Certain she was out of earshot, my friend turned to me and asked, “Whaddaya think? She really gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, she’ll be fine. Like she said, it’s just going to take some time,” I replied, nodding my head. “She hasn’t really had the opportunity to decompress yet, obviously. Neither of us has. There are just things we both still have to come to terms with.”
I left it at that. I wasn’t about to get into a deep explanation. Not here, and not now. There was something sacrosanct about the moment and location that made me feel like doing so would be blasphemous, even in a secular sense. Besides, in my mind at least I had something more important that needed to be addressed. Unfortunately, right now my friend was intent on being just that, a friend, so he continued to probe out of concern.
“So what about you, Row? You holdin’ on?”
“I have to-for now anyway. We can’t have both of us turning into basket cases simultaneously.”
“Why not? If ya ask me ya’ both deserve it after what you’ve been through.”
“I won’t argue with you there.” I shrugged. “But, my time will come later. Right now she needs it more.”
“Yeah, I know what ya’ mean… So have ya’ been talkin’ ta’ Helen at least?” he asked, referring to his sister, who was not only a friend but a therapist who had helped all of us cope with some of the horrors we had faced over the years.
“Not yet, but we will.”
“Good. Make it soon, ‘kay?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Soon.”
He huffed out a sigh and looked back toward the dispersing traffic once again. “So, listen, I hate ta’ run, but you need ta’ get back ta’ Firehair, and I really should go ahead and get movin’. I’ll catch up with you two and let ya’ know how Constance is doin’, okay?”
He reached to shake hands, so I extended my own out of reflex. A moment later he was turning to leave, and I realized I was completely sidetracked. I had allowed his concern for Felicity and me to dominate the remainder of our conversation, and now my unexpected opportunity was about to escape.
“Hey, Ben,” I blurted, just as he was about to take a step. “Before you go can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” he said, stopping and turning back to face me.
The question I had for him was one I wasn’t so sure he was going to want to answer-for several reasons, not the least of which could be where it might lead. I started to ask it anyway, but then hesitated as my mind flashed on the still fresh memories of the recent investigation-in particular, a victim Annalise Devereaux had literally trampled to death, using his prurient fetish as a vehicle for his demise and in the process, her own twisted gratification. My query was directly related to something she had done with that victim’s blood, and it was weighing on me heavily. In fact, it had been ever since I’d seen it.
Obviously, my pause was longer than I imagined because Ben furrowed his brow and looked at me with worry in his eyes as he gave me a verbal nudge. “What’s wrong, Row?”
“Sorry…” I told him, then let out a heavy sigh and asked, “Remember when we were at the scene of the Lewis homicide?”
“Yeah, I may be on the downhill slide ta’ fifty but I ain’t senile yet. That was just a few days ago, white man.”
“So then I’m sure you remember the piece of spellwork Annalise did in the kitchen with the blood and the cloves, right?”
“Well yeah… It was the reason I took ya’ there ta’ begin with.”
“Exactly. Do you know if anyone ever found the bottle or jar that she used?”
“No.” He shook his head. “Not that I’ve heard. But I’m on suspension, so I don’t exactly get daily reports. Why?”
“Dammit,” I muttered. I had been afraid that was going to be the case, and I knew it meant I would have to ask a different question he wouldn’t be nearly as quick to answer. I sucked in a breath and blurted it out anyway. “Okay, then is there any chance you can tell me where Annalise is right now?”
“Yeah, in an eight-by-twelve cussin’ the fact that bright orange ain’t ‘er color. Don’t worry, she’s not gettin’ out.”
“I’m not worried. About that anyway. But I do need to know where she is specifically. Saint Louis? Somewhere else?”
“Ain’t important, white man,” he returned with a hard, dismissive tone underscoring the words. Even with that, at least his overall reaction was calmer than I had expected it might be.
“Do you even know where she’s being held, Ben?”
“Yeah. She’s in an eight-by-twelve, just like I said.”
“Dammit, you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, well actually I do know where she is. But I’m tellin’ ya’ to leave it alone, Row.”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
“No, seriously, Ben. I can’t.”
“Okay, I’ll play. Ya’ wanna give me a good reason why?”
“Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve got a bad feeling this isn’t over yet.”
“What isn’t over?”
“What? How the hell can it not be over?” he almost barked the question. “The bitch is in custody. There’s enough hard evidence ta’ get ‘er the needle. It’s a slam-dunk. Once the Feebs are done with her, she’s gonna be puttin’ in her order for a last meal. It’s done. Finished.”
“You’re talking about Annalise,” I told him, nodding my head in agreement. “But I’m talking about Miranda. The Lwa that was using her as a horse.”
He shook his head. “Horse. Jeez, that gets me every time I hear it.”
“It’s just Vodoun terminology for the body a spirit possesses, Ben.”
“Yeah, I know, you told me. Still sounds weird though.” He threw up his hands and shook his head. “Either way, white man, it doesn’t matter. Like you said, Miranda’s a ghost.”
“Actually she’s a Vodoun ancestral spirit.”
