Bad Blood (Left at the Altar Book 5)

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Bad Blood (Left at the Altar Book 5) Page 9

by M. Malone

  It only took her about three seconds to make her decision. Yes, she was still mad at him. Yes, he was definitely a jerk for sneaking into her room and demanding answers he wasn’t entitled to.

  But she couldn’t deny that she would have felt the same if she’d heard Jamie was out on a date. Even if it wasn’t the smart decision, she wanted him again. They could worry about not getting attached later.

  Although Georgie was pretty sure it was already too late for her.

  “This is probably a good time to admit that I’m not wearing underwear.”

  Jamie’s head snapped up and then his hands went to work on his pants. “It’s a really good thing no one is home, then. Because there’s no way this is going to be quiet.”

  He was a bad influence. There was no longer any doubt about it. Because as many times as he’d dreamed of being in Georgina Kingsley’s bedroom while she undressed for him, he’d never in a million years actually thought it would come true.

  Who said miracles didn’t happen?

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Georgie whispered. Her cheeks were bright red as she tugged down the zipper on her dress. “What if someone comes home? I can’t look my mother in the eye and pretend I don’t have a naked man hidden in my bedroom!”

  Her outrage only made the situation funnier.

  “Your parents are out for the night. King went home. The only reason I stayed behind is because I had a few drinks and he thought I was plastered.”

  “So you’re saying you duped my poor, gullible brother so you could put the moves on me as soon as we were alone?”

  He paused unbuttoning his shirt to think about it. “I’m okay with that interpretation.”

  Then he tugged the shirt off and dropped it on top of his pants. Georgie stepped out of her dress and he wanted to howl when he saw that she was indeed completely naked underneath.

  “I’m not sure I love that Alex got to see you like this.”

  She shook her head. “He can look all he wants but this isn’t for him. It’s for me. I like feeling sexy. And I like not having panty lines.”

  “I like you not having panty lines, too.”

  She snickered at that and then touched the waistband of his boxers. “I’m glad you stayed over.”

  He groaned when she pulled the band away from his skin, so she could fit her hand inside. As soon as her fist closed around his cock, everything that was wrong in the world instantly became right.

  “Believe me, you aren’t as glad as I am. That feels amazing, Princess.”

  She pushed his boxers down and then waited while he stepped out of them.

  He lifted her carefully and walked back toward her bedroom. She fit so perfectly in his arms. He loved how her long legs wrapped around his waist as they kissed.

  He bumped into the wall, sending Georgie into a fit of giggles before they finally made it into the bedroom. They tumbled onto the bed, their mouths locked together, her lush curves undulating beneath him.

  “Jamie. Please. I want you.”

  Hearing that was like pouring gas on a fire. Then she took his hand and led him right where she wanted him. Her blue eyes fluttered shut as he slid one finger deep, already lost in the feel of her.

  The pleasure of touching her was almost enough to make him lose it but he needed to be inside her again first. He looked up, not wanting to miss a moment of watching her fall apart.

  Spending so much time together over the past few weeks had only sharpened the longing. Everything he’d felt before had been trebled. Georgie was more than just a forbidden fantasy, she was flesh and blood. Fire and sass. So much better than a dream because she not only enticed him but challenged him as well.

  Right then, in her arms, Jamie finally felt like he was where he was meant to be. As her fingers clung to his bare back and her hips rocked to meet his, they were in perfect sync.

  “You are everything dreams are made of. My perfect princess.” His arms tightened beneath her and he knew she’d probably have bruises later. But in that moment, his body was operating on its own wavelength. It knew what he needed, which was to touch and taste and hold. Tangible reminders that this moment was real.

  “I’m not a princess,” Georgie moaned. “You make me sound like this helpless thing that can’t take care of herself.”

  “You are not helpless. I’m in awe of you all the time. Anyone else would have cried if their wedding day was ruined but you didn’t make a scene, just did what you had to do. You started a business all on your own and you’re a friend to everyone you meet. If that’s not a princess, it’s a fucking queen.”

  Georgie’s smile washed over him like sunlight and was just as warm. “Oh, Jamie. What am I going to do with you?”

  Choose me.

  Stay with me.

  Love me.

  It was right on the tip of his tongue. But it wasn’t something he could ask for or push her toward before she was ready. All he could do was wait.

  And hope.

  Georgie pulled him down for a kiss, her fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck. It sent shivers down his spine. He loved the feel of her hands roaming all over him. Lost in the sublime experience of all her enticing dips and curves beneath him, he was completely unprepared when she angled her leg around his hip and flipped them over.

  “Surprise,” she teased.

  “Nice surprise. I always enjoy this view.” His hands immediately went to her breasts, cupping the soft weights and thumbing the sensitive tips. Now that she was in control, her hips swung seductively rubbing her hot, wet center directly over his cock. No matter how he twisted or canted his hips, she kept herself just slightly out of reach but still managing to grind all over his lap.

  “If your aim is to torture me, I give up. You can have whatever you want.”

  She grinned triumphantly. “My aim is to drive you crazy. As crazy as you make me.” Suddenly she stopped moving. “Wait. I have to get something.”

