Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 26

by Anne Rainey

  As he skated his palms down her arms to her wrists, he could feel the wild pulse beating there. “You’re excited, aren’t you, baby?”


  “And a little scared?”

  “A little.”

  Hunter tsked. “Sweet baby. No fear with me, remember?”

  She nodded and Hunter traveled his fingers down her back, taking care to massage each vertebra until he felt the stiffness leave her body altogether. With Jeanette relaxed finally, he leaned down to place small kisses to the base of her spine and over her upraised ass.

  He then smoothed his fingertips over her lower back, and growled, “Does this feel good?”

  “Mmm, don’t make me talk right now.” She dropped her head to the comforter and moaned, “Oh my, that feels so incredible. You are one talented man, Hunter.”

  He smiled, cocky and turned on all at once.

  He let his fingers drift over the small indentations above her bottom before saying, “You are being such a good little girl, sweetness.”

  Mindful of her fears, Hunter squirted more lube onto his fingers, then slid them between her ass cheeks. He stroked the tight, pink pucker over and over again, making certain she would experience nothing but raw pleasure when he entered her.

  “You’re going to kill me when I get my dick in here, baby.” The need to fill her with his cock began to ride him hard. “It’s going to be so fucking warm and tight.”

  “Oh God, Hunter.”

  His body was on fire and his dick was aching for release. He couldn’t wait another second. Gently, he separated the round globes of her backside and touched the head of his cock to her entrance. He slipped inside, barely breaching her entrance. It was such sweet torture to hold back from thrusting deep. Fucking her hard and fast, the way his body so desperately craved.

  “Hunter,” she cried out.

  Her quivery voice, so full of heat, nearly pushed him beyond reason. She thrust backward, as if eager for more. Hunter gave her another inch, pushing past the tight ring of muscles protecting the most secret part of her body.

  “Christ, baby,” he groaned. “You feel so damn good.”

  Another inch more and Jeanette went wild beneath him, thrusting her hips backward, taking control of their lovemaking in such a way that both surprised and pleased him. Her body bowed and Hunter had to clutch her hips to keep from sliding in too far too fast.

  “Gently, little love,” he commanded in a tone that brooked no argument. He refused to hurt her—despite the way his primal instincts kept battering at him to fill her completely.

  Holding her firmly by the hips to keep her body still for his slow invasion, Hunter heard Jeanette let loose a needy little plea. The yearning, delicate sound turned his heart to mush. He gave her another heated inch of hard flesh, unable to deny either of them in that moment. In the same instant, he took his right hand from her hip and toyed with the tender little bundle of nerves of her clitoris. He flicked and pinched. Without warning Jeanette moaned and pushed against him as her orgasm took her.

  “Now,” he snarled. “Do you want all of me inside this pretty little ass?”

  “Yes, damn it!”

  A rumbling growl escaped him at her feral response. He buried his cock deep, and inner muscles clamped around him, holding him in a grip so exquisite any move at all would set him off. Jeanette’s body went rigid, her ass clenching tighter. Hunter bit back a curse. Her body’s clutch took him to another level of pleasure, where pleasure mingled with pain. Raw and untamed.

  “Ease up, little love,” he managed in a tortured voice.

  “I-I can’t,” she cried.

  Her hands were above her head, clutching fistfuls of the red blanket. He stroked her sweat-soaked hair away from her face, then covered her body with his own much larger frame, folding himself around her protectively. He kissed her upturned cheek. The tension in her shoulders and spine eased a fraction. Hunter sent up a silent prayer.

  “That’s the way. Let me in, sweetness,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. Hunter bit the smooth line of her neck and received a moan as a reward. He licked and suckled at the tempting vein before beginning a leisurely rhythm with his hips, building the pace until soon his hot flesh slapped against hers.

  “Mine,” he gritted out, unable to hold back the declaration any longer.

