Short Erotic Tales 2

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Short Erotic Tales 2 Page 3

by Carl East

  Slowly she pulled the blouse off revealing a skimpy white bra, which held a gorgeous pair of breasts. At this point, she could hear a sort of clicking noise, and with a shock of remorse, she suddenly realized what it was. Her friend was masturbating to the show in front of him, mere feet away. He obviously didn't know that he could be heard, and Colleen tried to picture his cock gliding through his hand.

  Her mind was a mass of conflicting messages now. On the one hand, this was really turning her on, but on the other, she was doing something that went against her ideas of what a friend should or shouldn’t do. The thought of taking off her bra was just too great, and besides (she reasoned) it's not as if we're in physical contact. Having made the decision in that instant, she reached around to the back, pausing slightly for effect, and unclipped her bra. The sudden release, made her breasts bounce slightly forward and jiggle in that delightful way only breasts can.

  She knew now that her friend could see her semi-naked, and that it must be making him crazy with lust. She also knew that if she even touched her pussy lips now she'd explode with an orgasm, her panties were so wet and the thought of going all the way made it even worse. After unzipping her skirt and allowing it to fall to the floor, she sat on the edge of the bed. She only wore her panties and garter belt now, and wondered how to proceed.

  Then she had an idea, there was a chair facing the door in her room and it would be a perfect spot for anyone watching. She stood up and removed the garter belt and then she crossed the room and rummaged in the bottom draw for something. When she returned to the chair, she could still hear that familiar sound, of a man pleasuring himself and knew that her friend was still there.

  She'd gone too far now, and the thought of stopping never even crossed her mind. Slipping the panties off and discarding them, she then spread her legs knowing that her friend could see her neatly shaved pussy in all its glory. It was at that moment that she noticed something white hitting the carpet just inside the room, and knew that her friend had cum his load. She also knew that he wouldn't hang around now he'd want to clean up. Sure enough as she went to the door she heard the bathroom door locking, and upon looking at the floor and door she witnessed a couple of sperm spots. She cleaned them up before getting into bed, and had the most wonderful orgasm from thinking about what had just happened.


  Colleen looked over at the paper after thinking about that event, and started to read the ad. All your fantasies cum true, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back, it read. With the thought of what had happened with her friend, and how she'd behaved she felt it was time to have a little fantasy in her life and so after clearing up in the sitting room she was off.

  The office was in a well-known street in town, so she had no trouble finding it. Upon entering the establishment, she found herself to be the only one there except for the receptionist.

  "Hello Madame, how can we be of assistance?" she said, as Colleen approached the desk.

  "Um...could you tell me how this all works, I'm new to this kind of thing," replied Colleen, a little nervously.

  "Well normally a customer would have a fantasy in mind, and would ask us if it was possible to achieve. I might just add that so far our record is good on producing the desired results. If you already know what it is that you want, you merely have to tell us and we'll see what we can do," replied the receptionist, as she grabbed a pen and opened her note pad up, "Could I take your name?"

  "Um...Colleen Winters."

  "Right Miss Winters, I'm assuming it is Miss?"

  "Yes, that's correct."

  "Right, well you're in luck as there is only one client being seen at the moment, so if you'd like to take a seat you'll be next."

  Colleen sat down, feeling very nervous all of a sudden. She'd realized that at some point she'd have to reveal what her fantasy was and it wasn't something she felt comfortable talking about, especially to total strangers. In fact, she became so nervous that she was on the verge of leaving when the inner office door opened, and a young man could be seen shaking the hand of a client and saying goodbye.

  "Ok Colleen, you can go in now," said the receptionist.

  Colleen stood up heading towards the office, and feeling edgy. Upon knocking on the door, she heard a muffled voice say 'come in.' When she entered the same man she'd seen a moment ago, ushered her to a chair and asked if she would like a drink. Colleen said no, and sat back in the chair.

  "Now Miss Winter's, or can I call you Colleen?"

  "Yes that's fine."

  "So what can we do for you, have you a fantasy in mind or would you rather see what we have to offer?" he said, handing her a glossy brochure.

  "Um...I do have a fantasy, but...well...I don't know...

  "Ok Colleen let me interrupt you there. As an organization we recognize the need for privacy, so let me assure you that anything you say to me is kept in the strictest confidence and that no part of any fantasy you have will ever be divulged to anyone outside these walls. Even if we can't deliver, which I must just add hasn't yet happened to me in the eighteen months that I've been with the company. So please, take your time and tell me what it is you fantasize. For my part, I will not be judgmental, and let me assure you further I've heard some outrageous fantasies. All of which were fulfilled, with the client’s blessing."

