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Crushed Page 1

by Marie Cole

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  © 2015 Marie Cole. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Cover design: Marie Cole

  Chapter 1


  My alarm clock sounded and with a groan I rolled over. I was having an amazing dream that I was locked in a jail cell with Zac Efron. It ended too soon. I rolled out of bed, scrubbed the sleep off, got dressed and rushed to my early morning class. Lots of people didn't like having early morning classes but I found it to be a relief to have my afternoons free to do other things, like hang out with my sorority sisters, study, practice with the cheer squad and people watch. I have a gift and part of making it work is people watching. I've been doing it for as long as I remember. This might sound strange but I can see auras. People are encapsulated in colors and upon first look there is just one color but when you stare at someone for a long time you see there are other colors that surround them.

  As I stared at the professor teaching my English class I could see that his aura is mostly orange. He enjoyed teaching and when I stared to look closer I noticed that his aura also has hues of red and chocolate. The red means that the person is a perfectionist and brown radiates from people who are comfortable in their own skin. There were not many brown auras in high school but it was appearing much more in college.

  I shifted in my seat as the rest of the class went by without much incident. As soon as the professor dismissed the class I stood and went to the dining hall to get some breakfast. I sat down with my coffee, bagel, and fruit and opened my lit textbook to start on the reading assignment for the day after tomorrow. My friend, Merit, came and sat down across from me, still dressed in her black band T-shirt and gray sweatpants that served as her pajamas, no doubt.

  "Hey, chick, how was class? Riveting?" She peeled a banana and took a hardy bite, her gorgeous hazel eyes stared at me. I smiled softly and shrugged my shoulders, eyes looking up from my textbook.

  "As riveting as Early European Literature can be at 8:30 in the morning. What are you doing up? It's not noon yet."

  "Har har." She stuck her tongue out at me and I giggled. "The librarian called and said that the book I've been waiting for has returned. So I rushed my ass over there to grab it and then came here for breakfast. I'm going back to bed as soon as I'm done stuffing this banana in my face." And to emphasize her point she took another large bite.

  "Are you going to..." My eyes shifted around the room and my heart stuttered for a moment when I saw him. He was tall, so very colossal. He looked like he could break down one of those large thick castle doors with one broad shoulder and not feel a thing. His shaggy blonde hair was begging to be gripped in my fingers and I found myself licking my lips as I stared at his. Suddenly there was a hand obstructing my view and I blinked and lost visual contact. I looked at Merit who was glancing around to see what I saw and then stared at me, a huge grin on her lips.

  "He made you speechless and didn't even have to say anything to you. I never thought I'd see the day." I stuttered and stammered as I tried to get words out to prove her wrong but it wasn't working. He was so beautiful, the image of him still burned on my mind even as I stared at Merit. There was a warm feeling between my legs too which I couldn't identify but it felt good and I wanted to feel it some more. I looked back to Merit and felt my cheeks warm. She was grinning wider.

  "Stop it, okay? He's probably already got a girlfriend or fifty. I'm not into guys like that." I ripped off a piece of bagel and chewed it slowly after popping it into my mouth, trying hard to keep my eyes focused on Merit.

  "Well, that's not what your face says." She reached across the table and pinched my cheeks, still grinning. I swatted her hand away and smiled back.

  "Fine...he's a delicious looking guy, I can admit that. But there are lots of good looking guys here who would most likely give me the time of day."

  "You never know until you try, Ms. Cupid. You're so busy setting everyone else up that you haven't taken time to set yourself up." She looked over her shoulder and I followed her gaze as it settled on the hottie who was now sitting by himself eating a large serving of everything they offered in the dining hall. He had two trays full of food and a notebook in front of him. I found myself smiling as I watched him draw with a pencil, his large hand moved so gracefully, it was riveting.

  She looked back at me and I met her gaze, pretending I hadn't been ogling him again, her eyebrows were raised, waiting for me to say something, "If I run into him again I'll consider it fate and I'll talk to him. But for right now I have to go. I have class in ten minutes." I smiled as I stood and walked away with my tray in hand.

  Ten minutes into my history class Neil Begley, a guy I'd known since middle school, came strolling in. The professor made a smart remark about tardiness but, as always, it rolled off Neil, he absorbed nothing that would crush his self esteem in anyway. He was a winner through and through. There was nothing that Neil Begley sucked at. That included getting girls. Since I've met him I'd been trying to hook him up with a girl, hoping he'd settle down and at least give love a go. But he'd always been uninterested in anything outside of the bedroom.

  I hid a smile as he gave me his panty-dropping wink accompanied by a grin as he passed by me and sat down behind me. He always smelled great, I'd give the boy that. I felt him tap me on the shoulder and then the hair on the back of neck raised as his warm breath caressed my sensitive skin, "Claire, got an extra pen?" I hid my shivers and leaned down, grabbing a blue Bic. I sat back up and held it against the top of my shoulder and a second later I felt it slowly sliding backwards as he pulled it toward himself.

