A Hidden Ruby (A Marsden Romance Book 4)

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A Hidden Ruby (A Marsden Romance Book 4) Page 12

by Dawn Brower

  He started to laugh manically.

  “Are you all right?” Liam asked.

  “She does still love me.” He grinned. “She’s got a strange way of showing it, but she never stopped. This is all insane—she might even be a little mad. But you know what? It doesn’t matter because she’s all mine.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to go home and have a little chat with my well-meaning wife and explain to her why she shouldn’t lie to her husband.” Noah started to leave.

  “Wait, Your Grace,” Marcus called out. “There is something else you need to know.”

  Noah stopped in his tracks and turned. “What?”

  “d’Sordillo has Damian.” Marcus grimaced. “It’s why I was stabbed. I got too close. The good news is I know where they stashed him.”

  “What’s the bad news?”

  “It’s guarded so well it might as well be a fortress.”

  Noah cursed. This had gone from bad to worse. How was he going to get Damian out of this mess? They should not have kept him in the dark for so long. What was d’Sordillo involved in that made Damian think he needed to keep an eye on him anyway?

  “What is inside that they need so many guards?” Noah asked. “Surely it isn’t just to watch over one man.”

  “I’m not entirely sure what they are guarding.” Marcus swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. “I suspect it’s more for protection than anything. Paolo Fonte, Duca d’Sordillo is high up in the Italian mafia.”

  “Bloody hell.” Noah paced the room again. “This is damned mess.”

  “Where do we even begin to rescue Damian?” Liam asked.

  “I’m not sure you can.” Marcus shook his head. “He might be lost to you.”

  “I refuse to believe that,” Noah said.

  Rubina would be devastated if anything happened to her brother. Noah knew that Damian was high up in the Italian government—but, at the heart of it, he was protecting his sister. It might have started as an investigation into his criminal activities—that would have all changed when his sister found him. It was now up to Noah to finish what he started.

  “One more thing, Your Grace,” Marcus said. “The orchard you purchased in Sicily.”

  “What about it?”

  “D’Sordillo wants it. I don’t know how, but it’s key to whatever plans he has.”

  “He bloody well can’t have it or my wife.” Noah growled.

  No one took what was his. It was time Paolo Fonte realized that.

  “Let’s go. I need to check on Rubina.”

  Liam nodded. “Right behind you.”

  Noah stopped, turned toward Marcus, and said, “Thank you for finding out everything I needed to know. I will make sure a doctor comes to help you.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” Marcus grinned. “I have my own saw bones that sees to my needs. One of my men has already gone to get him. Go look after your duchess.”

  Noah nodded and headed out the door.

  It was time to raise some hell—starting with his wife.


  “Pardon me, Your Grace.” Simmons entered the sitting room. “This arrived for you.”

  “What is it?” Rubina asked.

  “I’m not at liberty to say.” Simmons shrugged. “I don’t read my employer’s missives.”

  Rubina rolled her eyes. “All you had to say was someone sent me a note. It’s probably from Lily. She was supposed to pay a call today. Give it to me.”

  She broke the wax seal and read over the contents.


  Paolo has your brother. Meet me at the Albany. I will explain everything. Don’t tell your husband—he is still in grave danger.


  Rubina gasped and clutched it to her chest.

  “Is everything all right?” Simmons asked.

  “It’s fine.” Rubina forced a smile on her face. “I need to visit Gemma and Lily. Gemma isn’t feeling well enough for travel.”

  “Would you like me to have the carriage brought around?”

  “No need. I think I will walk. I could use the fresh air, and it’s not too far away. Tell Noah, if he should return before I do, I look forward to dinner this evening. He said he had a something to talk to me about.”

  “Very well, Your Grace.” He bowed and left the room.

  Rubina folded up Arturo’s note and rushed out of the room. She didn’t even stop to grab her pelisse. There was no time. Paolo had her brother. She needed to know what happened. The sooner she reached Arturo the quicker she would get the information she needed.

  When she exited the townhouse she ran into Lily and almost knocked her down the steps. Gemma blocked her fall.

  “Where are you off to in a hurry?” Lily asked.

  Drat. There went her excuse to leave the house. Simmons would question why Gemma was visiting when Rubina was supposedly off to see her.

  “I need to get to the Albany.” She might as well go for some version of the truth. “Damian needs me.”

  “Is he ill?” Gemma asked. “We can come with you.”

  That was a very bad idea.

  “No.” Rubina shook her head. “I don’t think he would be up for company.”

  “Nonsense,” Lily interrupted her. “We can’t let you travel on your own. It wouldn’t be right. We will escort you over there.”

  Gemma nibbled on her lip. “Noah wouldn’t like it. He’s rather protective of you since, you know—you’re not dead as he believed you to be.”

  There was no getting out of it. She’d have to tell them the truth. They were not going to leave her alone and Damian was in trouble. Rubina sighed and handed the note to Lily.

  “Read that and let’s get moving. This very well could be life and death.”

  Lily opened the note and frowned. “Who is Paolo, and why does he have Damian?”

  “It’s a long story?”

