Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series

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Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series Page 46

by Rita Hestand

  There was a silence from the other bed.

  "I'd not only let her but want her to touch me all over too. I'd tell her what pleased me. Just like I hope she'd tell me. Because when a man and a woman come together for the first time, they need to talk about it, understand it, and enjoy it. My hands," he took his hands out of the blanket and looked at them. "My hands would probably tremble as they found their way downward... "

  He stared at his hands; they were trembling, as though he were visibly touching Hannah now. A cool sweat broke over him as he continued to explain his feelings. Every part of him stirred to life at his own words. When he closed his eyes, he could almost feel Hannah beneath him. Still he continued.

  "Where my hands went, my lips would follow, feeling, tasting, becoming one with this woman I loved. The fire would build. We'd be wanting each other pretty bad by now, but somehow I think we'd know that the slower we went, the better," his voice caught, realizing he was making love with his voice now, he heard his throat constrict into a low groan. "By then, her hips would come up and offer themselves to me. Of their own free will. I'd meet her half way. But I still wouldn't rush her. I'd want to be sure she was ready, sure she was as on fire as I was. If she wasn't, I'd kiss her...there, until she was. Because I've waited a lifetime for her, and I love her so much."

  Hannah gasped. It sounded very much as though she were going through some emotions of her own.

  "Don't be embarrassed, by my words, Hannah. God put us on earth to make love and be happy. Making love isn't something dirty or ugly like you see on TV. I think it must be the best thing this side of heaven. In my way of thinkin', God took one of Adam's ribs to make Eve because he knew they would be one and the same. They would love each other.

  "And then..." his voice was ragged, raw, and needy. "We'd come together in an explosion of love making. I wouldn't stop till I had completely satisfied her. And I'd know I had by the sound of her voice, the beat of her heart, the way she strained against me. Even then, our bodies would rock in unison, till we both collapsed in total pleasure. Till there was no more energy to touch, feel or taste, only then I'd kiss her and tell her how incredible she was. Then...I'd hold her in my arms and never let her go. And later...maybe the next day, I'd tell her."

  "Tell her what?" Hannah's voice rose with such anticipation she sounded as though she had been through the experience with Rusty.

  "I'd tell her how much I loved her."

  There was a long silence, a little heavy breathing, then a sigh. Rusty smiled to himself, he was exhausted, as though he'd been through this with Hannah just now and felt almost as satisfied as he knew he would if he had.

  "She'd be a very lucky girl, Rusty." Hannah said breathlessly.

  "And he'd be ten feet tall; if she said she loved him back...." Rusty added.

  Hannah sat up in the bed, and spoke very softly; she turned her head to look over at him. "Thanks for sharing that with me."

  "Night Little Darlin'."


  Chapter Eleven

  The next day was filled with sight-seeing and Hannah was glad she had dressed casual and worn comfortable shoes. They had walked across the Hoover Dam, taken in a show, gone to an art museum, and now, after watching the water show at the Bellagio, were on their way to eat at Osteria del Circo. Rusty claimed this restaurant was the best in Vegas and they had to try it.

  But as they were going into the restaurant, a man came up to them and intruded.

  "Hannah? Is that you? My God, but you look wonderful. That hot Texas sun has done wonders for you. You look better than ever. What in the world are you doing here though?"

  Hannah opened her mouth, but nothing came out. What were the chances in a city this big and busy of running into Vic?

  Rusty glanced first at her, then at the man. "Who is this?"

  "Vic Trusdale, meet my husband, Rusty Travers." Hannah said finally finding her voice and pleading with Rusty with her eyes to understand.


  "Husband?" Vic repeated.

  Rusty eyed the man up and down. He had to give Hannah credit, the man was immaculate, handsome, and filled out his suit to the T. But why was he here, in Vegas?

  "We were about to get our table, would you join us?" Rusty put on his manners, unable to assimilate all this news at once.

  "Why thank you, yes, it appears I've a lot of catching up to do with Hannah. So how long have you two been...."

  "We're on our honeymoon," Rusty jumped to explain. He didn't like the way the man pulled out the chair for Hannah. That was his job. He didn't like that perfect smile he kept flashing either. He felt his hand itch to wipe that smile away.

