A Hidden Ruby (A Marsden Romance Book 4)

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A Hidden Ruby (A Marsden Romance Book 4) Page 6

by Dawn Brower

  Damian nodded. “Absolutely. I will stop by and speak with you in a few days. I’m sure you have many questions.” His gaze landed on Rubina’s and held it for several seconds—something unsaid passing between them.

  Noah didn’t know what they were hiding, but he would find out. It disgusted and irritated him that they went to such lengths to hold back the truth.

  “I look forward to your visit. When you come by, make sure to leave some time for me.” Rubina pouted prettily at her brother.

  “I already said I’d visit you, Rue.” He grinned. “How many promises do I need to make?”

  “As many as I require.” She flashed him a gamine smile.

  “Enough. It’s time to depart,” Noah said roughly. This nonsense must come to an end.

  “Goodbye, Damian.” Rubina waved as Noah escorted her out of the room.

  They walked outside to his awaiting carriage. His ducal crest emblazoned upon the door. He gritted his teeth so he didn’t give her any more biting replies. She was fast driving him insane—though not in the way he wanted.

  His every dream had come true when she boldly strolled down the church aisle, interrupting his wedding. Unfortunately, it fast turned into his worst nightmare. What difference did it make if his wife lived when she clearly despised him? What other reason would she have for staying away from him for so long? Well, she was in for a rude awakening. She wouldn’t be able to get rid of him as easily as she wanted.

  He helped her inside the carriage and joined her, sitting across from her. She looked out the window, apparently refusing to meet his gaze.

  “Don’t worry. We will be home soon enough.”

  She whipped her head to meet his gaze. Fury shot out of her eyes. Her fists clenched in her lap, but she quickly eased them into a relaxed state. “I wasn’t worried about arriving home.”

  “No?” he asked, studying her beautiful face. “What could you possibly be fretting over?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She brushed it aside with the wave of her hand. “Nothing but trivial concerns. It isn’t anything you need to bother yourself with.”

  “If it concerns you, it does me as well. Tell me what is on your mind.”

  Rubina bit her lip and looked back out the window. “It’s just I don’t have anything to wear.”

  Of course. His fashion conscious wife would be concerned about her lack of wardrobe. “If you wanted to purchase new gowns, all you had to do was ask. No reason to pout in silence.”

  Her smile brightened. “You were always so generous with me. Can we go to Madame Roussard’s now?”

  Noah frowned. “It’s getting rather late in the day…”

  “Please,” she begged prettily. “I do so need some new gowns. If I’m to stay in England, I will need them to go out in society. The world needs to know your wife has returned.”

  “I know… but—”

  “You don’t want them doubting our child is yours do you?” She raised an eyebrow. “We must give them a united front, and show them how very much in love we still are.”

  “So you want me to lie?”

  She tilted her head and studied him. “You’re saying you no longer love me?”

  Noah clenched his jaw as her words hit him where it hurt. She spoke the truth. He never stopped loving her, but he refused to admit it to her. He’d be damned before he gave her the satisfaction.

  “Why don’t you tell me why you really want new gowns, Ruby?” He leaned back against the seat, acting as relaxed as he possibly could.

  “I already told you…”

  He held up a hand. “Quit playing your silly games and tell me the truth.”

  She sighed. “I don’t have but the gown I’m wearing and the one in my valise. I haven’t gotten any new gowns since I left England three years ago. I’ve had to make do with a couple second-hand gowns.”

  Noah frowned. She was telling the truth. He could see it in her eyes. It didn’t make any sense to him. If she’d been so destitute, why had she stayed away? He would have gladly bought her anything she wanted. Rubina had been his everything, and there was nothing he wouldn’t have done for her. Did she really need to get away from him that bad? To live without any of the amenities she’d been used to?

  “Why this pretense?”

  “I don’t know what your mean?” She frowned. “I am telling you the truth.”

  He believed her. That didn’t mean he understood any of it.

  “No.” He shook his head. “With Damian and your father. Why not tell them you were alive? If you didn’t want to be with me, they would have supported you. What were you thinking, Ruby?”

  “I couldn’t.” She returned her gaze to the window.

  “Bloody hell. Why not?”

  “So, are we going to go to Madam Roussard’s?”

  She didn’t meet his eyes. His wife didn’t even bother to answer his question. Instead, she changed the subject. He could respect that a little bit. It was evasion at its best. He’d deflected her question about loving her just as easily. What a pair the two of them made.

  “No, we are not going to the dress shop today.”

  Finally, she turned to look at him. Her silver eyes reflected sadness. “You never were cruel Noah. What happened to you?”

  “My wife died.”

  She tilted her head. “But I am very much alive.”

  “You’re not my wife.” He stared her in the eyes. “You’re an imposter living inside her body. The Rubina Leone I married loved me and would never have put me through the hell you have.”

  Rubina gasped. Her hand flew to her chest. Her gaze held resignation. “I deserve that.”

  She deserved so much more than mere words could inflict upon her. Noah held back all the anger building up inside of him. This wasn’t the time nor the place to unleash it all on her. They would be home soon enough. Once they were there, he’d drag her to his room. Then he’d seduce all the information she held inside out of her treacherous body.

