipating his salty flavor. She licked her lips.

  “Spread those pretty thighs so I can eat.”

  Roni didn’t take her gaze from his erection. “You said I’d get a turn to be in control.”

  Jake placed both palms beside her body on the counter. He lowered his head and kissed her pussy. “You don’t want my tongue here, baby?”

  She bobbed her head. Boy, did she ever! “You’re supposed to let me have a turn though.”

  He kissed her belly, then licked her nipple. “Up to you. I can stop if you like.”

  Roni moved her thighs apart, slowly revealing her wet pussy. The heat in his gaze made her more brazen than normal and she forgot about the fact they were in her kitchen in the bright light of day. All she could see was Jake’s powerful body bent over her, ready to make a meal of her.

  Once her legs were spread wide, she deliberately teased him by massaging her clit with her finger. God, she was so wet and ready. It wasn’t going to take much for her to come.

  Roni pulled her fingers away, then leaned back and ordered, “Lick me.”

  His hands came up to cup her breasts. He squeezed and flicked his thumbs over her nipples, and Roni pushed into his palms.

  “Christ, just look at you.”

  Her entire body revved to life at his sleep-roughened voice and soft touches. “Do you like watching me, Jake?”

  “I could watch you touch yourself for hours and not get bored. Hell, I could come watching you finger-fuck yourself.”

  His candor shocked her. She could be just as bold though. “I’d rather you came while I suck you.”

  Jake’s gaze turned dark with arousal. “I want to come all over your tongue. Will you let me?”

  Roni pretended a nonchalance she didn’t feel. “Maybe,” she hedged. “Eat my pussy and we’ll see.”

  “Damn, you’re good at that,” he growled.

  Roni tilted her head, unsure what he meant. “Good at what?”

  “Ordering me around. I’ve never much cared for aggressive women, but you’ve shown me the light, sweetheart.”

  She laughed. “Good, I’m glad.”

  “Mmm,” he murmured as he dipped his head between her thighs and licked her slit.

  “Oh, God, that feels good.”

  “Open yourself more, little princess,” Jake demanded. “Show me you want me.”

  His hot breath against her flesh was all the incentive she needed. She spread her legs wider.

  His head lowered, as if helpless to deny himself. Roni watched as Jake touched her smooth slit with his tongue. Powerless against the sensual assault, Roni moaned his name. He captured her thighs in his strong hands and held her open for the invasion of his lips and tongue. He nibbled at her clit and sucked her as if she were a ripe peach. No one had ever taken such time with her before. Jake seemed content to lick her for hours.

  He lifted his head and she could see her juices coating his lips. The sight turned her on. “You have such a delicate scent and you taste like heaven. It drives me right over the edge.”

  Roni couldn’t speak. Jake used his fingers to hold her slick, swollen lips open, then licked her again. She felt herself climbing higher, her body as tight as a spring. She began to move against his face, unable to control her own actions. Jake let go of one of her thighs, and continued to ply her with his tongue, swirling and circling her distended clit. He slid two fingers into her opening, then slowly moved them in and out. When he curled his fingers, touching a spot she could swear no man had ever reached, Roni moaned and grabbed on to his head. He finger-fucked her over and over, all the while suckling and teasing her clit. She arched up, pressing more fully against his face, anxious and lost to her own passion.

  Jake growled low and buried his face into her wet pussy. He sucked on her clit and thrust his fingers deep once more. Roni slammed against his hungry mouth and exploded, screaming his name.

  Jake kept his fingers and mouth on her and inside of her until the very last tremor. He kissed her tenderly, then stood up, his gaze pinning her in place. “Sweet as honey,” he murmured.

  Roni couldn’t move, could barely breathe. He’d destroyed her.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” He said as he touched her cheek. “Did I do something wrong?”

  She shook the feeling away and sat up straighter. “No. I’m just…savoring.”

  “Ah, I see.” He moved between her thighs and kissed her, the feel of his hard body pressed against her felt so right. Too right. It scared her to feel such a connection with a man so fast. Roni pulled back, forcing him to end the kiss.

  She reached between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around his cock. “I believe it’s your turn.”

  His gaze softened as he watched her slide off the counter. “Did I earn my reward?”

  She went to her knees and looked up at him. “You did very well. Your mistress is pleased.” Without another word, Roni opened her mouth and sucked Jake’s cock deep.

  “Fuck, girl.” Jake groaned and threw his head back.

  She took him deeper, then slid his hot length all the way out again. She traced the bulbous head with her tongue and heard him curse. She smiled, enjoying herself. Suddenly, he appeared ready to take back the reins.

