Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 65

by Ami Snow

  Oh you’re not getting off that easy.

  She grabbed her jacket and followed him. She kept a safe distance so as not to alert his attention. Her curiosity began to peak.

  Where is he going at such an hour? He didn’t use his phone so it couldn’t be a girl he was meeting. What else could it be?

  He walked under a bridge and then put his bag down. Jane hid behind a pillar not far from him and watched. He crouched next to his bag then looked around to see if the coast was clear. Then he took out a spray can and started spraying the wall.

  Graffiti!? Excellent, I got him. Mom is gonna go bananas when she finds out.

  She waited almost an hour and once he finished and left she walked up to the scene of the crime. She took out her phone and snapped a photo as evidence. As she did so she realized just how beautiful it was. The picture was of a large multicolored dragon circling the globe. She was taken back by just how intricate the picture was. She never realized that so much time and effort went into graffiti art. She slowly walked home thinking about Aaron. She had never met anyone quite like him. He got under her skin in a good way and bad. She felt a strange kind of attraction to him. It was unlike any she had experienced before.

  But none of this makes sense, she thought.

  He wasn’t well educated, nor did he have any etiquette to speak of. However, there was something about him, a passion, an aura. It made her curious, to find out what it was, to just be around it.

  The next day she decided to confront him.

  “Morning Aaron.”

  “Yeah whatever,” said Aaron in disinterest.

  He walked straight passed her into the kitchen.

  “Did you have a nice time last night?”

  “Yeah great. Blonde this time, in case you were wondering.”

  “I know exactly where you went, that kinda lie might slide with mom, but not me.”

  “What are you talking about Janey? Where do you think I went then smarty-pants?”

  She took her phone out and showed him the photo she took the night earlier. It took him a while to focus his blurry eyes on the screen but once he did, he almost gasped.

  Yes finally, she thought.

  For the first time in her life she had left him speechless.

  “So what? You’re gonna show mom that I do graffiti? Big deal?”

  “Well you’re certainly gonna lose your ‘good boy’ image, and that’s a start,” replied Jane.

  “Okay, well, you knock yourself out honey. I’m going back to bed.”

  He isn’t phased at all, she thought.

  Jane let out a sigh of frustration and walked out. As she reached the front door she saw Amy standing there.

  “Oh what are you doing here?”

  “Haha surprise!” said Amy. “I was just walking passed and I thought I’d visit.”

  Just then Aaron turned up at the door.

  “Hey, who’s this hot babe?”

  Amy’s jaw dropped. She was totally speechless. Before Aaron could continue, Jane interrupted.

  “Come on Amy we’re leaving.”

  “Nice to meet you Amy,” said Aaron as they walked off. “Call me.”

  “Close your mouth Amy, for god’s sake.”

  “Was that Aaron?” asked Amy. “Wow he has really grown up into a hotty huh?”

  “You’re disgusting,” replied Jane.

  They both headed to the mall and spent a few hours trying on clothes and buying makeup. Once Jane headed back home it was already late. Her mom usually went to bed around eight so Jane thought that she was probably sound asleep for the last few hours. She tried to be as quiet as possible and once she came in she was suddenly heard the sounds of someone screaming. She quickly ran into the lounge and saw Aaron fucking a blonde girl she’d never seen before. He was grabbing her hair and pounding her doggystyle.

  As soon as they saw Jane they immediately stopped.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Jane we didn’t see you there,” said Aaron. “Jane this is …erm…”

  “Lucy,” said the woman who was still trying to get dressed as quickly as possible.

  “Lucy, right, Jane this is Lucy, Lucy this is my stepsister Jane.”

  Lucy extended her hand fully expecting Jane to shake it.

  “Don’t touch me,” said Jane. “Just get out.”

  Lucy did as she asked. Aaron casually began to get dressed. Even though Jane was still angry, she couldn’t help but stare at his physique. He was muscular and adorned with tattoos all across his torso. She looked down at his cock, it was still erect and larger than Jane had imagined. She quickly turned her back to him.

  “Can you please hurry up and get dressed?” asked Jane. “Have you no humility?”

  Aaron smiled.

  “Hey I’m not ashamed by what god gave me, I know you wanna look, I don’t mind.”

  “Don’t be so disgusting, you’re my brother, even if you weren’t I still find you repulsive as a human being.”

  “I’m your stepbrother, and I saw you staring, I’m not blind y’know.”

  He walked passed her and grabbed some juice from the fridge.

  “How could you bring a total stranger into this house and where did you get the balls to have sex while my mom is sleeping upstairs?”

