The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

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The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1 Page 8

by Lissett, Alonna


  Xander could not sleep most of the night and instead went to pick out a spot in the carriage. He could see many men milling about at their guard post, probably nervous more than half of the able bodied men were leaving. As Xander climbed into the carriage, he thought any enemy short of a real army was likely to have big problems if they attacked Valley. Xander figured when he got to Meadow he would write his mom and tell her about the new defenses he had seen.

  Xander wasn’t in the carriage for more than but a handful of minutes before Jack came in.

  “Ha I should have known you would be here already, can’t sleep huh boy?”

  “No Sir, I’m just anxious to finally leave” said Xander.

  “Well plenty of us are and it’s almost time to go anyway. I see you stocked us up with arrows, I just hope old Francis will have a quiet trip.”

  “Who is old Francis” Xander asked not sure if he had met a Francis in town.

  “That’s my old bow, got her as a prize when I was younger than you in a shooting competition. Kept him in good shape just in case, just hope the only targets I’m shooting are old apples.”

  Xander stayed quiet until the other men came in and began to pull out, wondering if they would have to fight the band that Sam was a part of, and wondering if Paddy or Rolle had died in the melee. The carriage pulled out with a guard of 8 riders beside them, Xander thought they didn’t look much swordsmen to him, but then again neither did the bandits.

  The sun was at its highest point in the sky and the carriage was not attacked, thinking the bandits decided it wasn’t worth the trouble even if it did look like a Lady and her retinue. The horses were water and left to eat for an hour or so and then they were hitched back up. Xander and the other men stayed in the carriage much to his chagrin, as Xander loved being outdoors; he loved the sun on his face, the smell of the spring time flowers and the sounds various small animals make. Small animals, Xander listened but he could not hear any. It could be because him and the other men were in the area, but animals quickly go about their business if they determine you are not a predator and they are not on the menu. Xander had an eerie feeling in his stomach as the wagon started to move again.

  “Jack I think we were being watched” Xander said as he peeked between his boards out of the window.

  “Well the reason I am called “Old Jack” instead of “dead Jack” is because I never ignore my gut. I’ll tell the driver to watch out and send the signal to the other men.”

  Xander watched as the signal was given and could see the men become more alert. Two more hours into their trip, Xander could see the sun was setting, but more importantly a sharp curve coming ahead. If he was planning an ambush it would be there where you could surprise someone. Xander told Jack so and he agreed, telling Xander that the signal had already been given to prepare for ambush. Xander felt foolish looking around the carriage as he could see everyone already had his hand on the arrow and placed it in their bow.

  Xander could see the lead horsemen disappear around the bend and heard nothing. When the wagon got to the bend the trap was sprung as five men leapt out towards the front holding swords and at least that many leapt from the rear.

  “Just give us those bitches you have hiding in the carriage and nobody will have to die” said a man Xander really couldn’t see from his position.

  “This is the mayor of Valley along with her daughter. Clear the road or face the Queen’s justice, I will not ask you again” said one of the men from Valley whose name Xander did not know.

  “So you wanna lay your life down for your precious masters eh? It makes no difference to us, we will kill you all here while our friends burn and sack that pitiful hovel you call a town” Xander could hear the man say.

  “So then if I am hearing you right, you freely admit to wanting to kill the mayor of Valley, along with all the inhabitants of said town?” the man from Valley spoke.

  “What are you dense, enough talk, it’s time for you all to meet your makers” said the bandit.

  “Yes the time for talking has passed” said the man from Valley.

  Just then Xander heard Jack let loose an arrow, soon he heard twangs all around him as the other archers let their arrows fly. The bandits started to loose men and stopped their advance on the carriage, but instead hugged the ground and attempted to crawl away. Xander put an arrow in the knee of his target, followed by a shot in the arm. Xander was sure the man wouldn’t die, but he also was sure his fighting days were over, at least for a little while.

  Xander hear thuds in what could only be arrows start hitting the carriage he was in, soon the bandits had all the windows smashed but they had to be surprised to see that their arrows did not go all the way through. From the number of arrows launched, Jack figured their couldn’t be no more than three or four archers in the woods and began to look for them. Before long at least two of the archers had arrows through them and the rest of the bandits lost their will to fight and ran off into the forest.

  The men from Valley lost no one, but did have a three men seriously injured from arrow attacks but it was expected they would make it. The wounded men switched places with Xander and two other Valley archers in the carriage giving Xander his own horse to ride. The attack had to devastate the bandits small party, Xander could count at least nine bodies and was certain some of the survivors had wounds that would not make them effective in another fight for at least a couple of weeks. A rider was sent back to tell Mayor Shelia of the events as well as the pending attack on Valley. Old Jack reasoned they might as well just forge ahead and get some reinforcements from Meadow, rather than travel back since it was closer. The defenses Valley now had along with her small size made anyone without siege weapons easy prey for the defenders.

  The rest of the trip was uneventful, although fast as Shelia’s party caught up them and she wanted to make haste for the reinforcements. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky when they could see Meadow on the horizon.