  He watched curiously as she hopped off his lap and went into the bathroom. The view of her shapely ass bouncing as she ran off was worth the inconvenience of being left temporarily with a hard dick.

  Georgie came back with a box of twelve condoms held over her head like a trophy. She posed with it a few times before climbing back on the bed next to him. James found himself smiling at her silly antics. If anyone had ever told him he’d be smiling in the middle of sex he wouldn’t have believed it. But that was Georgie.

  “I bought these just in case.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes but the blush rising from her chest to her cheeks gave her away. “May I?”

  When he realized she was asking to put one on him, he nodded quickly. His cock hardened, like it knew it was about to get stroked. Georgie looked up at him and then tore the wrapper open. By the time she’d worked the rubber all the way down his length, James was painfully aroused and they were both breathing hard.

  “I need you to ride me, Princess. Right now.”

  Although her eyes widened slightly at the command, she threw one leg over him and lowered herself slowly down. Georgie panted with every inch deeper and it was a struggle to keep his hips still. But once she’d taken it all, Jamie couldn’t hold it anymore. His hips canted upward and they both cried out.


  His hand came up to cover her mouth. She bit his finger playfully before drawing one digit deeper into her mouth. It was the most erotic image, Georgie riding him and sucking his finger at the same time. One that he knew he’d never forget.

  “I don’t want you dating anyone else,” he growled.

  She nodded. “Okay. And that goes for you, too. This is all mine now.”

  His jaw clenched when she tightened her internal muscles around him. “Fuck yeah, it’s yours.”

  Georgie’s eyes glittered as she rotated her hips again and everything went into slow motion. “Good. Because you’re the only one I want, Jamie.”

  “Then I’m yours, Princess. And I’ll give you all you can ta
ke. Then I’ll give you some more.”

  He flipped them over, lifting her thighs up so he could get deeper, the move changing the angle and making the fit even tighter. Georgie’s head thrashed back and forth on the pillow as she started to come.

  But then she opened her eyes and whispered his name. Just once. “Jamie.” And he lost the little bit of control he had and groaned out his release.

  As Georgie let out a small, satisfied sigh, Jamie quickly took care of the condom, disposing of it in the trashcan in the bathroom. Then he climbed back under the covers with her, cuddling against her back.

  There was a small part of him that wished that things could have been different.

  If he’d made his move sooner.

  If she hadn’t met Alex.

  But if all he could have of Georgie right now was her body, then he would take it. Because Jamie was used to working hard to get what he wanted. And if he had to bide his time until Georgie was ready for more, he could do that.

  Chapter 13

  Jamie was the first to wake up and it took him a few minutes to figure out where he was. Light gray walls. Snow-white comforter. Gorgeous brunette.


  He was clearly still dreaming.

  As much as he wished he could hang around and enjoy a leisurely morning with Georgie, that wouldn’t be happening while they were in her father’s house. Mr. Kingsley liked him but no father liked a man who was rolling out of his daughter’s bed in the early hours. He needed to get his ass up and out of here before anyone else in the house woke up.

  “Georgie,” he called softly. “Wake up, Princess.”

  She whined and then rolled in the opposite direction. Georgie was adorable when she was tired and grumpy. He wished he could just let her sleep but he didn’t want there to be any other miscommunications between them. With his luck, if he left a note it would get caught on a gust of wind, sucked out an open door and then eaten by a feral cat. As unlikely as that was, it was exactly the kind of thing that would happen just to screw with him.

  “I have to get out of here before your dad catches me.”

  “My dad said what?” Georgie sat up straight, her hair flying around her head.

  “Your dad hasn’t said anything yet. Hopefully he’ll never have to if I sneak back into the guest room without anyone catching me.”

  “Right. Yes. You should do that.”

  Jamie stood and searched the room for his slacks. Then he remembered that they’d both undressed in the sitting room. He leaned over and kissed Georgie before pointing to the other room.

  “Don’t get up. Go back to sleep. I’m going to get my clothes and get out of here.”

  “Okay. Is it weird to say, call me?” Georgie was adorably flustered.

  “Not at all. I’ll definitely call you. We’re not going to do this sneaking around shit much longer. Which means I need to talk to your brother.”

  She made a face. “Any chance we could just ignore the problem for as long as possible and hope he never notices?”

  “Uh, no.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that. Okay, go be all responsible and stuff.”

  He hesitated briefly, wishing they were at the point where he could tell her how he felt. It seemed strange to just leave her without acknowledging that he would in fact miss her every moment until they were together again. But he had to remember that Georgie was in a very different part of her life. She’d just gotten her freedom back and probably wasn’t ready to hear anything that heavy. This whole situation was going to require some finesse.


  Determined to ignore the awkwardness, he walked back into the sitting room stark naked. His clothes were still in a pile in the middle of the floor next to the dress Georgie had been wearing. Her shoes were next to the chair and her handbag was on its side with stuff falling out.

  What a story this picture told.

  He’d just pulled up his boxers when the door to Georgie’s room opened and King stepped inside. They both froze, looking like two animals caught in headlights. Then King turned around to face the other way.

  “Put your fucking clothes on, for fuck’s sake!”

