by Liandra Jake
Tommori waved a hand. "That's not a worry for now. You better get going."
Arend smiled and held out his hand. Tommori took it with a heavy grip. "Think about what I said. See ya later!" Arend said as he and Tommori turned away from each other. The black Floxes left with Tommori. The bandaged one hesitated.
"Umm…" He said, reaching out to stop Arend.
"Hmm?" Arend said he turned around.
The Pog quickly retracted his hand. "Do you think I could come with you?" He asked. Arend raised an eyebrow. "I'll work hard and follow every order you give me." He said hastily. "I just… I have nothing here. I don't have any close friends and never had any family. I've spent all my time building metal shacks and foundry buildings out of scrap metal. I need something more in my life, and I think I can find it with people like you."
"I'm fine with that." Arend said without hesitation.
It was the Pog's turn to be surprised. "Really? Just like that?"
"Arend, I don't think that's a good idea. The added weight alone would only slow us down. And I don't think desert sun and black fur would work well together." Richard said.
"He works in a bloody foundry! A desert is nothing!" Arend exclaimed. Richard shook his head.
"How efficiently can you drive this?" Michael asked, an idea forming in his head.
"With one tank I can squeeze out about 800 miles. Why?" He asked.
Michael whispered something to Richard. "That's brilliant!" Richard exclaimed.
Michael smiled. "So what's your name?" He asked the Pog.
"Iode." He replied.
"Well then Iode, go ahead and hop into the driver's seat. We have no time to waste." Richard said.
Iode hurried over with Arend and Corenden. Before they could get in though, Michael tossed Arend' and Corenden's bags out of the buggy.
"…What?" Arend said as he watched them land in the street. Richard had Iode start the engine and drive away.
"Wait!" Arend called after them.
"We ain't stopping Arend!" Michael yelled back. Arend cursed under his breath as he tossed his bag over his shoulder and hurried after them. Corenden retrieved his, flying alongside Arend.
The two tried to chase down the buggy as best they could, but it quickly disappeared into the distance. Corenden and Arend continued onwards without faltering, following the faint tire tracks. Twelve hours later, the sun was slowly sinking below the horizon. The exhausted Corenden and Arend were overjoyed to find the others resting around a campfire just as the sun disappeared.
"Heeey!" Richard called as if they haven't seen each other in a long time.
If Arend wasn't exhausted and drenched in his own sweat he would have punched him. "Shove it. Eat and sleep is all I'm going to do." Arend replied, sinking the closer he got to the buggy.
Iode handed him and Corenden their rations. The two downed them and then promptly collapse onto their luggage in the buggy. Arend was asleep with his face buried in Corenden's unwashed fur before his wait even passed through the frame, leaving his legs dangling behind him. Corenden was unable to object, already spread eagle and drooling slightly.
"Are you sure it wasn't too cruel to do that?" Iode asked.
"Nonsense! They wanted my training, and this is what they get." Richard replied as he sipped his water ration.
"I don't see how Arend could have made it though. Not only was he carrying that heavy bag of his, but he ran a twelve hour marathon through desert. Corenden can fly and the winds blow this direction this time of year, so he isn't that much of a surprise. I was expecting to have to turn around to save his ass from animals." Michael said.
"Well, that's a hard thing to explain. Due to certain circumstances, Arend is human with Pendragon Orenth mixed in his own, and functioning on an artificial heart made of Grey Adamtinium." Richard replied.
"What?" Michael gaped. "How is that even possible?"
"I don't know; it's not my place to talk of these things." Richard said with a glance at Arend.
"Let's sleep then. We can figure it all out in the morning." Iode said as he laid his head against the tire of the buggy. The other two fell asleep as well soon after.
Arend awoke late in the morning, somewhere around 9:30 by his estimate. He and Corenden were sleeping next to each other on everyone's luggage as Iode drove. When they passed over a bump, Corenden was tossed up into his face. Needless to say, he woke up. Arend stretched, his muscles sore all the way to the bone. His legs felt like jelly and his arms left like they were going to fall off. Corenden sat in a daze on Arend' bag, wobbling as his mind drifted in and out of consciousness.
"I see you're awake now." Richard said from the forward seats.
"Why didn't you wake me earlier?" Arend asked as he rolled over onto the backseat. Michael passed back his breakfast.
"You're kidding right?" Iode asked as Arend tore into the slightly salty jerky.
"You two were sleeping like rocks. We had a hard enough time making sure you two didn't fall out." Michael explained.
"That and I'm not that cruel of a person." Richard added.
By ten, Arend was awake enough to work on possible designs for a functional Dragon Drive. Corenden was spread out on top of the frame. "This is nice." Michael said as he leaned back to catch more sun.
"Are you insane!?" Corenden exclaimed. "It's too damn hot!"
"Excuse me but I grew up with this. It's considerably cool for this time of year." Michael replied.