“Say it however ya’ want. Horse, Spirit, Low-ahh, Miranda, I don’t care-you’re still talkin’ about a friggin’ ghost.”
“If that’s what you insist on calling her, fine. But the fact remains, she’s still out there.”
“Row, she ain’t real.”
“Yes, she is. You’ve seen way too…”
“Gimme a break, you know what I meant,” he interrupted. “How many times do I hafta tell you I can’t help ya’ there? I can’t arrest somethin’ I can’t even see.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
“Then would ya’ like to explain exactly what it is you’re wantin’?”
“Access to Annalise.”
He snorted out a sarcastic chuckle. “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. Get real. Why don’t we go back ta’ me arrestin’ the ghost, it’d prob’ly be easier.”
“It’s my only recourse at this point,” I replied.
“What’s seein’ her got ta’ do with Miranda?”
“Maybe everything.”
“Well, ya’ might as well forget it. Even if I wasn’t suspended, there ain’t enough strings on the planet I could pull ta’ get you access ta’ her. Not that I would if I could.”
“Well I need to find some way to make it happen, so if you won’t help me I’ll have to find someone who will.”
“Yeah, well good luck. C’mon, Row. Seriously. Whaddaya need ta’ see ‘er for?”
“To find out what she did with that spell.”
“Okay, so we’re back around to the missin’ bottle-jar thing.”
“It’s more than just a bottle, Ben,” I replied. “You know that.”
“Uh-huh. All I know is what you said, and the way I remember it, you didn’t know exactly what it was yourself.”
“At the time I didn’t, but now I’ve got a theory.”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“So are you suddenly doubting me?” I asked.
“I didn’t say that…” He shook his head and huffed out a resigned breath. “Okay, fine, so you wanna
share this theory or is it top secret?”
“I think the spellwork she did might have something to do with bonding Felicity to the Lwa.”
“So you think the jar thing is why Firehair flipped out again and went all psycho bitch even though you did a bunch of hocus-pocus to keep it from happenin’.”
“That’s pretty much it.”
“I just do.”
“Are ya’ sure?”
“Like I said, it’s a theory.”
He shook his head. “Don’t tell me… Ya’ got a feelin’…”
“Friggin’ wunnerful,” he huffed. “So five minutes ago ya’ stood here and told me I was wrong about Deck and Constance, but now you got a feelin’, and I’m s’posed ta’ just accept it without question?”
“Yeah, Ben, I know how that sounds… But, that’s usually how this works. You said it yourself. I’m the Witch, not you.”
“Uh-huh, well you oughta be glad you don’t really ride a broom ‘cause I’d shove it up your ass right about now if ya’ did…” He paused, and looked at me for a moment then finally said, “Jeezus… Okay… So just how bad is this feelin’ anyway?”
“Bad enough.”
“Lovely,” he muttered. “Does Felicity know?”
“I haven’t mentioned it just yet. I don’t really want to worry her with this right now.”
“Crap, Row… Isn’t she the whole reason you’re…”
I cut him off. “Don’t worry, I plan to tell her. I just didn’t want to drop it on her just yet. She’s still coming to terms with the fact that Miranda possessed her to begin with. Not to mention finding out that Annalise is actually her half sister. It’s like a damned soap opera, and she’s got a lot to digest. Not to mention that everything else that’s happened the past few days isn’t making it any easier.”
“Yeah… I know… I’m just sayin’ don’t wait too long on that, or she’ll be the one gettin’ hold of ya’ with the broom when she finds out… Hell, I know how she is, and I ain’t even the one married to ‘er…”
“I know, Ben. Believe me, I know. And I’ll tell her.”
He fell silent for a moment then shook his head. “So… ‘Bad enough’. Just exactly how bad is that? And gimme somethin’ specific. Like, is Miranda gonna climb inside Firehair’s head again or what?”
“Well, we know for a fact she’d like to. And if I’m right, that’s what the spell meant to facilitate. But I don’t plan on letting it happen.”
“Seems ta’ me you weren’t too successful at stoppin’ it this last go ‘round.”
“I know, but let’s just say this time I’m holding an ace,” I replied.
“What kinda ace?”
“A necklace.”
“A necklace?”
“Long story. Just trust me.”
“Yeah. Trust you,” he harrumphed. “Famous last words. Okay, so if you got this necklace, then why do ya’ hafta find this bottle so bad?”
“Because I don’t like loose ends. Especially this kind. Besides, if I’m right, the necklace and whatever is in that bottle are connected, so it’s really the key to ending all of this.”
He stared at me for a second then looked at his watch. “Look, I really gotta get movin’. So is this just a Witch thing, or do I need to be worried at my end?”
“It’s definitely a Witch thing,” I said. “Like I said, it’s not a good idea to leave magick like that to its own devices. It can have a tendency to take on a life of its own.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay, but cut ta’ the chase. Are ya’ tellin’ me this is just you bein’ anal, and it ain’t an emergency, or is it somethin’ else?”
“Could be all of the above or maybe none of the above. I don’t know for sure.”
“Jeezus, Row. Do you ever give straight answers?” He huffed out the question in a disgusted tone and didn’t wait for my reply. “Just tell me straight-are there gonna be more bodies turnin’ up because of this?”