  “Why don’t you start with Arturo and why he sent you this note.” Lily waved the missive in front of her.

  Rubina nodded. “I will tell you everything, but please, we need to get to the Albany, so follow me.”

  Gemma raised her hand. “Why don’t we take my carriage? It would save time and we can talk in comfort.”

  Rubina’s gaze flew to the carriage. Gemma did have a point. The only reason she hadn’t ordered her own was because it would take too long. Having one already available though…

  “Yes, that’s a good idea.” Rubina headed to the carriage and hopped inside. Gemma and Lily followed her. “To answer one of your questions… Arturo is one of Damian’s employees—and I owe him my life.”

  Lily and Gemma looked at each other and then back to Rubina. “I think we need more details.”

  Rubina sighed. “When I left Noah, I fully intended to come home to him. I never wanted to leave him.”

  “Go on,” Lily encouraged.

  “I was set to board a ship to Florence to visit my father. Noah and I had an argument…”

  Rubina held back tears. Her voice cracked as she spoke.

  “I know it’s hard,” Gemma said in a soft voice. “But it will help tell us everything. It must be hard keeping all your secrets buried inside.”

  Rubina wiped her eyes. “Paolo had his men grab me before I got on board. He took me to his home in Sicily and kept me captive there…” She paused and stared off in space. “He wanted me, but I’d refused him. I married Noah and never regretted that decision. He’s the only man I’ve ever loved.” She stared at Gemma and Lily. “Arturo rescued me and took me to my brother’s ship. It was there I found out how truly evil Paolo is and that Noah was going to marry another woman. I had to return.”

  “So all this time…” Gemma’s voice trailed off.

  “I lived in a locked room, held prisoner by a mad man.”

  “Now he has your brother?” Lily’s voice hardened. “That is wrong.”

  “I have to find a way to save Damian.” Rubina struggled
to control her emotions. She straightened her spine and said with conviction, “But above all, Paolo must die.”

  “Rubina…” Gemma’s voice trailed off.

  “No. Don’t tell me it will be a black stain on my soul. Allowing him to live would be an error of the greatest multitude. He will never stop coming after me and those I love. The only way to ensure that we are all safe is for him to cease to be. That man belongs in hell, and I will send him there.”

  “We will help you,” Lily blurted out.

  Gemma’s gaze flew to hers. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. You saw how Noah was when he believed Rubina died. For that alone, this man must pay.”

  Gemma turned toward Rubina and nodded. “She’s right, but we must at least try to be careful. Liam will be so mad if something happens…”

  Lily’s lips curved into a gamine smile. “My brother will get over it.”

  “I don’t think this is a good idea. You should both drop me off at the Albany and return home. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you to.” Rubina wanted them all safe.

  “Too late.” Lily said and jumped out of the carriage when it came to a stop. “Meet you inside.”

  “Lily has always been rather—impetuous,” Gemma offered.

  “I know.” Rubina sighed. “I suppose we should follow her.”

  The both got out of the carriage and gasped as someone grabbed a hold of them. Lily was being held by a burly man with black curly hair and mean eyes.

  “You weren’t supposed to bring friends, la mia bellezza.” Paolo cooed in her ear. “You’re as beautiful as I remember. You were a bad girl though, running off with that man. I’ll have to make you pay for that.”

  She was not his beauty.

  Rubina spit in his face. “What have you done with my brother?”

  “He’s safe—for now.” He wiped his face. “If you do as I tell you, I may even allow him to live.”

  “Let Gemma and Lily go,” Rubina demanded. “They mean nothing to you.”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. They are very much a part of this now. You shouldn’t have brought them if you were concerned for their safety. They can keep you company for a while…”

  “Then what?” Rubina was almost afraid to ask.

  “Depends on their attitude.” He laughed evilly. “If they are cooperative, I might let my men have a go at them… If not, well, they can be easily disposed of.”

  Bile rose in her throat. This was all her fault. How could she have allowed this to happen. Maybe there was still hope. If Arturo was in her brother’s rooms… Her gaze flew to the entrance of the Albany.

  “If you’re wondering about Arturo, he isn’t going to come and save you.”

  Had he read her mind? “How can you be so certain?”

  “Because he didn’t send you that note, cara.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “It was all a ruse to get you out of the house. I’m afraid Arturo is very much dead.”


  “He had to pay for his insolence. If not for his actions, you’d still be where you belong.”

  Lily bit the man’s finger that held her. “Ouch, you bitch.”

  “You won’t get away with this. Our husbands will hunt you down and kill you like the rabid dog you are.”

  Paolo laughed. “Such fire. Maybe I will keep you for myself after all.”

  Lily struggled to get free.

  “Restrain the spitfire and put her in the carriage.” He then gestured toward Gemma. “Put her in there too and take care of the men that were following them. Make sure they don’t live to tell tales.”

  Paolo dragged Rubina along with him, separating her from Gemma and Lily.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Those two have a few lessons to learn.” He grinned. “You, my dear, have a much harsher one to finally grasp. We are going to arrive at our destination separate from your friends.”

  “Please, let them go.”

