Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 33

by Ami Snow

  “I’ve had them. All boys. Why are you trying to talk me out of this?”

  “Because I’m so much older then you are. I don’t regret last night, but I can’t always do that.”

  “You think the sex part is the most important? I’m not that immature? I want all of you. Your aches and pains. Your triumphs. And of course your cock inside of me.”

  He pondered that. “Do you really know what you’re getting into? I don’t go clubbing. Most days I come up here exhausted and fall into bed after a bowl of cereal.”

  “See, that’s where I can help. I can have dinner ready for you.”

  “I have women throw themselves at me. Middle-aged women. Hot women who think because I’m single I must be desperate.”

  “You aren’t single anymore, so they don’t matter. I’m here and I’ m here to stay.”

  “You aren’t going to be talked out of this are you?”

  “I didn’t just come up with this idea yesterday, Cole,” Shelly said. “I’ve been crushing on you for years.”

  Years? She’s only in her early twenties. How long could that have been? He sighed. “You’re pretty stubborn.”

  “And determined and hot and sexy.”

  She was that. For sure. She might kill him. He’d have fun along the way. She kissed him, then got out of bed. “I need breakfast.”

  She opened his refrigerator as if she owned the place. She bent over, peering into it and he had a vison of taking her from behind. His hands would be on that sweet, juicy ass. Oh God. He was hooked.

  She’d spent one night here and he didn’t’ want her to leave.

  Ever. What was he going to do?

  He cleared his throat. He wasn’t sure his dick could handle another sex session without him eating some food.

  “You have nothing. I’ll go get us some coffee and bagels.”

  Chapter Six

  Shelly didn’t think she’d sweat so much in her life. Ever. All of her workouts combined across her entire life had not made her sweat this much. She was questioning her decision to keep Cole as her personal trainer.

  She suspected he worked her harder than his other clients. Must mean he cares. He hadn’t said anything about emotions, but he let her hang around. She’d stay as long as he could because she enjoyed his company.

  He was smart and well-read. He could talk about almost anything. She loved to listen to him talk about his career as a model. He’d been stepping back from it in the last few years, but he still received calls once in awhile.

  Older in shape men were not always in demand, but when they were, he was first on the list agencies called.

  That made her proud. Her boyfriend, or whatever he was, modeled. Not for catalogs, but for front pages and centerfolds. He was the hottest guy she’d ever dated, but he was also the smartest. Him being together was why she chose to pursue him.

  She’d had enough with the little boys her age trying to find themselves.

  At least this work out was almost over. She’d shower and maybe they’d make love again. They did the last three nights. Soon her father would be home from his trip and she might have to go back to his house.

  She wanted to continue to see Cole, but she had no idea if he would do that or not. He hadn’t taken her on a proper date yet. Would he? Or were they just playing house? She’d take what she could get.

  “I think we’re finished for today,” Cole said.

  He handed her a towel. She wiped her face, but wasn’t ready to stand yet.

  “You okay?” he said.

  “I’ll be fine in a minute,” Shelly said.

  “How about after you shower, we go on a proper date?”

  “Yeah? Get dressed up and everything?”

  “Yes. I’ll pick you up at your house.”

  She cocked her head. This was sounding better and better. She knew the exact dress she was going to wear. “Then yes. I’d love to go on a date.”

  “Dinner. How much time do you need?”

  “You can pick me up in an hour.”

  She drove home to get dressed, excited about the date. She showered then primped and was ready fifteen minutes early. She paced, then sat, then paced.

  Finally Cole was on her doorstep. She let him in.

  “You look so beautiful, Shelly.”

  He kissed her on the cheek.

  He looked pretty handsome in a blazer and nice slacks. His tan shirt brought out his eyes. She wanted to eat him up. Or drag him upstairs and take off those nice clothes.

  Instead she let him lead her out to his pickup truck. He held the door for her and she felt like a princess.

  The restaurant was busy, but Cole had made reservations.


  This was the first date in almost a year that Cole had been on. He’d been nervous all day, but he’d been determined to ask Shelly out. She deserved more from him than to just occupy his bed.

  She deserved to be treated like a queen. He was the man to do it. She looked more beautiful than he could have imagined. Sitting across from him at the quiet table, he couldn’t believe that she was here. She was on a date with him.

  “What are you staring at?” she said, looking over her menu.

  “You. I just can’t believe that you’re here with me. I have such a beautiful date.”

  She blushed. “I’m into all that.”

  “But you are. Maybe you don’t think so because all those boys your age that you dated, weren’t mature enough to appreciate you.”

  “Maybe.” She looked back at her menu, then up at him. “I was concerned you wouldn’t be attracted to me.”

  “How could I not?”

  “Well, I’m a big girl.”

  “So. It isn’t just what you look like that attracts me to you.”


  “No. if course not. I know I’m fit and all and run a gym, but I don’t expect everyone else to live like I do. Besides, even if I did, you attend my classes religiously.” He put down his menu. “I actually like a girl with meat on her bones. Those skinny women are like doing it to a skeleton.”

  She laughed.

