Carte Blanche

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Carte Blanche Page 7

by Camille Anthony

  Sighing with relief, he gripped his erection with one hand and cupped his balls with the other, hissing at the heat pouring up his spine from the base of his cock.

  Feeling like the greenest youth, he slid his fist up and down the stiff length, desperate to bleed off some of the pressure before he slammed into Chassy and fucked her as if she were a dockside whore. She didn’t deserve that kind of initiation. She’d trusted him to see to her deflowering and he was damned if he’d botch this for her.

  His hand moved faster, milking his throbbing hard-on.

  Almost there…

  A slight noise intruded in his concentration. He opened his eyes, glanced up to find Chassy leaned up on one elbow, legs wide open, the fingers of one hand buried in her cunt. Her thumb compressing her clit, she watched his frantic movements, her wide brown eyes avid on the steely jut of his cock.

  It was almost too much. Biting his lip to distract his rising lust, Dare increased his movements. Running his fist over the mushroomed head, he gathered the slick moisture to ease his way.


  He looked at her. “Yeah?” he croaked, cleared his throat. Conversation was the last thing on his mind.

  “You wouldn’t let me taste you last night. Can I please…?” she gestured at his reddened cock.

  His hand slowed and stopped while he debated with his better half.

  This time is supposed to be for her!

  Yeah, well, she wants to suck cock—who are you to deny her?

  And it’ll help take the pressure off. Oh, hell, yes. For sure!

  Okay, but don’t let her swallow this first time. Might put her off.

  His cock led the way to the settee, bobbing with eagerness.

  She didn’t waste a minute. Her hand gripped him, brought him to her mouth and a second later her lips closed over him, wrapping him in silken heat and pressure.

  What she lacked in finesse, she made up for in willingness. She ran her tongue down his length, swirled it along the distended vein that ran the underside of his cock. Joy juice dribbled from his slit and she lapped it up, smacking her lips at the taste.


  “So glad you like,” he managed, hands fisted in her hair. He rethought his decision not to spend in her mouth.

  Nothing thrilled a man more than watching his woman swallow his come. Ejaculating in a tight cunt came a close second, but having Chassy on her knees before him, her mouth working him so eagerly, that won the laurels.

  At the last minute, he held to his resolve and snatched his cock out of her mouth. He had to fight her for it. Moving out of reach, he fisted his hard-on and jacked it furiously, aided by the moisture her mouth had supplied.

  His cock jerked and with a groan of completion he erupted, his seed shooting from him as he pumped his hips in time to his pistoning fist.

  Sidestepping the pool of semen gleaming whitely on the dark hardwood floor, he returned to the settee and her, his mouth twisted in a self-derisive grimace. “You’ve unmanned me, Chassy. Before now, I’ve never feared failing my partner to the point I had to bring myself off before mounting her.”

  If possible, her eyes widened even more. She pointed to the cooling pool of come. “But doesn’t that mean you can’t do anything now?”

  His lips parted in an amused smile. Her question showed her true innocence. He gestured at his lower body. “Take a good look at me.”

  He waited until she obeyed him, until her mouth fell open at the sight of his still rampant cock. “Now I can take you as slowly as you need, baby.”

  She reached up and circled his cock, surprising him, her fingers warm and smooth on his aroused flesh. “I need you, want you any way you will take me.”

  He eased her hand off him, his balls gone shockingly tight again. So soon. “Damn, Chassy, you’re a dangerous woman! That kind of action will get you fucked instead of courted.”

  “I don’t need courting.” She pouted, came up on her knees to wrap her arms around his waist. “I need you deep inside of me, filling my emptiness. Only you can do that.”

  “I can hardly contain myself as it is. When you talk like that…” He shook his head. “Lie down and lift your legs up.”

  She quickly obeyed and he circled her ankles with both hands, lifted her legs higher and stepping up between her wide-splayed thighs. Rubbing his cock up and down her shallow groove, he pressed hard enough to part her labia, hard enough to slide the tip of his bulbous head through her drenched folds.

