Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 30

by Ami Snow

  “You all ready?” Tom asked, as he grinned at Alice. He had been pumped about the hike, ever since Alice had agreed to it. He had always wanted to spend more time with Alice and get to know her properly, but it seemed like it was never the right time. So he was really happy that he had managed to finally get some time alone with her.

  “Sure am.” Alice replied, as she smiled. She walked towards the kitchen door and headed down the hallway, to where she had taken off her shoes the night before. She wasn’t exactly sure where they were going, but she figured that a pair of trainers would be suitable enough footwear. “Are we going?” Alice called down the hallway, after her shoes were secured to her feet.

  “Coming.” Tom shouted from the kitchen.

  Alice could hear Tom and her dad muttering, but she couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. She wondered what they might be saying, but just as the urge to move forward and listen, became too strong to fight, Tom walked out into the hallway and headed towards her.

  “It’s a gorgeous day today.” Tom said, as he opened the door for Alice to walk through.


  It took about an hour for Alice and Tom to get to the countryside. They had travelled in Tom’s old work truck and Alice had spent the time, whilst driving to see what she could learn about him from his car. It wasn’t like her dad’s truck, which was filled with empty wrappers and trash; it was actually extremely clean on the inside.

  Alice noticed that the truck had an old tape deck too. “You know you can put CD players in these right?” She asked, as they had been driving along.

  “I know, but I like tapes. They have this vintage quality to them, which adds to the music.” Tom answered, as he shrugged.

  When they arrived at their destination, Alice jumped out of the truck and watched, as dust clouds rose up around her feet. The parking lot had never been surfaced and it was all lose stone and mud, which had turned to dust in the harsh heat of the sun. Alice looked ahead at the expanding forest. There was something about seeing so much green in its natural environment that soothed Alice.

  “You ready?” Tom asked, as he walked around the truck and stood next to her.

  “Yeah.” Alice said smiling. She couldn’t wait to get out of the sun and into the shade of the trees. The day was beautiful, but it was also getting hotter and hotter, with every moment that passed. As they walked towards the forest opening, Alice briefly glanced back at the truck, as though, assuring her that it would still be there when they came back.

  “So, how are you feeling today?” Tom asked, as they started to make their way through the trees. He knew that bringing up the break up was a bad idea, but he wasn’t really sure how else to start the conversation. He had been waiting for Alice to say something, but as, the seconds passed, he realized that she was in her own little world.

  “Better than yesterday.” Alice said, as she smiled at Tom. “Thanks for inviting me out here today; I really needed the fresh air.” She continued after a brief pause.

  “Don’t mention it.” Tom said, as he smiled right back at Alice. He had always loved her smile. It always reached her eyes and made them burn intensely with an aura of light, which Tom had been drawn to, the moment he had seen it.

  “So, how’s work going?” Alice asked, after another moment of silence had passed between them. It wasn’t that the silence was uncomfortable, because it was fine, but Alice wanted to make use of the time, which they had together. She knew that if they spent the day in silence, then she would only regret it later.

  “It’s going good; you’re dad’s a great man to work for.” Tom said.

  “You know he can’t hear you right?” Alice said, as she started to laugh.

  “True, but his daughter can.” Tom quickly said, as a smile formed on his lips.

  They were both quick walkers and it didn’t take them much time at all to get into the depths of the forest. It was cooler there, as there was very little sunlight able to filter through the thick trees, which formed a new, green sky, overhead. Alice could hear birds singing to each other and leaves rustle, as a soft wind blew through them. She took a moment, just to appreciate what she could see and hear. It was beautiful.

  “You like nature then? Huh?” Tom said, as he watched her close her eyes and take a moment. Although Alice always seemed to be happy, he had never actually seen her ever look this relaxed. He wondered for a minute whether the smile she always wore, was real. He had never questioned it before, but he had never seen her look, as content, as she did now.

  “I’m in love with nature.” Alice said, almost breathlessly. “I mean, look at it all. Is there anything more beautiful?” She asked, as she glanced around at the trees and plants, which surrounded her. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, that Tom was watching her with a smile on his face.

  “I can think of one thing.” Tom said quietly, as he slowed down to a stop. It was true, the forest was beautiful, but there was one thing, which was in the forest, which took the medal. Alice.

  “Oh yeah?” Alice asked, as her eyebrow rose in a questioning way. She couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than being surrounded by nature, but she was curious, as to what Tom thought was beautiful.

  “Yeah.” Tom said, without explaining further.

  “Which is?” Alice asked, as she pushed for an answer.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Tom said evasively. He wanted to tell her the truth. That it was her that he thought was more beautiful than the forest and the flowers and everything else, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. What would her dad say about it? What would she say about it? She would probably get creeped out and think that he had lured her to the forest to kill her or something. No, he thought to himself, it was best that he kept that to himself.

  “Tell me?” Alice asked, as her curiosity rose with his avoidance. She couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t tell her what it was? Did he think that she was going to judge him? That she would laugh at him and mock him for it? Didn’t he know her at all?

  “Seriously it doesn’t matter.” Tom said in a half stern way, which made Alice stop before she asked again. “Are you hungry?” Tom asked, as to change the subject and also because he could feel his stomach starting to rumble.