  "Oh," Vic adjusted his tie, then ran his hand through his short cropped blonde hair. "I'm sorry to intrude. Maybe another time, then."

  "Don't be silly," Hannah rushed to say. She had to keep Vic around till she fully explained the situation to Rusty. Alone she might break down and cry or something. She saw the frown on Rusty's face at Vic's every gesture and knew he didn't like this sudden intrusion any more than she did.

  "Yes," Rusty glared at her. "Please join us." "Alright," Vic smiled and ordered a drink for himself when the waiter came.

  Although the Italian meal was delicious, Hannah was sure she didn't taste a bite as she slowly began to explain her connection to Vic and Vegas. Rusty's brows went up a time or two and then he was very quiet while Vic tried to persuade Hannah to come back to his show.

  "I'm afraid not. I'm married now. I'm a rancher. My dancing days are over."

  "What a shame. She was very good you know." Vic offered as he slicked his blond hair back from his face, and Rusty got a whiff of his bold cologne. The man must have bathed in the darn stuff, he thought to himself. And Hannah likes this kind of man? It didn't seem to fit.

  "No, I really didn't know." Rusty said blatantly, but Vic didn't seem to catch the sarcasm.

  "Only problem with Hannah was the costumes."

  "The costumes?" Rusty questioned looking from one to the other.

  Hannah colored.

  "Yes, she hated the ones that were topless, yeah, refused to wear them. She was such a great dancer, but she wouldn't wear the costumes. So we had to write in her numbers. Now that she's married, maybe that has changed?" Vic glanced at Hannah provocatively.

  Rusty stood up, unable to stomach the man's insinuations any longer. "I'm sorry friend, but my wife and I are on our honeymoon, and we'd like a little privacy, if you don't mind. Do you think we could talk business another time?"

  "Of course, I'm sorry. Another time, Hannah." Vic winked and got up from the table.

  "That was rude....don't you think?" Hannah insisted, sipping her wine a little too quickly.

  "Maybe, but he didn't seem to get the hint. Now, suppose you tell me why you neglected to tell me about working here in Vegas. It seems I've been making a fool out of myself showing you around a town you know more about than I do." Rusty demanded biting into his garlic bread with relish.

  Hannah chuckled, and then broke out in a laugh. The wine was getting to her. It felt so warm, so cozy.

  "I've been terrified ever since I found out we were coming here." She laughed.

  "And that's funny?"

  "No, but it's silly. I mean, what were the chances of bumping into Vic? And then we did. I'm sorry..." she gazed into Rusty's eyes and her expression softened. "I should have told you. I just didn't know how."

  "You sure didn't mind letting me make a fool of myself." He berated, some of his anger dissipated.

  She placed her hand over his...."You didn't make a fool of yourself. I've enjoyed every single moment of it. I want you to understand something. I worked here, Rusty. I never had time to enjoy it. I busted my butt trying to get my brother through school, and send Dad some money too. This wasn't some luxurious vacation for me. I came here with the intention of working. I got lucky and got a job almost immediately. I didn't have professional training of any sort. Vic said I was a natural, but it didn't c
ome that easy. I worked, 10 to twelve hours a day, on my feet. And then I had to wear these skimpy little outfits that barely covered me. But that wasn't the worst." She stopped, hiccupped and pleaded with him with her eyes. "No, the worst was the way the men would stare, and gawk at me. And think so little of me. I hated it. I'd never go back to doing this kind of work again."

  She hiccupped again. He blinked.

  She was inebriated. He suddenly realized he needed to get her home in bed. He paid their tab, and took her elbow, gently guiding her out of the restaurant. She could barely walk straight.

  When they finally arrived at the hotel, she staggered at the elevator, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the room. He took her to the bed, laid her down, and took off her shoes. Then he pulled the sheet up over her.

  She gazed up at him with a sleepy expression. "You’re know."

  He nodded and smiled. "Yeah, sure...a real gentleman."

  "Hmm..." she said and rolled over and went to sleep.