  Her flesh was hot and wet and he could see her clit pulsating, her intimate sex lips fluttering. Imagining her closing around his swollen penis was enough to push his vaunted control to the limit.

  He gathered his courage and met her eyes, knowing she could see mingled hope and fear in his. “You’re so wet and ready. That kind of reaction can’t be faked. You really want me?”

  She nodded, looking confused at his question. “I really want you, not your wicked reputation or your notorious past. Just you, Dare—and your cock in my pussy, fucking me like you mean it.”

  My heart in your hands, loving you like no one else ever will.

  But he hadn’t gathered enough courage to say that out loud. “So be it.” He rubbed against her again, cock sliding and slipping in her wetness. She was as ready as he could make her.

  Using his thumb and middle finger, he parted her and fit his dripping head to her opening. Taking a deep breath, he began pressing, slowly easing his way in.

  Her flesh parted and gave way before him, reforming around his thickness like a tailored glove; firm and tight. Nothing had ever felt better than her pussy opening and clenching around him, welcoming him, taking him as deep as he could go.

  Not quite, he thought, coming up against her maiden’s barrier. He slowed his forward momentum.

  “We’ve encountered a road block.” His voice gruff with holding back, he commanded, “Take a deep breath and lift your hips to me.”

  When he felt her inner muscles relax, he surged into her, breaking past the thin membrane that had thought to keep them separated, separate.

  “Yes! Oh, yes Dare, take me! Make me yours!” She cried out, but not with pain. And he pulled out--her nether lips clinging to his thick width--just enough to slam back into her.

  Her body quaked, breasts and belly shaking with the impact. He rolled his hips and fed her another inch of his cock, gasping at the sensation, his blood racing, fire running from the back of his legs up his buttocks and into his balls.

  Sinking down over her, he took her lips, devoured her mouth, thrusting his tongue in her honeyed depths to the same cadence he thrust into her pussy. He drove in, drove deep, deeper, trying to find his home, his soul. “Damn it, Chassy, you feel so good, so tight, so hot…”

  Her legs came up and clasped about his waist, her body working with his, straining to take him in and hold him. “More Dare…harder and deeper…deeper, damn you!”

  “Oh, hell yeah!” Dare shouted, increasing the depth and angle of his strokes. Drawing his hand back, he slapped her flank, a sharp pat that was more sound than fury.

  She erupted under him, screeching and arching and twisting. Her legs tightened about him, clung as she tried to climb up his body.

  “Again! Do that again!” She panted, eyes wide, gazed up at him in wonder, the brown depths revealing a lust that rivaled what poured through him.

  The growl he released was part wild animal and all male. “You like that, baby?” he asked, bringing his hand down again, a little harder. He could feel her intimate muscles grab hold of him, squeezing his cock with desperate strength. “I can feel you do. Okay then,” he said, returning to devouring her mouth as he rained a flurry of hard spanks to her flanks and the lower curve of her luscious ass.

  Throwing her head back, she screamed, convulsing and shuddering. Heat poured over his cock head, a liquid stream, filling her pussy and spilling over as she climaxed in his arms.

  Her extremity triggered his and he bared his teeth, groaning as his
spine stiffened. Semen boiled in his balls, the weighty sacs drew up close to the base of his penis.

  His cock swelled and lengthened, preparing to spew, and her pussy seemed to shrink around him, becoming a tighter fit.

  A firestorm of heat slammed into the back of his head, bowed his neck as flames licked up his spine. Mouth open in a soundless wail, he locked his fingers in the cheeks of her ass and lifted her into his thrusts, driving his cock to the depths again and again. Knees shaking, he leaned against the settee and folded her legs over his arms, rolling her bottom up for better purchase. One hand curled around her thigh and attacked her clit, rolling and tweaking it, tugging and stretching it, flicking it hard.

  “Come again, damn you. Come now!” Voice hoarse, he shouted orders at her, desperate for her to climax before he came like the original landing shuttle, crashing through the atmosphere and burning to cinders.

