Fuller than a Tick (Fairy Tales of a Trailer Park Queen Book 10)

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Fuller than a Tick (Fairy Tales of a Trailer Park Queen Book 10) Page 8

by Kimbra Swain

  However, Levi looked at me. I saw hurt in his eyes. I was confused. He was right. I’d never felt like him touching me was wrong. I’d only refused to feel anything. Now with my guard down, alarm bells deep within me rang out. As if something inside of me was telling me to stay far away from Levi, which made no sense at all considering how close we were.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “It’s fine. Just a strange sensation,” I said.

  “If you’d let me touch you…”

  “No! Don’t go there,” I said grinning at his flirt.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said. Even in my head, I could hear that Texas accent.

  The war council met at my house that evening. They were all happy to meet Aydan. Jenny gushed over him telling him how handsome he was. Aydan took all of it in with a smile on his face. He asked his thousand questions to everyone in the room until he was satisfied.

  Troy and Amanda had wolf business to attend, so they weren’t coming. Winnie convinced Aydan to go outside with her to the swings. Bramble, Briar, and Rufus went with them. I served sweet tea to everyone in the room. Astor brought his new wife Ella. They had the glow of newlyweds. I envied them in some ways. There was a time when I thought marriage was exactly what I wanted. Now, I wasn’t sure it was possible. Not that Levi wasn’t a worthy candidate, but that something inside of me suddenly felt repulsed by him.

  His eyes met mine across the room. He wanted to talk about it, but we hadn’t had time. We would. Just like the night before, if we didn’t talk about it, neither of us would sleep. I refused to have something hanging between us that I might regret. He felt the same way.

  “How are things between you and him?” Jenny asked standing beside me in the kitchen.

  “Good. Why?” I said.

  “Just seems like you are giving into him a little more lately,” she smiled.

  “I was, but something has changed. It’s not for the better either,” I said.


  “I can’t explain it. It’s weird,” I said.

  “Grace, I can understand recovering from grief. The shock of losing Dylan weighs on you, but it’s not like Levi hasn’t been here all along. Believe it or not, I saw that kiss in the parking lot of the Food Mart,” she said with a devilish grin.

  “How did you?” I asked.

  “It was on the television. At the time, I said, damn, that boy can kiss. But I was wrong, that’s a man over there,” she said nodding to him.

  “She’s talking about me,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes at him, and instead of grinning, he lowered his chin giving me that look.

  “Hell, yes. I’d hit that,” she said watching him.

  “Jenny!” I gasped.

  “What? Just because I’m with Tennyson doesn’t mean I can’t admire a hot guy,” she said. “Yep. I’d hit that into next week.”

  “I’d like you to keep your tentacles off of him,” I said.

  “Oh, see, you do care,” she laughed.

  “I do. Leave him alone,” I restated for her benefit. She looked toward me to see if I was joking. She grinned when she saw my smile.

  “Love doesn’t always come only once in a lifetime,” she said. “Trust me. I know this for a fact.”

  “You loved him? My father?” I asked.

  “I did,” she replied. “But I loved Lance, too. It was just unfortunate that both loves came at the same time.”

  “Come on, Grace. Let’s get started,” Levi said.

  “He calls,” Jenny prodded.

  I gave her the middle finger salute. I hadn’t done that in ages. Levi shook his head at me.

  “You are so royal sometimes,” he said.

  “You are royal all the time. A royal pain in my ass,” I said.

  “Kinky,” he said.

  I huffed then sat down on the couch next to Luther who cut his eyes at me.

  “You okay, Grace?” he asked.

  I flipped my hand toward Levi, and Luther chuckled.

  “Let’s get started, Levi. I have business to attend to tonight,” Tennyson said in his gruff mob boss way.

  “Sure. We are here to pick the timing for the raid into Oberon’s castle to retrieve his helmet. Tennyson has suggestions for what time might be the best,” Levi said by way of introduction. I used to lead these meetings, and still do when he isn’t around. However, for the most part, King Levi took control.

