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Nix & Scotlyn: The Wedding

Page 10

by Tess Oliver

  “Dude, she knows what she’s doing,” I said. “Just relax. We’re on vacation, remember?”

  Clutch had on dark sunglasses but I could sense his eye roll behind the dark lenses. “This from my friend who basically had his briefs wadded up inside his ass because he and his girlfriend were having problems.”

  I put my hand up to let him know I got the message. “You’re right. I’ll just shut the hell up.”

  Dray got up and stretched out on his stomach. “Think I’ll work on my back tan.”

  “Yeah, it should go nicely with the blistering sunburn that’s already there,” I said.

  The chair next to me squeaked as Clutch sat forward. One of the guys with Taylor took hold of her waist as she pulled herself onto the boogie board. Sand, chair and anything else in his path popped up in the air as Clutch thundered across the beach toward the water.

  “Uh oh.”

  Dray twisted around to take a look.

  I sat forward. “This should be entertaining.”

  Taylor glanced toward shore and saw Clutch storming toward her like Poseidon marching back to the sea. “All he needs is a fucking trident in his fist, and all the sea creatures would be surfacing to behold him,” I said.

  Dray turned around and sat up for a better view. Taylor pointed out Clutch to the two guys on the boogie boards. Even from the distance we sat, it was easy to see their eyes bug out and their mouths drop open. They hopped up on their boards and paddled away like two fish trying to outrun a shark.

  Dray burst out laughing.

  I shook my head. “Fucking classic.” I got up. “Well, it’s hot as hell out here, so I think I’m going to join the girls in the water.”

  Dray got up and followed.

  I waded toward Scotlyn, and she shrieked as I dove under and headed straight for her. I grabbed her around the waist and shot out of the water with her over my shoulder.

  She smacked my shoulder. “Stop, my suit is falling off!”

  “That’s part of the plan.” I swung her off my shoulder and rolled her down to my arms.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and stretched her long legs out. “This is better. Much more dignified.”

  I drew my gaze along her body. Water splashed over her creamy skin, causing the fabric of her bikini to cling to her breasts. Her nipples pressed against the soft cotton. “You would make an extremely hot mermaid.” I wanted nothing more than to carry her up to shore and into the house.

  She kicked her feet in the surf. “Yes, as long as you consider a fish tail to be erotic.”

  I thought about that scenario. “Yeah. No. No, I don’t. I prefer legs. Especially this pair, right here.”

  She peered up at me, and I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the mouth. We’d smoothed things out a few weeks ago but the rounds of make-up sex hadn’t ended. As far as I was concerned, they could continue until the end of time.

  “Hey,” I said, “let’s take a drive tonight. About ten miles along Pacific Coast Highway, there’s a quiet little beach that takes a bit of a hike along rocks to get to. It’s crowded with surfers in the morning, but at night…”

  “We can have it all to ourselves?” The gleam in her eye assured me that she’d caught my meaning, which probably didn’t take too much of an imagination stretch since alone time with her had been at the top of my priority list this whole trip. But a crowded beach house didn’t make that an easy task.

  “If we’re lucky. We can bring some blankets and—”

  She lifted up and kissed me this time. “Hey, buddy, I need no further convincing. It’s a date.”

  Chapter 19


  The rest of the group barbecued steaks and hung out at the house to wait for Finley and Rett. Nix and I climbed into his car with two blankets and a bottle of wine. It was great spending time with everyone. It had become a tradition I looked forward to each summer, but this particular summer was different. Nix and I had gone through the first real trial of our relationship, and we’d come out the other side closer than ever. For the moment, keeping our hands off each other was not an option.

  A half moon painted a long strip of gold across the black water below. The beach was more of a cove, bordered on both sides by the cliffs. Nix pulled the car onto a turnout and parked. I looked through the window. There was a narrow, somewhat treacherous looking path leading down to the sand.

  I glanced down at my dress and sandals. I was dressed for a fun and fast flirt on the beach but not a rocky hike. “Before we left the house, I was sure I’d made a brilliant clothing choice. Now I’m not so sure. I should have worn shorts and my hiking boots.”

