All In (The Drift Book 2)

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All In (The Drift Book 2) Page 18

by Susan Hayes

  They were out of the bar two minutes later. They swung by the hotel, packed their things, and checked out. She had been stuck in her interview long enough for Jaeg and T to arrange for new accommodations.

  The three of them made quite a sight as they wandered into the lobby of the five-star establishment. Both men were healing quickly, but their clothes were still disheveled and bloody. The desk clerk rushed through their check-in, no doubt hoping to get them to their room and out of sight before they unsettled the delicate sensibilities of the other guests.

  Their room was a thing of beauty. Plush cream carpets were deep enough they left footprints behind when they walked. The furniture was all curlicues and polished wood, and even the air was sweet and pure. They must have a powerful, in-house air purifying system in place, scrubbing away all trace of the world beyond the doors of the hotel.

  “Holy fraxx. If you can afford this, I’m paying you too much,” she exclaimed as she prowled around the suite, checking out everything.

  “You’re worth it,” Toro replied.

  “How about we take turns cleaning up while I order up room service?” Jaeger suggested.

  “Sounds perfect. I’m volunteering as shower assistant for you both.” She was already shedding her clothes as she made her way to the breathtaking expanse of marble and tile that was their bathroom. It was a hell of an upgrade. Then again, her whole day had been like that. Her day had started in a place of loneliness, anger, and pain, and it was ending with joy, love, and laughter…and a dash of brawling and bruises. In her world, that was pretty much a fairytale ending.


  Toro finished the last of his meal and leaned back against the polished wooden headboard of their massive bed. The satin finish of the wood felt good against his bare back, and he idly wondered what it would cost to buy something like it for himself. It was decadence, sure, but he was starting to develop an appreciation for the finer things in life. Especially if he could buy them for Cynder.

  None of them had bothered getting fully dressed after their showers. He and Jaeger had tossed on loose, drawstring pants they usually reserved for working out, while Cyn was only wearing an oversized t-shirt that hung almost to her knees. They were all sprawled on the bed amid the remnants of their meal, which had turned into a makeshift picnic that reminded him of their first date. “That was incredible. I’m not even sure it’s legal to serve food that good.”

  “Do you think they’d notice if I kidnapped their entire kitchen staff and took them back to the Nova with us? If we had that kind of talent in the kitchen, we’d have a full house every night,” Cyn said.

  “Kidnapping is on Corp-Sec’s no-no list. I don’t advise it.” Jaeger started clearing away the dishes, stacking them on the cart room service had left.

  Cynder sighed. “Yeah, I should probably avoid annoying them for a while after today. Who knew they’d get so cranky over a broken wrist? The asshole tried to club me, I was defending myself.”

  “How’d that happen, anyway? I thought the plan was for you to call in Corp-Sec and watch the little weasel, not take him down yourself.” Jaeger said.

  “He spotted me and bolted. Guilty men don’t run, and by that point, I’d already seen him dealing crimson, anyway. I know Mack and Dash haven’t made any progress figuring out how the pharma is coming into the Drift. That dealer you tipped them off about wasn’t high enough level to be of any use, and I was hoping Vesker could have answers the taskforce needs. I want that shit out of my club and off the Drift. It’s already put two people I care about in danger.”

  She turned toward him and glowered. “Speaking of which, what were you doing at the Pit today? Why did you leave our room, T? I woke up, and you were gone.”

  Guilt danced across Toro’s heart wearing stiletto heels. “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have left. I was still on edge after everything, and I figured I’d go burn off some energy and be back before you woke up.”

  “I think we’ve done enough leaving each other for a while, don’t you?” she asked, her voice softer now.

  “It won’t happen again.” He rose from the bed and jammed a hand into his pocket, looking for the gift he bought. He had been waiting for the right time to give it to her and now seemed the perfect moment. Nothing said, “I’m sorry I screwed up,” quite like jewelry. At least, that’s what he had always heard.

  “Going somewhere?” she asked.