  “A bit.” Alice said, as she nodded. She hadn’t eaten anything for breakfast and they had managed to cover quite a distance, in the time they had been walking.

  “Good, I packed us some lunch.” Tom said smiling, as they stopped walking completely. He pulled the rucksack off his back that he had been wearing and unzipped the main pouch. He had packed everything that they could possibly want for a picnic.


  After they had finished eating, neither of them made any sort of hurried movement to get back on their feet again. Alice was enjoying the moment, listening to the sound of nature and stealing glances at Tom. She couldn’t remember a time she had felt this relaxed. She couldn’t remember a time when she had enjoyed being in somebodies company, as much, as she enjoyed being in Tom’s.

  There was a long, comfortable silence between them, whilst they let their food settle. It wasn’t because either of them had nothing to say, it was just that neither of them felt like they had to speak. Alice leaned back against her hands and lifted her head up to look at the trees, which had formed a false sky above their heads. “It’s hard to believe there’s a world out there, isn’t it?” She said.

  “I know what you mean.” Tom agreed, as he leant back and followed Alice’s eyes to the trees. He had suggested hiking because it was something he enjoyed doing, he had thought that it might be something that Alice would enjoy, but he could have never have guessed that she would enjoy it this much.

  “You still haven’t told me, what it is you find more beautiful than this though.” Alice said, as she took a deep breath of fresh air into her lungs.

  “You’re right I haven’t.” Tom said.

  “Are you going to?” Alice asked. She couldn’t understand why he was bei
ng so evasive with her. What could it possibly be that was more beautiful than nature itself? A thought struck her. Maybe he was thinking about a movie star or model or something. As she thought that though, she cast the idea away, it just didn’t seem right.

  “Do you really want to know?” Tom asked, as he glanced at Alice. She was looking right at him; her big, blue eyes were filled with curiosity. He couldn’t help but smile at her, even, as nerves started to build within him about telling the truth.

  “I really do.” Alice said quickly, sensing that he was about to give in and tell her.

  “You.” He said, holding her gaze with his own.

  “Me what?” Alice asked, as confusion filled her.

  “You.” Tom repeated, as he watched the confusion fill her eyes. He couldn’t help but be a little bemused by her reaction. She wasn’t like other girls. She didn’t know how beautiful she really was, that much was obvious from this.

  “I don’t understand?” Alice said in a half questioning way. She could feel her cheeks starting to heat up and she knew they must be turning pink. She tried to push her embarrassed confusion to the side, so she could work out what he meant, but the only thing she could think of, didn’t make any sense at all. Did he mean that he thought she was beautiful? Is that what he was saying? No, she was being stupid, she thought to herself.

  “Alice, I meant you. You are more beautiful than a thousand forests filled with wild flowers.” Tom said, as his own cheeks started to pink. He couldn’t believe what he had just said. He watched the reaction on Alice’s face. The confusion had left her eyes; it had been replaced by something else, disbelief.

  “That’s not funny.” Alice said sharply, as she pushed herself up from the leaning position she had been sat in. Suddenly she didn’t feel very comfortable anymore. She felt like he was mocking her, that perhaps, he had brought her here to do that.

  “I’m not telling a joke.” Tom said in a matter of fact kind of way.

  “Why would you mock me? What have I ever done to you?” Alice asked, as hurt filled her voice.

  Tom watched, as the hurt from her voice rose up into her eyes. Seeing it made him want to reach forward, to make it better, but he sensed that wasn’t the right thing to do. “I’m not mocking you Alice; I’m telling you the truth.” He said earnestly.

  Alice shook her head but she didn’t say anything. He sounded like he was telling the truth. She couldn’t hear a lie in his tone, but he couldn’t be telling the truth. Somebody like him, could never be interested in somebody like her, she wasn’t that deluded.

  “You don’t believe me do you?” Tom asked, as he watched Alice.

  “No.” Alice said in an apologetic way.

  “Well maybe this will help you.” Tom said, as he leaned forward and closed the space between them. He let his lips brush gently against hers. She tasted like cherries and mint. Tom could feel his body go wild, as shockwaves rippled through him. Her lips were soft, her breath hot against his tongue, he pushed his lips harder against hers and she reciprocated.

  Alice couldn’t think, she could barely even acknowledge the world outside of the kiss. Her thoughts were racing at a thousand miles an hour and she couldn’t seem to focus on any of them. It was, as though, they were blurred in motion. She could feel though. She could feel Tom’s lips against her own. She could feel the way that the softness of the kiss turned to hunger. She felt the hunger too, she wanted him too.

  After a moment Tom pulled away and caught Alice’s gaze. She looked almost bewildered and that made Tom almost chuckle. He couldn’t understand why she would be so confused about all this. She was a beautiful, sweet and kind natured girl and any man would be lucky to have her. She just clearly didn’t see herself in the way that the rest of the world did.