  “The fact is that I can’t get a definitive location on the helm. We believe that it is located in the main ballroom, but the sources on the inside say that Brock has torn that room apart looking for it. Grace suggests that the helmet isn’t in the ballroom. Our timing on the raid will depend upon a moment when there will be plenty of time to go in and get out if for some reason, we cannot locate it. Our friends within the Summer Realm say that Rhiannon is particularly pissed off at Brockton for the little disturbance to her fight with Grace and Astor earlier this year. She plans to infiltrate Winter to steal a few artifacts for herself. While some may consider it to be a bad idea to show up at the same time that she does, I think it’s the perfect timing,” Tennyson said.

  “I agree,” Levi added. “If we take a small group in, we might even go in unnoticed.”

  “Is she after the helmet as well?” I asked.

  “I believe so,” Tennyson said.

  “I have no desire to cross paths with her after Marshall showed up at Astor’s wedding,” I said.

  “Why is this helmet so important?” Luther asked.

  “The wearer has sight beyond our fairy skills. It can see the wall between this world and that one. In battle, it allows the wearer to see the events before they happen,” Astor said, adding foresight to what I already knew about the powers of the helmet.

  “Why is it important to be able to see the wall?” Ella asked.

  “If you can see it, you can destroy it,” I said.

  Ella gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Astor wrapped a burly arm around her to comfort her.

  “Brockton, as well as Rhiannon, seems to be hell-bent on tearing the veil apart allowing everything there to enter this world and vice versa,” Tennyson said gravely.

  “It would destroy both worlds,” I said.

  “They don’t see it that way. They believe it will usher in a whole new era of rule for our kind. It’s ambitious,” Tennyson said.

  “Sounds like you admire it,” I commented.

  “I said ambitious, but it is also foolish and deadly,” Tennyson said.

  “Our solution is to bring the helmet here to the vault. I’ve been researching some of the other artifacts that I believe Arthur had. I need to discuss it further with Grace to see what else would benefit us to grab while we are there,” Levi said.

  “Bookworm,” I grunted which released the tension in the room.

  “You should read more, Grace,” Levi said.

  “Why? You do plenty of it for both of us,” I said.

  “You should let him write your story,” Tennyson said.

  “Oh, hell no,” I replied.

  Levi grunted, “Why would I want to torture myself like that?”

  “You love it,” Ella interjected. I burst out laughing watching the deep pink of embarrassment creep up Levi’s neck to flush his cheeks.

  “That’s what all of you think,” he grunted.

  “No, we pretty much know it for a fact,” Luther said.

  “When is Summer making their move?” Levi said changing the focus.

  Tennyson had to gather his composure to answer. “My source says that he can only give me a heads up when they start to make their move. We need to be ready to go at any minute. Grace, make sure you make preparations for your children. Perhaps you can get Nestor to start spending more time out here.”

  “I’m on call for that,” Ella said.

  “I will be here as well,” Jenny added.

  “Who all is going through to Winter?” Luther asked.

  “Levi, Grace, Astor, Finley, you and mys
elf,” Tennyson said.

  “You are going?” I asked. I knew Tennyson never made moves into Winter. He hadn’t been to that realm in ages.

  “Yes, I am. I will protect my King and Queen,” he said. Jenny rubbed his shoulders which had straightened when he said it.

  “It is dangerous for him to go,” Jenny said.

  “Jenny,” Tennyson growled.

  “It’s dangerous for all of us. We are all exiles,” I said.

  “I’m not sure that I can even cross through the veil into Winter,” Tennyson said. “But I’m going to try.”

  “No, you stay here. You can be the one to protect my children. Jenny can go with us,” I said. “Or better yet, Troy can go with us.”

  “I will not let you die or him,” he said in frustration. “I must be there.”

  Astor lowered his head refusing to look at him. I knew that Tennyson must feel some responsibility for my father’s first death on earth. His affair with Jenny had split the kingdom. However, now was not the time for him to risk his life to step through the veil. I believed we had plenty of abilities among us to get in and out quickly without him.

