The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

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The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1 Page 5

by Lissett, Alonna

  As Xander walked he wondered what everyone thought about his disappearance. Were they in on it? He doubted Rolle was involved but then again he thought Sam was harmless, just jealous of his swords. Xander did not know his next move when he reached Meadow but figured he needed to find someone in charge to place him properly, with any luck that Sharon lady would be long gone and no one would stand in his way of joining the army. Bored as he was walking, Xander pulled the old sword out of his sheath and studied the lines etched into it. Running his hands over them he thought the sword could not have been made from Rangelian Steel and seemed to be tin or some other lightweight metal. Whatever it was it probably was cheap to make but couldn’t have held up well during and actual sword fight, and he doubted it could penetrate even light leather armor even if given a clean blow. Xander figured the lines etched on it must have given it some type of strength, but whatever it gave it was long since gone now. Xander could see the lines were in some type of pattern although he had never seen anything like it in the books he had read, when it suddenly hit him! Xander was not supposed to focus on the object, but on the symbols instead! Xander quickly found the lines he scratched on the branch and focused on the symbol when he felt a sharp pain shoot up his arm. Xander quickly dropped the branch and examined his arm. Xander figured he did something wrong and tried it again. This time he focused with all of his might about an unseen force leaving his body and this time the pain was twice as intense. Xander cursed to himself and ripped the book out of his boot. Turning to the last page he read he quickly turned to the next page and saw the lines and symbols. Putting his hand over it he focused on it and words started to appear on the page.

  Sorry son, I probably should have warned you about the pain, but since I might not be around to give you any when you need it, consider this a little pay back! The test was made that way so no one could hide the fact if they were an enchanter like myself. Now that you are one I will tell you what all those lines and swirls mean, namely it is ancient elven. To enchant, you do not need to know elven, if I could do it all over again I would invent my own alphabet, something I implore you to do now. I do not know why and language works it just does. The thing that imbues power is what you are thinking as you pour your ether into an object. If everyone could read and know what enchantment you have placed on something you have lost the element of surprise. Imagine setting a trap for your enemy that is easily by passed because you announced to them that it was a trap and what it would do. Once you figure that out, know that some enchantments can be used by anyone, like my swords. And some enchantments can only be used by an enchanter, like this book for instance. General enchantments are easier to make than enchanter specific items, but they have a very short lifespan. My swords for instance, only lasted for a two or three months at most before I had to recharge them. The personal swords I carried lasted a lot longer but were enchanter specific. I made them out of a very lightweight but easily damaged material. It would be useless to a normal person or even a Rangelian Witch, but in my hand it was much stronger and able to withstand almost anything.

  Know that your enchanting is limited by the amount of ether supply you have, similar to the way ether affects the witches, namely those with a larger store can cast spells that others can’t. I had a special eyepiece that could see the individual ether stores of individuals I found in an old book once. I tried to recreate it to no avail, I figure who ever made it had a larger store of ether than I possessed. When I measured my ether against your mother’s I could see although she was not remarkable for a witch, she had more than tripled mine. The strange thing that I discovered was although she could replenish her ether with a little rest and sleep, it did not fill all the way back up like mine did. I think their dwindling supply of ether is the reason witches die younger than their none magical counterparts. In the following pages are all the enchantments I made, and some that I had theories about. I figured some either did not work because it was too fantastic (I once tried to enchant a child’s stuffed bear to life!) or I did not possess enough strength to do so (I am sure making a flying machine of some type is feasible). During periods of stress you should consult the last page in this book. In any case I do not have much more knowledge to pass to you, I love you son.

  P.S. Although I was known for warfare, my favorite enchantment by far was my cloak. I made it so it retained the dryness and heat of the day I made it. If I have to spell it out for you, while wearing it I never got wet, never got hot or cold. You should experiment to see for yourself.

  Xander thought to himself about the old sword he carried. He thought it was too poorly made to be used as any type of weapon but maybe it was an old sword of his fathers. Xander grabbed the sword by its hilt, now looking closer he could see there was ancient elven on the hilt. Xander focused on the lines and the sword jerked slightly for a second but other than that it still felt way too light to Xander. Looking along the blade he also could see writing but thought it was in a strange place, holding unto a weapon from that spot would likely get your fingers sliced off if anything. Still Xander figured it couldn’t hurt and placed his hand over the elven writing and focused his power into it. A bright flash momentarily blinded Xander but when he regained his eyesight the sword had repaired itself!

  “By the Gods!” Xander screamed to no one in particular. Swing the sword around, Xander still thought it felt too light but who was he to argue, he was holding one of his father’s blades! Xander continued to walk following the wagon tracks and figured this was a secret best kept to himself. He would tell his mother about it when he saw her again or possibly in a vague letter hoping she could figure it out. After walking most of the day Xander began to fell hungry.

