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Accel World: Crimson Storm Princess

Page 18

by Reki Kawahara

That quiet voice, did not finish till the end.

  As if to reject Niko’s wish, Chrome Disaster again released another roar.


  What he slowly turned to face, was the Yellow King’s direction.

  Carrying the large sword in his right hand on his shoulder, his left hand with five huge claw-like fingers was extended straight forward.

  Right after that, a surprising phenomenon happened. Even though the Armor did not shout any skill name, right next to the Yellow King’s gathered group, a red type avatar was sucked to Chrome Disaster’s left hand at a fierce speed.

  With a ‘Gachin’ metallic sound, the unfortunate duel avatar’s body was penetrated by the Armor’s fingers.


  While loudly screaming, that red type tried to point the rifle held in his right hand towards the armor’s head. It was then, that Haruyuki realized that red type was the long range type protecting that jamming avatar earlier.

  The rifle’s barrel opening shone, and a blue white beam was fired at point blank range.

  However, just before that, the right arm holding the gun was cut off at the base. The beam grazed Chrome Disaster’s helmet, and passed behind him. The sword slash that cut off that arm, Haruyuki could not even see most of it.

  Right after that.


  With that yell, Chrome Disaser’s closed fangs all opened wide at once.

  The red type’s left shoulder was bitten by that jaw of darkness with a ‘Crunch’ sound.

  “Gya... aaaaa!!”

  The scream that was sent out was so grisly that he wanted to cover his ears. In this Unlimited Neutral Field, the damage pain is increased twice that of lower fields. Probably right now, for that red type, he is feeling the same level of pain as being bitten by a beast on his real body.

  That avatar’s armor was pierced through easily by the tens of huge fangs. From shoulder to chest area, a half circle shape was eaten, and the cut left arm fell slowly to the ground.

  “Aaa... Aaaaa - !!”

  With his stomach exposed, and both arms lost, pain made the avatar’s head violently flap around.

  After swallowing completely, Chrome Disaster opened his «mouth» wide again, and swallowed that head whole.

  With a wet ‘Crunch’ sound, some spray was released, was it spark effect, armor fragments - or maybe that avatar’s flesh and blood.

  The scream was fully cut off. With its whole head lost, that avatar’s remains slid down strengthlessly, and a few seconds later, finally dissolved and split into a light pillar.

  Haruyuki thought that his view was shaking. The reason for that were his own knees shaking, which took him a while to realize.

  That was no longer a «Duel».

  Not violence, nor slaughter.

  It’s «predation». The captured avatar’s blood and meat, and also Burst Points being consumed, just that kind of instinctive activity.

  At the same time the top and bottom black fangs stop moving, on the connections between the black silver armor, Haruyuki saw a deep red light run around. As if not just points, some kind of energy was stolen kind of phenomenon - that was probably what Kuroyukihime said yesterday, the HP gauge absorption ability, «Drain».


  Chrome Disaster lifted his head up and that low throat rumble came out.

  “Rabid dog... no choice, it’s a shame the show will be canceled. Everyone, retreat to the Ikebukuro train station Leap Point!!”

  That shout came from the Yellow King. At the time of his directive, he used some kind of special skill, and the around ten remaining Yellow legion members’ shapes became half transparent.

  The avatars that became vaporous shadows, left the crater at a tremendous pace, and retreated northwest. Even though his plan clearly failed, the Yellow King’s sound that was moving farther away, his final sneer spread in the field.

  “Kukuku... Red, and Black, to my circus’ fun fun carnival, I will someday invite you again! Get eaten up by that dog, if you still have fighting spirit... if only! Kukuku... Kufufufufu...”

  If they thought calmly, they could interfere with those people’s retreat and let Chrome Disaster attack them, then take the Yellow King’s head in the confusion, that kind of tactic might be possible. However Haruyuki, not only did he not make a sound, he did not even move a finger. He was paralyzed like a small animal being glared at by a predator, and it was all he could do to stand above Scarlet Rain’s armor plate.

