Nephilim's Journey

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Nephilim's Journey Page 15

by Rosier, D. R.

  He shrugged, “You looked like you doubted what I said, we read each other’s essence because we both hate not knowing where the other is. I couldn’t lose her if I wanted to, and could find her anywhere on the planet.”

  That was so sickeningly sweet, that she wanted to throw up, but he wasn’t a bad guy, and she truly was happy for Portia. Portia had been there for her, for her whole life, the least she could do was welcome this young pup to the community.

  “Fine, I should get back.”

  He nodded, “I’ll come with you.”

  He also pulled out his phone, and sent a text message. She immediately felt like an idiot, why hadn’t she done that? It’s not like the technology hasn’t been around for seventy years, it was 2067 for goodness sake, she’d just panicked.

  She felt a lot better now though.

  Portia and Jason would squash them like bugs if they didn’t leave.

  She smirked, now if they could only find her a mate…


  I hope you enjoyed the story. This was kind of new ground for me, a romance couple instead of the usual harem, reverse harem, or polyamory stories I put out. I plan to put out four more books of this nature, focused around the other supernatural races, all with a romance involved. I imagine I’ll be done with the Moore world at that point. The books will be standalone, but should be read in order, and the people of sanctuary will be a constant. It may be a while before the second comes out, I’m working on another project or two.

  If you can, please take the time to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at [email protected]. I started out posting short stories online and at readers’ requests started to publish them. If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book.

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Cirenthian Chronicles – Book one is Out of Darkness.

  Marcus, an ancient vampire, finds himself moved to another world where suddenly he is alive again, and magic is a known and powerful danger. No longer a vampire and dealing with emotions he hasn’t felt in over a millennium, will he be able to start a new life? This series is now complete.

  Necromancer Chronicles – Book one is The Necromancer.

  Vincent is a necromancer and has an even darker secret. Feared by the rest of the supernatural community he lives on his own, often struggling with his powers, and how to use them. But change is coming, and he will soon find himself dragged into the middle of a suspicious and untrusting community.

  Anise is a sorceress, but she has secrets of her own. She is an ancient being, who has walked the earth for time immemorial. She lives in a never ending cycle of life, forever watching those she dares to care about age and die. But she is about to find something new that will offer her hope, if she can live long enough to find it.

  Cytherean Chronicles – Book one is Flame of Cytherea.

  This two book series follows the chosen champion of a goddess, brought to her world and healed after he was mortally wounded on Earth. At first Justin is a little lost, not knowing anything about the world he finds himself in or even why he is there.

  Ashley’s Tale – This two book series follows the tale of a woman with unique parentage in a world greatly different from our own Earth. It is twenty-five years in the future, and the supernatural have long since been exposed. Ashley must struggle with her conflicting nature to find a balance, and her hidden power, as she is taken unwillingly into an extraordinary destiny.

  Ashley’s Daughters – This three book trilogy is about Ashley’s three daughters. It’s about a new world of dragons, and a second new world of human mages and all the fallout involved. Of course, it’s also about them finding love, and their place in the worlds. It starts about twenty-eight years after the end of Ashley’s tale.

  Sentient – This is the standalone book following an artificial intelligence from an advanced race, a man who comes back from war a little broken, along with diverse others as the Earth itself is put into danger as they are dragged into an interstellar war against their will.

  Sentient: Evolution – This is a sequel to the stand alone book Sentient. It takes place a thousand years later, when Aide finds herself alone and broken, yet still following her programming. Others join her as a new menace approaches, one that makes the Sthellan look like a great neighbor in comparison.

  Will Aide be able to recover and rise to a new challenge? She’s been alive too long, she must either evolve, or wither away, if only she could bring herself to care…

  More books and series can be found on my author’s page at

  The Dragon Slayer and the… This is a series of novelettes in a unique world, each story will be different characters with HEA endings. These will be about eighty pages long and priced appropriately. The first book, The Dragon Slayer and the Princess, is now available:

  Sir Lance Spears, Baron, knight dragon hunter, has been hunting dragons for ten years. It’s what he’s dedicated his life too, eradicating the dragons that destroy human villages and see humans as prey.

  He’s also been alone for ten years, and tired of the women of the peerage that see nothing of him, only of his titles and money. Not to mention, they all play the courtly game and faint at his feet. That’s not what he wants. He wants a challenging intelligent woman who will help make life interesting.

