Something Wicked

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Something Wicked Page 8

by Sterling, Jillian

  As far as pouts go, it was wildly unsuccessful. Women like Izzy didn't pout, they were too grounded to pull that sort of manipulative bullshit. Someone like Tara was a natural at it. Izzy, not so much.

  "I'm serious, Finn," she went on, blowing her bangs out of her face. "Stitches hurt like hell, and they'll give me pain killers and I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a little drunk, and that's probably not a great idea with pain killers."

  "Probably not," Finn agreed, an amused smile spread slowly. "So what you're saying is, you'd prefer to bleed out in the parking lot of Huskies?"

  Izzy took a minute to process that. "No, I don't think I want that."

  Finn helped her to her feet. She leaned into him and they ambled to Finn's Jeep. After he buckled her into the seat, she grabbed his hand, her eyes sincere.

  "Will I get a lollipop?" she asked.

  It took of all Finn's will power to keep his cock steady. He tamped down the image of her mouth sucking on a hard stick on his walk to the driver’s side. Instead, he thought about baseball.

  "Yeah, babe," he said, climbing in and starting the engine. "I promise you'll get a lollipop."


  I noticed two things when I woke up. The raging headache was the most obvious. Until I rolled over and smashed into a very real, very warm body. Upon impact, an arm belonging to said body flopped over my chest, pinning me to the bed. As I tried to wriggle out from under it, I realized that I was nearly naked under the sheet, just my bra and underwear kept me somewhat modest. But before total mortification could set in, my knee began to throb.

  "What the fuck," I said out loud, glancing at the person beside me and recoiling in horror when I realized who it was. "Finn!"

  He opened his eyes half way and gave me a sleepy smile. "Hey."

  "Hey," I squeaked out, my breath caught in my chest. Did Finn and I? Oh, God. Oh, no. And I didn't remember any of it?

  His arm felt like a vice. "You feel okay?"

  "Not really," I whispered, trying to keep my breathing even.

  "Knee bugging you?" he asked sleepily.

  "My knee?" I repeated stupidly. It throbbed but I was afraid to move the blanket so I could see why.

  "Yeah, the stitches," Finn sounded slightly more awake. He rolled towards me and propped himself up on his right side, left arm still slung over me.

  "Stitches?" I asked.

  Finn raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember, do you?"

  I pulled the sheet tighter against my body and shook my head, kicking off a whole new level of pain. Finn reached over the side of the bed and handed me a water bottle, snickering as he did it. He was enjoying this way too much. Raising myself up slightly I sipped at the room temperature liquid, trying to cobble together the events of last night.

  I remembered being at Huskies with Danny and dancing with him. I remembered moving closer to him and deciding to call up the spell. I remember his hands all over me. I remembered...

  "You sucker punched Danny!"

  Finn made a face. "It wasn't a sucker punch."

  "Well, you punched him."

  "Good thing I did, too, don't you think?" He asked before taking the water from me and helping himself to a sip.

  "Yeah I guess," I said, wincing. My pride felt as sore as my head. "Did you happen to see Tara before we left?"

  "Tara?" Finn shrugged. "That's the bottle blond sorority girl, right? I remember she screamed when I punched him."

  "Was she with anyone?" I asked.

  "You mean her shadow, that girl that's always following her around? What's her name?"


  "Yeah, her? She was there."

  "A guy though. What about a guy?"

  Finn looked pensive for a minute then shook his head. "Nope, there was no guy."

  "Dammit," I swore under my breath. I don't know what I expected though. It wasn't like anything really happened between Danny and me. But I did feel myself conjure something during the dirty dance. While I didn't expect Tara to end up in bed with the guy last night, I thought maybe the spell trigged something.

  "Why? You trying to hook her up with someone?" Finn stretched and sat up. The sheet dropped below his waist. I swallowed, trying not to stare at his sculpted chest and six-pack abs; trying not to imagine what lurked under my sheets. While I tried, blood rushed from my head, past my stomach and straight into my groin. My sex tingled at the proximity of Finn's body to mine.

  Guess I wasn't trying hard enough.

  "What time is it?" I whispered, pushing my dirty thoughts away.

  "Six in the morning."

  I started to get up. "Crap, I've got to get to campus..."

  Finn touched my shoulder, shooting electricity down my arm. "It's Saturday, Iz. You're at the magic shop today, and you don't open until 11."

  I settled back into my pillows, relieved that I didn't have to face the world with this hangover. Finn's hand remained lightly on my shoulder.

  "Finn," I started, finally meeting his coco brown eyes. "Why are you in bed with me?"

  He laughed softly and gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Because you were being such a baby about your knee."

  "What's up with my knee?"

  "You've got 13 stitches in it. You don't remember any of it?" He asked. I shook my head. "Well, you may want to avoid the ER for a few months, until they forget about you."

  I groaned and covered my face with my hands.

  "It's cool, I think the resident thought you were cute. You could have a doctor in your future."

  My heart sank at his words, surprising me. My body wanted Finn, sure. But I never thought about having a future with him. So his talking about my future with some forgotten doctor shouldn't smart like this. I chewed on my lower lip.

  "So we didn't..." I asked, averting my eyes from him.

  "Wait, you thought we did something last night? You and me."

  I nodded, turning my face towards the door. It burned red from embarrassment.

  "Did you want something to happen between us?" he asked. I felt him shift closer to me.

  "I just," I whispered. "I think need your help."

  "Okay," his voice low, his breath soft on my ear. "What do you need?"

  "You'll think I'm crazy," I started. "It has to do with the witchy stuff."