  As Tom and Alice walked back through the forest, neither of them said much. Alice’s mind was full of the memory of the kiss and the confusion that came with it, and Tom was wondering how her dad might react to him asking her out, officially. Tom knew from the moment that he kissed Alice that he wanted to ask her out, but he knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea, until he had asked her dad. He had a lot of respect for the man and the last thing he wanted to do, was offend him, especially considering that fact that he wanted to date his daughter.

  The drive back to the apartment didn’t take long and before they knew it, they were getting greeted by Alice’s dad in the kitchen. Alice noticed that it didn’t look, as though he had moved since the morning, when they had left. He was still sitting on the same seat, at the kitchen table and the only thing that had changed, was the coffee cup, which was now a bottle of beer.

  “You two have a good time?” He asked, as Alice and Tom walked in.

  “It was good.” Alice said, as she grabbed a glass from next to the kitchen sink and filled it with water. The walk back had made her really thirsty, but she hadn’t wanted to stop for a drink on the way back.

  “Yeah it was really good.” Tom said smiling and glancing at Alice. She hadn’t said anything to him about the kiss and he wondered what she thought about it. She had kissed him back, it wasn’t like she had pushed him away, but he was still worried that perhaps, he had made her uncomfortable.

  “I think I need a shower.” Alice said, after a moment’s silence had passed. Her skin felt sticky and itchy from the walk and she was sure that she smelt like dirt and damp leaves. She didn’t wait for a response, as she headed out of the room and towards the bathroom.

  Tom watched, as Alice left the room. He knew that this was his chance to talk to her dad. He seemed like he was in a good mood and Tom figured now, was a good a time, as any. “Can I have a word with you about something?” Tom asked Alice’s dad, when he was sure that Alice was out of ear shot.

  “Sure, what’s up?” Alice’s dad replied, as he put down his beer.

  “So, I was wondering.” Tom said and then paused. He wasn’t quite sure how to ask or even, really how to bring it up.


  “Well, I was wondering whether, you would mind me taking Alice on a date. I mean, I wanted to ask you first out of respect and if you’re not okay with it, then I won’t.” Tom said quickly.

  Alice’s dad thought about what he had just heard. Tom wanted to date his daughter. Tom, one of his best friends, wanted to date his only daughter. Was he okay with that, he asked himself, as Tom sat there waiting for an answer? He didn’t want to stand in the way of his daughter’s happiness, but he wasn’t sure, how comfortable he felt being friends with someone who could potentially be his daughter’s boyfriend. “Tom, I’m not going to lie, it makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable, however, I’m not going to stand in the way of Alice’s happiness and if you can promise me that you will make her happy, then I don’t have a problem.” He said finally.

  Tom could barely contain the grin, which was fighting to form on his lips. “I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to make your daughter happy.” He said, as he nodded his head.

  “But Tom, I’m warning you. If you ever hurt her. If you ever do anything that breaks her heart. Your life won’t be worth living.” Alice’s dad said with a stern voice, which told Tom that he meant every word.

  “I understand completely.” Tom said. He could feel a nervous, excitement building up within him, at the prospect of asking Alice out. It was something, which he had considered before but between her having a boyfriend and the fact that her dad was his friend, it had never really seemed like the right time.

  Tom left soon after he had spoken to Alice’s dad. It was getting late and although he had permission to ask her out now, he wanted to wait until the right moment to ask her. She hadn’t come back from the shower and he knew that she had probably headed straight to bed. As he drove back home that night, he could feel the grin on his face, which seemed to be superglued on.

  When Alice had got out of the shower, she could hear that Tom had gone. Her dad was humming to himself in the kitchen, but there
was no other noises coming from the apartment. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, as she wished she had said goodbye to him before he left. She wondered when she was going to him again, the kiss that they had shared, was still fresh in her memory and she wondered whether it meant something or whether it had been just a kiss.

  When she got into bed that night, she thought she would be up for hours. Her thoughts were loud in her head, as she tried to work through the confusion of the day’s events, but the hike must have taken it out of her, because she fell asleep, as soon, as her head hit the pillow.

  That night she dreamed about Tom. She dreamed about being in the forest and the kiss that they had shared, by the time she woke up the next morning, she knew that she didn’t want it to be just a one-time thing and that she needed to see Tom.


  Tom woke up the next morning, full of energy. It hadn’t taken him long to fall asleep and when he had, he had dreamed of Alice all night. When he woke up, he knew that he couldn’t wait any longer to ask her out; he had to do it that day. It was the last day of the weekend, which meant he didn’t have to work and he couldn’t think of anything better to do, than head to Alice’s.

  As soon, as he was dressed, he jumped in his truck and drove the short distance to the apartment building where Alice and her dad lived. He could feel nerves building up in his stomach, as he climbed the stairway, up to the right floor. He could have taken the elevator, but he really wanted a little bit of extra time to work out what he was going to say.

  Once he had climbed the stairs, he paused for a moment, before he knocked on the door. He needed a moment to prepare himself for what was about to happen. He honestly didn’t know whether Alice would agree or not, but he knew that if she didn’t, it would cut him like a knife.

  It didn’t take long for the door to be answered and Tom was met with Alice’s smiling face, which seemed to settle his nerves and increase them all at the same time. “Hey.” He said, as he walked into the hallway, which led on to the other rooms in the apartment.


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