  He should have been more careful about what he wished for, as his life is about to become very complicated as nothing seems to make sense about his next dragon hunt. It doesn’t fit in his world view as he enters a neighboring kingdom to help slay a dragon. He’s not sure what’s going on, and he also can’t get a certain princess with fiery eyes and attitude out of his head either. He better figure it out though, or he could lose everything… including his life.

  Return of Magic - This epic fantasy series follows Katie Merlin’s successor, and diverse others as magic reemerges in our world in response to a dire threat. The government is in tatters, technology stops working, and most of the world’s population is dead. A new era for mankind has started, and they must share it with other races, such as elves and dragons.

  Melody Smith Novels – This is an urban fantasy that follows Melody Smith, a siren with hidden depths.

  Melody Smith is a siren. It isn’t an easy life, most of the people around her are affected by her mere presence, and she has very few true friends in her life. Her love life is a disaster, and her boss and guardian, Brent, has been keeping secrets.

  She’s about to find out she can become more than she ever would have guessed, if she can survive.

  Shawn Moore Novels – This trilogy is an urban fantasy that follows a warlock named Shawn Moore

  Shawn is a young man down on his luck, living in the streets. He isn’t lazy, it’s just for some reason people don’t like to be around him, and even fear him to a certain extent. They’d always had.

  His life is about to change though, as a man named Ben tells him he had an uncle, an uncle that died and left him an estate. He isn’t sure he buys it, and has no idea he’ll soon be fighting for his very life.

  Not to mention, fighting for his soul.

  Ted Stedman Novels – This series is a mashup of litrpg, sci-fi, and other things. The first title in this series is Ted Online:

  Ted Stedman had a pretty good life so far. He’s forty-three years old, and still in good shape when something at work happens to put him in wheelchair. He finds his life is over, or at least the one he’d always known. That is, until a research doctor at his own company walks into his hospital room, and offers him a deal that seems too good to be true.

  Join Ted as he enters a fully immersive online world, and finds that everything isn’t quite how he imagined it to be. He’ll have his new virtual life, access to the real world, and a game world to explore as well. As if three worlds to keep straight wasn’t complicated enough, he has even mor
e surprises coming his way.

  Mike Stedman Novels – This series is erotic sci-fi space opera. The first title in the series is Invasion:

  Mike Stedman is unique. Not human. Not A.I.

  He’s both.

  He’s got himself a new ship to explore the stars that rivaled anything in the A.I. or Xaran fleets, a new position he never expected, and problems dropped into his lap that he didn’t see coming.

  He wasn’t ready for it, he wanted to explore who he was, and the galaxy with his ship and companion Chrystal.

  Then the biggest surprise of all, invasion. Worse, the Xaran empire’s technology isn’t up to the task, he needs to step up, and step up big.

  Dark Dungeon – Book one of this trilogy is Dungeon Spawned.

  Nurien wakes up in a crystal prison, a soul stone, and has no idea what happened to him, or what he was. It takes him a while to figure things out.

  A dungeon imp eventually shows up to tell him what he is, a dark dungeon, and to help him learn and grow. Problem is, it doesn’t take long for him to figure out that things aren’t quite matching up to little Ebony’s expectations. Luckily, he has some other help in his head, another soul trapped in the crystal prison with him. Unluckily, that help is a power-hungry demoness from hell.

  He’s got a lot to learn if he’s going to survive and prosper, most of all, who the hell was he, and what?

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  The Formerly Dark Mage, by D. L. Harrison – This standalone fantasy book follows the life of Silvia and takes place in a world unique and separate to our own.

  Silvia is a dark mage. Unfortunately, she finds herself about to be sacrificed. Someone must have told her evil master about her plans to kill him and take over. After that, things just seem to go downhill. She has no choice but to escape the kingdom of Zual, something that to her knowledge has never been done before. She will need to deal with many issues she never had to face before.

  Among those issues, the white mages, and her conscience.

  The Rise of a Dark Mage - This stand-alone fantasy book follows the life of Cassandra, it takes place in the same world as The Formerly Dark Mage, but happens three hundred years later, long after Silvia is gone and some shocking changes have taken place in the world.

  Cassandra is a dark mage in the kingdom of Zual, she’s also a mage prodigy.

  She hates both her kingdom, and her master. She wants him dead, not to take his place, but so she can leave and explore the world. Her ambition will drive her to rediscover the secrets of the strongest of magic.

