Lost & Broken (LIttlemoon Investigations Book 2)

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Lost & Broken (LIttlemoon Investigations Book 2) Page 11

by Morgan Kelley

  Tori was completely skeeved out. “She was a young girl, and he was a predator. It’s as simple as that.”

  The man nodded. “That could be, but honestly, she wasn’t as innocent as you may think. By sleeping with the boss, she was able to gain favor and in her mind, she likely believed that he would leave his wife for her.”

  “That was one huge pipe dream,” Julian stated. “Married men rarely leave their wives for the mistress. There’s just too much to lose.”

  “Very true. I’ve gathered journals and statements from fellow workers that stated that Joseph Hesser doted on his favorite side action, and it was indeed Bethany. The girl was more than happy to service her boss, because it gave her security and power over the other hired help.”

  “Do you have those books?” Julian asked.

  He looked around. “Yes, but I may need a day or two to find them. As you can see, it’s a bit of a mess here.”

  “If you can get them for us, we would be grateful,” Tori offered.

  William was more than happy to help out. “I’m going to be tied up with the derby since I’m on the town committee, but I’ll search for it and leave it in the front room on the little reading table. I don’t lock my doors, because who in their right mind is going to steal books?” he asked, laughing.

  They appreciated his help.

  Tori had to know. “Do you think that there was really a baby born to Bethany Duvaul, and that Jamie Montgomery is an heir?”

  William thought about it. “I did the research, and her grandfather was put up for adoption when he was a day old. I don’t doubt that she is in the lineage. Now, if that baby was part of the Hesser family, that’s going to have to be determined by DNA. For that, only a test will tell the tale. Now, without a court order, I doubt that you’ll get a willing Hesser to offer up their saliva. Why would they? Jamie doesn’t really have much of a shot at proving she’s part of their clan without something substantial like the Bible.”

  William was absolutely right.

  They put that on their list. If they could get DNA from Jamie and a Hesser, they could cover themselves if they couldn’t find the book.

  Julian thought about the envelope that Jamie slipped beneath his lunch plate. It had been sealed and likely with saliva. “We already have hers,” he stated. “Now, I need to get a Hesser donation.”

  Tori knew the perfect person for the job. “We can get Christina on that. This is right up her alley. Plus, she might be able to pull a personal favor with Doctor Leonard at the FBI and get us the details.”

  Julian didn't like using the FBI as his personal lab, but he’d do it to cover their bases. After all, the Blackhawks had told them to come to them if they ever needed help.

  William made an observation. “You may have multiple heirs coming out of the woodwork,” he offered. “Joseph Hesser is said to have cheated on Cherie with many women. Just because he had a favorite, it didn't mean that he didn't fool around with anyone else.”

  “Is that what you think will happen, William?” asked Tori. They might need to let their client know what was coming. If she was in this for the money, she wasn’t likely to be alone.

  Every wackjob wanting to get rich could make a claim, and that would tie it up in court for years.

  It looked like Jamie Montgomery might have a fight ahead of her.

  “Like I said, I only found one reference to a mistress. The rest is just stories and legends. I think he really only had an attachment to that one girl and his wife, but that’s my opinion.”

  Julian thought about it. “I’m actually shocked that more heirs haven’t come forward. With the Hesser matriarch in hospice, it’s only a matter of time for the wealth to be redistributed. Maybe you’re right, and he didn't go dipping his stick into all the hired help.”

  William smiled warmly.

  “Do you know who is going to benefit when the will is read?” Tori asked.

  “Well, first on the list will be Jonathan Hesser. He’ll garner the lion’s share, including the racing empire. Since it’s his mother in hospice, he’ll likely get fifty percent of the inheritance. He only has one child, Lorelei. Her mother died when she was a young girl, and he never remarried. Once she passed away, he threw his life into the horses and his child.”

  Tori made notes in her phone. “Please, continue.”

  “After him, it’s equally distributed between his daughter, and her cousin. Both of Fredrick’s parents died when their yacht sunk. He was the only survivor. They had wealth of their own on his father’s side, but nothing compared to what’s coming.”

  “And after them?” she pushed.

  “There’s no one left. Neither Fredrick nor Lorelei have married or had kids. Well, none that anyone is aware of. It seems that young Fredrick takes after Joseph Hesser. He likes to diddle in the female pool, too.”

  Yeah, wasn’t Julian well aware of that?

  This put it all into perspective. “We need to link Bethany and Jamie together. If we can, we don’t really need the book. We can head home after all this.”

  “I hope you mean after the derby,” William stated. “You have to experience it once in your life. It’s amazing to watch in person.”

  Tori smiled warmly at him. He was such a sweet man. If he pulled candy out of his pocket, she might just grin like an idiot. “Oh, we’re staying. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  William stood. “I’ll immediately start looking for you. I hope I can find it in this mess. One of these days, I swear the books are going to swallow me whole.”

  They couldn’t disagree with that. With how many were in there, it screamed dangerous.

  They proceeded to head out to the main room. This little trip to meet William had been very rich in information. He was truly an asset to the town with his knowledge of history.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Macavoy. We appreciate you helping us with this,” offered Tori.