  Jamie almost fell over yanking his trousers up his legs. His shirt was next and he was still buttoning it when King finally turned around.

  “Should I even ask how long this has been going on? I should have known something was going on with you. The later than late nights, the attitude, the drinking. It’s because you’re sneaking in and out of my sister’s room at night? Christ, James. She still has the tan line on her finger from her engagement ring!”

  The door to the bedroom behind him opened. Georgie came out wearing an oversized T-shirt. “Would you keep it down? Or are you trying to wake up the whole house?”

  King scowled. “No, I’m trying to find out how long my best friend has been screwing my sister.”

  Georgie crossed her arms. “Why does everyone think they have the right to know my business? You. Mom and Dad. The gossip rags. No matter what I do, it’s never enough. Guess what, King? It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t concern you.”

  “It does concern me because I’m your brother and I don’t want anyone taking advantage of you when you’re down.”

  Georgie laughed. “Is that what you think happened? Maybe I just wanted to have some fun. Alex has a mistress. Why can’t I have a booty call, too?”

  Jamie put a hand over his chest, shocked at how much that hurt. He didn’t think she’d even meant it the way it sounded but damn if that wasn’t a wake-up call.

  “Your brother is right. I shouldn’t be here.” He fixed the last button and then shoved his feet into his shoes. Georgie followed him as he walked to the door.

  “King can shove it,” she muttered. “Sorry about this.”

  “No, I was leaving anyway.” He took her in, trying to imprint the moment on his memory. She was so beautiful even wearing an old shirt with no makeup and a pissed off expression on her face.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

  “You really stood up to him,” he said, angling his head toward King. “Which is good. I think that’s what you need. Not only to prove that you can handle things to them but for yourself.”

  “Thanks. That’s exactly what I want to do.”

  “Then do it.” He held her face gently, his thumb brushing back and forth over her cheek. “Go out there and do all the things you’ve always wanted to try but were scared of. Be brave. Be goofy. Be Georgie. People won’t know what hit them.”

  She stood on tiptoe to kiss him. Conscious of King staring daggers through them both, he lingered over the kiss for just a moment.

  “Take care of yourself, Georgie.”

  He didn’t look at her as he left.

  One look was all it would take to render him unable to leave. And walking away was the right thing. Not just for Georgie, but for both of them.

  When he opened Georgie’s bedroom door to walk into the hallway, Fiona was passing by. She looked at him and then at the bedroom door behind him in surprise.

  “Oh, hello James!”

  “Good morning, Mrs. Kingsley.” He died instantly observing the moment when she realized why he was coming out of her daughter’s room.

  “Thank you for your hospitality.”

  Fiona smiled, a bit too widely. “You’re always welcome to visit, dear.”

  Jamie didn’t even want to decode the meaning behind that statement. Especially if it meant what he thought it did. Apparently the Kingsleys weren’t that obsessed with bloodlines if Fiona wasn’t upset about him being with her daughter.

  That was a worry for another time though. Because he had an entire schedule to rearrange and a trip to prepare for.

  He finally knew what he needed to do.

  Georgie watched him go, unsure why she had the sudden urge to follow him and hold on tight. Something about the way he’d just kissed her was different. It had felt… final somehow.
br />   And she wasn’t sure why.

  “Do you have any idea what you just did?” King asked.

  “Are you still here? Why?”

  She was being rude but then again, so was he by invading her space this early in the morning. The clock on the wall said it wasn’t even seven in the morning. Which made her wonder why he was even there in the first place.

  “I was here to ask your advice on how to propose to Olivia since you’re usually up early. But that doesn’t matter now.”

  She turned to find King watching her with a blank expression.

  “Why wouldn’t it matter?”

  “I’m not sure I want love advice from someone who could just stab a guy in the heart the way you just did.”

  Georgie’s mouth fell open. “What are you talking about?”

  “James is in love with you.”

  When she scoffed, King put up a hand. “You haven’t worked with him for years. Spending that much time with someone, you get to know them. Even the things they think you don’t see. He’s always had a thing for you.”

  “I’m not sure I believe that. He’s turned me down before,” Georgie admitted.

  It still stung that the only reason Jamie had been in her bed was because they’d discovered a mutual sexual compatibility and he was a guy so completely happy to be offered casual sex. They’d never had a relationship outside of the bedroom and even last night, he hadn’t said anything had changed. He’d merely said he missed having sex with her and that he didn’t want her with anyone else.

  But that didn’t mean he loved her. Alex had been possessive that way, too. It just meant he didn’t like sharing his toys.

  “That man cares for you,” King insisted. “He probably didn’t think you were ready before. But clearly he thought so now. I’m not sure why since he just had to listen to you call him a piece of ass.”

  “I did not!” Georgie couldn’t believe her own brother was ganging up on her like this. Not that she’d wanted him to blame Jamie, but it seemed like King was more concerned about his friend’s feelings than hers.

  But then she thought back to everything she’d said. Although her first instinct was outrage, she could see how her words could come across as callous. But that was only because King didn’t know anything about her relationship with Jamie. He knew nothing of their deal or that they’d both agreed to keep things casual.


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