  “And further, if I took them out to dinner, they’d order a salad and then pick at it. I want to share an appetizer with you and I’ll bet you’ll be game.”

  “I will. What were you thinking of ordering?”

  “Pick something. I eat anything,” he said.

  The waitress came and they ordered the appetizer and a bottle of wine. Shelly sipped hers. “This is really good. Fruity and yummy.”

  “I find a Barbera blend goes with anything.”

  “Barbera. I don’t know much about wine, but I like this.”

  “Well, then I’ll have to impart my knowledge to you.”

  “I think I’d like that,” Shelly said.

  “Barbera is a Northern Italian grape. Usually used for blends. Rarely by itself. It doesn’t have enough character to make a good wine by itself.”

  She sipped again. “Interesting.”

  He liked that he would be able share his world with her. Going to dinner alone had gotten boring. Now he had someone to tell his day to. Or did he? Did she want a future? Or did she want right now and that was it. Was he going to be one in a long line of boyfriends?

  That would make him sad. He was already beginning to have feelings for her. Strong ones. He wasn’t ready to say love, but he’d bet his heart would get there. Would Shelly’s.

  He hoped. His heart could use someone to hold it and keep it. The rest of his life was set. Now all he needed was a woman to share it with.

  Chapter Seven

  Shelly felt full as they left the restaurant. That had been the best date ever. They talked and there had been no lulls in the conversation. If asked, she would have said she knew him better than this, but she had learned so much about him tonight.

  Her feelings were strong for him. He climbed into the car after he closed her door.

  “Where would you like to go now?”

  “I think
I’d like to go back to your place.”

  He studied her for a moment. “Really?”

  “Yes. I think ending the date in your bed would be a great idea. I had a good time,” she said.

  He smiled. “Whatever the lady wants.”


  “If I’m physically capable.”

  She laughed. “You talk as if you’re ready for the old age home. You have a young soul.”

  “Thank you. I don’t have a young body even if I am in shape.”

  “You have a sexy body. I’d like to lick it all over,” Shelly said.

  She’d never been this brazen with anyone. Cole blushed and she found that irresistible. She squeezed his arm. He parked outside his apartment. “Last chance. I can take you home.”

  “Nope. Take me to bed.”

  He held out his hand as when he opened her door for her. When they got into the apartment, he spun her around and pushed her against the door. He covered her with his body then kissed her to within an inch of her life.

  She was breathless when she stopped, her body on fire. He put his knee in between her thighs, parting them. His hands roved over her body. So many sensations bombarded her.

  “Oh, Cole.”

  He smiled, then pulled her to him. He unzipped her dress, putting over a kitchen chair. She stood in her favorite bra and panty set. The purple one. His gaze went up and down her before he licked his lips

  “Yum. I want to lick you all over, Shelly.”

  A thrill went through her as she stood there in her heels. She saw hunger in his eyes and it was all for her. She saw something else, but she wasn’t sure if it was love or lust.

  He took off his shirt and she ran her hands down his chest. She loved his muscles and the smattering of hair there. His eyes grew dark and she couldn’t help but enjoy that it was for her.

  He scooped her up and placed her on his bed. No one had ever carried her to bed like that. She’d do whatever he asked. She was already wet.

  He took off her bra and panties then licked his lips again.

  “You are a feast for the eyes, Shelly.”

  His gaze on her was the same as if his hands had been there. It ignited fires on her skin. He straddled her takin gone breast into his hands. He ran his tongue around her nipple bringing it to a peak.

  His mouth could do magic and she was going to let him.


  Once again, Shelly was in his bed. Her hair fanned out over the pillows. Her legs splayed as if not worried about him being in between them. She was his. Pliant, loving and sexy. Damn. He didn’t want her to ever leave, but should he tell her that.

  She reached down and rubbed the front of his jeans. His dick was ready to grow hands and unzip his pants just to get relief. He stepped away from the bed, dropped his pants then grabbed a condom.

  “I don’t need any foreplay. I need you inside of me.”

  He happily obliged, sliding into her warm core. She was wet, hot, slick. His body wanted to slam into her. Fuck her for sure. He chose to make love to her. He wanted this one to be from his heart, not his dick.

  She was a treasure, to be cherished, not banged like a one night stand. He slid in and out slowly, watching the play of emotions on her face. She liked this. She grasped his shoulders, her nails digging in as he pushed into her. He nipped at her neck, finding that spot that would make her gasp.

  She was his. Only his and he wanted her to know who was making her come. Who was making her feel this way?

  He sped up, not wanting to tease her any longer. She gripped him harder, her teeth bared. She was close. Her vagina clenched around him as she made those noises he enjoyed.

  He went over the cliff with her. “Shelly.”

  She shouted his name and he emptied himself inside of her.

  Then there was silence. Like that moment that someone turns off a power tool. No noises, just their breathing and he knew that he couldn’t ever let her go. A piece of him would go with her.

  His heart would go with her, but saying he loved her while still inside of her was just not done. He’d have to wait until he brought her home. She deserved to know. Even if she didn’t love him back.