  ‘- To fight with that? Make him unable to fight, and at super close range attack him with «Judgement Blow»? I am supposed to help with that?


  I cannot do it. I am my limit not screaming and running away from this place.’

  While Haruyuki’s knees and the roots of his teeth shook slightly, in his view, Chrome Disaster’s body sunk. It was the action of a carnivorous beast wanting to chase and kill the Yellow legion members that were running away like baby spiders being spread apart.

  ‘Just go away with the Yellow legion like that’, Haruyuki prayed. However.

  Behind Chrome Disaster who was going to start a fierce dash - .

  “...«Death By Piercing»!!”

  The confident echo was Kuroyukihime’s voice.

  The right sword arm that was held by the left hand, was thrust straight forward with a jet engine-like loud noise. The violet shine that covered the blade, brilliantly painted the world, as it extended close to 5 meters in a direct line.

  The huge attack power that was released compressed the virtual air, and the view there was distorted like flickering flames. A ‘Gakiiin’ kind of high pitched destruction sound echoed - but what was cut apart, was just the right side, the bent back horn on Chrome Disaster’s helmet.

  The black silver Armor, in the biggest opening right before starting a chase, and furthermore aimed at from behind, with a mist like movement slid left to avoid the attack.

  The horn that danced high, came down while spinning, and stuck into the blue black ground.

  “...Ooh, you managed to avoid that.”

  While she brought back her extended right hand, Kuroyukihime said it as if impressed.

  Against that, Chrome Disaster who had turned around, between the huge fangs, a clearly angry moan resounded.


  With a ‘Clink’ sound, the large sword in his right hand cut a half circle on the ground.

  Picking that up to carry on the right shoulder, the demonic knight faced the deep black beautiful princess. Inside the slightly opened jaw that was under the hood, the deep red light eyes sharply shone as they moved around.

  “Se... sen, pa...”

  Haruyuki’s dried up parched throat leaked out a raspy sound.

  ‘- You want to fight? Even though it’s the Red King’s request - against that. Face to face.’

  The truth was, Chrome Disaster is still level 7. Even if she loses, unlike against a «King» opponent, she won’t lose Brain Burst.

  But, in exchange, she will be eaten.

  In the field with the same or higher pain sensation as reality, while alive, the avatar being greedily eaten. That pain cannot be compared to being hit by the gun in Haruyuki’s own self made training room.

  No, it’s not just a problem with the pain sensation. A few minutes ago, the long range type avatar that was captured by that, his scream echoed with deep despair. The despair of being captured by an overwhelming predator, and being consumed while helpless.

  ‘No way. I don’t want to be eaten by that. If it became like that, I will - ‘

  Strength suddenly left his legs, and Haruyuki knelt down on top of Scarlet Rain’s armor plate. He tried to stand up in a hurry, but his body did not move. Even his fingers were hard and stiff, frozen while ignoring his commands.

  ‘- What is this? What is happening to me? Earlier, I said things in such a patronizing way to Kuroyukihime who was lying there, and now I’ve become so unsightly and una
ble to move.’

  The more he panicked, the colder his whole body went. As if the nerves of the avatar’s limbs were cut.

  For Haruyuki who was just breathing shallowly under his silver mask, in his ears - .

  “«Burst Linkers with no fighting spirit cannot move their duel avatar».”

  From the crater’s edge while she faced off with the black silver Armor, Kuroyukihime’s dignified voice reached him.

  “...Earlier, it is as that little girl said. I don’t want to admit it, but I regretted the betrayal two years ago. I felt it was an unforgivable crime. So with that, my fighting spirit - the fighting feeling that made me want victory, I feared it to the bottom of my heart.”

  While being vigilant with both sword arms held up, Black Lotus’ blue purple color eyes glanced in Haruyuki’s direction.

  “However Haruyuki-kun. You are the opposite. You fear losing. You think that losing will lower your worth. That, during the recent territory battles, was the reason for your bad condition.”

  Those were words that were relentlessly forced deep into his heart.

  While kneeling, Haruyuki opened his eyes wide, and strongly ground his teeth.