  Colleen somehow felt a little more confident after that speech and decided, at worst, they'd refuse and at best, they'd be able to help. Therefore, she opened up and told him exactly what she wanted.

  "A while ago, I caught one of my neighbors spying on me as I got undressed for bed. Now this event really excited me, and I know it shouldn't have, but it did. Now all I ever fantasize about is both my neighbors watching me do other things, but as this event was totally unexpected I didn't know how to achieve it," she said, not quite believing she'd said it.

  "Well, first of all Colleen, as a fantasy this is pretty mild. Therefore, you can stop feeling embarrassed about it, and secondly your fantasy is not only doable but I personally guarantee it will be achieved within the next three weeks. All I need from you is $250 and a signature authorizing us to help towards this goal."

  Colleen couldn't believe it would be this easy, but if her fantasy could come true, she wanted to risk it. So she reached for her purse, and before she knew it she'd paid the man and was leaving the premises. The only other thing she was told before leaving was that when she received a letter through the post, with Fantasy Inc's trademark clearly stamped at the top she was to follow the instructions to the letter.

  Colleen did some shopping after that before returning home, feeling quite excited about the coming weeks.

  Two weeks later, she heard the postal worker at the door, and upon opening it, found she had to sign for a small package. Once opened, she discovered it was what she'd been waiting for. A note inside told her where to go and at what time, and when to wear the ballroom mask that she found inside the package. The trademark was clearly visible on the header of the note so she knew it was genuine, and then she saw when this was all going to happen. It was in the morning, which fairly excited her even more. The note made suggestions on what to wear, but did say it was up to the individual at the end of the day.

  The next day Colleen decided to follow their suggestion, and wore a short skirt and high heels along with a tight fitting buttoned blouse. She left the house as specified and crossed town to find the building marked on a small map printed at the bottom of the letter. The only other piece of information was that she should don the mask before entering the building, proceed to the Fourth Floor and find Room 12.

  When she reached the building in question, she took out her mask and slipped it on. She then entered and took the lift to the Forth Floor. Once there she checked the doors along the corridor until she found Room 12, and entered. The room she entered was bare except for a table and a piece of paper folded neatly on top of it, along with a very skimpy looking string bikini, and another door opposite. Figuring the note was meant
for her she unfolded it and read it aloud.

  "Please enter the room in front of you and put your costume on, then lie on the couch as if to pose for photographs," was all it said.

  Colleen felt quite nervous now, after placing the paper in her bag and picking up the outfit she crossed over to the door and opened it. Inside she found the couch surrounded by lots of lights, all focusing onto the seat. She immediately walked over to it, and began to undress behind a screen situated near the couch. Once she had it on, she felt very exposed. The skimpy outfit barely covered her modesty, but at the same time, it excited her. She also noticed that it seemed to ride up her slit a little, revealing the shape of her pussy. It was almost like wearing nothing at all.

  Now she waited, feeling both apprehensive and a little scared. After all, no one knew she was here and what would she be expected to do?

  Five minutes later, she heard the door opening again and footsteps coming in her direction.

  "Hello there, are you our model?" said a voice she recognized as her friend David.

  "Mmm...” She muttered, not wanting him to recognize her voice.

  "We were told you would pose for us, and that you'd do anything we asked," he said.

  "Mmm..." she agreed, starting to feel hot.

  "Bear with us and we'll get set up," said another voice, which was clearly Denis.

  Colleen couldn't see them with all the lights focused on her, and she liked that. She liked the feeling of being alone, especially when she was wearing such a daring outfit. She lay still for a while listening to the clicks and shuffling of bags as they both prepared their cameras. Once they'd set up and were ready, they told her to roll onto her side and prop her head up with her hand, which she did.

  Click…click…click, she heard as they started. Suddenly they were within the lights, taking photos from different angles. She could now see them for the first time, and that excited her, especially since they hadn't recognized her. The mask she wore did a good job of covering her cheekbones and part of her nose, and the deep red lipstick wasn't something she was known for.

  "Could you prop your right leg up so that its level with the knee of your other leg," said Denis, almost nervously.

  Colleen did as she was told, and felt the fabric of her bikini bottoms shifting slightly. She wasn't exposed, but it made her tingle all over, as they seemed to concentrate their picture taking in that general area.

  Click…click…click, a little nearer this time. Then she was shocked for the first time that day, for suddenly David asked her to play with herself. In that instant she became very wet and knew, she was going to do what he'd asked of her.