  Nix’s gaze flickered down, and a smile tilted his mouth. He reached over and slid the hem of my sundress up high on my thigh, his calloused fingertips making contact with my skin the entire length. He leaned over and pressed his warm mouth against my leg. His kisses continued up toward my panties. Heat rushed between my legs, and my entire body reacted to his mouth.

  “No,” I sputtered between short breaths, “the dress was the way to go.”

  He lifted his face and the hunger in it mirrored the way I felt. “Just hang on to me, and you’ll be fine.” He opened his door and then turned back. “But I’m not making any promises once we hit the sand.” We stepped out of the car and a tangy breeze shot up from the water. The willowy skirt of my dressed billowed up like a parachute.

  Nix laughed as I struggled to push it down. “I’m just going to be pushing it up again.” He took the blankets under his arm and the wine in one hand and I held his shoulders. Having traveled the path before with his surfboard, he seemed to know right where to put his feet. Sandals made it tough, but I followed his footprints. We made it down to the beach in one piece. And it was worth the hike. The sand glowed ivory white in the moonlight, and, aside from a small group of gulls huddled near the water, we were completely alone.

  “Thank you for thinking of this.” I peered up at the jagged cliff tops that stuck out over the sand. The highway was far enough away that the waves drowned out any car motors. It was as if we were standing alone on our own planet with no other humans around. “This place is amazing.”

  Nix dropped the blankets on the cool sand and pulled me into his arms. “Once I came up with this plan, I couldn’t get it out of my head the rest of the day.” He leaned against me and his thick erection nudged my belly.

  I grinned up at him. “Your head? Or some other part?”

  “Both.” He kissed me as his hands grasped the skirt of my dress. “Because I have a girl who invades every damn minute of my day.” He lowered his arms and laid out the blanket. I’d barely sat down and Nix had my dress pushed up to the tops of my thighs. His finger hooked around the top of my panties, and I shifted my bottom as he pulled them down and off my feet.

  A cool sea breeze tickled my naked skin. On his hands and knees Nix leaned toward me and kissed me. “Lie back, baby. I want to taste you.”

  I hesitated and glanced around. We were alone on a beach with just the moonlight for illumination and the ocean for music.

  “The seagulls won’t tell, and I told them to put away their cameras.”

  I giggled. “So now you can talk to animals.”

  “Damn right.” His hands pushed open my legs and the gold flecks in his eyes glittered with lust as he gazed down at my pussy. A shivering sensation went through me. I could feel him looking at me, at my most intimate parts, as if he was touching me.

  I reclined back on the soft blanket and lifted my hands above my head for a luxurious stretch. Nix took hold of my ankles and slid them toward me so my knees bent. He placed my feet on the blanket. The cool breeze that had tickled my skin felt refreshingly cold on my wet pussy.

  Nix lay down on his stomach and began a long, hot trail of kisses along my inner thighs. The stars overhead blurred as if I could see the movement of the planet. The scenery and fresh air coupled with the feel of Nix’s mouth and hands on my naked skin made the moisture betwee
n my thighs surge. Nix pushed my thighs open farther, and one hand slipped under my bottom to lift me higher and expose every intimate fold to his probing tongue. It flicked across my clit and I mewled softly into the salty breeze.

  Nix always knew exactly what I liked, how much pressure and where to touch to make me crazy with need. His fingers slid through slick moisture and he pressed them deep inside of me. I arched toward his hungry mouth not wanting to miss one stroke of his tongue. I tightened my thighs against his face. I reached down and tangled my fingers in his hair, holding his mouth against me. “God yeah, Nix, Please. More.” His fingers moved inside of me finding that spot that nearly made me jump off the blanket. I gripped him with my thighs and ground my pussy and clit against his mouth. “Yes!” I cried out as waves of pure ecstasy rolled through me, tightening my pussy around his hand and tongue. I collapsed against the blanket and reached for him. “Please, Nix, fuck me, please.”

