Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series

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Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series Page 78

by Rita Hestand

  "John wants to ask you. I know this for a fact. But…he doesn't think he makes enough money to afford a wife, especially one that doesn't work." Sammie Jo let that sink in for a bit.

  Miranda hung her head. "I know he wants me to work. But honestly, what can I do? I don't have any particular talents. I'm not interested in being a secretary or a mailman. Work here in Bear Creek is scarce to say the least and goes to the ones that go to college, first."

  Sammie Jo took her hand and held it for a moment. She saw the torment in her eyes and the lack of confidence there too.

  "Miranda, I know something you do very well. You are a natural for it. But, this is just between the two of us, until I know your answer."

  Miranda's eyes widened. "Go on, you've got my curiosity up."

  "Well, as you know, I've made a success out of the Nite-N-Gale."

  "I know, you make me look lazy. You are putting most of the women here to shame with your ambition." Miranda squirmed a bit.

  "But I've realized something in the past week or two. I can't run it alone. I can't be here all the time. I don't want to be here all the time. I need help."

  "You want me to work for you?" Miranda gasped.

  "Not just work for me. I want you to be a full partner in the business."

  Miranda couldn't speak she was so shocked. She sat there for the longest, not moving, not saying a word, and staring into Sammie Jo's eyes, and then a slow smile spread across her face. "Me and you, partners?"

  "You said you have some money tucked away for college. I'm asking you to invest it, with me and the Nite-N-Gale, with a full partnership. We'd have it drawn up legally. But that way, neither of us would have to work full time. We could enjoy our lives and still work at the same time. I know the Nite-N-Gale will be a success, it already is in my books. And when the tourist season begins, we are bound to make even more. So…what do you say?"

  "My God…Sammie Jo. I can't believe it. It's like a dream come true. Yes, yes! I accept!"

  "I want you to be very sure about all of this," Sammie Jo warned her. "I'm not trying to take advantage of you. I want your life to be good too. And I just know, if you do this that John is going to finally ask you." Sammie Jo cried.

  Miranda's eyes sparkled and a tear formed in the corner of her beautiful dark eyes. "It could mean my dreams will come true after all."

  "I hope so!"

  "Well, what do I have to do?"

  "First we have to get this in writing. But you can contribute whatever you feel you can afford. Or on a pay as you go type thing. I want to be fair. Your duties would be basically, you run the place half the week, I run it the other half. Or we can do it together and when one of us needs time off, take it."

  "You really need my help?"

  "More than you know. Jessup will need help getting Cody to the doctor and therapist. I want to be there for him. And I'm hoping we can persuade him to move down here permanently."

  "But then you and Cody wouldn't have any privacy."

  "We'll be alright. I don't know if you realize it or not but we aren't physically involved, so there's no problem there."

  "Are you going steady?"

  "I don't know what we are. And right now, until Cody gets well, we're just sort of dating, only not…"

  "And I thought I had problems." Miranda hung her head. "Oh, Sammie Jo, this is wonderful. If John doesn't ask me now, he's crazy."

  Sammie Jo laughed.

  "I guess I should tell you, I have twenty thousand of College money saved up from kinfolks who wanted to help me. It's a lifetime's savings. But I'd gladly give it, to be a part of this." Miranda said.

  "Oh…I don't mean to take all your money. You and John will need it when you get married."

  "You talk as though we are!"

  "It won't be long…"

  "We'll work out the financial end of it later. I just wanted to see if you were interested in something like this."


  "One of the reasons is I want to visit my folks and that means leaving the area for a while. I can't do that and run the place too. Besides, it would be a lot more fun with you being here with me. With someone, I knew could take over when I needed them to and I trust."

  "Oh God…this is just….I don't know, I’m tongue-tied." Miranda started to cry.

  Sammie Jo took her hand and shook it. "Good, now, when can you start?"

  "Today, tomorrow…whenever!"

  Sammie Jo sighed. "That's such a relief. I was hoping you would say yes."