  He sat down on the bed opposite her and stared at her long and hard. At her small little frame in that big bed, alone.

  She had been a dancer! And now he knew her secrets and he'd never mention them again, and she'd never dance again, except in his arms, he decided.

  He heard her snore and smiled. "Sleep Little Darlin'."


  The next morning, she wasn't feeling too well, and Rusty had a Bloody Mary, and a wash cloth ready for her. After pampering her for a while, he ordered their breakfast and took a quick shower while she tried to snap out of it. But Hannah had never had a hang-over before and she didn't realize that loud noises like running water, knocks at the door, and sunlight would nearly kill her.

  Throwing a robe on when the waiter arrived with room service, she readied Rusty's chair around the small table by the patio door. She glanced out, but the sun seemed so bright and hurt her eyes. She pulled the curtain. It made the room dark again. She sighed. The water turned off, she sighed again. The waiter went away and didn't slam the door this time. Thank God for little miracles.

  Rusty was fully dressed when he came in the room and noted the darkness.

  "Looks good," he quipped, his eyes going over first her, then the food. If he was thinking she was pitiful he didn't say, and she was grateful.

  Hannah wore a pair of jeans that actually fit that she had bought in Vegas, and a shirt that Rusty had picked out for her and flattered her figure. Rusty seemed appreciative, although with a scowl on his face it was hard to tell.

  "Hungry?" She asked trying to break the sudden ice in the room.

  "Sure," he cut into his French toast. "Did you sleep well?"

  Hannah sighed, and turned away so he couldn't see her expression. "It was a comfortable bed. Did you?"

  "Like a baby," he growled.

  "I'm glad you were comfortable," she smiled brightly irritated that he had gotten a good night sleep, when she couldn't remember a thing.

  "Comfortable, yes..." He began, but didn't finish. "I see you like French toast," she giggled as he grabbed a couple more pieces and put them on his plate. Then she grabbed her head and hung on for dear life as the sound of her own laughter hurt so badly. "So...what are we going to do today?"

  He opened his mouth to reply but her cell phone rang. They both glared at the intrusion.

  She grabbed it off the kitchen counter and answered it with a puzzled expression on her face.

  "Yes, he's here, just a minute...." Hannah handed the phone to Rusty. "I think it's Deke."

  "Better get your butt back here, bro." Deke's voice sounded agitated.

  "What? Do you realize I'm on a honeymoon? What's wrong now?" Rusty countered just as unpleasantly.

  "Jennifer's here. She says she's pregnant!" Deke declared.

  Rusty's face contorted, then with a heavy sigh he added, "So....?"

  "She says it's yours!"

  Rusty nearly dropped the phone. He stared at it for a long moment. He glanced at Hannah who was staring at him with questions in her eyes. "I'll have to check the weather forecast. We'll be there as soon as we can."

  "Good. The sooner you straighten this out, the better." Deke declared in an angry tone.

  It was obvious his brother thought it was true. And if Deke thought that, so would Hannah.

  "Something wrong?" Hannah asked innocently. "We've got to get back. Something has come up."

  Rusty said, not wanting to go into detail till he had time to think. What was Jennifer up to? With worry dogging him, he glanced at Hannah's face, and saw the disappointment. He felt it too. He knew he had gotten to her the night before. Not only that, but knowing now what her big secret was, he felt he could finally at last trust her with anything. Anything that is...but this. He knew after his confession that they had a chance at making this a real marriage, given the proper time. But how was he gonna make it work with Jennifer pulling stunts like this. He had to straighten her out and fast. Before he lost the one thing he didn't want to lose....Hannah!

  After calling the weather station, and the airport, he packed their things and they headed out. The trip home was almost in silence and Hannah seemed puzzled by his silence.

  "Is everything okay at the ranch?" Hannah asked when he didn't furnish her any information.

  "Yeah, the ranch is fine. It's something I have to take care of." Rusty explained.

  "Alright," Hannah nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Still the tension rose between them with every mile closer to home. Whatever he had accomplished with Hannah in Vegas was quickly being destroyed by the problem at hand. He wanted to tell her, but he wasn't that sure of how she'd react. And he wouldn't blame her.