  With one swift move, he had his shorts pushed down and he was leaning over me. My fingers dug into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he buried himself in my still aching pussy. My orgasm had not completely subsided, and his cock felt achingly delicious as he thrust hard into me. He reached under my bottom again to lift my hips. He stared down with a heavy-lidded gaze as he rocked against me. “You are all I fucking need, baby. All I need to be happy.” His words brought tears to my eyes. I closed them and lifted my bottom higher to take in every thick inch of him. The echoing roar of the waves ricocheted off the cliffs, and the only other sounds were the low groans of pleasure coming from both of us.

  “Fuck yeah,” Nix muttered, and he lifted higher onto his knees and drove into me with a force that bunched the blanket up beneath us. His fingers dug into my flesh as he came. He relaxed down next to me, and I turned to my side and pressed against him.

  He pulled me closer. “You’re all I’ve ever needed, Scotlyn.”

  All my previous fears and reservations had disappeared. I wanted this man in my life forever. “Nix?”

  His breathing was slowing, but I could still feel the beat of his heart against me. “Uh huh?”

  I pressed my mouth against his ear. “Marry me.”

  Chapter 20


  The aroma of coffee swirled beneath the door. I got up on my elbow and stared down at Scotlyn. Her smooth skin glowed with a tan and it contrasted with the blonde silky strands of hair framing her face. Her long lashes fluttered open and she smiled at me as she curled her hand behind my neck and pulled me close for a quick kiss.

  She stretched. “Is everyone up already?” It was an innocent enough gesture, but it made me instantly hard.

  “I know I’m up.”

  She laughed and reached under the covers. Her fingers grazed my erection. “Oh my, you are wide awake.”

  Dray’s impulsive and highly obnoxious knock rattled the bedroom door. “Hey, you missed the surf. It was awesome. When are you two going to stop playing around and get out here? Cassie and Taylor bought donuts.”

  Scotlyn popped up on her elbows. “I want the chocolate one with sprinkles,” she called.

  Dray popped his head in. Scotlyn shrieked and yanked the sheet up over her naked breasts. Dray was unfazed. “Then you better get your butts out here because I’m not risking life and limb to keep donuts away from Clutch.”

  I threw a pillow at the door and he closed it. “I’m thinking I need my extremely hot fiancé one more time before we hit the pink bakery box. I like the sound of that— extremely hot fiancé. Sounds like something I might order in a fancy restaurant.”

  “Well, we could just stay engaged forever, then you could keep calling me that. Extremely hot wife doesn’t carry that same exotic feel with it.”

  “On the contrary.” I yanked down the sheet and her nipples puckered beneath my gaze. I reached up and teased them between my thumb and forefinger, and she reacted with a deep breath. She arched her back to push them harder against my fingers. “Hmm, I’ll be late back from lunch. I’m sneaking home to fuck my extremely hot wife.” I kissed her nipple. “I think the phrase works just fine.”

  She ran her fingers down my chest. “I guess if you put it that way—” Her blue eyes glossed as she gazed up at me. “I’m so happy, Nix.”

  “Me too, baby.” I pulled her naked body beneath me and kissed her.


  We finally pulled ourselves out of bed and showered and dressed. Dray threw his hands up in the air as we stepped into the small front room. Rett and Finley were out on the patio, and Cassie was on the couch working on her laptop.

  “I gave you fair warning,” Dray said. “But since you two are acting like teenagers who can’t stop groping each other, your choices are pretty damn limited.” He lifted a chocolate sprinkled donut out of the box. “However, I did fight Clutch off to save this one for Scottie.”

  Clutch and Taylor walked in right then. “You didn’t fight me off. If I’d wanted the damn donut, it would be in my gut right now, churning around with the other three.” He noticed the donut in Scotlyn’s hand. “Oh yeah, he did block me from that one. I would have just picked him up and tossed him away from the donut box, but he told me he was saving it for you, Scottie. So I let him think he was a big shot.”

  Rett and Finley stepped inside. “Hey, guys,” Scotlyn said. “What time did you two get in last night?”