  She is determined to succeed, or she’ll die trying.

  Celia Winters Novels, by D. L. Harrison – This is an urban fantasy series. Celia is a witch who finds out she is so much more in the first book, Witch’s Moon. There are no cliffhangers, and each book will be complete in itself, though because of character development and the timeline I’d recommend reading them in order.

  Just a Psychic: The Power of Air Book One, by D. L. Harrison starts off this series of a man who comes into powers he knows nothing about, and tries to both handle the present difficulties and find out about his past.

  Ben has grown up with missing memories of his early childhood.

  He has known he was a psychic since his earliest memories, seeing the future and gaining knowledge with his gifts.

  Is it possible he isn't just a psychic?

  Ben's world is about to be turned upside down as he turns twenty-one, all is not as it seems.

  Alicia Jones novels, by D. L. Harrison is a series that follows a bright young inventor and scientist named Alicia Jones. It is a space opera and light science fiction.

  The first book is titled First Contact:

  Alicia Jones is a genius, and a little odd. At just twenty-three years of age, she is close to finishing her doctoral dissertation. But when she tests her latest theory in the lab to generate a strong EM field, it has very unanticipated results. Results that lead to faster than light travel, and first contact with another race.

  Her life just gets more complicated after that, when she finds out who she really is, and that the universe may not be as nice a place as she’d been told. Her determination to help keep Earth safe takes her to places more dangerous and strange than she’d ever envisioned.

  Spirit Sorceress series, by D. L. Harrison is a new urban fantasy series. Miku is a spirit sorceress who spent the last one hundred years growing up and learning about her power in the forests near Seattle Washington. She’s about to make her debut in the big city, but not in a way she ever expected.

  The first book is titled Spirit Sorceress:

  Miku is a spirit sorceress who spent her unusually long childhood in the forest away from the city with her mother and father. After tragedy strikes, she finds herself alone and on her own. She knows that one day she’ll need to move to Seattle, and fully accept her birthright, and if necessary finish her training on her own.

  But before she’s ready, and still in grieving, a rogue vampire and his band come along and change everything. She’ll need to learn her new place in the world, and find some allies quick if she’s to survive.

  Katrina Baker Novels, by D. L. Harrison is a new series about a super named Katrina Baker. Problem is, she gets caught up in her mother’s plan, who is a mad scientist and supervillain, and gets herself transported to another world in the multi-verse. A world where mages, witches, clerics, and the gods are real. Not to mention the monsters…

  The first book is titled Banished:

  Katrina baker is a super. She has mental abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, and others. Her parents are supervillains, and she isn’t all that sure she’s cut out for that line of work. Her empathy with others through her power makes it hard to be uncaring, much less mean or evil to people. Problem is, the last thing she wants to do is disappoint mom and dad.

  Katrina gets caught up in her mother’s supervillain plot to get rid the world of the indestructible hero Omega, and that’s when it all goes really wrong, and she finds herself on another world.


  Will she be able to find her way back home, or even understand this new world of gods and magic, or will she die trying?

  Book Description

  Jason Moore is a Nephilim. Half human, and half angel. He’s considered to be an abomination by some, and far too powerful and dangerous by even more. He’s trained, strong, and ready to enter the world and find his own place. But what kind of place, and will he find someone to share it with? He doesn’t really fit in anywhere, and although powerful and immune to aging, he could still be killed. He’d been warned of course, to never cross an angel, or even meet one if he could help it, most of them hunted his kind.

  Portia is an angel. Immortal, ageless, and on this world with a mission and one task. Keep the secret of the supernatural races from humanity. She spends most of her time hunting down rogues that are too sloppy, and endanger the secret. In her spare time, she does what her passion and conscience moves her to do, and protects a small town of rogue supernatural beings with nowhere else to go. She wonders if she’ll ever find a mate, after a billion years, and ten thousand years on Earth, she highly doubts it.

  Mature Content Warning! This book is a fantasy romance, and contains some mature scenes between a man and a woman. Less than usual for those that read my books.

  Author’s Note: The Moore World novels are stand-alone erotic fantasy romances set in the same world as the Shawn Moore and Andrew Moore Novels, there are five planned. It’s better to read the Moore World Novels in order, even though the books will be stand-alone, there are common characters and places in them that will lead to spoilers of previous volumes.



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