Fueled in Fire: Ravage MC Rebellion Series Book Two (Crow & Rylynn Trilogy)

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Fueled in Fire: Ravage MC Rebellion Series Book Two (Crow & Rylynn Trilogy) Page 5

by Ryan Michele

  “How’d you know that?”

  “People talk.” She shrugged. “Everything you are today is because of your father, this club, and your experiences. While finding out the truth of your biology was a blow, it didn’t change one thing about the father you’ve known for thirty-three years.”

  My fingers stilled for a moment then started again. “If I wouldn’t have questioned him about it, he wouldn’t have had the heart attack.” There, I finally allowed the words to tumble out.

  She shifted, her chin twisting so she met my eyes. “Don’t do that to yourself.” She paused as if she was truly thinking through her next words. “When my grandpa was killed, he was out on a family ride celebrating Pops and that he made it through his heart attack and being shot. All out enjoying the weather. Then a car runs into his trike sending two people flying in the air.” She pauses.

  “Now what if Pops needed another day to recover and the ride wasn’t until the next day. Or what if my grandpa decided not to go that day and stayed home. Or what if it rained instead of it being sunny. All the what ifs will drive you batshit crazy, Crow. I know. I’ve thought of every single one of them, replaying the last things I said to him, what could I have said to keep him away from the ride? But you know what, I’ve come to a conclusion. There was nothing that could have been different, and it happened exactly as it was supposed to have. Does it rip my heart out, yes. Will it rip me apart for a long time, yes. But living with the guilt of could’ve, would’ve, should’ve isn’t what your dad would want for you.”

  Needing oxygen, I sucked in a deep breath but it did nothing to soothe the ache inside. “I feel like I killed him.” The weight was holding me down, the room was closing in. Hell, every breath was harder and harder to take.

  Rylynn moved quickly off me, kneeling in front of me her hands to both sides of my cheeks forcing me to pay attention to her. “You did no such thing, Crow. Listen to me right now. Life has strange ways of working, but I believe down to my soul that you did not cause your father’s death. A faulty heart and cancer killed your father. He loved you. I can tell by the way you talk about him. He would not want you to carry this on your shoulders or feel this even a tiny bit. Don’t let his death be in vain.”

  I pressed my lips to hers needing her connection, and she opened up freely. She allowed me to give and take in that kiss. When I pulled away, her eyes were dilated and fully aroused. She blinked quickly swiping it away. Another thing to love about this woman.

  “Get up here and let’s finish watching whatever in the hell’s on TV.”

  She smiled up at me then jumped up and resumed her position. That was exactly how we fell asleep.

  “What can I do for ya?” Brewer asked, sitting down on my couch on one end with Wrong Way moving to the other. Beers in hand, I sucked in the day. It was strange waking up to a new dawn, a new start, then feeling the rush of grief come through like a hurricane and nail you down once again.

  “Bear and Goldi are handlin’ most of it. When they have questions, they’ll call. We’re shootin’ for it to happen in the next couple of days and give time to the other charters to make it down if they want to come. Van’s with Goldi, and Greer’s at his mom’s. Other than that, I’m keepin’ on keepin’ on.”

  “That man loved you, Crow. You gotta know that.” Brewer had known my dad for as long as I had. He was always around our house saying he was my brother. What he didn’t know though, was what I did. What caused my dad to get his heart thumping so hard it stopped altogether.

  It was time. These two men knew everything about me, and this would be no different.

  “This is between the three of us.”

  Breaking the last few days down for my brothers, they didn’t say a word once I’d finished. Therefore, I didn’t know their reaction to it. It meant something to me how they felt. They were my brothers, best friends, and had been with me through the worst of shit. What they felt mattered.

  “Know you’re thinkin’ it’s your fault,” Brewer started, leaning forward, elbows to knees, face on me. It was his ‘listen to me’ position that he’d honed in on for years. “It’s not. That’s some heavy shit, and you needed to know if your old man knew. Can’t put that on you, brother.”

  I chuckled.

  “What’s funny?” Wrong Way asked, his brow tipped as if I’d lost my mind.