  She dug her nails into his back, clung to him like a leech as another orgasm slammed into her. Thankful for mercies shown, he dropped his head to her shoulder and nuzzled her fragrant skin as he drilled into her a few more times before pressing in as far as he could go. Pressing in and letting go.

  Come blasted through his cock, pulsed deep and hot in her core. His hips bucked and rolled as the waves of semen poured out of him like a jet stream. He continued working her clit, pushing her over the edge two more times before he finally emptied himself inside her and collapsed at her side.

  With a groan, she pushed up on her elbows and dropped a kiss on his open lips before flopping back down beside him in a boneless sprawl. “Thank you…thank you…”

  He’d never felt more complete.

  Chapter Nine

  Forced to emerge from their week-long sex-fest so Darian could keep a prior appointment in the city, Chastity decided she might as well fulfill her promise to visit Duchess Pettibone.

  Blowing him a last kiss, Chastity stepped off the porch and into her hovering flitter which Dare had programmed for the hours-long journey to the Pettibone’s main residence.

  Setting the controls to auto-flight, she moved to the long couch at the back of the cabin. She settled back against the leather squabs and closed her eyes. Immediately, a vivid memory of Dare, naked and aroused, formed in her mind.

  Before yesterday, the face atop that naked body would have been an unsmiling one. It had taken her the week to find out why--though Dare never touched her with anything but careful gentleness—an aura of barely leashed anger seemed to cling to him.

  Yesterday, they’d cleared the air between them. As a result, the rest of the day and on into this morning, they had indulged in every position, every form and style of sex imaginable.

  Chassy’s lips widened, parted in a smile even as she shivered with rising need, sexual heat blossoming between her thighs. There was no controlling her body’s reaction to its new conditioning.

  Chilling fire raced up her spine, spilled across her shoulders and flowed down to her breasts. Static electricity snapped and sparked in the tips of her engorging nipples. Her clit throbbed in time to the increased beating of her heart.

  Through the roaring of her pulse, she seemed to hear Dare’s voice urging her to grip him tighter, ride him hard. Her muscles closed on nothing and she pressed her legs together, rubbed her thighs against each other, desperate to ease the flames licking at her from within.

  Glorious flying angel-serpents, but the man can fuck! And I need him right now!

  She shifted on the seat, she twisted in need. She couldn’t believe how quickly her lust had risen. Though abashed over missing Dare so soon, she couldn’t help but wish he was with her now, in her, filling the empty chasm of her welling vagina with his thick hard cock.

  He’d done this to her. Made her perpetually horny, addicted her to the frequent thrusting of his body in hers. She was a junky for the climaxes he wrung from her with such ease. He’d even managed to make her beg him to take her anal virginity…

  A broad finger ran tight circles around her puckered opening.

  “I want to fuck you here.”

  She reared in fright. “No way!”

  “You’ll love it. I promise to make it beyond good for you.” He pushed against the tiny orifice, fingertip sinking in and stretching the untried opening. It burned.

  She slapped at his hand, twisting to lie on her back. Staring up at him in hurt accusation, she shook her head no. “I may be a virgin, but I know enough to figure out you’re too big to get inside of there. Your finger doesn’t even fit. You’d rip me open.”

  “I won’t.” His hands gripped her thighs and lifted, bowing her up until her anus was again exposed to him. His eyes gleamed with a shocking heat. She’d never seen such lust, such fevered intense wanting. Her lips went dry but down below, her vaginal lips were drenched as her inner sea boiled over.

  He took quick advantage of her involuntary reaction. Lowering his chest over her thighs he held her in place, freeing his hands to roam at will over the round curve of her hips and between her legs. He gathered her juices and spread them over her cheeks, rubbed them over and in the puckered door. Her muscles clenched, pushed his finger out. He slapped her butt.

  “Stop squirming. You’re no longer a virgin…except for here…and not for long.”

  His insistence irritated her.

  He’d pinned her so securely she could do no more than wiggle beneath him. Staring up at him, using words as a whip, she lashed at him. “I said no, Dare! And since I pay the shot, I call the play.”