  Miranda stared into her eyes for a moment. "Why are you offering me a partnership. I mean, you could have just hired me."

  "That's true, but as a partner, you'd be just as interested in making this place a success as I am. You'd work harder to see we make it through the rough times. And I need someone I can depend on. That's you." Sammie Jo said.

  "I'll start tomorrow then. Anything special you want me to wear?"

  "Nope, you can dress however you want, as long as it's decent." Sammie Jo laughed.

  Miranda laughed too.

  "Are you sure you don't want to talk it over with your folks or John," Sammie Jo asked as Miranda was about to gather her stuff and leave.

  "No…for once, I'm doing something on my own, as an adult. I've never been interested in doing much of anything, but this…I like it. It's familiar, and you've made this place so homey and comfortable. I love it. It's not like Turner ran it. It's better. And I'll even have a few ideas too."

  "Great." Sammie Jo smiled. "See you tomorrow then."

  Miranda looked at her, ran and hugged her and laughed all the way out the door.

  Sammie Jo curled up on the floor with SeeMe. "Looks like this is going to be the beginning of a great relationship."

  SeeMe yawned.

  She kissed him and closed her eyes for a moment.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Since Jessup was staying with Cody, Sammie Jo didn't see Cody as much. It was hard for him to get around in and out of vehicles yet.

  She missed him terribly.

  Miranda was working out well. Working together Sammie Jo found it much easier to get all the work done each night, and she felt good that when she closed, John came around as they counted the money and put it up.

  John acted a little more aggressive with Miranda now and Sammie Jo just knew any day she would come through the door and announce that she was getting married.

  That day came sooner than she expected.

  It was snowing and rather quiet only a handful were eating lunch when Miranda burst through the door from her lunch break and grabbed Sammie Jo.

  "What in the world?" Sammie Jo laughed.

  "He asked me."

  "He…John?" Sammie Jo's eyes widened with surprise.

  "Yes. We're getting married. Next month. What do you think of that?"

  "I think it's about time." Sammie Jo spouted.

  "Me too!" Sal came through the door and grabbed Miranda. "Congratulations."

  Miranda was so excited, her face turned red. "I can't believe he finally asked me."

  "We're still partners, though, right?" Sammie Jo asked.

  "Of course. Look at my ring…" She flashed the diamond in Sammie Jo's face.

  "It's gorgeous." Sammie Jo gasped.

  "Oh, I'm so happy!"

  "Why don't you take the night off and celebrate?"

  "Could I?"

  "Of course!"

  "You are a doll. See you tomorrow then…" She ran out the door and straight for the sheriff's office.

  Sal shook his head and turned to look at Sammie Jo.

  "Well now, what about you girl?"

  Sammie Jo shrugged. "What about me?"

  "When you and Cody gonna hookup?"

  Sammie Jo sighed. "I don't know that we will. I don't see him much now. I help take him to the clinic once a week, to relieve Jessup. And he's so preoccupied with getting better right now. That's all he can concentrate on. He's doing a lot better. But he's restless because he is
n't working too. I guess a little depressed."

  "Sounds pretty typical to me. Before the accident, the two of you were close. Has that changed?" Sal asked studying her face.

  "I don't know. I think we are both still a little numb from it. He still feels guilty about those kids, too."

  "He couldn't save them. But maybe it wasn't his place to save them. Maybe God needed them."

  "Tell him that."

  "Maybe I will. Say…I'm glad Miranda is helping out around here."

  "Oh, she's doing more than that. She's a partner now." Sammie Jo smiled at Sal.

  "A partner! I didn't know."

  "Sorry, not up on my gossip lately."

  "Maybe you need a good dose of fun yourself, young lady," Sal muttered.

  "I have fun every day. I love this place. I love the people here. I'm very happy that Miranda was so eager to jump in and help me. Now I can have some time off. I'm planning on going home before Christmas to see my folks. That will be fun."

  "You don't say! Are you coming back?"

  Sammie Jo eyed Sal a moment. "Of course I am. This is my home!"