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “So I’m not to get new dresses?”

  Rubina was not going to let the idea of new gowns go. He’d have to give into her desire at some point. But for the moment, what he wanted came first. She’d already played fast and loose with his emotions. She promised him she’d remain with him and give him an heir. He was afraid she’d run away before they could beget one. His greater fear would be she’d become enceinte and disappear again. Then he’d lose his wife and his unborn child.

  Still, it was a risk he was willing to take.

  Surely she wouldn’t be as cruel as she appeared and deny him his one request. His gut churned at the idea. He was fast learning that anything was possible where his wife was concerned. Perhaps it was time to hire someone to watch out for her—or more apt to watch her period. He didn’t trust her to not disappear again. He’d just fail to mention to her that she’d have a constant tail for as long as she remained in his house.

  It was the only reassurance he could give himself.

  “Not today. Perhaps I will gift you with some at a later date.” He smiled wickedly. “For now, you won’t be in much need of clothing of any kind. I plan on keeping you in bed for the next several days.”

  Her hand flew to her chest. “Caro, you can be positively decadent.”

  Darling? She’d not called him such since she’d returned. Was she falling into old habits? He refused to acknowledge the endearment. His treacherous wife was not to be trusted, and Noah would not be lured into her web again. There was only one thing he wanted from her, and he’d enjoy every minute of it.

  He’d not had a woman in years. The only one who aroused him was the deceitful bitch sitting across from him. So creating a child with her would be such torturous sweet pleasure.

  The carriage stopped in front of their townhouse. Noah looked out the window. It was time to show her exactly what he expected from her. Rubina would be so well pleasured she’d be too limp from exhaustion to leave him for a while.
r />   He kept his wicked grin in place, never once taking his eyes off of her. It was time for her to see exactly what he expected from her. He didn’t hold back any of the desire flowing through him. The heat, the need, and the unwavering longing that had built up inside him while he believed she was dead.

  “Darling,” he enunciated the word, filling it with every sinful implication he felt. “I promise you, over the next several days, you will know exactly how wicked I can be.”


  Rubina held her breath as she stared into Noah’s heat-filled gaze. God help her, but she wanted everything they promised. She wouldn’t fight him. He must know on some level that she wanted him just as much.

  “I look forward to your,”—she tilted her lips into an enticing smile—“efforts…”

  “Good, because we are going to start now.”

  “In the carriage?” She patted the seat next to her. “Oh, Noah, I didn’t know you had it in you.” She beckoned him with her finger. “Please, join me, and let’s find out how wicked my husband has become.”

  Noah stared shocked for a second, then practically leaped at her. He pulled her into his arms and found her lips with his. The heat was instant and glorious as it spread through her. This is what she had been craving. The all consuming desire she could never resist—this is what she’d missed most when she’d lain awake in her lonely room. Heat was something she didn’t feel a lot of in her prison.

  Noah radiated enough to keep her warm for several years.

  He trailed kisses down her neck as she entwined her fingers in his midnight hair. Every touch even more delicious than the last one—until he abruptly stopped.

  Her eyelids flew open, and she met his lust filled gaze.

  “As much as I’d like to follow you into carnal bliss, this is not the place to do it.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  He laughed. “I will not be enticed into getting naked in the carriage with you, Ruby.”

  “Why not?” She pouted.

  Just then, the door opened. A footman stood outside, holding it in place. “Do you need assistance, Your Grace?”

  “No, Dobbins.” Noah grinned. “We are ready to go inside.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear,” Is that reason enough?”

  Her cheeks filled with heat. Noah had a point. This was not the place to fully reunite with her husband. “Yes, it is.”

  Noah stepped out of the carriage and turned to assist her out. He tucked her arm into his and led her into the townhouse. Simmons stood inside the foyer and nodded to them. He shut the door behind him. Rubina looked back at him after they had passed. She caught him with a huge grin on his face—like a cat enjoying the canary he’d caught. What did the normally stodgy butler have to smile about?

  Noah didn’t lead her to the sitting room. Instead, he turned down the hall to the staircase—leading to their bedrooms.

  “Deciding to pick up where we left off in the carriage?”

  Rubina couldn’t wait to get him naked and at her mercy. The need to touch every inch of him welled up inside of her. It had been way too long since her husband made love to her. Her desire for him hadn’t eased one bit.

  “I already told you that I plan on keeping you in bed for days.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” She flashed him a smile. “That would be nearly impossible to do.”

  “And yet I intend to do just that.” His gaze held so much promise. “I wouldn’t want to shirk on my duty to get you with child. The sooner my heir is born the quicker you can run off to your new love.”

  Rubina held her breath at his words. Slowly, she let it out. It would do her no good to stop breathing now. There was much she still needed to do. Shock had filled her—why, she didn’t know. He only spoke the things she’d wanted him to believe. If only Paolo… No, Rubina wouldn’t harp on what she couldn’t control. Soon the man would pay for his treachery. Then she could tell Noah the truth and start to rebuild their relationship. For now—for his protection—she’d have to keep her secrets. When it was safe for him to know everything, only then would she unburden herself.