  I smiled to myself. I'm glad that I'm immune to the wiles of guys like Neil. Not that he'd ever tried to get into my jeans. We'd been acquaintances for several years, we hang in the same social circles. He's in the top male fraternity, I'm in the top female fraternity. Last year we went together to a few mixers but he always ended up going home with another, less modest, girl. It never bothered me either. That was Neil, a playboy. The girls were unable to resist his charming, boy-next-door good looks.

  As I stood up to leave Neil pressed the Bic into my hand, "Thanks, Claire. See you tomorrow." I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled.

  "Sure will." I winked at him, slipped my things into my large tote bag and walked out of class, swaying my hips purposely. A few years ago I was in a fashion show and afterwards he commented on my sway. To this day I always make sure I show it off as I walk around him.

  I was still smiling as I made my way across the grass on my way back to my dorm. I slowed, my heart started pounding and my smile dropped as I spotted the mystery hottie under a tree directly in my line of sight. I whispered to myself, "Okay, Fate..." I inhaled deeply to get my wits about me, straightened my blouse and looked down to take a look. I unbuttoned the top button and smiled to myself, my white lace bra peeking out just a little.

  I approached him as casually as I could muster and I prayed to the Gods that he couldn't hear my heart beating like a speeding train. As I stopped in front of him he was still looking down at his book. "Hey, mind if I join you?"

  He didn't look up from his book as he gruffly replied, "No, I don't mind." I cleared my throat softly and sat down next to him. I was very thankful that I'd decided
to take a shower that morning, I probably smelled like a girl, at least.

  "So you're new? I haven't seen you around before, unless you've been hiding." I smiled as I crossed my legs Indian-style, putting my hands on my thighs.

  He finally looked at me and my heart skipped a few beats, his ice blue eyes were even more incredible up close. "Not exactly hiding, but yeah I'm new. ...You aren't scared of me?" His dark brows raised in surprise.

  "No!" I laughed nervously, "Why would I be scared of you?" I wondered if he knew in that moment how hot I thought he was. Did he know I was so nervous that I could feel dampness under my arms and hoped like hell that I hadn't forgotten to put my deodorant on earlier?

  "You are the first person to talk to me since I got here." His beautiful azure eyes looked over my face and, oh my god, did he just gaze at my lips? I licked them and smiled sweetly.

  "I'm sure I won't be the only one. Are you finding your way around okay?" I took the opportunity to check him out up close, my eyes dropped to his hands, they were huge. I felt myself shiver and more of that wonderful warmness traveled between my legs again.

  "Yeah, the map they gave me is pretty good." He leaned toward me, his shoulder grazed my left breast and I felt my nipple harden. I gasped and held my breath as he dug in his back jean pocket. He pulled out a well folded but wrinkled map that had highlights on a quarter of the buildings on campus and held it out to me. I took it, glanced at it briefly, noting the buildings he'd colored bright yellow, and then handed it back.

  "Glad they've taken care of you." He took the map back, refolded it and stuffed it back into his back pocket. I was still smiling like an idiot. "I'm Claire." I held out my hand awkwardly and he gently took it and gave it a couple of shakes, his grip just a little too tight but it still managed to electrify me.

  "I'm Will. So who is your godly parent?" He pulled his hand away as I laughed.

  "Wow, blunt, aren't you? My father is Eros." He narrowed his eyes and then his eyebrows lifted as recognition kicked in.


  I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that's him."

  " are you really kick ass at archery?" I chuckled again and tilted my head to the side slightly as I gazed into his eyes. I could see his aura flickering around him. Blues, orange and yellow.

  "You know, I've never tried. I do more traditional girl activities."

  "How will you defend yourself?" He drew his brows down, obviously very concerned about my safety, that was a good thing, wasn't it?

  I looked up as I briefly contemplated, "Good question. I should work some self defense into my electives. How will you defend yourself?" I threw his question back at him with a grin.

  "My body. I can hold my own." I felt my cheeks blush as my eyes dropped and took in the body he had mentioned. Even under his long sleeved shirt I could tell he was ripped. His biceps bulged without effort. I cleared my throat softly and nodded.

  "I bet you can."

  There was humor in his voice as he spoke, his voice deep, shaking my nerves and sending more sparks between my thighs, "Like what you see?"

  I looked up to his face and felt my own getting more heated by the second. "Sorry. I was trying to envision who your ideal partner would be." His eyebrows perked up at that and he leaned forward a little, forearm on his raised knee.

  "Who did you see?"