"Face it Michael, It's hot. And don't forget he's covered in fur." Richard said as he tried to hide under Corenden in the back seat.
"I'm fine; black, thicker fur, more surface area, but I can barely notice it." Iode said. "You have no idea what working in a foundry is like." Michael and Richard glanced at him. "Oh yeah…" Iode said when he remembered how they charged into a super heated foundry a few days prior.
"I have something that can beat that. Ever survive an explosion capable of fusing Korvan? An Axis force field can only block so much." Arend said, not looking up from his work.
Iode and Michael glanced back at Richard. He tapped the area on his chest above his heart. Iode turned back to the endless sandy desert wasteland and Michael pulled out a book and began to write. He wrote down ever detail since Yitkin, looking over what he wrote back in the city while in the hospital. He made a side note to ask about Arend' heart and past working conditions.
At noon, the group ate lunch under the protection of a rock shelf. They were close to the Scale Steppes and had just passed through the Dunes. "Rock from here onward" as Michael put it. Corenden and Iode flew up high to get a better look at the area. Michael and Arend wandered about a hundred yards away to a large cylindrical rock structure that stood out to the surrounding rugged edges.
Using the sun, Michael began working on a position. Arend climbed higher that Michael, all the way to the slightly mushroomed top. Arend dangled his legs off the edge, tilting his head back and forth at the faded runes between his legs. A shadow passed overhead. Corenden and Iode were diving incredibly fast at the rocky shelf where Richard was.
Arend heard a yell and the buggy rocketed out from under the shelf, leaving Corenden and Iode coughing in the dust they kicked up. By then, Arend and Michael had already arrived. Their bags had been scattered, trailing in the direction the buggy went.
"What happened?" Arend asked as he retrieved his stuff.
"A group of people subdued Richard and drove off with the buggy." Corenden replied. "He managed to throw out all our stuff before they handcuffed him and knocked him out."
Michael picked up a fist sized piece of metal from the ground. It was a heavy medallion with "Dragon Hunters" engraved in black and gold. "That's a little ironic." Michael said as he tossed it to Arend.
"If he was a member of Dragon's Den." Arend replied, slipping it into his bag.
"Are we going after them or…?" Iode asked, trailing off with a wave of his hand.
"We can't follow them." Arend said. "Not for a lack of safe
transport, but because I doubt we would know where they're headed."
"We need to find the nomads I spoke of. They may be able to point us somewhere and offer supplies." Michael said as he strapped on his backpack.
"But what about Richard?" Corenden asked, retrieving his satchel.
Iode threw Corenden's tiny bag of supplies over his shoulder along with his own. "I doubt they don't know who he is. They won't harm him if they plan on getting a ransom." Iode replied.
"We need to get moving. Regardless of his fate, we won't survive long if we don't travel quickly." Arend turned to Michael. "We're counting on you to guide us."
Michael shook his head and let out a sigh. "There is only one way to get there with these supplies." Michael looked out in the direction of the Steppes. "Through the Scale Steppes."
"How is that a problem anyway?" Arend asked, remembering what Felix had said.
"They are a warping of land caused by the Great Wars. This entire region was a battle field for centuries. Many monsters live now in the overturned masses of bedrock we call the Scale Steppes." Michael replied.
"Then I guess we'll have no choice to pass through. We can't afford to wait till nightfall." Arend said as he started forward. Michael took the lead. They headed southwest over the increasingly rough ground. The first 'scale' was visible long before they reached it.
It was a foot thick slab of bedrock sticking out of the earth at an angle. They formed a single line behind Michael as they slowly ascended to the end of the scale. For into the distance, more of the scales could be seen, some sticking up at harsher inclines than others. Twisted pillars of rock and the occasional hole was the only thing that broke the pattern.
A ten foot drop separated the top of their scale and the one below. Corenden ferried Arend down. Against Michael's objections, Iode brought him down in a silent panic. As Michael calmed down, Arend took a look at the underside of the scale. The stone underneath was swirled and twisted; discolored like a scab.
"I'm okay now." Michael said. "I'm okay with heights, but not flying."
Iode shrugged innocently. "Would you rather have a broken leg?"
The four lined back up, with Arend at the rear and Corenden keeping a sharp eye out on Iode's head. The second scale was much larger and had a much weaker incline. It took twenty minutes to reach the edge of it. There was only a three foot drop and the group quickly scrambled onto the next scale. When Arend touched down, he took the opportunity to touch the underside of the scale.
"It's really hard!" Arend exclaimed, taking his modified meat tenderizer to the twisted rock.
"How else do you think they can stand?" Michael asked, continuing onwards. Arend managed to break off a small chuck before following.
The edge of the next scale curved up slightly, and was much shorter than the others. "This one broke." Arend declared as they neared the edge.
Michael dropped straight to the ground. Without hesitation, the others did as well. "What is it?" Arend asked as he crawled forward.