  She had to try one last time. Her heart was breaking into pieces. If she could save them…

  “I said no. They are part of the price you need to pay for leaving me.”

  Rubina grimaced. Paolo had grown crazier since the last time she’d seen him.

  “I am not yours to keep.”

  “You are,” he bellowed. “You will finally understand that you belong to me.”

  “I will never be yours.” Rubina elbowed him in his side. She attempted to wrench herself free, but it was a futile endeavor.

  “Yes. You are mine.” He pulled her into his arms. “Look at me.”

  Rubina let her gaze fall down. She didn’t want to look into his fanatical eyes. A huge part of her was afraid of what she might see in them.

  “I said look at me,” he demanded, lifting her chin. “That’s better. I want you to know who it is that holds you. Who will always hold you from this point on.”

  Paolo leaned down and touched his lips to hers. Rubina fought him, but he held on tight. He forced her mouth open and pushed his tongue inside of her mouth. Rubina bit it as hard as she could until she tasted blood.

  “You bitch” He slapped her face. “That’s one more thing you will pay for. I am no longer going to be a gentleman with you. I mean to have you tonight. Finally, you will belong to me in every way.”

  Rubina held back a shudder—barely. She had to do something to save herself, and those she loved. The idea of Paolo… No, she refused to even picture the heinous things he had planned.

  Paolo shoved her into a nearby carriage and tapped the roof. Wherever he was taking her…they were well on their way. She would have to get inside his head a little bit and make him start to doubt this foolhardy plan of his.

  She grinned, evilly. “When will you understand that there is not a chance in hell of you ever having me in any way. My heart, body, and soul belong to my husband. When he finds me—and he will find me, Paolo—you will finally burn in the fires of hell for what you have done to us.”

  Noah said he would always come for her. So if she couldn’t find a way to save herself, her only hope was that her husband would tear the world apart looking for her.

  Not to mention, Liam was as much of an alpha male as Noah. They wouldn’t allow their wives to be held hostage by a mad man. Rubina didn’t know Rand well…but she did know Lily. That woman wouldn’t go for a weak man. There would be a reckoning.

  Rubina couldn’t wait to see Paolo torn to shreds.

  “That is where you are wrong.” Paolo’s grin sent fear into her heart. “Soon your husband will be as dead as I originally claimed. I am leaving nothing to chance this time.”

  Bloody hell…he had to be lying. Right?

  Now Rubina had one more thing to stress about. Paolo would not win.

  Even if she had to take her last breath to see him dead—he would go to hell where he belonged.


  Noah hopped the steps two at a time and swung open the door to his townhouse.

  “Rubina,” he bellowed.

  He was met with complete silence.

  Bloody hell. Where was his wife?

  “Her Grace went to visit Lady Marsden.” Simmons entered the foyer. “She left at the beginning of the hour. She bade me to tell you she was looking forward to dinner this evening.”

  Noah frowned.

  “We could just get back in the carriage and go to see her.” Liam stood in the open doorway. “Luckily my townhouse isn’t too far from yours. It wouldn’t take long to get there.”

  Liam did have a point. Did he really want to have it out with Rubina in front of Gemma—and possibly Lily? That wasn’t a good idea at all. It would put her even more on the defensive.

  “No,” he shook his head. “I can be patient a little while longer. I’m sure she’s perfectly safe at your place.”

  “Why are you standing in an open doorway?” Rand stood behind Liam. “Is Lily inside? I need her to come back to Marsden house. Willi
am is driving the staff mad. When he gets like this, the only one that can subdue him is her.”

  Liam frowned. “Why would Lily be here?”

  “Because she came with Gemma to visit Rubina.” Rand rolled his eyes. “Lily had this harebrained idea Rubina needed cheering up about something.”

  A sick feeling took root in Noah’s gut. None of the ladies were inside…

  “Lily and Gemma are not here.” Noah’s hand shook. “Rubina isn’t here either.”

  Liam’s normally dark complexion paled. “You don’t think…”

  “Did someone fail to send me an invitation to this party?”

  They all turned to see Marcus stumble toward the entrance of the town house. He winced with each step, but he no longer held on to his side.

  “Why in tarnation are you here?” Noah asked.

  “One of my men managed to get away…” He paused and shook his head. “The details don’t matter. I had to let you know d’Sordillo has your wife and the other two women traveling with her.”

  Liam cursed and punched the door. “That evil bastard has my wife.”

  “Someone want to fill me in?” Rand glanced back and forth between all three men. “Who took them?”

  None of them volunteered the information.

  Noah clenched his jaw struggling to get a hold of his emotions. This was all his worst fears wrapped neatly into one nightmarish package. “I need the location of his hidey hole.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Liam demanded.

  “I didn’t expect you would want to stay behind.”

  Rand started to wave his hands. “Hello? Someone better start telling me what is going on before I start hitting one of you to get it.”

  Marcus shook his head. “I will have to take you there. The place is too secluded to give you directions.”

  Noah nodded. “Well, as luck would have it Liam’s carriage is still available. I suggest we all get inside and go rescue our wives from a man who has unmistakably lost his mind.”


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