  “Not without you.” He pulled out the box, gripping it tightly as he struggled to find the right words. “I fought today because Draxx offered me a lot of scrip to fill a hole in the roster. I said yes because I wanted to buy you something special. Something to mark this day. I know it started out lousy, but it ended pretty well. Us together. Loving each other. And well, here.” He offered the box to her on his upturned palm.

  “You bought me a present?”

  She sat up, a move that made the t-shirt she had stolen from his bag ride up her thighs. He forced himself to tear his eyes away from the tempting sight of all that bare skin to watch her reaction to his gift. She took the box slowly, letting her fingers caress his hand as she pulled away, her eyes never leaving the small package in her hands.

  “That’s okay, isn’t it? I mean, that I bought you something?” he asked. She was acting funny. Like she wasn’t sure what to make of things.

  She lifted her gaze to his, revealing the tears glittering on her lashes. “It’s so much more than okay. No one’s ever done this for me. I mean, we exchange presents on major holidays and stuff, but nobody has ever bought me a gift just because they wanted to.”

  Jaeger sat down on the bed beside her, his hand settling on her hip. “That’s going to change, now, beautiful.”

  “Everything is changing,” she said and opened the lid of her gift.

  A soft gasp fell from her lips as she stared at the pair of earrings nestled inside. They were black diamond studs set with emerald chips that had reminded him of Cynder’s green eyes.

  “They’re beautiful!” she launched herself at him, beaming.

  Her response was everything he hoped for. He caught her in his arms and crushed her to him, his mouth slanting over hers. He didn’t kiss so much as devour her, the cinnamon and sugar taste of her lips and the heat of her mouth carving themselves into his memory forever. She coiled herself around him, her arms around his neck, her long legs wrapping around his waist as he fell back on the mattress, taking her with him.

  His lower lip was still healing after the fight, but the small twinges of pain were nothing compared to the pleasure of having her in his arms. He would have to be dead not to want her, and even then, he would probably be haunting her, hoping for one last kiss.

  He flipped them over, pinning her beneath him. Her legs were still twined around his waist, pulling him snug against her exposed pussy. Heat seared the length of his already hard cock, and his control threatened to snap when she arched her hips and ground their bodies together.

  “Something you want, sugar?” he asked.

  “You,” she murmured. She turned her head to look at Jaeger, her eyes glowing with desire and joy. “Both of you.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” he said, aware that Jaeger was already stripping off his pants, eager to join in.

  “Like you could keep me away,” Jaeger retorted.

  Cyn wriggled beneath him, fighting to get her shirt over her head while still pinned to the mattress. Every wiggle and twist made his cock throb, and by the time she was done, he was ready to combust with need. She knew it, too; he could tell by the wicked gleam in her eyes as she stared up at him.

  Jaeger took the box from her hand and set the earrings on the side table, though he uttered a low whistle of admiration first. “Nice choice, T. Classy and a little dark, just like our woman.”

  “Dark. Really?” she asked, her green eyes flashing.

  “Mhmm. Mysterious, dangerous, and dark.”

  “And maybe a little bit violent,” Toro added.
r />   “I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.” She flexed her fingers, scratching her nails down the back of his neck.

  “I love that you’re dangerous. It’s sexy. We’ve all been through hell. If you didn’t have a little darkness in you, how could you ever understand the darkness in us?” Jaeger asked as he leaned in to steal a kiss from Cynder.

  She moaned and moved a hand from Toro’s shoulder to Jaeger’s, drawing him in for a deeper kiss. Toro took advantage of her distraction to pull free of her legs. Not that he wanted to move, but he needed to ditch his pants. There would be no need for any of them to be dressed for the rest of the night.

  Cynder couldn’t keep track of all the emotions bubbling up inside her: Joy, love, happiness, desire, and so many more. The grief, confusion, and doubt were gone. All of it wiped away because of the two men who had found a way past her defenses and into her heart. She uttered a sigh of complete contentment and let herself be wrapped up in the arms of her men. Their warmth surrounded her, their solid strength a comfort she had missed in the short time they had been apart.