  "Good. Then you have my blessings to go…for a visit." He smiled.

  "Want a beer?"

  "That would be good!" He smiled and turned to see the Muldoon's coming in from the cold.

  "It's gonna be mighty cold tonight. Better check your plumbing dear." Mrs. Muldoon told her.

  "I will, and thanks for reminding me!" Sammie Jo smiled. "You want the usual?"

  "Yep, a cider for me and a beer for him." She smiled.

  "Coming right up." Sammie Jo was busy the rest of the day and evening.

  For some reason, she was more tired tonight as she closed the place down and watched the snow fall.

  It looked beautiful outside, with the white glistening of the snow on everything. She pulled the curtain down and turned down the lights.

  Then she curled up on the floor and was almost asleep when the bell tinkled.

  "What am I going to do with you. You never lock the doors?"

  It was Cody, and he was alone. He stood there in the doorway with his crutches and stared at her.

  "Cody, what on earth are you doing here this time of night?" Sammie Jo raised up on her pillows.

  "I came to see you." He murmured.

  "You could have waited until morning I'm sure…" Sammie Jo protested.

  "No…I couldn't!" He put his crutches against the bar and joined her. Without another thought, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms for a kiss.

  She was vulnerable and her response was untamed. The kiss went on and on, and she was breathless when he came up for air.

  "God…I needed that." He whispered.

  She smiled. "Me too." She said shyly.

  "I'm sorry I've been so preoccupied with getting better, I've ignored you." He said holding her close and nipping her nose.

  "I want you to get well…" She looked up at him.

  "Don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes. I'm trying to be a gentleman, but you have no idea how hard it is."

  "I'm going back to work, next week." He announced, still holding her close.

  "That soon. Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, I’m bored out of my mind."

  "You have Uncle Jessup!"

  "He's not as pretty as you!"

  She giggled.

  "John stopped by and told me about him and Miranda."

  "Yeah, I gave her the day off. I knew it was just a matter of time." Sammie Jo smiled. "I'm happy for them."

  "Me too." He nodded.

  "But I didn't come to talk about them."

  "No, why did you come?" She asked reaching to pet SeeMe to distract herself.

  "Before the accident, Uncle Jessup gave me something. He told me how special it was, and he wanted me to give it to the girl I loved."

  "Oh, so did you?"

  He pulled her down and kissed her now, tenderly, thoroughly. "Not yet. I had it in my pocket the day of the accident. When I felt the world crash in on me, I felt it there, against my heart. I only hoped I'd live to give it to her."

  Sammie Jo was breathless from his kiss. She had missed him so much she couldn't control herself. She swallowed hard, trying to maintain her sanity.

  "You're the only one that could wear this ring, Sammie Jo. I love you…I have for some time. I just don't know what took me so long to admit it."

  She didn't say anything. She couldn't breathe as he pulled the beautiful ring out and put it on her finger. She was stunned. She hadn't expected this.

  "It's an engagement ring, in case you're wondering. Will you marry me, Sammie Jo Travers?"

  She looked up at him, her face a mask of emotions, and suddenly she smiled.

  "My God…you're so beautiful when you smile like that." He whispered. And then he kissed her and she was lost, lost in a world of happiness, of promises and love.

  When he raised his head, he looked into her eyes. "Well…will you be my love forever and marry me?"

  "Yes! Oh Cody…." She kissed him then and rolled him over so he was on the bottom. She kissed him all over and smiled.

  "Thank God…" he whispered as they kissed and hugged for a long time.

  "I better get home," He said when he regained control. "I couldn't stand it any longer. I've been a bear all week, not being able to hold you and kiss you like I wanted. We'll talk about when and where later. It's enough to know you will right now."

  "I'm going home before Christmas, to see my folks."

  "Oh…let me know when."

  "Would…you like to come?" She asked staring at him now as he took hold of his crutches.

  "Very much!" He answered quickly.

  She smiled and grabbed his neck, almost making him topple over.

  "Oh…I'm sorry."