  “I’m going,” he said firmly.

  “Don’t make me force you to stay,” I said.

  “Don’t do that, Grace. I didn’t bleed for you so that you could order me around,” he grumbled.

  “I didn’t accept you so you could die for me without reason,” I replied.

  “Getting Winter back is the only thing that matters,” he said.

  “So, when the time comes to blow my Uncle into ice smithereens, then I hope you are there, but until then, I need you alive. We won’t take that kind of chance. You stay here,” I said.

  “No,” he growled. “I should have been here when he died. He stepped through to protect you. I should have been here. It wasn’t how he wanted to do it.”

  “Do what?” I asked.

  He stood jerking his suitcoat into place. Jenny reached out for his arm, but he jerked it from her.

  “Lancelot,” she purred.

  He closed his eyes, grinding his teeth.

  “You aren’t leaving,” she said.

  “We aren’t done,” I added, but with a lower tone.

  “I am done for now,” he said.

  “Please, my love, sit back down,” Jenny coaxed.

  We watched as her words sank into him. He shivered when she spoke. I looked through the spectrum to see if she had some sort of oath over him, but there was no magic involved. They were just so intertwined with each other that her words meant everything to him. His flashing aura calmed, and he sank back down into his seat.

  “Forgive my outburst,” he mumbled.

  “I like a good outburst from time to time. Keeps things exciting,” I said. His eyes flicked to mine, and I saw a bit of a twinkle there. From the moment I’d met Tennyson Schuyler, we had managed to have a couple of fiery arguments. Two very strong-willed people standing in the other’s wake.

  “Grace,” Levi mumbled.

  “Shhh, you. I’ve had enough of you tonight,” I said with a wink.

  “You haven’t had nearly enough of me yet,” he said.

  My jaw dropped open and I turned my head back to him.

  “You’ve really got to start saying that stuff out loud,” Jenny said. “I don’t know what you say to her, but no one makes her flinch like you.”

  “Hush your mouth, Jenny,” I hissed.

  “Please tell me what you said,” Jenny begged. The attention to Levi and me diffused the tension that had built up with Tennyson. I watched his eyes soften even more as she teased Levi and me.

  “No,” I warned.

  He waggled his eyebrows. “I just told her that she hasn’t had nearly enough of me yet,” Levi said proudly. This caused everyone in the room to laugh.

  “Levi Rearden,” I fussed.

  “Yes, ma’am?” he grinned.

  “Shut your mouth,” I said. I should have put some magic behind it, but I didn’t.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he grinned.

  Ella had managed to work herself into a fit of giggles. “I’m sorry, Grace.”

  “Whatever. He’s a big talker,” I said.

  “Love talker,” Astor corrected.

  “That ain’t love. That’s arrogance,” I said.

  “Love can be arrogant,” Tennyson said.

  “You should know,” Jenny teased.

  “Meeting dismissed,” I blurted.

  “We aren’t done, Grace,” Levi said.

  “Then get to it,” I said in frustration. I couldn’t believe he said that to these people. I was going to jerk a wart on him. And a knot in his tail. I might even find an ugly stick to beat him with, only that would be a waste of a pretty face.

  “From this point, we are on standby to go. I will open the portal. Keep your weapons close and make arrangements for your families,” Levi said, wrapping things up. “And Tennyson, I agree with Grace. You stay.”

  “What!” Tennyson boomed.

  “We cannot lose you at this point. We won’t take the chance,” Levi said.

  Tennyson’s anger grew again. “The whole thing is taking a chance. If it’s that dire, then Grace should stay too.”

  “Grace knows the castle,” Levi replied.

  “So, does Finley,” Tennyson countered pointing at my silent brother who had not taken part in the discussion at all. He sat on the stairs in the darkness listening to all of us. It reminded me of when we were children, and we would sneak around to listen to my father talking to his advisors and knights.