  “What good is being an enchanter, I can’t enchant food into my mouth” Xander thought to himself as he gazed at the last rays of the sun. Up ahead Xander saw two people approaching him on horseback. Silently cursing to himself for leaving his crossbow on his pack and letting his longbow get taken, Xander put his hand on the hilt of his sword. It was too late to run and although Xander knew he was a decent swordsman, mounted opponents were difficult to attack, especially if they carried a pike or other long weapon. As the travelers reached him, Xander could see at least they were not the highwaymen he had read so much about from various Soldiers throughout the years.

  Both riders seemed to be female which Xander did not know if that was good or bad. Their horses at first glance were no war ponies; these things seemed shorter than any of the horses back in Riley. They also had stubby legs, while they could outrun him Xander was sure, but he wasn’t in any danger of being trampled. Upon closer inspection he could see both females kept their long black hair tied behind them. Xander could see no weapons on either of them and judging from the fact they did not wear the robes his mother and that Sharon lady had, he doubted they had any magical powers which to speak. Although they looked similar now Xander could see one of them was obviously older perhaps the mother of the younger one.

  “You there boy, why are you skulking about the countryside?” said the younger of the two.

  Xander just kept his hand on his weapon and walked by them.

  “Are you deaf boy, answer me now or I shall have the watch deal with you!” Xander could hear her yell at him.

  Xander didn’t want any trouble but kept his head down and continued walking. Suddenly Xander could hear the horses turn around and start toward him. Trying to think quick, Xander figured he could strike a horse but if the other rider got away he would be in a ton of trouble. Xander stopped walking and figured the truth couldn’t hurt. Turning to face them Xander began to speak.

  “I lost my way; I’m heading to Meadow for my commitment. I am trying to find my way there right now when I stumbled upon you.” Xander said trying not to sound threating.

  “Well young man you are far off from Meadow, I’ll say at least five days walking. How did you lose your way?” said the older female sounding much friendlier than the younger one.

He probably killed his entire party, look how filthy he is! He is good for nothing but the arena, let’s turn him in and be done with it mother!”

  “Calm down Lissett, I don’t see any blood on his clothing so I doubt he has killed anyone today. What is your name young man?” said the older female climbing down from her horse.

  “I am called Xander, I am from the outpost of Riley a few days ride south of here.”

  “South of here? That would put you towards the border.” The older female said.

  “Then he must me a Thornian spy, look at that red hair!” said the younger of the two.

  “So does the Gatrick boy, is he a spy too?” said the older.

  “Then he must be a child of the war. With all that Thorn blood running through his veins, he should be either brought to the arena or put to labor in one of the mines until he can’t dig any more jewels out. Then they should throw his broken body out with the trash!”

  “Forgive Mesha, Xander. The boy she wanted to marry got a better offer from a spell caster who turned up in the village. She seems to think any boy should be happy to put up with her instead of marrying a Witch who got him out of his commitment. He was a street cleaner before his marriage, now he has a comfortable life with slaves answering his whims.”

  “Why don’t you go ahead and tell him my life story, I don’t have time for this, I’m looking for Sandy.” Said Mesha as she rode away.

  “Xander, why don’t you stay with us for a while? Our town isn’t far away and I am heading to Meadow in a couple of days anyway. On horseback you should make it there with us no more than a day later with the added benefit of having something in your stomach.” The older lady said and on cue Xander’s stomach growled loudly, slightly embarrassing him and proving the older lady right.

  “No need to be embarrassed Xander, now if you can help me find our lost horse, we can consider it even.” Just as the older lady finished speaking they heard a girl scream followed by a horse’s whinny.

  Xander took off running towards the sound and it led off the road through some brambles. He could see a girl struggling with two dirty men yanking her off of her horse. Xander saw he wasn’t spotted yet and quickly yanked the older lady off of her horse. Trying to get closer and signaling for her to be quiet, Xander could hear the men plotting.

  “You better shut your trap girlie or old Josh will put something in it for ya!” said a tall but thin man with a short haircut and dirty clothing, even dirtier than the ones Xander was wearing.

  “Ha Josh, looks like our luck is finally picking up! Leaving that old mine was the best thing we could have done. Now we have two horses and something to keep us warm! Now let’s get out of here!”

  “The nerve! You better unhand me, the dignity of it all! Me, grasped by you filthy beings. Let me go or I’ll have the watch throw you to the arena!” said Mesha as she struggled to get away. One of the men pulled an ax and held it up to her throat.

  “Mesha no! Let my girl go, take the horses” cried the older lady giving up her and Xander’s hiding place.

  “What luck Jasper, two women one for the both of us!” the man called Josh said as he headed off towards the sound of the other lady’s voice.

  Xander had to think quick since the men would be right up on them. Seeing no other way out other than force, Xander stood and drew his sword hoping the other men were not armed with anything more than an ax, especially not with a bow.

  Josh paused as he now saw Xander standing and walking towards him.

  “Let the girl go or prepare to defend yourself” said Xander with a bravado he did not feel inside. Josh looked at Xander’s sword then back at Jasper.