  ‘- It’s not just thinking, that’s the truth!’

  He shouted that in his brain.

  ‘- If I lost I would obtain nothing. My, Silver Crow’s value for existing is to continue to win with the one and only «Flight ability». Leveling up and expanding the territory of «Nega Nabulas», to fulfill your expectations only.’

  ‘- Because, if I don’t win, if I don’t become stronger, you will surely - someday see me as...’

  “I will return the same words from earlier, Haruyuki-kun!”

  After a slash of her right sword hand, Kuroyukihime shouted fiercely.

  “The bond linking you and me, is it just to such a degree... do you really think that way!!”

  And then right after that, she started to slash at Chrome Disaster.

  As if, with that action, she wanted to convey something to Haruyuki.

  Kuroyukihime’s left sword hand that started the attack from high above, was met by Disaster’s huge sword, and a tremendous impact happened. The ball like energy that appeared shone onto the black and silver armor surface, then bounced away and dispersed in numerous dots of light.

  Both were fiercely knocked back, slid to a stop while gouging the ground, then with almost the same timing attacked again. Disaster’s huge sword in both hands was swung horizontally. Kuroyukihime did a spin and blocked it with a right kick.

  The fierce big attacks that drew deep red and blue purple arcs, caused an actual explosion this time, and a small crater appeared at that place. Both of them were blown flying in opposite directions, Kuroyukihime who got up after tumbling around - was faced directly with Chrome Disaster’s wide open left hand.

  ‘- It’s that skill!’

  Not being able to move, nor able to speak aloud, Haruyuki held his breath.

  The special skill that sucked in the enemy with a mysterious attraction and held its target. If she got hit by that, then she wouldn’t be able to swing her swords properly in close contact, and will only be eaten at will.

  He thought he saw a silver flash between them.

  At the same time, Kuroyukihime had a large lump in front of her that appeared at an unknown time, she placed her right sword foot flat side on it and kicked it up. That was a piece of rock broken from the ground in the earlier explosion.

  Chrome Disaster’s palm sucked that rock in at a fierce speed. To the enemy avatar that was shaking off the hard rock that his fingers had deeply pierced, Kuroyukihime started charging at full speed.

  ‘Gyaan!’ With the release of the sound of metallic impact, the left sword foot was stuck into Chrome Disaster’s breast armor after a kick.


  Haruyuki momentarily forgot the lethargy that bound him, and whispered inside his brain.

  Against that terrifying opponent, how could she fight like that? It could be said that her level is higher, but the strength difference is filled in by the enhanced armament, their power is about the same. With a mistake, she will be eaten by those huge fangs, and will actually taste sharp pain and despair. Why that way - as if - .

  As if she was enjoying it.

  Is it because she has confidence? Since she truly believes that she is stronger than the enemy that she can move that freely?

  No, that could not be true. The same level 9 Yellow Radio, even with ten subordinates remaining, fled without hesitation. He could not absolutely say that decision came from fear. Chrome Disaster is no longer a normal Burst Linker. His threat might be beyond the huge «Enemy» Haruyuki saw while on way to Ikebukuro.

  As if to support Haruyuki’s awareness, the crazed knight showed him a fearsome phenomenon.

  A red black light concentrated on the wound that was cut in the armor by Kuroyukihime, and it slowly flowed to start reviving.


  A laughter like low sound leaked from the Armor, then he suddenly started a fast and furious counter attack. The sword in his right hand swung down at an unseen speed, cutting from the air towards the ground in a straight line. Kuroyukihime managed to avoid that path with her miraculous reaction, but with a ‘Pikin’ faint sound, the left tip of the armor skirt on her waist was cut off.

  Chrome Disaster’s attack did not stop there. The huge sword with a meter and half long blade, flashed again and again with a speed that made the blade seem weightless. Black Lotus who dodged with a dance like movement, or continued to block, slowly had her elegant armor carved with lines here and there.

  In the rush that continued limitlessly, even though she was slowly pushed from the crater’s west edge to the north edge, Kuroyukihime’s fighting spirit did not seem to weaken at all.