  Rusty tried to be considerate, tried to pay attention to Hannah, but his mind was full of problems. Why had Jennifer named him the father? Who was the father? And why now of all times?

  It was a couple of hours later before they landed safely on a private airstrip and was greeted by Deke and Emma. Emma looked worried, Deke looked mad, and Rusty's nerves were stretched as far as a man could stretch them.

  Deke had brought Rusty's truck and Emma had driven their truck. Emma directed Hannah to the other truck and Hannah looked perplexed by the sudden separation. She glanced at Rusty, but he nodded.

  "Go with Emma, honey. I've got some business to attend to. I'll be home soon." He promised.

  Hannah nodded and sat woodenly on the passenger side, watching Rusty and Deke drive off in a hurry. That's when she got a gut full of fears that something was drastically wrong.

  "Do you know what's going on, Emma?" Hannah asked innocently.

  Emma started the truck and nodded. "I know a little. But I think this is one Rusty is going to have to explain to you himself."

  "Can't you at least give me some hint as to what's going on?" Hannah begged, feeling an uneasiness creeping over her. She hadn't felt this way since...Jennifer!

  Oh no, it was Jennifer. She just knew it was. But what was wrong now?

  "It's Jennifer, isn't it?" Hannah tried to sound calm. Emma glanced at her warily, "Yes, it's Jennifer." Hannah dreaded hearing this acknowledgement.

  Just knowing that Jennifer was still important enough to Rusty to intrude on their honeymoon made it ultra-clear to Hannah that Jennifer was still a very big part of Rusty's life. Whether he admitted it to himself or not.

  She'd been so convinced that he was over her. Now this....

  Somehow she had to be levelheaded about it all. But how? Her husband was going to meet with another woman, at this very minute and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  It seemed so out of place to want to stop him, but she did. She loved him, and she really wanted to stop him from going to Jennifer.

  "I'm sure it's all just a big mistake." Emma said meekly. Obviously Emma was uncomfortable in this situation.

  Hannah nodded. She refused to think about this. She had no idea what Jennifer was up to except trying to keep Rusty for herself. Maybe Rusty wanted to be fought ov
er. Maybe he enjoyed this kind of thing. Maybe this was all to make Jennifer jealous. She could maybe it all to death. She wanted answers and Emma wasn't the one to give them to her.


  "Why the hell didn't you tell me about you and Jennifer?" Deke demanded as they spun off the airstrip and onto the highway. Deke's hands gripped the steering wheel so tight, Rusty knew it was his neck he was wringing.

  "What's to tell?" Rusty asked angered that his brother had assumed the worst in him.

  "For God's sake, getting her pregnant, and then marrying Hannah. Have you lost your mind? Why didn't you just face up to your responsibilities and marry Jennifer?" Deke asked his foot accelerating.

  Rusty firmed his lips, and held back his anger. This wasn't Deke's fault. "Did it ever occur to you or anyone else for that matter, that the baby isn't mine?"

  Deke's glance whipped about to stare into his brother's eyes. "Are you telling me, it isn't yours?"

  "You’re damn right I am..." Rusty's spat out. "I told you a long time ago that Jennifer and I hadn't been doing anything. I meant it."

  Deke braked the truck, nearly causing Rusty to hit the dash. He grabbed for him, and shook himself. "Dammit bro, I'm sorry. I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I didn't want to believe it, but you guys went together so long, and it seemed as though you were marrying Hannah to make Jennifer jealous. Obviously, I've got it all wrong. So level, what is going on here?"

  Rusty's anger seemed to spin in every direction, except at Deke. He didn't blame his brother, he knew how persuasive Jennifer could be. But he wanted the same answers Deke did. And he wanted to get back to Hannah before someone told her.

  "What's happening is...I've fallen in love with Hannah, and Jennifer is throwing kinks in every move I make." Then taking a breath he asked. "So, where's Jennifer now?" Rusty asked.

  "She's home, at her folks house. I told her I'd bring you there, as soon as I could. It sounds like someone's got a lot of explaining to do."


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