  Jeanette didn’t speak. As she pushed against him, joining in the rhythm of their beautiful dance, Hunter’s mind splintered and broke apart, pleasure swamping him. He reached beneath their bodies and rolled her swollen clit. Soon her shouts filled the room. His cock swelled, balls drawing up tight. He flung his head back, slamming his hips against her once more, and came, hot jets filling the condom. He wished like hell he could fill her hot little ass instead, see his come dripping out of the tight, pink hole. In that moment Hunter had never hated condoms more.

  Sweating and breathing as if he’d run a marathon, their bodies sticking together, Hunter’s arms tightened around her. When Jeanette wiggled against him, he sighed and pushed away. As she turned over, a peculiar expression passed over her face, causing him to wonder at her train of thought. Was she beginning to regret what they’d done?

  “You’re amazing, Hunter.”

  Nope, no regrets. “You’re pretty amazing yourself, sweetness.”

  She blushed. Even after everything they’d done, she still shied away from his compliments. “Thank you.”

  He touched his lips to hers, enjoying the sweet, strawberries-and-cream flavor of her. “You just screamed and came beneath me and yet you’re still so polite,” he wondered aloud. “I’ll treasure the sight of you in that moment, little love.”

  That look came across her face again, so fleeting he wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined it. “I should be going. It’s getting late.”

  There was something in her voice, but Hunter couldn’t quite put his finger on what. Determined not to dwell, he moved off the bed and reached out a hand. “Come, we’ll shower together.”

  She took his hand and he helped her off the bed. When she grabbed for the black throw blanket, Hunter scowled. “What are you doing?”

  “Covering up.”

  He tugged her away from the bed. “No. I like looking at you. Besides, I’ve already touched, licked and fucked every delectable inch of you. I think it’s safe to ditch the shyness.”

  She glared at him. “Do you have to spell it out like that?”

  He nudged her into the bathroom and turned on the light. “You didn’t mind my dirty mouth when we were in bed.”

  “Well, we’re not in bed now.”

  Hunter leaned down and kissed her. He’d never been that big on kissing but he couldn’t seem to keep his lips off Jeanette. As he went to the shower, turned the knobs, and tested the water, he noticed Jeanette start to get a little antsy. He moved to discreetly dispose of the condom, then stepped into the tub and wagged his eyebrows. “Come on, sweetness, time to wash all those pretty curves.”

  When she stepped under the hot spray and closed her eyes, as if savoring the moment, Hunter moved, inexorably drawn by the wet, sensual woman. He let his hand wrap around the nape of her neck, directly over the little bruise he’d given her when he’d suckled and bit her. Jeanette’s eyes darted open.

  “What is it?”

  His gaze shot to hers. “You have a bruise here.” He stroked the spot with his finger.

  Her hand flew to her neck. “A hickey?”

  Water cascaded down her breasts and Hunter had to swallow back the need to go to his knees and worship her with his tongue and mouth. “Yeah, sorry.”

  She squinted up at him. “You don’t sound sorry.”

  Hunter shrugged, his hand tightening before he forced himself to release her. “Fuck it, I’m not sorry. I’m glad you have my mark on you.”

  Jeanette looked him over. “You don’t have my mark. That doesn’t seem fair.”

  He angled his head, exposing the side of his neck. “I’m all yours, sweetness.”
br />   Jeanette took a step forward, pressing her breasts against his chest. Hunter wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her in tight. She licked her lips and stood on her tiptoes. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was the picture of seductive beauty.

  At the first touch of her tongue, Hunter went rigid. “Suck, pretty baby,” he urged.

  Jeanette hummed against his skin, the vibration traveling straight to his cock. Her tongue swiped over him once more before she pressed her lips to his wet flesh and sucked. Teeth scraped over his pulse. Hunter let loose a vicious string of curses. Several torturous seconds later, she released him and stepped back, a pleased smile on her face. “There, now we’re even.”

  “Yeah.” The sound of blood rushing through his veins had obliterated his ability to think. How could one small woman so effortlessly drive him to his knees? He couldn’t get used to his reaction to Jeanette. Lust was too shallow a word to describe the way he felt. A best-selling author and yet he couldn’t put his own feelings into words.

  Later for that, he decided. Right now he had a sexy, slippery female to lather up.