  “You’re a little tease. Suck it for me, princess.” He grabbed handfuls of her hair on both sides of her head, and guided her down until her mouth was stuffed full with his girth. His balls pressed against her chin. Roni let her teeth graze him enough to have him cursing and releasing her.

  She pulled her mouth off him and said, “That was just a warning. You’d do well to stand there like a good boy

  “Damn hellion.”

  She laughed at his disgruntled tone but noticed he did indeed do as instructed, his hands fisted at his sides as he waited for her to pleasure him. Roni didn’t make him wait long. She licked his balls as a reward for good behavior, drawing a groan from him. Hungry for his male essence, Roni bent her head slightly and sucked him to the back of her throat.

  She tongued him and knew he was all but ready to explode. She’d won their little game of tug of war. Of course, she didn’t think Jake minded all that much.

  She continued to suck on him, licking and teasing then deliberately pressed her naked breasts against his hair-roughened thighs, massaging her aching nipples against his skin. As she swirled her tongue around his heavy length and played with the slit at the very tip, Jake pushed into her mouth so far she nearly gagged. Roni cupped his sac and squeezed. He cursed and took her head between his large palms and fucked her face. Suddenly, he let out a roar and exploded. Roni eagerly swallowed every drop, hungry for his come.

  Swiping her tongue over his tip one more time, Roni released his cock and sat back.

  Jake reached down and helped her to her feet. “I could get used to mornings like these.”

  Roni froze. She was letting Jake stroke her hair and he was gazing down at her as if she meant something to him. What was she supposed to say?

  “Jake, I—”

  Jake dropped his hands and backed up a step. “This is the part where you tell me you aren’t interested in a serious relationship, right?”

  Why did she suddenly feel so hollow inside? It wasn’t like her to fall for a guy so fast. “I’m not saying that exactly. I don’t know what to say because I don’t know how I feel. Yesterday you were a stranger. You came to fix my computer and now we’re standing in my kitchen naked. I don’t know where this is supposed to go.”

  Jake cupped her chin and smoothed his thumb over her bottom lip. “How about if we just let it happen? There’s no need to decide anything, sweetheart. I give you my number. You give me yours. We see who caves first.”

  Roni wasn’t sure if she was falling in love or not, but whatever those little butterflies in her stomach were, she sort of liked them. “I think that’s a very good idea.”

  “Don’t be surprised if I cave first though. The thought of going more than a day or two without tasting those sweet lips of yours gives me hives.”

  She laughed and smacked his chest. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I’m realistic.”

  Roni bent and picked up his jeans. She handed them over and said, “I do have a suggestion.”

  He took the jeans and started to put them on. “I’m all ears.”

  “A friend of mine invited me to a cookout next Saturday. Would you like to go?”

  He zipped the jeans and Roni turned to grab her camisole. She was beginning to feel seriously underdressed.

  Jake snagged the camisole out of her hands and held it above her head, out of reach. “Would I be going as a friend or as your date?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “How about as my love slave who’s in serious need of discipline?”

  Jake bobbed his eyebrows. “That’ll work.”

  She laughed. “You’re hopeless. Give me back my shirt and go away, I’ve got things to do.”

  “Are you sure I couldn’t persuade you back into bed instead?”

  She glanced down his body and noticed the bulge in his jeans. “Do you ever tire?”

  “A pretty blond princess is standing in front of me naked. As it happens that’s a sight guaranteed to make my dick really happy.”

  She propped her hands on her hips and glared at him. “I will use my knee if I have to.”

  He grimaced and handed her the camisole.

  Dressed several minutes later, Roni watched through her living room window as Jake backed out of her driveway. She looked down at the sticky note in her hand. He’d given her his phone number and she’d given him hers. But that wasn’t what had her heart nearly beating out of her chest. The crooked heart he’d drawn around the number tore at her defenses. A woman didn’t have a leg to stand on around a man like Jake. She held the sticky note to her chest and slumped against the wall.

  The ringing of the phone tore Roni out of her romantic haze. When she moved through the kitchen she realized it was clean. “Damn, he did my dishes.”

  Roni couldn’t remember a single time when a man had cleaned and cooked for her. As her gaze snagged on the spot on the counter where Jake had spread her legs and licked her to orgasm, her clit throbbed in awareness. She inhaled and wondered if it were just her imagination or if she really could smell his musky male scent. The phone rang again and Roni grabbed it off the counter.


  “Hey, Roni, it’s Lydia. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, I was up.” God, was she ever. “What’s going on?”

  “There’s a sale at the mall today. Jeannette and I are going. Want to come?”