“I’d like to say no, but I can’t for sure.”
“Dammit, Row…”
“Honestly, I don’t know, Ben,” I appealed. “I certainly hope not. But, we know Miranda wants to use Felicity as a horse just like she did with Annalise, and she’s proven she’ll do anything to get to her… If I don’t sever the connection and finish this for good… Well… It’s hard to know what she’ll do. I will say this though-it’s a good bet that if you do end up with more bodies, mine will probably be the first.”
“Jeezus, white man… Ain’t that a bit morbid, especially today?”
“You wanted the truth.” I gave him a resigned shrug before continuing, “I don’t think it will happen. Everything is a stalemate at this point, and if that status quo is maintained, everything should be fine. At least that’s my hope. But, let’s face it, Ben-this is a Pandora’s box scenario. Annalise more or less let Miranda loose on the world, and we know how that turned out. Then I screwed up and fostered a connection to my wife without even realizing it.”
“But you fixed that, didn’t ya’?”
“Yes, but by that point the damage was done. The Lwa has fixated on Felicity, and she’s obviously looking for new meat, which is why I think the spellwork connects her to my wife. Think about it. Miranda used Felicity’s body to try killing me twice before. I’m an even bigger obstacle now than I was then. With me out of the way, she could assume control. And if she does that, the cycle will just start over again. Different physical body, but for all intents and purposes, the same killer.”
“But if you got a stalemate, like you said, everything is fine. Right?”
“Unless she tries an end run and uses someone else as a horse.”
He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Fuck me… Ya’know, this shit just gives me a headache.”
“Yeah, I know. Me too. Literally,” I agreed. “Fortunately, I think that last option is less than likely. She would need a connection to the person, so unless someone else is using Miranda as a personal Lwa , then we should be relatively safe.”
“Annalise is still alive and connected.”
“Yeah, and locked up.”
“As long as she stays that way, then we should be fine. Either way, that’s where I have to trust you.”
“Not me. More like the Feebs and the penal system.”
“Okay. But in any event it’s not something I have control over, so I’m left trusting someone else to keep that factor from changing.”
“Uh-huh… Okay… Tell ya’ what, I’ll make a coupl’a calls. Lemme see what I can find out, but I’m not makin’ any promises. What you’re askin’ is pretty much impossible.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Yeah. I’ll add it to your friggin’ tab,” he said as he turned to go. He hesitated then turned back and asked, “So what makes ya’ think Devereaux would tell ya’ what you wanna know anyway?”
“Revenge. I think Miranda forced her to do that spellwork. I don’t believe for a minute she would have done it of her own free will.”
“Why not?”
“Easy. She’s addicted. She’ll do anything to keep from giving up Miranda to another horse, so why would she work magick to create a connection to one? That’s why Constance is in the hospital right now. Annalise wanted Felicity dead, so Miranda would be hers and hers alone.”
“Yeah,” he grunted. “Well do us all a favor and go do some more hocus-pocus or whatever and stop havin’ bad feelin’s. I got enough on my plate right now.”
“I’m right there with you.”
“Okay, last question-what if you can’t get the low down on this… What then?”
“We hope like hell I’m right about the status quo keeping everything in check.”
“But if you’re wrong and Miranda gets back into Firehair, she goes off the deep end and this shit could start all over again?”
“Yeah… Pretty much.”
“That’s fucked up, Row.”
> “You won’t get any argument from me there.”
When I finally arrived back at the truck, I had already blown well past the outer marker of “don’t be long.” However, I knew that if Felicity had been in a real hurry, she would have simply taken the wheel and driven around into sight as a cue for me to get moving. She hadn’t, so I wasn’t too concerned. I approached from the front, and I could see my wife through the windshield, seated on the passenger side, but her attentions were obviously focused elsewhere.
I stepped off the roadway onto the dormant grass then carefully slid between the idling vehicle and a small hedge so that I could open the door and climb in. The interior was already considerably warmer than the outside temperature; of course, I’m sure some of that had to do with the fact that my tardiness gave it even more time to heat up. At any rate, it was too warm for me, so as I settled in I reached over to the dash and adjusted the driver’s side climate controls.
“Sorry,” Felicity said absently, giving me a quick glance. “I meant to do that earlier.”
She hadn’t acted startled when I opened the door, so apparently she had seen me coming after all. She quickly returned her gaze to the mirror on the back of the sun visor and continued half-heartedly fussing with her makeup. A bottle of eye drops and a handful of cosmetics were lined up across the dash in front of her, but it didn’t appear that she had attempted any major resurfacing where the latter was concerned. It wasn’t as if she really wore that much makeup anyway, and as I’d told her, she really did look just fine.
“No problem,” I replied. “Sorry I took so long.”
“I was beginning to wonder what happened to you then.”
“Just lost track for a few minutes.”
The radio was tuned to the local classical music station and set to low volume. In the background, just above the hiss of the air vents, an unnamed orchestra was ringing its way through Carol of the Bells.
“What were you two talking about?” Felicity asked after a moment.
Blood Moon argi-9 Page 3