  “Sometime between you and lover boy’s romp down at the beach and your romp in the backseat of his car,” Dray answered for them.

  I looked over at him with a raised brow. “What the fuck? Were you watching or something?”

  Cassie shut her laptop and walked over to me. She put her hand on my shoulder. “Not after I yanked him away from the kitchen window. Just so you know, the street lamp is right over your car. But the windows were fogged enough, leaving an air of mystery around it all.”

  “It wasn’t all that mysterious.” Scotlyn shrugged and continued picking the sprinkles off her donut. “We were making out like two groping teens.” She winked at Dray. “Two really experienced groping teens.”

  “Well anyhow, everyone,” I spoke up. We’d flipped a coin the night before to see who got to tell everyone, and I’d won. “If you’re all done discussing our sex life, I have an announcement to make.”

  Cassie and Taylor squealed simultaneously. I looked over at them. “I haven’t even said anything yet.”

  They squealed again and ran over to Scotlyn, who managed to hang on to her donut as they hugged her. Scotlyn opened her arm so Finley could join in. They took a quick breather to check out the ring. It was a solitary diamond with a platinum band. I knew Scotlyn liked simple and elegant, and she seemed to love it.

  “Damn, I guess I don’t have to announce anything,” I said disappointedly.

  Cassie pulled away from the group hug long enough to roll her eyes at me. “Please, Scottie texted Taylor and me last night.”

  “When?” Scotlyn and I had barely parted long enough to take a breath, let alone text friends.

  “Just before the backseat romp,” Scotlyn said.

  The girls finally let each other go. “I’ll bring my laptop down to the beach, and we can start plans,” Cassie said.

  “Wait, don’t you want to know when?” I asked, and then felt instantly stupid when Cassie rolled her eyes again.

  “End of August,” Cassie said as if she was giving me the information. “Which gives us only six weeks.”

  I looked at Scotlyn. “Shit, how many texts were you sending while I thought you were, you know, in the throes of passion?”

  Now she blushed. “Just a few important ones.”

  Taylor hopped up and down. “I am so going to get an A on that dress now. I’ll even have real wedding pictures.” She stopped hopping and fell uncharacteristically quiet. “Unless you want to buy another dress. I’d understand, Scottie.”

  Scotlyn hugged her again. “Are you kidding? I think trying on that dress yesterday sort of prodded me into action. It was so perfe
ct and so lovely. It made me feel like a bride.”

  My buddies stood around this whole scene with expressions of shock and dismay carved into their stony faces.

  “Prodded you into action?” Clutch finally asked.

  Scotlyn glanced my way.

  “Doesn’t bother me,” I told her. “You’re obviously better at it than me.”

  “I’m the one who proposed this time,” Scotlyn said.

  Dray’s eyes bulged. “Holy shit, Nix, what have you done? You’re just opening us all up for trouble with that.”

  I walked over and slapped his shoulder harder than I needed to, but I knew he had a nice sunburn. His reaction assured me it was still bad. “That’s right, best man.” I knew the words would catch Clutch’s attention, but Scottie and I had discussed the whole problem of me having two best friends.

  She walked over to Clutch, took hold of his hands and peered up at him. I could see her eyes were already wet with tears before she even spoke. She smiled, and immediately, it worked its magic on his frown. “Clutch, would you please do me the honor of walking me down the aisle?”

  He shot a tough shit look at Dray, then returned his attention to Scotlyn. “The honor would be mine.”

  Chapter 21


  Finley dropped her phone into her lap and stretched out her suntanned legs over the sand. “It’s settled. The wedding will take place at the King estate.” She lifted up her finger. “But, my dad has one stipulation. He wants to sing at the wedding.”

  “Oh my god. Nicky King singing at our wedding would be surreal.” We’d pulled our chairs into a huddle on the beach and stuck the ‘girls only’ ice chest in the center for refreshments and to act as an impromptu desk for Cassie’s laptop. The guys had quickly bored of wedding plans and headed back into the water.


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