  Hunter drove his motorcycle into the abandoned parking lot, Jeanette’s small, stiff body behind him. She’d barely said two words after they’d showered. As he pulled up to the back door of her coffee shop, next to a little silver two door and shut off the engine, Hunter helped her off.

  She unstrapped the helmet and handed it to him, then began to smooth the wrinkles out of her skirt. Hunter frowned. She wouldn’t meet his gaze and it was beginning to piss him off.

  “Thank you for…everything,” she said, her voice soft, uncertain. “I had a wonderful time.”

  Thank you? Hunter hooked the helmet over the handlebars then flipped the kickstand down and stood. He closed the gap between them. “Talk to me, Jeanette. Did I do something wrong?” Unable to stand the distance, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her in close. Damn, she fit him perfectly. It felt so fucking right to have her in his arms. Tension seeped out of him when Jeanette’s slim arms slid around his neck. So easy and comfortable, as if they’d embraced like this a hundred times.

  “Was it the anal sex? Did I hurt you, sweetness?” He held his breath, afraid he’d been too rough and hadn’t realized it.

  She shook her head and buried her nose into his T-shirt. He held her tighter, unwilling to let her go until he got to the bottom of what had her so pensive all of a sudden. “Talk to me, baby. You’re worrying me.”

  After what seemed an eternity, Jeanette pulled back and stared up at him, eyes brimming with tears. “I-I don’t want this night to end.”

  His brow kicked up. “That’s what’s got you so quiet?” She nodded. Relief poured into his soul. “Baby, I told you from the start this wasn’t a one-shot deal for me. I want to see you again. After work later, if you aren’t busy.”

  “You really do? You’re not just saying that?”

  “I’m not stringing you along here, Jeanette. I want to spend time with you. Get to know you.”

  One corner of her lips kicked up. “We sort of skipped that part, didn’t we?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, but I’m not sorry.”

  “Me either.” Her gaze filled with tenderness.

  Hunter patted her on the bottom before releasing her. “Come on, let’s get your kitchen cleaned up so you can get a few hours of sleep tonight.”

  “You’re staying to help?”

  Hunter had no intention of leaving her alone at the café. It was a good neighborhood, but bad shit could happen anywhere. Still, he figured he’d keep that part to himself. “If I recall correctly, eating brownies and whipped cream off your hot little body was all my idea. So, yes, I’m staying to help.”

  She laughed and the soft, lilting sound went clear to his heart. “I wasn’t exactly protesting, Hunter.”

  “No, you weren’t,” he whispered. He cupped the back of her head and held her still for his kiss. The instant his lips touched hers, his cock jerked. She moved against him and Hunter’s kiss turned possessive, untamed. His lips forced hers open and his tongue delved deep. His fingers clutched her hair tighter before he traveled farther south. When he reached the bruise on her neck, he licked the little mark. Hearing Jeanette moan his name and hold on tighter brought him back to the here and now.

  Hunter pulled back and released her hair. “If we don’t stop this, we’re going to get arrested for public indecency.”

  Jeanette laughed. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  “Minx,” he growled. Hunter forced himself to step away from her. “Come on, sweetness, we’ve got work to do.” He entwined their fingers and started toward the back entrance, his mind already teaming with ideas for the night to come.


  “You didn’t answer either of our calls last night and that’s not like you. So, spill. Where were you last night?”

  Roni and Lydia had come into The Coffee Shop right before closing. They’d parked themselves at the counter and Jeanette knew they were going to pump her for details the instant she closed. They hadn’t disappointed her. How much was she supposed to tell them? That she’d slept with Hunter? That he was coming for her tonight to do more of the same? Her feelings were so mixed up she didn’t know which way was up.

  Roni whistled low. “Oh, boy, you slept with Mr. Motorcycle Man, didn’t you?”

  Her face heated. “What makes you say that?”

  “You turned red, dork,” Roni said.

  Jeanette slumped against the counter. “His name is Hunter Trace and I came so many times I lost count.”

  Roni and Lydia both cheered. Jeanette waited for them to finish before adding, “And now I think I’m in love with him.”