  “Oh get off your horse miss high and mighty. Just ‘cos you’re not happy and got a silver spoon stuck up your ass doesn’t mean you can dictate what others do. People like you make me sick.”

  “I make you sick?” asked Jane. “Where do you get off? I’m not on some self-destructive path, I’m trying to do something with my life. And that silver spoon up my ass you’re talking about? It’s called having principles, a backbone, but I wouldn’t expect a spineless guy like you to understand such stuff.”

  “Okay, as fun as this has been I’m going to bed.”

  Aaron went upstairs leaving Jane standing in the kitchen by herself. She couldn’t believe the way he was acting, but what was really getting to her was his complete lack of remorse. She felt like there wasn’t an ounce of shame in his entire body.

  She thought there was no point working herself up into a frenzy so she decided to go to bed too. As she laid there, she started to think about Aaron. She couldn’t get the image of him fucking Lucy out of her head, she started to imagine that he was fucking her instead. The thought of this started turning her on and she began to get wet. She plunged a finger into her pussy and moaned as she did so. After she came she collapsed onto her bed, totally exhausted. She closed her eyes and drifted off. A few minutes later she woke up, there was a voice coming from somewhere outside her room. It was too mumbled to make it out and it didn’t sound like her mom so she went to investigate. She realized it was coming from Aaron’s room. She slowly pushed the door open and listened.

  “…Mona…,” moaned Aaron.

  Who’s Mona? She thought. Probably just another notch on his bedpost.

  She went back to bed.

  The next morning Jane woke up early and decided to wait for Aaron in the kitchen. To her surprise, he was already up and making breakfast.

  “Hey honey, want a pancake?”

  “Erm…sure,” replied Jane, a little taken back by the whole thing.

  “Don’t look so surprised, I do have a nice side you know.”

  She didn’t reply and just sat down at the breakfast table. He put a couple of pancakes on her plate.

  “Syrup or honey?” he asked.

  “If you think being nice to me is gonna stop me from telling mom about your antics last night then you’re sorely mistaken mister.”

  “Oh sis I’m hurt that you think I would sink so low.”

  He sat down and joined her. He took a large bite and then smiled straight at her.

  “So when are you gonna hook me up with Amy?”

  “Who’s Mona?”

  Aaron’s smile disappeared.

  “How do you know about her?” he asked.

  “I have my sources. So
who is she? A chick you banged that meant a lot to you or something? Did she use you?”

  Aaron looked down at his plate.

  “Don’t ever talk about Mona again, understand?”

  There was a strong determination in his voice that made her hesitate. Before she could recover and continue to torcher him, which was her plan all along, he walked off.

  Jane was confused. It was such an intense reaction that it must have been more than just a girl. As she was lost in thought her mom came downstairs.

  “Morning Jane, I just saw Aaron on the stairs, what’s wrong with him?”

  “Oh my fault I’m afraid.”

  “Why what did you do?”

  “I heard him talking in his sleep last night that’s all.”

  “Ah, was it Mona?”

  Jane was surprised.

  “How do you know Mona?”

  “When he was a child and he stayed over, I heard the same thing,” replied Jane’s mom.

  “Who is she?” asked Jane.

  “Mona was his mother.”


  “She past away when Aaron was born, I think he still blames himself for it.”

  “Oh no that’s terrible,” said Jane.

  “Yeah, but at least he’s got us right,” said Jane’s mom with a smile.

  Guilt began to swell up in Jane’s heart. She felt so terrible for treating him so badly ever since he arrived.

  ”Oh honey aren’t you supposed to be meeting Amy today?”

  “Oh crap!” said Jane. “I totally forgot.”

  She had promised Amy that they would meetup early today and she rushed off.

  “Hi Amy sorry I’m late,” she said as she arrived at the library.

  “Oh don’t worry, Eric’s been keeping me busy.”

  “Eric?” asked Jane.

  There was a tap on her shoulder and she turned around. A tall man in a pinstripe suit stood there smiling at her.

  Oh god not Eric, she thought.

  Eric was a guy who had been trying to date Jane for the past few years, but Jane had turned down every one of his requests. They would get more fanciful and elaborate each time with the most recent one being a hundred balloons delivered direct to her house by singing telegram. No matter how hard he tried though, Jane couldn’t help but feel that he was just plain creepy, and the more he pushed the creepier it felt. The only way she could get him to back down and stop hassling her was once she threatened to phone the cops.

  “Oh hello Jane,” he said. “It’s been a while but always a pleasure.”

  “Stay the hell away from me,” replied Jane.