  For the moment, she’d gladly take every ounce of what he offered her. It would have to be enough. It wasn’t his fault she’d deliberately deceived him. This was her cross to bear.

  “You're right, of course. The sooner I’m carrying your child the better.”

  She swallowed back the bile that filled her mouth at her lie. Part of her hoped she didn’t conceive at all. What if she did and somehow Paolo got a hold of her again? Then he’d have her and Noah’s heir.

  He looked down at her with such derision it made her heart skip a beat. The hate in his eyes hurt to see reflected back at her.

  “Don’t worry, dear. I will do everything in my power to make it happen as soon as possible. Once you’re carrying my heir you won’t have to stomach my attentions again.”

  Rubina bit her lip. Another reason for her to not want to conceive right away. She wanted to be with him in every way possible for the rest of her life. If she couldn’t have his love, she at least wanted everything else. The idea of never feeling his arms wrapped around her again—it was almost too much to bear.

  “Then, for your sake, I hope I conceive quickly. It must be difficult for you to have to make love to me knowing I no longer love you.”

  This pretense was killing her. The paleness of Noah’s face at her words struck her heart with thousands of pinpricks. She didn’t want to hurt him, yet she must. Soon, she’d let him know what was going on. After they located Paolo and made sure he’d never harm anyone she loved again. Then, and only then, would Noah know how much she still loved him. There would never be anyone else for her.

  Noah dropped her hand and studied her a second. Then he started walking down the hall. Rubina followed closely behind him, unsure what he intended. He stopped just outside his bedroom door and turned to her. “It’s a chore that will be worth it in the end.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her inside the room. Then he shut the door with a click and turned the lock.

  “Don’t want anyone disturbing us.”

  Rubina shook her head. “No, we have a reunion that must not be interrupted.”

  Noah frowned. “This is not a reunion. It’s a necessity.”

  “However you wish to see it is fine with me.” Rubina shrugged.

  “Good. As long as we understand each other.”

  “I understand perfectly,” Rubina said quietly.

  Noah circled her as he studied every inch of her. Then he stopped behind her and started the long process of unlatching all the buttons of her dress. He pushed it down to the floor leaving her in her shift and corset. Soon, it too fell to the floor. The thin linen of her chemise was all that stood between her and complete nudity. Noah was still fully dressed.

  “Aren’t you going to remove your clothing too?”

  “Are you in a hurry?” His gaze traveled over her.

  Wetness pooled between her thighs. She wanted to feel him sliding inside her, bringing her to ecstasy. She needed it more than words could say.

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “Too bad. I want to savor this moment.”

  “I thought you couldn’t stand me.”

  Noah’s actions were baffling her. What game was he playing with her? He didn’t really want her, did he? He kept saying it was only to get an heir. This didn’t require more than the actual act of intercourse.

  “Some things need to be done, even when every part of you screams to run. I want you, Ruby, and I intend to have you...” He paused as he let his eyes roam over her again. “My way and in every way. You belong to me, and you will know it when I’m done with you.”

  Oh yes, she did belong to him. If he wanted to exert that control… She’d gladly let him. He loosened his cravat and pulled it free from his neck and tossed it on the bed. Next came his jacket, which he laid on a nearby chair. He opened a drawer and pulled out another cr
avat and tossed it on the bed next to the other one. He yanked the coverlet down enough to expose the sheet.

  “What are you planning?”

  “Not now…” He grinned wickedly. “But soon you will see.”

  He rolled the sleeves of his white shirt and stalked forward. He stopped in front of her. His fingers grazed her chemise so lightly she almost didn’t feel his touch. Then he yanked her chemise off her body, leaving her completely naked in front of him.

  “You’re so damned beautiful.”

  He leaned down and licked one tight nipple. Rubina groaned with each sweep of his tongue over her sensitive flesh. Before she had time to react, he lifted her up and carried her over to the bed and lay her across the top. The cravats he’d tossed on the bed earlier were laying next to her head. Noah picked up one and wound it around her wrist and tied it to the bedpost—then did the other one.

  “Have you learned a few tricks since we last saw each other?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “For you, I learned many things.”

  Noah stood and stared at her for several seconds. It made her body heat up even more. If she reacted this way with just a gaze, she’d explode when he finally got around to touching her.

  “Are you going to stare at me all day, or are you going to actually touch me anytime soon?”

  She squirmed with need—resisting the urge to beg him.

  “Perhaps it would help if you were blindfolded as well…”

  He went over to his drawers again and pulled out another cravat. He tied it around her head, blinding her. This was a side of him she’d never seen before…and she liked it very much.

  Since she couldn’t see, the anticipation grew even more inside of her. So when she finally did feel him touch her, she groaned with the pleasure of it. The palm of his hand cupped her breast. He kneaded it, making her groan even louder.

  “Do you like this?”

  “Yes. Give me more.”


  “No. You’ve been a very bad girl. You don’t reward wickedness. You need to be punished first.”

  Oh, God. He was going to torture her with pleasure.


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