  Julian shook his hand. “Yes, and please keep it a secret. We can’t risk being discovered.”

  The man patted him on the back as he escorted them out the door. “Enjoy the town! It’s walking history!” he yelled after them. Turning back into his shop, he had a few hours until it was time to get to his meetings. This was going to be a monumental task, but he was ready for an adventure.

  He loved a mystery.

  And this definitely smelled like one!

  As they wandered the little town, they were finding that it was more and more charming with its outdoor cafes and the striped, colorful awnings.

  It was history, and it was peaceful.

  When they found a little soda fountain, Tori dragged Julian inside. All work and no play would make them both incredibly cranky. After getting milkshakes, they decided to take a walk around town and enjoy their treat.

  As they held hands and occasionally stopped to share a kiss, they found that they were still having a great time, despite being at work.

  “I’m glad we can take a break and spend it as a couple,” she said, kissing her husband once more. “It’s odd, but I feel more relaxed here.”

  Julian wiggled his eyebrows. “Want to go make out under a tree?”

  She snorted and tucked a strand of his brown hair behind his ear. “You’re a pervert.”

  “Hell yeah, I am. My feisty babe brings it out in me,” he admitted. “She’s to blame.”

  Tori suddenly froze in the center of the sidewalk and covered it with giving her husband an impromptu hug. “Don’t look across the street, Julian, but we seem to have a tail,” she whispered in his ear. Hopefully, anyone watching them would think of it as nothing more than a lover’s embrace.

  Her words only made him want to look over. “Who is it, honey? Is that rat bastard Fredrick following us?” Julian wouldn’t put it past the man.

  She murmured in his ear and slowly pulled away. “Glance across the street in front of the florist,” she whispered, pretending to fix his hair.

  When Tori moved back to his side, Julian did
as she instructed. Sitting on a bench across the street were Stephen Snyder and his wife Katy, which wouldn’t be odd if the look on the man’s face didn't tell a different story.

  “Keep walking, honey. We’ll see if they’re just sightseeing or following us. They might be taking in the town like we are,” he offered. Yet, if Tori’s gut was telling them they weren’t, Julian was more than willing to go with it.

  Julian led them on a detour, right through the park and into the trees. If the man thought that he could follow a tracker, he was out of his mind. Pulling Tori down, he peered out through the cover of brush. It didn't take long for the man and his wife to wander that way. Again, Stephen Snyder scanned the area looking for them, and he didn't look pleased that he’d lost them.

  “He was following us,” Tori whispered.

  “Yeah, he certainly was,” her husband answered.

  It put a knot in his gut, as he struggled to find a rational reason why this man would want to tail them.

  “I think we need to be careful, Jules,” she whispered.

  Yeah, he had to agree.

  * * *


  All day they sat in their room working on the journals. When they finished the ones they’d been given, Kane and Christina dug more out of the attic.

  It didn't really bother her to stay in their room. This stretch of night was always hardest for her. Morning sickness didn't know how the hell to tell time, and the little mini Redwolf growing in her belly was making her nights more than difficult.

  As the queasiness began growing into something that she was going to have to handle, she only prayed that she could get rid of Kane for a few minutes.

  “Big guy, do you think you can wander downstairs and get me some tea? I’m not feeling so chipper right now. Maybe the caffeine would give me a jolt.”

  He glanced over at her, and Kane had to admit, she didn't look good at all. In fact, she was incredibly pale and pasty looking.

  “I can, Chrissy. Are you sure that you’re okay?” he asked, beginning to worry. “Maybe you picked up a bug. You know how germy planes can be.”

  Oh, she caught something, and it wasn’t going away. Well, not for the next eighteen years, anyway.

  “Yeah, I’m just getting a headache from staring at all these handwritten entries. I could really just use a little break.”

  He stood. “Okay, want to come with me? I can wrangle us up some sandwiches. Maybe you need to eat something to give you some pep.”

  The idea of food was incredibly unappealing.

  In fact, it was making her want to toss her cookies even more.

  “No, tea will be fine.”

  The man glanced over at her at from his place at door, and there was concern in his eyes. “Okay, Chrissy. I’ll be right back. I’ll make it as fast as I can.”

  The second the door closed, she was off the bed and in the bathroom. Hitting the floor, she slid to the toilet and began purging. Yeah, this pregnancy thing wasn’t easy.

  Not in the least.

  When she was finished clearing out her gut, she sat there, almost wanting to cry. This was horrible. Never did she think she’d be on a romantic case and in some bathroom puking. Deep in her heart, Christina hated that she was doing this alone. All that she wanted to do was to tell Kane the truth. It was killing her that she was playing single mom to be. She had a perfectly awesome man by her side, who would jump at the chance to be her partner in all this.

  She was an idiot.

  Staring down at the ring on her finger, tears filled her eyes. “God, I wish you were real,” she whispered, spinning the pretty accessory on her finger. “I want to wake up and be the real Mrs. Kane Redwolf in the worst way.”