  Xander and his party went through the gates of Meadow, and this was no Riley or Valley. Huge buildings towered above into the skyline, bigger than Xander had ever seen. Xander rode on his horse down the street and could see it must take a lot of people to keep this place clean. Instead of dirt or cobblestones, this road seemed to be made of hundreds of tiny rocks crushed flat making a much more improved surface. As their convoy proceeded down the main street, Xander wondered where he would be left at, now the trip was completed and he hoped the bandits were fought back in Valley.

  “Hey boy let me show you where you are supposed to go, with any luck they will send you back with us!” said Old Jack as he led the way down a side street.

  “Look another one, it’s almost like some sort of infestation” Xander could hear someone say.

  Turning around Xander could see two older women walking down a connecting street.

  “They should have just culled them all and ridded us of Thornian influence, it just isn’t proper to have them walking around decent people like that.” The other woman said as they walked passed Xander.

  “Wow they don’t even attempt to hide the fact that they are talking about you, even to your face” Xander remarked loudly.

  “Well why would they kid” Jack talked in a softer tone. “What could you possibly do about it that wouldn’t end you up in the mines or someplace worse?”

  Xander continued to follow Jack until they came up to a big square where there were people up on a stage where a female with gaudy jewelry on began to cry out.

  “Slaves for sale, slaves for sale! This is a new batch straight from the Willow, Ivy and Aqua mines! We have here a strong bunch looking to avoid the roar of the arena, and willing to prove it! Open up your purses ladies, all proceeds go to her Royal Majesty Queen!”

  “Is that a slave sale?” said Xander.

  “Yeah the poor bastards, that’s a bad job getting picked for the mines, they normally pick the folks who can’t do
anything else, have a bad attitude or are unpleasant to look at. Life there can be back breaking, hard, hard work. Many volunteer for slavery instead of being in places like that. Problem is you never know who is going to buy you.”

  “I would run away before being a slave!” Xander said defiantly.

  “Then you most certainly would be hunted down. Men who catch runaway slaves are freed from their commitment. Many men who are slaves are quick to turn runaways in also since it would free them of slavery. Women who catch runaways don’t have to send their sons for commitment. Now how do you suppose you are going to get pass all of that?”

  “It’s just not right Jack” said Xander.

  “I know boy, it isn’t but it’s life, now let’s find them chaps trying folks out for the army.”

  Xander followed Jack to a big open ring next to the square where slaves were being sold at. Xander could see other boys carrying wooden swords trying to fend off each other. In some sparring sessions Xander saw older men who seemed to relish whacking the younger boys. In one fight though Xander saw a familiar figure who despite being whacked repeatedly, gave as good as he got with overhand lefts that were obviously hurting his tormentor. Had this been a real fight the boy would have been cut to ribbons long ago, but with wooden swords, Rolle was holding his own. Xander glanced at his friend and hoped to talk to him when he was hit by a clump of mud from the side.

  “Ha, another child of war wants to join the military? This must be my lucky month, I have already beat up one and showed him he wasn’t a soldier. Don’t worry boy, you can meet him soon enough cooking food for real men!” said a man wearing a military uniform.

  “Now you looky here youngster, leave the boy alone, we got enough problems without picking on each other” Jack said to the man.

  “Well send his red head ass over here John, I’ll beat some since into him” said the man to someone that was talking to Jack.

  “Well boy, it looks like we’ll see if you at least got the fight the last child of war had in him. Normally I would send you off to basic government services once you got your ass handed to you, but the last guy we sent to be our cook, he had fight in him. But he was bigger than your ass and I don’t really like you reds, you bring bad luck. Grab a practice sword and go over there and face Tyler, I won’t let him beat on you for too long, and you can always quit” said the man Jack was talking too.

  “Just try your best boy and don’t worry none” said Jack to Xander. “Types like this one get over confident and who knows you might score a hit or two.”

  “I have survived two bandit attacks and being throw off a cliff Jack, it is he who should watch out for me.”

  “Ha! Ha! Ha! Tyler, this one says you better watch the hell out” said the man.

  “Well then, you heard him Rich, don’t stop this fight for nothing” said Tyler.

  Xander picked out a sword and stepped into the circle and glared at his opponent. Tyler did not seem to be in too good of shape and had a fat round belly and untoned arms. Xander knew this was not always indicative of skills but still figured Tyler just used his strength to beat normally smaller, weaker and scared boys. Tyler looked about three inches taller and had a definitely weight advantage and probably a reach advantage too. Unlike most military men Tyler wore his greasy dark hair long and it covered his eyes. Xander thought he could easily pass for 40, but figured more on early 30’s since he would have finished his commitment long ago. Xander saw the way Tyler held his practice sword and smiled. He was not facing some master, just merely a man who knew what end of a sword was pointy.

  Tyler charged at Xander and was amazed Xander met his charge, slipping to the side and landing a commanding blow to the back of the older man’s head, THWACK! Tyler stumbled but before he could gain his balance Xander went back at him delivering a stinging blow to the outer thigh before dancing back and letting his opponent face him.