  “Oh calm down, it’s just a coincidence bumping into you here.”

  “Yeah, a coincidence, and pigs fly.”

  “There’s no need to be so rude Jane. Besides, I have no interest in you, I haven’t had for some time now. You, my dear, need to get over yourself. Anyway I’m leaving.”

  Jane watched to make sure he left the library, then she looked straight at Amy.

  “What?” Said Amy in an innocent voice.

  “You know what, why the hell were you hanging out with him?”

  “He just came up and started talking to me,” replied Amy. “Anyway he seems like a nice guy now, maybe you should give him a second chance.”

  “A second chance? He’s a psychopath, trust me. He might sound like all sweetness and light right now but he’ll turn in an instant. The further away you stay from that guy the better.”

  “Okay, okay I got it,” replied Amy.

  They spent a few hours studying for a while until Jane looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Aaron walk past just a few feet in front of them.

  What’s he doing here? She thought.

  She decided to follow him again. He walked into the art section of the library and then stopped at the shelf labeled ‘painting’. He flicked through one of the books on the shelf then went and sat down at a table close by. Jane came up behind him and looked over his shoulder.

  “Van Gogh huh?” she said.

  He turned around.

  “Oh hey Janey, I didn’t see you there.”

  She came and sat beside him. She noticed a sketchpad on the table and started to flick through it. There were pencil sketches and colored drawings of animals on some of the pages and real life drawings on others. Near the end of the pad were drawings that were similar to Van Gogh in style. She was amazed. She never realized that he was so serious about drawing and painting. She just thought that he was a graffiti artist, someone who likes to take risks. She never really considered that he would be pursuing it as an art form.

  “You’re drawings are amazing Aaron.”


  “Listen, I’m sorry I brought up Mona. Mom told me all about her. Nobody deserves to have their mom taken away from them. It must have been terrible not to know your mom.”

  Aaron smiled.

  “Well that’s very sweet of you to say Janey. To be honest, I blamed myself for a long time. I guess I still do to a certain extent.”

  Jane’s heart broke. She realized that she’d been reading Aaron all wrong. She felt like he was a waste of space, lazy and ungrateful. But now she felt a new found respect for him. She decided to let him into her life. To take a chance, after all he was family.

  “Why don’t you join me and Amy.”

  “Sure,” replied Aaron.

  He followed her to their table and sat down.

  “Hi Amy.”

  Amy was speechless. She just sat there with her mouth open. It wasn’t until Jane nudged her that she finally had the courage to speak.

  “Oh Hi Aaron long time no see.”

  “You don’t remember her do you Aaron?” Asked Jane.

  Aaron looked at both of them with a puzzled expression on his face. Jane continued.

  “Do you remember the forest?”

  “Ah, yes of course, the little whiner. Well ,well, well you’re all grown up now huh.”

  Amy giggled like a giddy schoolkid and Jane shook her head.

  “So what are you guys doing here exactly?” Asked Aaron.

  “We sometimes come here to just study and chat,” replied Amy. “What brings you here?”

  “Aaron is studying art,” replied Jane excitedly.

  She took Aaron’s sketchpad and handed it to Amy. Amy looked through the pages with great curiosity.

  “Wow, I never realized you were so skilled.”

  “That’s not the only thing I’m skilled at,” said Aaron with a wink.

  Amy giggled again and started to go red.

  “Okay, Okay that’s enough Aaron,” said Jane. “But I do have to admit that I was surprised to learn that you’re interested in art too.”

  “Yeah, I’ve always been into it. At first I used it as a therapeutic tool as a child, but over time I enjoyed it so much that I would draw night and day if I could.”

  He pulled one of the books away from Amy and read the cover.

  “Hmm ‘Law and Judgment Volume 2’ it sounds so interesting. So I guess you’re the person to go to when I need to know the time before I do the crime.”

  “You dare, and Amy if he ever approaches you ring me,” said Jane.

  “Jeez what a party pooper,” said Aaron.

  Jane’s phone began to vibrate, it was her mom.

  Could you pick up some milk on your way back?

  “I gotta go guys, I’ll see you later.”

  She left Amy and Aaron in the library and rushed off to the nearest grocery store. Once she got home she decided to stay and study a little. After a few hours passed she realized that Aaron hadn’t returned home. She texted Amy.

  Are you still at the library?

  There was no reply.

  That’s strange, she thought. She almost always replies immediately.

  It was getting late and she decided to sleep. She almost dozed off when she suddenly heard her phone ring.

  “Hi Amy, jeez took your time didn’t you?”

>   There was no reply on the other end.


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