  They were stretched out on either side of her, bracketing her between their hard bodies as they stroked and kissed every inch of her. It was intoxicating to be the center of their attention.

  “Not the center of our attention, beautiful. You’re the center of our world, now,” Jaeger said.

  She hadn’t realized she had spoken her last thought aloud. Intoxicating was the right word for what they were doing to her if she was screwing up her inside and outside voices without even realizing it.

  “I like it. Being the center of your world. I’ve never felt like this before.” She reached out to lay a possessive hand on each of them.

  “How do you feel, Cyn?” Toro asked, settling his big hand over hers.

  “Happy. Only it’s more than that. I know you said that you liked my dark side, but right now, I don’t have one. You took all my darkness away.”

  Both men looked at her with adoration.

  “Yeah?” Toro asked, as proud as if he had single-handedly slain a star dragon for her.

  “Yeah.” She slid her hands lower, stroking her way down to their cocks with obvious intent. “I think we should celebrate today. All of it.”

  They were hard as hull plating beneath her fingers, and both of them groaned in agreement.

  “Whatever you want, beautiful.”

  “However you want it,” Toro added.

  Her heart sped up to light speed as she whispered her next words. “Together. I want the two of you to take me, together.”

  They both spoke at once.

  “Fraxx. You mean—” Toro blurted out.

  “Are you sure?” Jaeger asked.

  “I’m sure. I’ve never done it. I want to try, though.” She blushed. “Zura might have mentioned it. She said it was incredible.”

  Both men were silent for a short span, and then Jaeger cleared his throat. “We’ve never done that, either.”

  The answer surprised her. She assumed there wasn’t much the two of them hadn’t tried. After all, they’d been on their own for years. Most cyborgs she knew had jumped into the deep end of the sex and playtime pool the moment they had been freed.

  “Then let’s do this together. Something special between the three of us.”

  “Everything with you is special,” Toro said before leaning in to kiss her. He ran his tongue over the seam of her lips, and she parted them, letting him inside. His kiss was heat, and strength, and breathless intensity all blended together into one intense package.

  While her focus was on Toro, Jaeger moved out of her sight, and the next thing she knew he was at her feet, pressing a string of soft kisses along her instep up to her ankle. He cradled her heel in one hand as he kissed his way higher, the feather-light touch of his mouth and the light scratch of his beard a shocking contrast to Toro’s hard, demanding kisses.

  Sensing her distraction, Toro nipped her lower lip and then ended their kiss. “Meet you in the middle?” he asked Jaeger before lowering his head to her throat.

  “Brilliant plan,” Jaeger replied.

  Toro worked down her body an inch at a time, leaving no part of her untouched or untasted. When he reached her breasts, he uttered a groan before drawing one hard nipple into his mouth. When his teeth closed around the tender nub, pleasure tore through her; sparks of need ignited her blood, making her clit throb and swell.

  Jaeger’s laughter buzzed against her calf as he laid a trail of kisses up her leg, heading for her knee. When he got there, he turned his head and swiped his tongue over the tender flesh there. She opened her legs wider, giving him room to settle his broad shoulders between her thighs. Warm silk sheets beneath her, the heated touch of two mouths and two pairs of hands on her body, the scent of sex perfuming the air. This was heaven, or as close to it as she could imagine. This was where she was supposed to be, and she would never turn away from them again.

  Jaeger was only a few inches from her pussy when he raised his head, depriving her of his touch. Toro stopped at almost the same time. Jaeger rose to his knees, while Toro seated himself by her hip before stroking his hand down her stomach with one calloused hand. He delved into her slick folds, going straight for the swollen bundle of nerves tucked away beneath its delicate hood. She arched her hips, pressing herself against his fingers, then gasped as Jaeger joined in, sliding a digit deep into her channel.