  Closing her eyes, she sent out a silent wish, offering up anything she had, just to reach that pinnacle of happiness. There was nothing in life she wanted more than to make their relationship permanent.


  Christina forced herself to get a grip. This had to be more of the pregnancy hormones. Had she known how freaking hard this whole thing was, she never would have tormented her ex-boss about it.

  This was hell.

  One minute she was up, and then next she was down.

  After rinsing out her mouth, Christina headed out to the bedroom. What she needed was to calm down before Kane got back. He was a very intuitive man, and the second he saw her, he was going to know that something was up.

  How could he not?

  It wasn’t like she hadn’t been acting suspicious the last few weeks. At some point, the jig was going to be up. Fluffing her hair, she ran her fingers through it to look somewhat presentable. Then, she saw the balcony.

  Maybe some fresh air would help. The last thing she needed was her sweet Native man coming back to a weepy, pukey mess.

  Heading out to get some peace and solace, Christina suddenly wished that there was a better view. The large trees blocked most of the estate and the gorgeous scenery. Oh well, at least it gave them cover if they needed it. Glancing down, she noticed no one was on the patio outside the library below.

  Maybe later, she could get Kane to have a seat out there with some tea and a book.

  She’d have to keep that in mind.

  As she leaned on the rail, Christina began thinking about what to tell Kane. She couldn’t wait much longer. She was a tiny woman, and eventually, a baby bump would begin to form.

  Then, he’d be pissed.

  The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him by making him think she didn't want him to be part of all this. Really, she was damned if she did, and damned if she didn't.

  Man, she could really use some advice.

  Then, Christina thought about the women she worked with. Already, they told her to tell the man and let him take the lead. Yet, what if it was the wrong decision?

  Well, what choices did she have?

  Time was certainly running out.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to find some inner calm, before she strode headlong into the Native storm that was bound to be brewing.

  Just as she released a pent up breath, there was a creaking sound behind her. It sounded out of place, but not like a footstep on a creaky board. More like a creak of hinges. Then again, maybe it was their door, and Kane was back. She was accustomed to the way Kane sounded walking across the floor, and this was off.

  Just a little.

  It definitely wasn’t him.

  Christina had spent ten years working with some of the best Feds in the world, and she learned to watch and listen for danger.

  At the next creek, she knew it wasn’t the house settling. This time, it sounded like a foot hitting a loose floorboard.

  There was someone behind her!

  All the hairs on the back of her neck rose and her heart began to pound.

  Adrenaline surged.

  Immediately, everything in her went on alert as she spun to face the intruder.

  There was a blur and the feeling of falling.

  Reaching out, Christina managed to snag the lower part of the wood. She screamed bloody murder all the while plummeting over the rail.

  Christina had one thought.

  She was a goner.

  Chapter Seven

  Julian and Tori had managed to double back to their Mercedes and head to the estate. It was a little creepy that they were being followed, and by other guests.

  It was setting them both on edge.

  God, what Tori wouldn’t do for her sidepiece. She would feel a whole hell of a lot better if she could assure that she and Julian were safe. In fact, she needed to worry about Christina now too, and the unborn child she was growing.

  In the field, their team’s lives were their responsibility.

  Once inside the room, they dropped their keys and were both getting ready to kick off their shoes and take a few minutes to relax when they suddenly heard a scream.

  “That was Christina,” Tori shouted.

  They both raced to the balcony in tim
e to see her dangling by one hand off the side.

  “Shit!” muttered Julian, knowing that he didn't have much time before she fell. They were only twenty feet up, but he was worried for the baby.

  Standing on the rail, he made the jump, only to lean over the side to grab her by the wrist.

  “Please don’t drop me,” she begged, her free hand trying desperately to get ahold of the wood.

  Julian held on as Tori raced from the balcony and to the door of their room.

  Out in the hall, Kane was nearly plowed over by the woman.

  “What the hell, Tori?”

  He didn't get to finish it. When he saw his boss racing for his room, he had that sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Oh God, what had happened to his girlfriend?

  Everything in him froze in sheer terror.

  Kane followed her, only to find his worst fear.

  Inside, they found Julian with his ankle wedged between the supports as he leaned over the side with both hands. One held Christina by the wrist, while the other reached for her other fingers. There was no way in hell he was going to let her fall.

  “I have you, Christina! Reach up and help me!” he ordered.

  When their hands met, he used all of his body weight to pull her over the top rail. Once she was over, they dropped to the floor together with the woman sobbing hysterically in his arms.

  “Thank you, Julian,” she whispered, holding onto him. Her whole life had flashed before her eyes, and she didn't want to ever relive that again.

  Tori and Kane couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

  “What happened?” he asked, close to being borderline hysterical. Seeing his girl clinging to their boss while she sobbed meant one thing. Something bad had to have happened.

  “I just had to pull her back onto the ledge,” Julian said out of breath. His heart was pounding in his chest at what had almost happened.

  At the sound of his voice, Christina pulled away from Julian and went into Kane’s waiting arms. “I was out here,” she began, as she continued to sob. “I decided to get some fresh air. I heard someone behind me, and I was pushed,” she stated.


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