  "I'm not. I've got to get used to this Texas tackle you have, honey. Now I can go home and rest, and tell Jessup."

  "What will he think?"

  "He said he'd marry you if you were older."

  She laughed.

  "Goodnight honey."

  "Night…" She followed him to the door.

  He paused and turned to kiss her once more. But it was a torrid kiss that went on for much too long. "I love you." He whispered.

  "I love you too!" She cried.

  "Now lock the door!" He ordered

  "Yes sir," she smiled.

  She watched to make sure he made it back to his truck. She was surprised that he could drive this soon, it had only been three weeks since his accident.

  Sammie Jo sighed with such content, she slept like a baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A month later, Sammie Jo and Cody were on their way to Texas. He had finished the therapy and he only lost one toe. He learned to walk a bit differently, but he was healthy and strong.

  John and Miranda would be married a week after they got back, so Sammie Jo was satisfied about going home.

  They had airline tickets and Miranda was holding down the saloon while they were gone.

  "Are you scared?" Sammie Jo asked him as they were about to go down the ramp.

  "No, they're just people."

  "My dad may have a shotgun." She warned him.

  "That's okay, but thanks for the warning." He smiled.

  Deke and Emma were waiting with baited breath to meet Sammie Jo's love.

  Deke had a frown on his face when he shook hands with Cody. "You know that's our little girl, don't you?"

  "I know. But she's all grown up, now." Cody smiled.

  "That's the problem!" Deke burst into a big smile and grabbed Cody's arm. "She told us about your accident. Are you alright?"

  "He just lost a toe, daddy." Sammie Jo chuckled.

  "Oh! Well, that's good. You got ten of them, one missing won't hurt so much."

  Emma hugged Sammie Jo for a long time and Cody and Deke stood about looking uncomfortable. When she let her go, she grabbed Cody. "I know all about you. Sammie Jo has told us so much. I'm so glad you came with her."<
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  "I wanted to meet you both. She talks endlessly about you all."

  Cody didn't know how to react to so much gushing.

  "You're embarrassing the boy, Emma." Deke chuckled.

  "He's no boy!" Emma cried aloud. "Let me see the ring."

  When Sammie Jo flashed it in their faces, Emma cried. "Oh, my God, it's beautiful. And it's so you!"

  "I couldn't have picked one I liked better. I love sapphires."

  "Is this a family ring, Cody?"

  "Yes ma'am, my Uncle's. He was going to give it to the girl he loved, but she died in an accident. He's carried it around all these years. He wanted Sammie Jo to have it. And since he loved her almost as much as I did. I agreed."

  "We've heard about your Uncle. I'd love to meet him sometime." Deke said.

  "I'm sure the two of you would get along famously. He's sure fond of Sammie Jo."

  Cody carried most of the luggage because he didn't want Deke lifting too much. Although he wasn't using crutches, he knew Cody wasn't over the physical part of his accident yet.

  Clint met them at the house. "My brother, Clint. This is Cody."

  They shook hands. "He's not exactly a cowboy, is he?"

  "No little brother. He's a deputy sheriff."

  "Oh…oh yeah!" Clint smiled.

  After he had met Tammie and Emily, they gathered around the fireplace and talked for a long time. Emma made coffee and had cake and pie for them.

  "So…any takers on the place, dad?" Sammie Jo asked.

  "No…well, just one. We're haggling over the price."

  Sammie Jo studied her father for a moment, knowing how hard it was for him to give the land up. She didn't blame him.

  "How soon will you move?"

  "After Christmas. We're going to have our last Christmas here, then we're moving to Oklahoma so I can be close to the hospital."

  "Did they get it all?"

  Emma frowned and firmed her lips. "It was in his lymph nodes. But they feel the chemo and radiation might kill what is left. At least they are hoping. He's in remission right now."

  "If you'd have been here, you'd know all this," Tammie said sarcastically.

  "Tammie, that's enough." Emma scolded. "You'll have to excuse her Cody, she's seventeen and knows everything."

  Emily moved closer to Sammie Jo.


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