  Slowly she let her free hand roam over the front of her bikini bottoms, and after pulling them to one side, she ran a finger over her clit. Colleen teased it with a delicate touch, before sliding her finger past her wet pussy lips and into the moist hole. They went wild at that point, as the boys were clicking and the cameras were whirring as if they'd never seen a pussy before. She also noticed that they were much nearer now, in fact, she could've reached out for either one of them but she restrained herself from doing so.

  In her mind, the idea that both her neighbors were now taking close and very intimate pictures of her bare pussy as her finger thrust back and forth was almost too much. She'd already cum once, and now that they were even closer, she began to cum again. Her entire body shuddered this time, as the feelings of her orgasm started at the base of her feet and worked its way through her body.

  "Could I remove your top?" said Denis, bringing her back to the moment.

  She didn't respond in words, instead, she sat up slightly and beckoned him to untie it from behind with a nod of her head. Placing the camera on the floor Denis gently untied the flimsy top and pulled it off, revealing her marvelous breasts. Colleen looked down to see her nipples as hard as they'd ever been, and wondered how much longer they'd want to take pictures.

  Then it happened, she felt a finger sliding over her swollen pussy lips and looked down in shock. It was David, and the camera had been discarded. Colleen panicked a little, for this wasn't supposed to happen. All that she'd wanted was a fantasy about undressing for them, showing her body and thrilling at them, as they got excited. She felt his finger entering her, and unconsciously opened her legs a little wider.

  'What am I doing?' she thought, as the thrill of his touch ran through her entire being. She was then asked to lie on her back, which she did without question. Almost as if, she was only there to obey their every command. Denis moved nearer at that moment and bent down to take one of her nipples into his mouth, which made her moan aloud. Now she could feel several of David's fingers probing her entrance, and those feelings of an impending orgasm surged through her body once more.

  The nipple that Denis was sucking on was starting to feel tender, but she didn't want him to stop. The wetness that she felt at that moment was running down her inner thighs and she began to feel rather faint. She then felt David trying to ease four fingers into her, and with the stretching along with her nipple feeling exquisite her next orgasm made her arch her back and shudder.

  Suddenly David's hand was inside her and he was fisting her off, she had opened her legs as far as she could. While her eyes were closed, she wasn't aware of what Denis was doing but then she felt something hard touching her lips. Upon opening her eyes, she found his hardened cock resting upon her mouth and immediately took it in. It had all gone too far now, but she no longer cared. The only thing that mattered at that moment was pleasing her friends and making them take her repeatedly. Her orgasms seemed to come back to back, and the taste and size of Denis's cock as it slid in and out of her mouth was wonderful. She reached up to hold him steady as she deep throated his member, and knew exactly when he was about to shoot his load.

  When he did, she allowed it to spurt explosively onto her waiting tongue before swallowing and sucking out the next load. David then pulled his hand free and she knew what would come next. Sure enough, she felt his hardness touching her soft raw skin, and moaned aloud when he plunged it inside. She'd all but finished Denis off when David lifted her legs in the air and pulled her down the couch slightly in his need for a deeper penetration.

  Colleen closed her eyes as he pounded her, and couldn't quite believe that any of this was happening. She felt so weak now, as she'd never experienced so many orgasms in a single day, yet she never wanted it to stop. When he suddenly stopped his actions, Colleen could hear them talking but in the haze of the moment she couldn't make out what they were saying.

  She then found out what they were up to, for suddenly she was lifted off the couch by a pair of strong arms and Denis got underneath her. Her first thought was that they intended to double- penetrate her, but she only got it half-right. Denis guided his cock between her legs, and began to fuck her pussy, and then to her surprise David joined his brother in the same hole from his standing position. She now had two cocks rhythmically pounding her swollen pussy, as one would go in the other would come out, and for the most part, it worked well. It was only when they got that rhythm wrong did she realize just how hard this was to do. They stretched her like never before, and it was magnificent.

  She'd been wet in the past, but never like this. In fact, at one point, her juices were fairly gushing over their cocks, and she remembered screaming with ecstasy. Now her mind clouded over, and she only vaguely remembers them coming to an end and getting dressed. She distinctly remembered them saying thank you, and asking if she was all right before leaving. What they didn't know was that she was in a kind of semi-trance, for her body still hadn't stopped coming.

  She could feel the juices from both herself and the boys beneath her buttocks as it collected in a tiny puddle on the couch. Half an hour later and she opened her eyes and looked down at her nakedness, before attempting to get off the couch. When she did so, she had to hold the couch for fear of falling over. The lights felt hot now, and she was ready to leave for home. After composing herself, she redressed a
nd headed for the door.

  She must have been smiling all the way home, with the thought of all the things she'd done and allowed to happen imprinted on her mind. When she got home, her neighbors were already back, and making themselves a hot drink.


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