  “Grace should be able to locate the helmet when none of the rest of us can. It is her inheritance,” Levi added. “Plus, she will be with me. Nothing will happen to her.”

  I didn’t know what to think about that statement. Levi had saved my ass more than once. He was a hero. Like Dylan.

  I tried not to ponder on the thought for too long, but it occurred to me that Dylan saved my heart and my life. Levi had saved my life, and I refused to give him my heart. It didn’t need saving. It needed mending. With each day that passed since Dylan’s death, Levi had been doing that. Slowly and steadily. That was what had changed between us. I allowed myself to consider us. Not just as partners and best friends, but us, as a couple. I’d done it myself through giving him the sword which essentially made him the king to my queen. If I was the most powerful piece on the board, he was the most important. He watched me across the room with his sword between his legs. I’d never considered a recliner to be a throne, but he made it look like one with the confidence that seeped out of his pores.

  Tennyson lowered his eyes. He knew Levi was right, and for some reason that I couldn’t fathom, he let him be right.

  “I will stay behind to keep Shady Grove and the children safe,” he said. “Troy must go.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” Levi said. “Any other questions?”

  “Did you meet with the witches?” Astor asked.

  “We did,” I said. “It seems that Wendy, Riley, and Kady are on our side, but I’m always wary of witches.”

  “I’ve known Kady for a long time, Grace. She wouldn’t betray you now,” Ella said. I didn’t believe that, but I knew why she said it. They were friends and had lived in this town together for a long time.

  “Riley wants vengeance for her father. That is dangerous,” Tennyson said.

  “I agree. She’s never been loyal to anyone but herself,” I said.

  “What about the witch that hunts her?” Tennyson asked.

  I had almost forgotten that Jeremiah had said that Ceredwin hunted her. “I don’t know anything about that situation,” I admitted.

  “I’ll ask her,” Jenny said. “She’s more likely to tell me than you.”

  “Good. We need to know everything,” I said.

  “What about Wendy?” Astor asked.

  “She’s a wildcard, but I would expect that from a wanderer,” I said. “She will do what fits her when it tickles her fancy. Just the impression th
at I get. However, I get the impression that the ORCs are an abomination to their practice. Their faith in their magic and how it is used will be a constant between them. I think they will help us to the extent that it damages the Red Cloaks.”

  “Anything else?” Levi asked.

  No one answered.

  “Thank you all for coming,” I said.

  After exchanging good-byes everyone left except for Finley who lingered in the living room waiting for everyone to leave. I knew he had more to say.

  “Grace, would you see me out to my car?” Tennyson asked.

  “Sure.” I should have known he wasn’t finished. He wanted to get the last word in. The old Grace wouldn’t have allowed it, but the new Grace would.

  Jenny walked out ahead of us. Stone opened the rear door of the car for her, and she sank into it. Stone closed the door and got into the driver’s seat.

  “I apologize for my outburst. However, I know you think this stems from your father’s death. However, I want you to know it’s more about him dying here in Shady Grove. When you moved here, he asked me to come here to keep an eye on you. I refused, focusing on my business and endeavors. I knew that Jenny would show up eventually too. I wasn’t ready to face her either. However, I can’t help but think that had I been here, we could have stopped Brockton. I admit there were times I had dealt with him on a business standpoint through his law offices. He was the devil you know. I never fathomed that he would make such a move on you. Or your father. I failed him again.”

  “I think you have more than made up for it by being here now,” I said.

  “I can never make up for it,” he said.

  “Tennyson, you are a valuable member of our team. We cannot do this without you. The empire you’ve built may have been for the wrong reasons, but it’s helping us now for all the right ones,” I said.

  “The ends do not always justify the means,” he said.

  “No, but they soften the blow,” I said.

  “You are magnificent, Grace Ann Bryant,” he said. “I never imagined you would develop any sense of humility. I watched you from afar, and you’ve grown into the Queen he expected you to be.”


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