  They worked her in concert, driving her to the heights of pleasure. Jaeger added a second finger, curving them to stroke over her sweet spot with every thrust. Soon she was lost in a maelstrom of sensation, every touch sending her closer to the brink.

  “Come for us, Cyn. I want to see you come apart, and then we’re going to take you somewhere you’ve never been before. All of us, together, just like you asked. Me in your sweet pussy while T takes you from behind,” Jaeger whispered.

  His sexually charged words flowed over her like an invisible caress. The image of the three of them together sent her hurtling into an orgasm so strong that her next breath caught in her lungs as she arched off the bed.

  They continued their sensual onslaught, stretching out her release until she was panting and trembling between them. She was overloaded on bliss, her limbs heavy, and her heart pounding as they took her to her limits and then pushed past them.

  They gave her a brief moment to recover while both of them moved around the bed. By the time her senses were unscrambled, and she was back in control of her limbs, Toro was stretched out on his side, facing her.

  “Will you wear these for me?” he asked, holding out the diamonds.

  “Happily.” She held out her hand, and he gave them to her, watching with rapt attention as she put them on.

  “You naked is amazing. You naked and wearing diamonds is fraxxing incredible,” he said, his gaze hot enough to rival the heart of a star.

  “I’ve never been much for jewelry, but if you’re going to look at me that way every time I wear some, I’m going to start wearing it more often.”

  Toro nodded. “I like that plan. I’m going to need to start fighting more often, maybe work more security shifts, too.”

  “Why?” She asked, not following his logic.

  Jaeger chuckled. “I think T’s got a new hobby. Buying you shiny things for you to wear while naked. I know that look, Cyn. You’re going to wind up draped in jewels from the top of your head to your cute little toes.”

  “Hell yes. That’s my new goal in life.” Toro looked over at Jaeger. “And don’t pretend I’m the only one who thinks she looks like a goddess right now. You know you’re going to be shopping, too.”

  “You don’t need to buy me things, guys.”

  “Need? No. Want to? Yes. We’ve got minimal expenses and nothing else to spend it on. Why shouldn’t we buy you things to make all of us happy?” Toro asked. His brows were knitted, and his jaw was tense, two clear signs he wasn’t happy with her response.

  “You have a future to save up f
or. Plans….” She waved her hand in a vague motion above her. “Don’t you?”

  “The only future we’re planning for is you, beautiful,” Jaeger said, taking her hand in his and squeezing it.

  “Only you,” Toro added.

  Her heart stuttered, and when it resumed its normal beat, the world had shifted around her. “I love you two so much.”

  Jaeger drank in the sight of the woman he loved as she lay between them wearing nothing but diamonds and a smile. Toro was a genius. She did look like a goddess. Their goddess. He leaned in for a quick kiss, savoring the taste of her lips before lying down on his back beside her.

  All he had to do was crook a finger, and she came to him, straddling his waist with her long legs. Her hands came down on either side of his face, and she lowered herself until her breasts brushed his chest. He speared a hand into her hair, tugging her down until she was close enough to kiss. She moaned against his lips as a shiver passed through her, and a fresh flood of cream soaked his cock where it lay pressed to her pussy. He loved how responsive she was. Every touch of their hands or mouths drew a reaction that threw rocket fuel on the flames already burning inside him.

  “Hi,” she murmured, staring into his eyes as she rocked her body over his.

  “Hey, beautiful. You ready for this?” he asked.

  She nodded, and there was nothing but trust and love in her eyes. “Love me.”

  Mouths mated first, locked together in a kiss that sizzled across his soul. She took him into her body in one eager arch of her hips. He gripped her hips and drove himself deep, lifting them both off the bed.

  Toro moved into place behind her, kneeling between Jaeger’s legs. Neither of them had done this before, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t talked about it. It was a fantasy come to life, sharing a woman’s body so intimately.

  He did all he could to keep Cynder’s focus on him, fucking her with slow, steady thrusts while his tongue danced with hers. Her breath was in his lungs, the delicate musk of her scent hung in the air between them, her soft skin rubbing against his.


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