  “Rylynn said the same thing last night.”

  “She’s a smart woman. Where is she?” Wrong Way questioned, picking his boot up and crossing it over his knee. He was more laid back than Brewer, but he always had my back.

  “Sent Ethan to drive her around and get some clothes and whatever else she needed. She’ll be back soon.”

  Brewer coughed once. “The way that woman jumped on your bike, Crow, was somethin’ else. She saw your face and didn’t think twice about what she was doin’. Didn’t care she had nothin’. The only thing she gave a shit about was you.”

  “You back to giving advice? Maybe we should call you Cupid.”

  He sat up. “Whatever works.”

  I felt my lip tip, and it felt strange. After feeling so down the last day to actually smirk again felt foreign. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or something else to feel guilty for.

  “Any club news I need to know?”

  “Well…” Brewer started, and I lifted my hand.

  “Talk to me. Just because I was down a day doesn’t mean I’m not the fuckin’ president of this club. You do not handle me with kid gloves.” My tone was sharper than normal.

  “Brother,” Wrong Way said, sitting up, apparently ready for me to take a swing at Brewer, not that I would. At least not right now.

  “Got it. Besides the two cameras at the store, we’ve found nothing else. Tommy’s ass hasn’t gotten in touch about the info on the people tailin’ us or Barry,” Brewer said.

  “We even sure there is a someone tailin’ us?” I asked, knowing my guys knew when eyes were on them. They’d been doin’ this shit for too long not to, but if there were cameras, it meant eyes.

  Brewer shrugged. “Who the fuck knows, but we’re keepin’ everything current and flyin’ under the radar.”

  I nodded.

  “Hornet found a guy to replace Carlo. Has him comin’ at the end of the week to get okayed by you. He’s been vetted, and we’ve all taken a very close look at him. Damien is a very low-level player, and Xavier was right. He’s trying to take over his territory. Tex says Stephanie is good, back to her tricks, but no Barry,” Brewer continued.

  He paused as Wrong Way took over. “Kenny’s got nothin’ on the money from Barry’s house.”

  “Not surprising. The woman wouldn’t be bitchin’ about bills if she knew there was that much money in the house,” I added on, leaning back into the couch.

  Wrong Way continued, “The Purple Pride is somethin’ we need to take a closer look at. Their shit is non-existent for the most part. The building is under a holding company's name, and it’s buried deep. Still lookin’ for it. Tex and Phoenix rode up there, went in and had a drink at the bar. Didn’t see anything out of the ordinary except a large barn outside of it. Really, came back with nothin’. Didn’t see Sophia’s man up there either.”

  My fingers running through my hair, I replied, “This bunch of nothin’ shit’s ending. What about Ebony?” I asked, needed to make sure Jenny’s shit was over with. She needed to clean up and stay her ass in rehab. It also meant I was stuck cleaning her shit up.

  Wrong Way spoke, “Phoenix tried callin’ her. She didn’t pick up, but one of her assholes did. Said she was out of town and would be back next week. Asked him about the house, didn’t know a damn thing.”

  No shit he wouldn’t know. Ebony kept a tight hold on her business.

  “Keep your pulse on all of it and keep me updated. Any buyers for the guns?” They needed to get gone from the basement under the convenient store. It was one more thing we didn’t need hangin’ over our heads, and if someone was watching, needed to be gone.
  Wrong Way shifted in his chair and looked over to Brewer, the movement making me become more alert. “Wells said he’ll take the hands for full price value.” Brody Wells had a crew in the southern tip of Alabama, by Mobile. Wells’ crew was able to get product off the Gulf and had proven over the years to be a trustworthy ally.

  I nodded because that was a given. “That’s good.”

  “Starling said he’ll take the ARs and AKs.”

  My body went still. Erik Starling was on the opposite end of the spectrum when it came to our relationship. It was rocky at best and fucking mountains at there. No way in fuck this was happening. “You mean to tell me you fuckin’ called him about this shit?”

  Wrong Way’s back straightened. “Word on the street was he was lookin’. He called us. The thing is, he’ll pay us triple what they’re worth.”

