Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 68

by Ami Snow

  “Then there is the seafood last night also Mr. Phillips, and the boat hire for the return trip from the mainland.” One hand massaging my aching temples I try again. “Just tell me the amount in American dollars dear, I can see this is an expensive resort, don’t itemize it. Just give me the final figure.” The girl continued reading down the list of expenses, “And the cleaners who came in especially to tidy up from your party.” Closing my fist I slammed it down on the counter, wincing as it jolted my hang over. “Pay attention girl, stop reading that damned list and tell me how much I owe you and then shut up!” There were no surprises here, stick it up the foreigner. The bill was just on a thousand bucks, a nice round easy to say number. Passing over the money I told her to have the boat ready to leave in ten minutes, then because I realized she had the attention span of a concrete block I repeated it. “I mean ten minutes American, not your bloody pinoy ten minutes. Do you understand me girl?” Still shocked by my original outburst the girl just nodded her head. I tottered back to the condo and woke the still sleeping girls, telling them we were leaving the island in ten minutes and to round up everybody who needed a ride. Turned out there was only Robert who was eating breakfast after spending the remainder of the night on the beach. He came in for a shower and then we were all ready for the trip back. As we passed reception the girl hailed me to say there was a phone call for me. It was Alan. “Good morning Captain, how are the repairs going?” We chatted about the new engine refit for a few moments then he informed me that he would be taking the plane for a test flight at 4PM for an hour and if everything checked out we could leave at any time after that. I had a question, “How did you know where to call Alan?” There was a slight hesitation as if he was considering how much to tell me. “Carol gave me a call when you reached the Island so I knew how to reach you if I needed to.” Carol, who the hell was Carol? Oh it must be one of my companions; I laughingly realized I still didn’t know their names. Just the redhead or the blonde, I decided that just for the mystique I would keep it like that for the immediate future, I kinda liked it. “Do you want to know the cost of the repairs Sir,” Alan asked me. “Not at all Alan, I just paid a repair bill down here,” we both laugh. “Thanks a lot for everything,” I added. Then looking across at the two stunningly beautiful young women sitting on the low parapet wall around the open reception area waiting for me to join them I turned my back and asked in a low voice. “How did you know, I mean….?” He interrupted me, “I have always known, since before I came to work for you. We bat for the same team if you know what I mean. I have actually visited Darwin three times myself,” he added. “While we are ‘fessing up so to speak Sir, I should probably also tell you that Robert is actually my son and that limo you tooling around in belongs to me. I spent a lot of time here thirty years ago and I return as often as I can. He has a couple of friends with him who were also keeping an eye on your safety for me, I know this city and how easy it is to get into trouble here so I hope you are not offended that I took at a few safe guards. I mean, after all, if something happens to you where am I going to get another cushy job like this?” How could I possibly be offended at the elaborate measures this loyal man had gone to, from the girls to his local body guards, including his son? “So Alan, tell me about Darwin.” There was another pause on the line as this careful man weighed his words and how much to disclose. “Well Sir,” he began. “If the two beauties you spent the night with have not lost their touch they out match the Australians by a really large margin, if you catch my drift.” I did catch it. “Do you know if the girls have passports?” I asked him. “You must be really hung over Sir,” my employee laughed at me. “Not only have they got passports but they have even ridden in your planes once or twice before,” he admitted. I burst into loud raucous laughter which startled the two girls and staff members present. “Why you bloody rogue,” I challenged him. “You have been tiki touring these strumpets around on my dollar? We will need to discuss this at length, and just to ensure the truth is being told maybe I had better bring the girls along with me.” We were both happily chortling now that we are on the same wave length, “Yes, bring them indeed Sir. I have already informed the gold braided gentleman that will have additional passengers when we depart. Will we still be going to Darwin Sir,” he asked me. “I think there will be no further need for that now, do you?” I asked him. “Absolutely not,” he agreed. “So where will I file a flight plan for Sir?” Without needing to think about it I answered immediately, “The Big Apple Alan, we are going home. Seeing as you know so much about everything get on to Janine and ask her to sort out visas for the two girls and let my house staff now of my impending arrival will you please?” After assuring me he would take care of everything we rang off and in a much more relaxed mood I ambled over to join the girls waiting for the bum-boat to return us to the mainland. “Do you girls have any immediate plans,” I asked them directly. The redhead mentioned needing to wash some of her clothes in the afternoon and the blonde had intended visiting to Mother. “I did not mean for the rest of today girls,” I explained further. I mean for the next six months. How would you like to go to New York tonight?” The girls laughed thinking I was joking with them. When they realized I was totally serious they both threw their arms around me and started kissing me. When they allowed me to come up for air I asked, “I take it that means yes?” And that just started the procedure all over again. With their nubile young bodies pressing up against mine and their sweet lips all over my face I got to thinking the next six months might be quite an adventure. The bum-boat arrived and we negotiated the narrow plank again still predominantly stuck face to face as the enthusiastic girls continued to show their gratitude. The boat crew watched the foreigner receiving all this attention from the gorgeous girls and smiled and laughed. Pinoys really love to see people happy and enjoying themselves, and they are totally unselfish about this. Robert had fetched the limo and was waiting for us to disembark at the jetty. Just as he extended his hand to assist me ashore I quipped, “Your Pa says good morning Robert,” In hind sight it wasn’t a very smart comment because the lad got such a shock he let go of my hand and I damned near feel in the drink. One of the crew on hand gave me a great shove and propelled me up onto the jetty. Robert was beside himself, apologizing profusely until I made him stop and accepted the responsibility myself because of my statement. During our ride back to Cebu we reviewed some of the night’s hi-jinx. Some of them I have no recollection of, taking off all my clothes and teaching them how to ‘skinny dip’ being one example. There is certainly to be said for being on an island with no other guests registered in the resort. The staff had told Robert that although they had worked many years on the island they had never had such awesome fun with a foreign guest before and hoped that he would bring me back again someday, if I could afford it after I had paid the bill. We both laughed at that, and contemplating the entire evening that young Robert had orchestrated I decided that I would return again, it had been just what the Doctor ordered after our flight scare earlier in the evening. A sweet young girl asleep on each shoulder I closed my own eyes and drifted into la la land with erotic pictures of the night’s debauchery floating around in my head. Yup, the next six months were beginning to look very good indeed!


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