"Pendragons." Was all Michael could say. Arend glanced over the ledge. About thirty feet down in a small basin were three sand colored Pendragons. They were significantly smaller than King; only a few inches taller than Iode. They seemed to be talking to each other.
"They don't seem unfriendly. Wanna go say 'hi', Corenden?" Arend asked, turning to his left.
Corenden shrugged. "Alright."
Arend popped up, standing at the edge of the ledge. He whistled out a short tune. The Pendragons glanced up. "Hellooo!" Arend called down with a wave. Corenden sat on his back, waving as well. Corenden quickly brought Arend down to the side opposite the Pendragons.
"They're fucking crazy!" Michael whispered to Iode.
The Pendragons grouped together, eyeing Arend and Corenden cautiously. "My name is Arend, this is Corenden." Arend said, introducing himself and Corenden.
The Pendragons didn't reply. While to everyone else they looked remarkably similar, Arend noticed a few details that set them apart from each other. From left to Right; She, as Arend guessed it, was a slimmer build and a lighter shade than the other two. Grey-blue eyes full of curiosity, she seemed the least hostile.
The largest one in the middle had a single discolored arm, a dirty red that ran from toe up to his right shoulder. His left ear was the same color, with splotches around his left eye. His tan eyes remained emotionless, watching Arend and Corenden closely. The last one, most likely the youngest, stood slightly behind the middle one. He was about a foot shorter than the female. Three lines of brown curled softly around his back and down his right side, ending at his belly. His eyes were a lighter shade of tan than the middle one.
"Why are you here?" The middle one asked.
"We're looking for the nomads that live in the 1000 mile canyon. A friend of ours was kidnapped and our transportation stolen." Arend replied.
"The Cha-Lac tribe? Why are you interested in them?" The female asked.
"I need material to redesign my weapon." Arend replied.
"What about you?" She asked Corenden.
"I'm training with him. I have to be stronger if I'm going to be in a Guild." Corenden replied.
Michael's terrified voice could be heard. Arend glanced back at the ledge. Iode leapt from it, carrying Michael under one arm. A mass of gigantic scorpions came launched themselves over the ledge after them. As Michael and Iode ran from them, the Pendragons laughed. The three of them pounced on the scorpions, killing them with quick bites to their soft underbelly.
Arend killed a few himself with supercharged shots from one of the guns he got in Chewek. Any of the survivors scuttled away into the darkness. "I'm going to need your lamp again Michael." Arend said as he piled up the bodies of the scorpions he killed.
"Why?" Michael asked as Corenden retrieved the lamp.
"Seems like a good lunch." Arend replied as he set up the lamp to cook the scorpions.
"You're kidding right?" Iode asked; a sick look on his face.
"We need to take advantage of whatever we can. Shut up and pick one." Arend replied as he dug into Michael's bag and produced a few metal skewers.
"How did you know those were in there?" Michael asked him. Arend shrugged. Corenden joined him, skewering one of the smaller scorpions like Arend had. Michael and Iode distanced themselves from Arend and Corenden.
The Pendragons watched the exchange with great amusement. "Don't eat the tail Corenden, there's no telling what the poison would do to you." Arend said as he rotated his meal over Michael's blazing lamp.
"Do you think he knows those will taste horribly bitter to him?" The female whispered to her comrades.
"The Pog will be fine since his tastes are similar to ours, but I have no doubt he's going to choke on it." The stained one said as he dug into his meal.
"You two are insane." Michael said as Corenden and Arend took their first bite.
The Pendragons watched with excited anticipation. They were surprise at Arend' reaction. "Hmm…Not bad. Needs a little salt." Arend wolfed down the remainder of the scorpion, setting aside their thick shells as he devoured the soft insides. He was munching on the tails of his and Corenden's meal when the Pendragons approached.
"Just who are you?" The stained one asked.
"More importantly, what." The female added.
"I can't answer with anything definite, since I'm rather unsure myself." Arend replied.
"I-I have a question." The shy one asked. Arend tilted his head. "Why is it you and your white friend approached us so casually while the other two were afraid?"
"Simple." Arend replied. "I've dealt with Pendragons before."
"I assume you know about Ace? The Black Monster?" Corenden asked.
The three nodded slowly, wary of their association to the dark Pendragon. "I killed them because he killed my family." Arend said bluntly.
The three were naturally skeptical. "You? Don't you think you're a bit too scrawny to claim such a thing?" The female asked.
reasons, no wait- six. One, I had a super weapon with a True Safeguard. Two, I have an artificial heart made of grey Adamtinium. Three, I have Orenth from a Pendragon infused with my own. Four, that Pendragon's brother helped me in the fight. Five, I got help from the last member of the Shadow Clan, and finally, High Ranking members of my Guild." Arend listed them off in quick succession.
"Who was the Pendragon that helped you?" The female asked, expecting to catch him in his lies.
"King." Arend replied, finishing off the last of the scorpions.
"So the white one lives!" The stained Pendragon exclaimed.