  Anger flooded me. It was a damn good deal, but no way in fuck would we sell our shit to that snake. “No. Find someone else. I don’t give a fuck if we have to take a hit on selling the fuckin’ things. We’re not sellin’ to Starling.” He was a piece of shit who turned on us years ago. Ravage didn’t forget that shit. Ever. The fact they brought this to me was actually surprising. I’d expected them to already know this answer. If we were hurting for the money, it may be a consideration. But just to get stock out, I’d figure something out.

  “Got it,” Wrong Way said, looking over at Brewer.

  “What the fuck is with the looks? Just spit this shit out so we can get it done with.”

  Brewer took one for the team and spoke, “Just think about Starling.” I went to talk, but he kept on going. “It’s half a million dollars, Crow. Know he’s a dick, but we gotta think about what’s best for the club.”

  “What, you think arming those dickheads with weapons is smart? What if Starling gets another bur up his ass and wants to come after us? We don’t have double stock to protect us, therefore we’re fucked.”

  “I get you, brother,” Brewer said as I looked to Wrong Way.

  “Are we in the hole so fuckin’ much we need to do this shit?” While I knew the answer to this shit, getting down to the real reason this was even an issue was the goal.

  He answered, “We’re good. Understand what you’re sayin’ about Starling. What if the sale of them is contingent on something?”

  “And what would that be?” I asked, curious.

  Brewer answered instead, “Make an agreement. We keep a tight hold on it. He crosses one line we take him out.”

  While I knew this shit was coming from a good place, selling to Starling didn’t feel right.

  “He won’t keep it,” I declared, sitting back in the couch. “What’s really goin’ on here?”

  Wrong Way and Brewer looked at one another, and that was starting to piss me off.

  “Just don’t wanna get caught with ‘em. And right now, he’s the only buyer,” Wrong Way put in.

  “We’re not in this shit for greed. We’ll sit on it for right now. Not doing shit right now but protecting our own. We’re goin’ through the next few days, then back to the grind.” The shit of my life was too much to make a final decision on it, plus, we needed to have church before we went forth with either of them. Now wasn’t the time for that. But I doubted very highly my opinion would change.

  “Got it.”

  The door swung open and Rylynn stepped through, hands covered in bags with Ethan on her heels carrying bags of his own. She looked sexy as hell in new jeans and a top that made her hair glow.

  “Have fun doin’ girly shit, Ethan?”

  Ethan turned to us and smiled. “She likes to try on shit.”

  A growl came deep in my throat as I leapt from the couch and charged at Ethan. Rylynn got between him and I, her hand on my chest.

  “He was just joking, Grizzly. Calm your shit. And I only tried on the bras and panties for him.”

  Rounds of laughter could be heard, and I felt the anger push through. A day without her smartass and I missed it. It felt right. It felt like home. Leaning down I kissed her hard. “You really want me to beat your ass.”

  She got on her tiptoes. “You keep sayin’ it, but never do it. All bark and no bite.”

  “Everyone out,” I ordered, swiftly gripping Rylynn by the thighs and hoisting her up my body. She squealed, and I heard the men in the room laugh.

  I turned, not seeing them move. “Now!”

  “Don’t make it too red. Want her to be able to sit at some point in the next few days,” Wrong Way joked as he left followed by Brewer and Ethan.

  I marched us over to the door, locked it and slid the chain on as well.

  “What’s this about?” Rylynn asked as we moved swiftly through the house. My bed was front and center in the room. My cock hardened thinking of Rylynn and her noises in my bed for the first damn time. Last night falling asleep on the couch, we didn’t make it this far.

  Today, I was hard, and she needed to be spanked.

  “All bark and no bite. Huh?” I asked, sitting on the bed so she straddled me.

  Her smile gave it away. “I’ve had worse bites from a kitten.”

  On a growl, I captured her lips, my hand going to her back and pushing her into me. Her hips began to swivel, hardening my cock.

  “Oh no you don’t.” My arms held her up pushing her to her feet.