  He was all in. She had to know this. Know that he wasn’t going to let her go easily. That she already had his heart. Only three days in his bed and she owned him. Lock, stock and soul.

  He rolled off of her to take care of the condom. He snugged her up against him, wanting to snooze a few minutes before they went at it again.

  Her phone rang. She didn’t answer it.

  “It will go to voicemail,” she said.

  That’s good because he didn’t want to lose touch with her. He wanted her to understand that she’d been made love to. That she was his and no one else could have her.

  Eventually he would tell her all of this. Right now, he wanted to show her. Have her feel it with his actions, not just his words.

  Her phone made a noise and she reached for it.

  “Shit. My dad’s home.”

  Chapter Eight

  Shelly bolted out of bed. “That must have been my Dad calling. He sent a text this time.”

  “He’s home?”

  She read her phone. “That’s what the text said.”

  Her fingers flew. She had to answer him or he’d be worried. Worried enough to call the cops.

  She sent him a message. “On a date, will be home within the hour.”

  She didn’t have a curfew, but she always let him know where she was. She almost always answered the phone when he called.

  “Do I need to get you home?” Cole asked.

  “Yes, in a few minutes. But I’m not ready to share our relationship with him.”

  “He’s going to find out sooner or later. It’s the mature thing to do to tell him outright.”

  She bit her lips. She knew that. She couldn’t hide her feelings for Cole. Instead, she had to put on her big girl panties and tell her father. Tell him that she loved Cole.

  “What should I tell him?”

  “That we are adults and in a relationship. I’m committed here.”

  Her eyes lit up. “I wasn’t sure what we were doing.”

  “We’re together. We’re adults and we’ve both consented to this,” he said. He sat up, then pulled on his pants. “I’ll go with you.”

  “In a minute. I want to enjoy having you all to myself for a few.”

  He stood in front of her, taking her face in his hands. “Nothing has changed. Your father isn’t an ogre. He’ll listen to reason. He’ll listen to me.”

  “You’ll come with me?”

  “We’re in this together, Shelly.”

  He kissed her and his warm lips reassured her. She could do this. She had to be grown up and tell her father about Cole. It was the right thing to do.

  She dressed, feeling better about the situation. Cole drove her to her house and they entered it together.

  Her father sat in the kitchen reading the newspaper. He had the mail around him. He looked up when they walked into the kitchen.

  Eyeing both of them, he took a sip of his wine glass. Good, maybe he’d be calm. She was Daddy’s little girl.

  “Hello, kitten. What’s going on?” His gaze went to Cole. “Cole?”

  “Greg,” Cole said.

  “Daddy, we have something to tell you.”

  Her father put down his wine glass. “You said you had a date tonight.”

  “I did, Daddy, with Cole.”

  He father’s eyebrows went up. “Is this true Cole?”

  “It is. Your daughter and I have been seeing each other.”

  Her father looked them over. Then he smiled. “I guess my girl is growing up, but I’d hoped you would find someone your age, kitten.”

  She went to him and wrapped her arms around him. He always gave in when she did this. “But Daddy, I don’t want anyone my age.”


  Cole sat across from his best friend. “I know this seems strange, given our age diffe
rence, but I don’t feel that much older than Shelly when we’re together.”

  Greg cleared his throat. “I see.”

  He patted his daughter’s hand. “Will you let us talk alone, kitten.”

  “No. I’m not a little girl anymore.”

  She let go of her father, then sat on the stool next to Cole. She took her hand in his, squeezing it.

  “She’s a woman who has a mind of her own, Greg.”

  “Yeah, I know that. I raised her, remember?” Greg said.

  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Shelly said.

  Greg frowned. “This will take some getting used to. If you hurt her Cole, I’ll kill you.”

  “I don’t plan on it.” No he planned to love her for as long as she’ll have him. “I love her, Greg. This isn’t an affair. I’ll be around for as long as she is willing to put up with me.”

  He turned to Shelly. Her eyes were wide. “You love me?”

  “Yes, I love you.”

  He did. With all of his heart. She didn’t have to say it back. That could wait until she was ready.

  She squeezed his hand again. “I love you, too.”

  “I guess it’s okay, then,” Greg said. “I give you my blessing. I know Cole is a good man.”

  Shelly hugged her father. “Thank you Daddy. I love you. You are the best Daddy ever.”

  Greg smiled. It seemed genuine. “This is still weird to me, but if it makes my kitten happy, I’ll learn to live with it. There are worse men you could have chosen.”

  That made Cole feel better about the whole situation. If Greg could get past it, they had a shot. Shelly was the first woman he’d ever thought about long term since walking out on his wedding.

  Shelly took out two glasses then poured wine for her and Cole. He touched her glass with his. “Cheers.”

  Cole sipped his wine, not wanting too much since he had to drive home. This was nice and domestic. Greg seemed to have relaxed now.

  “So why now?” Greg asked.

  “Because I’m graduating and I figured Cole would look at me as an adult now,” Shelly said.

  Greg nodded.

  Later Shelly walked Cole to his car. As much as he’d like to bring her home, he thought that might be a bit much for Greg. Shelly stood on tiptoes and hooked her arms around his neck.


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