  “You would raise arms against your brother to protect one of them? They would sooner toss you into the arena or in the slave mines than look at you!” said Josh as he backed away.

  “Probably, but you are holding my sister and my horses hostage” said Xander as he advanced on Josh. “I cannot abandon them to you; now let them go or fight.”

  Josh backed away to the point he reached Jasper. Taking the girl away from Jasper, he put Mesha in front of him.

  “I don’t want any trouble, if we let the girl go will you let us leave?” said Josh.

  “You have my word I will let you go and will not call anyone but the horses also come back with me” Xander said as he stopped in front of Mesha.

  “If we give up the horses, how are we going to get out of here? I’m not going back to them mines.” Said Jasper.

  “You could ask Sam what is his next move” said Xander.

  “We don’t know any Sam” said Jasper.

  “I would venture south then if I were you, try to sneak into Thorn. There isn’t really much between here and there except an outpost. Good luck” said Xander as he grabbed Mesha.

  The two men looked wary of Xander and his sword but were smart enough not to try to attack an armed opponent with an ax. The two men retreated deeper into the woods as Xander took the reins of the two horses.

  “Aren’t you going to stop them boy? They are getting away!” screamed Mesha as she pointed towards the fleeing men.

  “Let them go, they were just desperate besides they didn’t lie. Have it your way, you would have had me in the arena to fight for my life, and for what, because I refused to speak to you?” said Xander as he looked Mesha in the eye.

  “I believe the words you are looking for is thank you!” said the older lady as she hugged her daughter. “They would have slit our throats and took our horses. Only the laws of nature apply when the law is not around. You will do well to remember that baby. Xander if you know how to ride you can hop on Sandy, our village isn’t too far away but it looks like night has caught us. Let’s get back to the road.”

  Mesha remained quiet during the ride back to her village which Xander found out was named Valley. He found the streets deserted and it really wasn’t that much bigger than Riley, maybe three times the size but Xander could see most of those were residences. After riding through town they stopped at a house that was bigger than the rest of them, since he could see this one had a stable and such.

  “Xander you can tie the horses up around back. Make sure you water and feed them then brush their coats. I should have supper ready for you by the time you finish” said the older lady as she walked into the house followed by Mesha.

  Xander finally relaxed as he began filling the feed sacks with oats. Being with the horses had always relaxed him and that’s what he needed right now. Those men he almost had to fight had fear in their eyes, Xander knew he caused some of it but most was just their lives so far. Xander had seen a couple of people over the years sneak pass Riley’s gates trying to reach freedom in Thorn. He could still here his mother telling the guards to stand down or release one if they were caught. Xander could hear his mom in his mind as he thought about it, along with what she usually said. Xander, Thorn is not much different than Riley. In some ways it’s even worse, if you don’t have food you starve, no one cares. The rich feed off of the poor but they do have something we don’t have. Freedom. It is still very hard for a female to make it over there, but you don’t have to worry about being enslaved or thrown to the arena. I often thought about sneaking over there myself if they didn’t execute any women from Rangel on the spot.

  Xander thought about this as he walked around the front of the house. He could disappear into Thorn, and blend in. No one would look at him different and he probably could make a good living doing something, after all he was an enchanter. Then again where would that leave his mother? He quickly dismissed the idea as he walked to the front door and could see it was left open to him. Walking silently inside, he could hear Mesha arguing with her mother.

  “I can’t believe you are letting that boy stay here, what if he is dangerous? You saw how he let those criminals get away! They probably planned the whole thing!” said Mesha talking more than loud enough for any passerby to hear.

  “He did save your life or did you forget that? Where have y
ou picked up this entitled attitude from? Your father must be rolling over in his grave hearing your feeling about men. If it wasn’t for one, you wouldn’t be here!” countered her mother. “You are more than old enough to get your own home anywhere you want, if you don’t like my rules leave then!”

  Before Mesha could reply Xander made a grand show of slamming the door louder than he needed to, to get their attention. Xander could see the layout to their home was similar to the one he had with his mother in Riley, he guessed they were built with the same blueprints.

  “Xander, we were just talking about you, no doubt you and the rest of this town could hear our conversation.” Said the older lady.

  Xander blushed and just nodded his head not wanting to say anything. On one hand he wanted to leave to make their home life easier but on the other hand he was hungry.

  “Come take a seat at our table and tell me about yourself Xander, we don’t receive many visitors way out here in the middle of nowhere. In fact the only reason we exist is in case there is another war the troops can be supplied without heading to the bigger cities. I am the mayor of this small town, Sheila Lowe.”

  Xander told them about himself and how he became to be walking along the road to meet them but left out important details he thought they had no right of knowing. He told them of his mother and her exile and even left in the part about her being a magic user and his betrayal, but wisely left out the part about the witch Sharon, Xander didn’t know if they were her allies or not. He also didn’t mention anything about who his father was or his ability to enchant.


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