  The light in his eyes snapped off like a light turned out by an inpatient hand. He released her and backed away, his eyes hooded and shielded from her gaze. His jaw clenched so tight she could see the muscle ticking beneath the skin while his lips folded in until their sexy curve disappeared. Without a word, he stood and walked away.

  “Dare, where are you going? Come back. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  Pausing in the doorway, he looked back, chiseled face stern and closed; the face of a crusader confronting a dragon. ”It sounded like just what you meant to say.”

  She couldn’t believe how easily he’d taken offense. Why did men always do that?

  “I also said I was sorry and I meant that, too. Please, come back.”

  Head tilted to the side, he weighed her words, his options, and then approached her, steps dragging. The loss of his eagerness was a bitter taste on her tongue.

  “Why be sorry? After all, you spoke only the truth. Look around,” he invited, unclenching his hands to indicate their surroundings. “Everything you see is yours: This flat, the furniture…me. Like my apartment, my servants and clothes, you’ve bought me, soul and body.”

  Tears started, stinging her eyes. “No!” She sat up, held out her hands. “Oh, Dare, I never…I don’t want you thinking I just want to own you. I’d rather die than hurt your feelings. I…”

  He caught her hands and subdued them, his face still and blank. When he spoke, his voice was harsh enough to grind stone into gravel. “Hush, babe, don’t fret so.”

  “We all make choices, Chassy, and I don’t regret making this one. While I fully intended to continue rejecting your offer out of hand, I hadn’t steeled myself to finding you on my doorstep. Your beauty knocked me off kilter. I couldn’t resist you.”

  He wiped the tears from her face. Bending, he pressed his mouth against hers, licked the seam of her lips, wordlessly demanding she open to him. “I don’t regret my choice…often.”

  Once she was calmer, he carefully placed her hands in her lap and withdrew until he faced her from a space of two or so feet.

  She hiccupped. “I don’t want you to ever regret choosing me. I knew you had been disinherited. You were short of money and I have an obscene amount. I wanted you. I liked you enough to want you to not be in need. I didn’t think you the sort of man to accept charity, so I racked my brains and came up with the idea of offering you carte blanche.”

  He flinched and she was quick to notice the betraying movement. �
�Why are you so bothered by the term?”

  “To be the kept man of a woman is degrading. No man worth his salt would be comfortable in such a situation.”

  Chastity bristled. “So if I had accepted the same offer from you, I would be a degraded woman in your sight?”

  His eyebrows creased in a quick frown. “Of course not.”

  “What would be the difference?” She leaned on one arm and cocked her head, eyes narrowing as she perused his stiff posture. “Haven’t you ever offered carte blanche to anyone?”

  “No.” He looked relieved to be able to answer in the negative.

  “But you have had mistresses…”

  His answer came slower this time. “Well, yes. I’ve been a grown man for a long time, Chassy. You can’t possibly have expected me to come to you a virgin.”

  She crooked an eyebrow. “Why not? Why must women be the ones to remain pure while you men flit from pussy to pussy like a damned tom cat? Why haven’t you ever offered any woman carte blanche?”

  Exasperation sounded in his heavy sigh. “I have never cared for a woman enough to honor her with that level of trust.”

  “Ahh!” Chassy sagely nodded her head. “I have never offered a man carte blanche before. Until now, I have never cared enough for a man to honor him with this level of trust. But to you, my offering is an insult. Perhaps you would have preferred to be the one offering the blank letter…to uphold your manhood!”

  “Damn it, Chassy, I would have preferred to be the one offering marriage.”

  Dare closed the short distance between them. Easing down on the mattress beside her, he cradled the back of her head and drew her into a soft, warm kiss, his lips gently moving on hers. An eon later he pulled back and met her eyes. “From the first time I saw you, that was the only thought in my mind…that we belonged together. I saw the lust in their eyes and every man in the ballroom became my enemy. I had been in search of a likely fuck, but when you walked into view, every other woman faded to shadow. Nothing and no one held as much substance as you. I didn’t fall in love with you. I stepped into it with both eyes open.”


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