  The cheers stopped. When they were both silent for so long, Jeanette said, “Well, don’t just sit there! Help me figure this out!”

  Lydia blinked as if she’d been staring at a strobe light. “Was this, like, your third date with the guy or something?”

  They knew her too well. Sleeping around had never been her style. Usually she had to be in a relationship at least a month before heading to the bedroom.

  “No. I met him yesterday. He came back after hours and before I knew it we were headed to his house. I rode his motorcycle.” She groaned as she recalled what else she’d done. “And I let him videotape me.”

  Lydia’s eyes bulged out. “Damn, really?”

  “Really. And I forgot to have him erase the tape. What if he doesn’t come back tonight like he promised? What if—” Suddenly Jeanette couldn’t breathe and her face felt hot. Too hot.

  Roni cursed. “I think she’s about to hyperventilate. Lydia, get her a glass of water.” Roni came around the counter and patted her on the back. “Breathe, Jeanette. Take several deep breaths, in and out.”

  Jeanette listened to the soothing tone of her friend’s words. In and out, she reminded herself. After she had herself under control, she grabbed the glass of water Lydia had retrieved for her and took several sips. She set the glass on the counter. “Thanks,” she muttered, feeling like the biggest fool.

  “No problem. Now, tell us more about this guy,” Lydia said. “What does he do for a living?”

  “He’s a best-selling author.” She told them Hunter’s pen name and Lydia squealed.

  “I love his books! I have all of them on my keeper shelf.”

  “I know, some of them are mine.”

  “Oh, right. I need to get those back to you, huh?”

  Jeanette shrugged. “Whatever. The thing is, Hunter and I didn’t really get around to chatting about his career. The most I can tell you is that he’s sexy as hell and likes to spend hours in bed.” No way could she tell them what they’d done with the brownie and whipped cream. Every time she looked at the little table and the spot where he’d licked her to climax, her panties grew damp.

  “So, you two got hot and heavy. If he promised to come back tonight, then what’s the problem?”

  “I’m so afraid he won’t show. Why ca
n’t I learn to have great sex without getting my heart all tangled up?”

  “Honey, you aren’t built that way. You were close to marrying Richard, remember?”

  “Richard Feltzer, and no, I wasn’t close to marrying him. We dated longer than the others, that’s all. I never contemplated marriage. He was too much of a stuffed shirt.” She still remembered the way he’d climb on top of her to have sex. A few thrusts later and he’d be snoring into his pillow.

  “Okay, but what makes Hunter different?”

  “He’s so sweet, so incredibly gentle. Attentive, too, as if he wants to know everything about me. But he has this rough side. Oh my God, it’s so hot when he gets all wild and dominating.”

  Roni and Lydia looked at each other; both women wore twin grins. “Wild and dominating, huh? I like the sound of this guy.” Roni paused, then asked, “So, you don’t think he’s coming back like he promised?”

  Jeanette bit her lip. “He seemed so sincere.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “He said he’d be here at closing time. That was fifteen minutes ago.” She still recalled the text message he’d sent her earlier. I MISS YOU, SWEETNESS. AND I’M HUNGRY FOR MY STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM. SEE YOU TONIGHT, HUNTER.

  “Maybe he just got held up or something,” Lydia said, her voice soft with concern. “He’ll be here, sweetie, you’ll see.”

  At that moment, Dean emerged from the kitchen. “Hey, pretty ladies.”

  Jeanette pretended to scowl at him. “Dean, I thought I told you not to flirt with my friends.”

  He winked at her. “But they’re so hot.”

  “And they have really big strong boyfriends who would kick your butt if they saw the way you were looking at them.”

  He laughed. “Ooh, I’m shaking.” He grabbed a to-go cup and filled it with his favorite, café mocha with an extra shot of espresso. “If you’re done lecturing me, I’m taking off for the night.”

  “Fine, but don’t forget to do that calculus homework,” she reminded him.

  He stuck his tongue out at her as he backed his way through the kitchen doors. “Don’t worry, Mom, I’m on it.”


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