  She stood with her hands on her hips. “Umm… am I missing something here? Guess so.” Ry made a turn to leave, but I caught her by the waist and reached in front to unbutton then unzip her jeans.


  “No,” she said flat out. “Make me.” Her ass pressed hard into my dick as she gave it a little shake, challenging me. Fuck yes.

  Turning us quickly, I flung her to the bed, grabbed her ankles then jeans and pulled them down. Whipping them off, I stopped.

  Rylynn had on a see-through scrap of fabric that had black lace adorning the sides. Fuck it was hot. She smiled knowing she got me and tried to squirm off the bed. Grabbing her ankle once again, I sat and put her over my knee, one leg covering both of hers to lock her down.

  Her ass was on full display. Fuck, she looked good in a thong. Round and plump.

  Squeezing the cheeks of her ass, she moaned. Fuck yeah. She was getting off on this shit too.

  Her hand came up as her back arched, trying to get away from me. Therefore, I locked her hands behind her back and gripped them with one hand.

  “You do realize you’re still barking and not biting.”

  Lifting my hand, it hit her hard. She jolted up and cried out. “No bite huh?”

  Her breaths became more labored. “Still barking,” she taunted.

  In rapid succession, one cheek then the other until ten was reached.

  “Oh, my God,” she groaned, and I grazed my fingers over her pussy. Soaked. Drenched. Fuck, that was hot. She tried wiggling her ass, then I took my fingers away.

  “Is my girl turned on?”

  Her head fell down, and her body went slack. “Just fuck me.”

  I chuckled. “Now what fun would that be?” My fingers went back to lightly graze her pussy lips, while I watched my red marks turn deeper on her ass. My cock could pound nails.

  She wiggled again. “I feel you. You want my wet pussy just as much as it wants your cock.”

  Another growl escaped me as I flipped her to her feet. She swayed, but I kept her steady with one hand while releasing my dick with the other. Pulling him out, her eyes dilated. She wanted to suck me off.

  That would be for another time.

  Grabbing her arm, I pulled her to straddle me once again, and as she went down her hot heat covered me. I bucked my hips and pushed so fucking deep inside her she’d remember a few hours from now where she’d been.

  She cried out, her hands gripping my shoulders as she got leverage with her knees. Then she rode. The combination of her movements and my deep thrusts up was too much. Way too much.

  Her eyes were beginning to close, and I knew she was almost there. With
my open palm, I ground down on her clit hard and watched as she set off like a rocket.

  Her head fell back as the noises escaped her lips. A few more thrusts and I went right along with her.

  Our breathing ragged, I fell to the bed taking her with me still deep in her. She lay on my chest, her hair getting caught by the slight sheen on her forehead.

  She moved and rested her chin on my chest. “Next time, I spank you.”

  This made me laugh full out, body shaking. “Love to see you try that one.”

  “Oh, it’s gonna happen.”

  The smile still covered my face. “Pixie, you pin me down to the bed, then I’ll gladly take your ass beating. But, babe, chances of that shit are zero.”

  Her mouth twisted as she touched her finger to her chin as if thinking. “You’d be surprised what I can do.”

  Pulling her up, I shut her up with my lips and she fell into me making us once again breathless.

  She collapsed back to my t-shirt covered chest. It was hot we were still dressed and fucked that hard. This woman turned me inside out.

  As we laid there the world decided to come crashing down, and my mood changed. She felt it as she reached over and grabbed my hand lacing her fingers through it.

  “Know you feel guilty for laughin’ and havin’ sex.”

  How did this woman know me so damn well? I gave her a squeeze in response.

  She let out a sigh. “It’s a raw wound right now, Crow. It will be for a while. But do you think for one second that your dad wouldn’t want to see you smile? That’s what we just did. Lift some of the bad shit at least for a little bit so when the next moment comes and we have to deal once again, we’re a little bit ready for it because we had a break.”

  “You sure you’re not like sixty-years-old?”

  She lifted her head and quirked her brow. “I’m hoping this asinine comment was just a fluke.”

  I chuckled. Yes, again. “You’re wise beyond your years, Rylynn. You seem to know the exact right thing to say when I need it.”


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