  With four sword limbs shining violet, she looked for small openings in Disaster’s actions and countered with sharp attacks. Even though the opponent’s armor soon repaired the carved wounds with red light, she simply and accurately stabbed, cut or thrust again and again.

  There would be no way that she does not feel fear. With similar attack power, speed, and accuracy, against an opponent that can automatically repair itself, she will eventually be pushed back for sure. If she got hit by the heavy attack even once and her ability to dodge became dull, she will be captured by the opponent at that moment, and a part of her body will be chewed up. Her pride of being a «King» will be robbed, and she will just become food crawling on the ground.

  And yet - why...

  “Why... are you not escaping!”

  From Haruyuki’s throat, a hoarse call leaked out.

  Running away won’t lower the Black King’s value. The Yellow King already ran away, and actually, when the previous generation Chrome Disaster was taken down, you said it took an alliance of «Pure Color Seven Kings» to finally stop him right. This is a situation where retreat is a matter of course. Also, above all else -

  ‘I don’t want to see it. That person being broken and eaten while screaming, absolutely don’t want to see it.’

  “Please run away, senpai!”

  Haruyuki called out again.

  However, right after that.

  The iron sword, was swung down from high above with a timing and speed that did not allow it to be avoided.

  Kuroyukihime crossed her two sword hands and blocked it, but she was not able to be pushed back like it had been till now, and knelt down on one knee there. A thunder like clashing sound echoed, and the ground around Kuroyukihime cracked in a radiating way.


  Maybe he was sure of his victory, Chrome Disaster roared loudly. The sword that was held in both of his hands, was pressed down with all his weight. With ‘Gii Gii’ hard grinding sounds, small sparks flew out from the contact point of the three blades.

  It’s the same situation as when she went against the Yellow legion’s fighter type avatar, however this time the one who was pushed bac
k was clearly Black Lotus. The blue purple aura that surrounded her two sword hands slowly dimmed, and blinked irregularly.

  Very soon, her body will be cut apart along with her two swords and she’ll probably suffer large damage. She will get jumped on where she fell, and until her HP gauge was gone, she will be chewed apart at will.

  “Why... did you not run away.”

  Haruyuki murmured without any strength.

  It would not be for protecting Haruyuki who could not move. She attacked Chrome Disaster who was about to chase the Yellow legion, and it was Kuroyukihime who pulled him back herself. That means Kuroyukihime intentionally went against that Armor, furthermore she chose a fight with no chance of winning.

  To be truthful that was their goal for diving into the Unlimited Neutral Field, but the situation had already greatly differed from what they had predicted. Takumu who «died» won’t be revived for a few tens of minutes, and the important Scarlet Rain is majorly damaged so she could not move.

  And yet, why did that person - .

  “This is... my obstinacy, Haruyuki-kun.”

  Suddenly, words echoed.

  Looking up at the blade closing in front of her with her shining violet eyes, Kuroyukihime said in a calm and heavy sound.

  “This time, I became unsightly in front of you. As your mentor... and also your «parent», I cannot face you like that in the real world.”

  During that time, Chrome Disaster’s sword moved closer to Black Lotus’ mask bit by bit. Haruyuki took a breath, and ground out a sound from his shaking throat.

  “O... obstinacy...? But... if you lose, then whatever... meaning...”

  “That is what you are mistaken about. A «Clever Retreat» while you get eaten up by a dog! That kind of thing does not have any value! Once you dive into the battle field... no matter who the opponent is, you have to fight once!!”

  The proud words released by Kuroyukihime as she is just about to lose, hit Haruyuki like an iron club.

  Inside his brain, the many battles and accelerated feelings that he had experienced till now came flashing back.

  Earlier, when he wanted to take down the jamming avatar and had to avoid the supporter’s laser attack. When he slipped through the Red King’s fierce anti-air fire. And then three months ago, when he had just became a Burst Linker, and he held up Ash Roller’s bike, or when he saw through Cyan Pile’s special skill.


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