  “Come on old man, I haven’t got all day, are you gonna stand and fight or rub your boo-boos” Xander teased trying his best to look irritated instead of the happiness he felt inside.

  “Oh you are gonna pay for that boy” said Tyler as he turned around.

  “I hope so, you said no one can stop it remember?” asked Xander as he charged with an overhand swing which was blocked by Tyler, Xander seeing his chance delivered a well-placed kick to his nether regions, crumpling the older man instantly. Once Tyler hit the ground, Xander kicked him square in face, not sure where his rage was coming from but not wanting to really control it.

  “Get up and fight, you said no one stops this fight right? The get the hell up before I kick you again” Xander screamed as he could see a small crowd forming. Tyler slowly got to his feet and Xander could see something he never thought he could invoke in another man, fear.

  “You ready to continue this, you said you were gonna show this red his place? Let’s drop these fake wooden swords and pick up some real steel old man. Let’s go for broke so I can end your miserable life right now and right here.” Xander said as he dropped his wooden sword and drew his father’s blade.

  “I think that’s enough boy, you proved your point” said Jack.

  “I haven’t heard him quit yet Jack, I want him to pick up a blade so I can gut him like an old pig. I want to detach his miserable head from his rotten shoulders. Pick up the blade Tyler, I do not have all day, it is going to be over in a second.”

  “I yield” said Tyler.

  “I cannot hear you, now grab a sword” said Xander.

  “I YIELD!” Tyler said louder.

  “Xander sheathed his sword and walked towards Jack.

  “Well that was easy” said Xander switching back into his carefree attitude.

  “Boy you got a mean streak in you, but that one deserved it” said Jack.

  “I thought you were dead red, what happened?” Rolle said as he shook Xander’s hand.

  Xander told Rolle a brief version of the events that happened, right along with Sam’s betrayal.

  “Well that witch lady fried a bunch of them and we got the hell outta there, not before some ransacked our wagon. Your stuff got taken” Rolle said amazed Xander was alive.

  “Well what happened to Paddy” asked Xander.

  “Tyler over there put a big beating on him but Paddy refused to quit, even when knocked unconscious. When he woke up he was still ready to fight. Rich decided he could be the cook whenever we get stationed somewhere else he could come along.”

  “Child of war, come here I’m talking to you” Xander heard a voice say. Turning around Xander could see a pudgy but well-kept man in the uniform of the city watch.

  “I saw that display, we could use a guy like you in the watch” said the man. “We are going to travel deep in the woods and help out some of the small towns there since they are being attacked often. You up for the challenge?”

  Xander thought back and figured he could be stationed in Valley and sometimes could probably even see his mom. “I would love to join you, the Army really isn’t for me anyway” Xander said.

  “Well it looks like you are well settled” said Jack. “We will be staying at the Blood Rose Inn for the night if you want to come by and say your good byes.”

  “Of course I will Jack, see you soon” Xander said.

  “Okay boy, the names Ray and I’m guessing you are Xander. Follow me to our headquarters and you can meet the lady in charge. You might have to show a brief test of your skills either with a sword or bow, but I can’t imagine you wouldn’t pass after that beating you laid on that ox back there.”

  Xander followed Ray to a small house next to what he thought was the headquarters of the city watch, judging by how many uniformed men were outside. Xander stepped through the gate and could see what only could be slaves tending to the upkeep of the yard.

  “Act like you have seen a slave before boy and be thankful you aren’t one of them” said Ray

  “I haven’t ever seen a slave before today” said Xander.

  “Well tho
se poor bastards are one step away from the arena if they mess up. Our boss and their master is not known for being loving or forgiving.”

  Just as Xander walked up the opened up and standing in the doorway was the witch Sharon.


  “Arrest this boy this instant” screamed Lady Sharon. “He tried to abscond from his commitment!”

  “My lady he is here to join the Watch” said Ray.

  “I said arrest this boy, and arrest him now! Do not make me ask you again or you can join him!” Lady Sharon said as she rose a few feet in the air for effect.

  Ray pulled out his sword on Xander and told him to put his hands up. “What do you want me to do with him my lady?”

  “I am declaring him a slave as is my right, he will be sent to the capital to the Academy” Lady Sharon began, “He can keep his little sword, but any sign of him running cripple him!”

  “Yes my lady” said Xander as he led Xander out of the yard.

  “I don’t what you did boy, but her enslaving you then sending you to the capital could only mean you must be somebody or the son of somebody. I don’t care which and I don’t want to know. Just walk next door and I’m going to get you loaded up and we are leaving as soon as possible” said Ray.

  Xander was fuming at Sharon’s decree but wondered why was he going to the capital instead of the mines or any other such dreadful place. He could learn a lot by going to the school of magic, at least second handedly. Men normally didn't know how to read so chances are he would be left alone with their books. Xander thought about this as he was loaded up and sent to the capital.


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