  Normally she loved shopping with her two closest friends. It was their favorite weekend hobby. Today Roni only wanted to be left alone. She needed to get a handle on her feelings for Jake. Put things into perspective.

  “I’m going to skip it this time. I have a lot of housework and bills to work on.” Which was nothing short of the truth. “You two have fun.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Lydia sounded worried and Roni hated it. Considering it was the first time Roni had ever opted to clean instead of shop, however, Lydia had good reason to worry. “Yeah, I’m good. If you see anything I might like though, get it for me and I’ll pay you back.”

  “No problem. Talk to you later?”


  They ended the call and Roni looked back down at the wrinkled sticky note. “He just had to go and be all sweet. Damn it.”


  Jake didn’t even remember driving to his brother’s house, but as he pulled the keys out of the ignition and stared at Spencer under the hood of Lisa’s car, he knew he couldn’t leave without at least saying hello. When he opened the car door, Spencer stood and turned, his grease-streaked face holding a grimace. Lisa’s piece of crap Jeep tended to put Spencer in a foul mood.

  Jake walked up the drive and called out a greeting. “Hey, bro. What’s wrong with it this time?”

  Spencer moved to a workbench and picked up a rag, then swiped it over his face. “Damn thing’s burning oil,” he gritted out.

  “You need to talk her into buying a new car. This thing isn’t worth the trouble.”

  “She thinks the red’s cute.” He rolled his eyes and tossed the rag on top of a pile of tools. “Stubborn girl.”

  Speaking of stubborn. “Hey, you got a minute?”

  Spencer looked him over. Jake had to force himself to stand still. He still had on last night’s clothes and he hadn’t shaved. It was obvious as hell he’d been out all night. The grin that came over his brother’s face gave him no amount of comfort either.

  “I could be persuaded to take a break.”

  Jake sighed. Hell, he should’ve known it’d cost him. “What’s your price?”

  Spencer pointed to the red pile of metal. “Help me fix it and I’ll be yours.”

  Jake cursed. “I’m giving Lisa a raise. Maybe she’ll buy a new car.”

  Spencer laughed and started toward the door leading into the house. “Come on, Tara made a pitcher of tea.”

  “Mmm, I love her tea. She loads it with sugar.”

  Spencer pushed into the kitchen and went straight to the refrigerator. “That woman knows how to keep a man happy, that’s for sure.”

  Jake held back the envy that threatened to engulf him every time he thought of how happy Tara made Spencer. Their marriage wasn’t perfect, but they were in love and they had Lisa. Jake had thought he’d have that kind of bliss with Sarah. Her death had cheated him. It’d taken him a while to get over the anger and resentment, to realize life went on. Unbidden, a
n image of Roni slipped into his mind. How she looked that morning when he’d kissed her awake and fed her the omelet he’d whipped up. Her silky blond hair all tousled from sleep, her pretty lips swollen from his kisses. What would it be like to wake up to that every morning?

  “Earth to Jake?”

  Jake pushed the thought away and took the glass of tea his brother handed him. “Sorry, I’m a little out of it this morning.”

  “Yeah, I picked right up on that.” Spencer pulled out a chair and sat, then pointed to the chair across from him. “Sit down and tell me who put that dreamy look on your face.”

  Jake pulled out the chair and straddled it. He tossed back half the glass of tea in an attempt to extinguish the blaze raging inside him. He could go to her now. Take her in his arms and kiss her from head to toe. She’d let him too. Roni wasn’t an easy lay, but for him, she’d opened up. Like a pretty little tulip in the spring sunshine, she’d bloomed.

  “Dr. Roni Smart,” he mumbled.

  “Smart,” Spencer said, frowning. “Isn’t that the porn lady?”

  Jake slammed his glass on the table. “She’s not the porn lady. Hell, she didn’t even know about the videos until I showed her. She has someone using her computer as their own personal playground. We’re trying to catch the perv.”

  “So, you’re helping the damsel in distress. What’s that got to do with your absentminded professor routine this morning?”

  “We went to dinner last night and…”

  “You went home with her? A client?” Spencer thumped his fist against the surface of the table, causing the salt shaker to tumble over. “Damn, Jake, what the hell were you thinking?”

  Jake reached over and righted the salt shaker. “It’s not like that. She’s different.” He rubbed a hand over his face, wishing he could put a finger on his feelings for Roni. “She makes me laugh. She drives me right up the wall with her attitude. She’s antagonistic and sweet and smart and sexy enough to melt my damn fillings. She makes me crazy. Fuck I just met her!” Spencer watched him, his narrowed gaze assessing. It made Jake crazy when he got that intense, quiet expression. “What? Spit it out.”


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