  I shook my head gently and shrugged my shoulders. "No one yet. The matchmaking thing is the trait I got from my dear old dad. Are you interested in finding love?" It was a stupid question I could see purple in his aura, he was definitely interested in finding love, he was very receptive to the idea. It warmed me some more.

  His eyes moved over my face slowly. "Yeah, sure. Do you have a boyfriend?"

  I stammered, the second time today and exhaled softly. "Um, no. I'm pretty busy with homework, classes, my sorority duties and cheerleading. Are you going to rush?" I quickly tried to change the subject, I wasn't ready for the man that was Will. I needed to buy some time before I threw myself at him. I didn't want him to laugh in my face and slap his knee like I was a huge joke.

  "I don't think so. Large groups of people and me don't get along very well." Hmm, a shut in? He looked down as if he'd just made a huge confession to me. I smiled softly and gently nudged his shoulder with mine, which was a huge mistake, sparks flew and drifted through my body, if I kept doing this I was going to orgasm right in front of him.

  "I love it. It feels like a large family. The fraternities and sororities are always partying and hanging out together. It's a lot of fun." I shifted and put a little more distance between us. "But it's not for everyone." I smiled and stood up. "I've gotta get going. It was nice to meet you, Will. I hope I'll run into you again soon." I smiled at him and almost melted when he returned it.

  "I hope so too, Claire." The way he said my name was going to be forever burned in my brain.

  Chapter 2


  She smells so fucking good.

  I stared at Claire two seats in front of me. She was twirling her long honey-blonde hair around her slender finger and for some reason I was picturing myself under her desk with my face between her legs. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as my boner pressed against my pants and looked down at my empty notebook page. I was going to get the first B of my life if I didn't stop staring at the untouchable Claire and focus on the lectures.

  I sighed and glanced next to me. A girl whose name I didn't remember was silently undressing me with her eyes. I smiled at her and gave her a wink. She wasn't going to melt my heart but she'd be a great distraction for a few minutes in the back stairwell before my next class.

  It was great to be me. Captain of the football team, full ride because of my athletic abilities, great looking, and all the girls wanted me. I wasn't going to fail out of college, I was a good student, never had a B in my life. Why was I letting that blonde-haired woman distract me now?

  I knew I was awesome but she's just too pure. And I was pretty sure she's never even thought of a guy naked, much less fucked one. Luckily for me, she didn't seem interested in anything aside from harmless, very mild flirting so it had been easy enough to keep my paws off her. There were plenty of girls around who did want me.

  Speaking of other girls, I slipped the girl next to me a note just before the professor dismissed class. I got out of my seat and stretched, showing the girl a peek of my washboard abs as my plain white t-shirt lifted up. I grinned at her when she gasped.

  Someone cleared their throat in front of me and I turned my gaze to see Claire. I slowly put down my arms and smiled at her. She didn't swoon, she never did. "What's up, Claire-bear?" It was one of my many nicknames for her. She pretended to hate them but deep down I knew she loved them.

  She was clutching her books tightly to her ample chest, "I think you have my pen, sir?" I snickered. She always called me sir, deep down I loved it. I slipped the pen into the front pocket of my jeans and then relaxed my hands at my sides.

  "If you want it, come get it." I waggled my brows, teasing her. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as reached into my pocket with two dainty little fingers and withdrew the pen.

  "You are such a flirt. I'll see you at the game tonight, yeah?" I nodded as she smiled and turned away. Her long hair sent the smell of peaches in my direction. I was mentally drooling. I was getting desperate to have a bite. I picked up my books and shit and headed out of the classroom. Time to distract myself and pretend the brunette waiting for me was someone else.

  The football game came and went, we kicked their ass, of course. I played the best game of my life and I'm pretty sure it was because whenever I looked over at the cheerleaders Claire was staring at me and smiling. Like she was cheering just for me, just like she'd done many times in my dreams. I had taken all my sexual frustration and put it into the game, and it had worked for me.

  After hitting the showers and getting cleaned up the guys all went to the frat house to get ready for the raging party that always took place after a w
inning game. The cheerleaders would be there, not that I cared really, except for that one, whose name I won't fucking mention because, Jesus! I didn't care.

  As I entered I was accosted by Justice, her hand on my chest pushing me against the wall roughly. She knew how I liked it. I grinned down at her beautiful, flawless face. She was the daughter of Aphrodite and had some kind of special thing about her, if she looked at you and wanted you, you were going to want her. And she was looking at me that way right now.

  "Don't have to buy you a drink first?" I grinned at her. She didn't grin back, her hands were already scaling my body and dipping to my jeans.

  "One of these days you're going to come begging me for my love." I flipped us around so she was against the wall. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against the wall near her head. I don't know why the girl gave the milk away for free. She wasn't going to catch any guys that way. She was too easy. Not that I cared, the brunette from earlier was too quiet when I was giving it to her and my dick was swelling, letting me know he was ready for more action.


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