  "What's the witchy stuff?"

  He lifted my hair and I felt his mouth brush along the back of my neck. I pressed my legs together.

  "Never mind," my voice soft because I could barely breath. "Just forget I said anything."

  "No, Izzy," he whispered. "I want to help. Just ask."

  "We need to have sex," I buried my face in the pillow.

  "Are you coming on to me?" he teased, prying me away from the pillow.

  "No," I croaked out. "Not really. It's just something I need to do."

  "Tell me," he didn't let up.

  I took a breath, closed my eyes, and tossed the witchy equivalent of a Hail Mary. "You know that I am having an issue with Tara and that love potion?"

  At Finn's silence I rolled over slightly to get a look at him. He was nodding. A small smile replaced his normal brooding expression. Feeling slightly more confident, I plowed forward.

  "Well, the potion can't fail. It just can't. I inherited all my Grandmother's debts, and believe me, they were significant. So if Tara's not happy, the sorority work dries up. The store makes the bulk of the money around Halloween, and the Greek life is a big part of that. If I don't deliver before then, I'm screwed."

  "What are your options?" Finn asked.

  "Options? There are no options. I mean, I'm picking up extra cleaning shifts, but they're commercial cleaning work and I don't know if I can keep up that pace. I guess I can drop my classes, but I only take two as it is. I don't have enough room for another boarder. I know you don't really believe in this magic stuff, but my only option is to make that damn spell work."

  "Do you know how?"

  "I think so," I said, the knot in my stomach tightening.
br />   "So, how?"

  "Well, I found this book, this old spell book. I'm not sure who it belongs to, it just appeared on the front porch, and it's a form of magic I've never practiced before but it's supposed to be really powerful. It talks about finding my telos, which I can't. Without someone else."

  Finn shrugged. "Great, give it a try."

  "Well, I did, by myself. But I think I need a partner."

  "Another witch?"

  "I don't know if it needs to be another witch. Just a partner."

  "Amanda won't help?"

  "I don't think this is something I could do with her," I giggled nervously. "I mean, she's my best friend. It would be weird."

  "So you need my help?"

  "I think so," I whispered, wishing the bed would just swallow me up. "But I don't want us to be weird either."

  "Why would it be weird? I'm not your best friend."

  "I know, it's just you live here. I live here," I stammered. Holy crap this was hard. No wonder I never make the first move.

  "Izzy, just tell me what you want," he was losing patience.

  "I want you to have sex with me," I mumbled.

  "What? I didn't catch that."

  "Sex. With me. I need us to have sex," I stated loud and clear before shoving my face into my pillow.

  "Okay," Finn responded.

  I paused for a moment. Did he really just say, ok?

  I lifted my head and turned to face him. "Really? And no strings."

  "No strings? You sure about that?"

  He dropped his head down and kissed me gently on the mouth. His lips were soft, applying only the slightest pressure. I closed my eyes and moaned slightly as he teased my mouth open with his tongue and slowly explored my mouth. Then, he slowly pulled away.

  "Before we do this," he said. "I need to ask you something."

  "Ok," I was a little breathless from the kiss.

  "Why me?"

  I paused for a minute. Do I tell him about Diana's Pool?

  "I'm not really sure. I tried by myself and it didn't work. I thought Danny would trigger something, but it didn't. I figured maybe I should give it a try with someone I know better."

  "Really?" He looked skeptical.

  "Well, I mean, yeah, I think. Maybe."

  "Can't hurt, right?" he replied, dipping his head towards me and pressing his mouth on mine again. This time, he was more forceful, more urgent. His hand slipped under the sheet and traced a light circle on my bare stomach. It felt like sparks jumped out of his fingertips as they danced over my skin.

  "Can't hurt," I mumbled as we both came up for air.

  "So, what do we do?" he asked, snaking his hand around to my breast, massaging it gently over my bra.

  My nipples responded immediately, aching to feel his rough fingers without the cloth barrier between us. "I'm not sure. I've never done this before."

  I sounded like such a novice. So, I back peddled. "I mean, I've done this. Yes, this I have done! Absolutely. Definitely, once." I broke into a nervous laugh. Not exactly sexy.

  "You've just never tried to do this and magic at the same time?"

  My response was lost in a moan. He slid his hands under my back and expertly unhooked my bra. My breasts spilled out, and I rolled on top of him straddling his body with my legs. I wince when my knee hit the bed, and readjusting slightly to compensate for the stitches. My body was shaking slightly from both the hangover and the intensity of what was happening between us. I felt his rock hard cock strain against his boxer shorts, and I ground my sex into him. He took my breasts in both hands, and ran his tongue over one nipple while rubbing the other. With him still working my breasts, I swear I almost came just from the pressure of his shaft against my slit.

  "I want to fuck you, Isadora," he whispered then blew lightly across my wet nipple. "I want to feel you surround me."

  My eyes rolled back. I was so damn close to orgasm and we were only at second base. All I could do was moan in reply.

  Although we were clad only in our underwear, there were too many layers of clothing between us. I lowered my body onto Finn's, sighing deeply when my soft breasts hit his muscular chest, a new wave of sensations enveloping my body. Leaning on my forearms, I lifted my pelvis up and he slipped my panties down over my ass. They left a wet streak along my thighs as I shimmied out of them.

  "You are so wet," he groaned, dipping a finger inside of me then using his slippery finger to rub my clit. I reached down between us, and slid my hand into his boxers, gripping his erection firmly. I moved my hand up and down his shaft, and his breath followed the rhythm I made with my hand.

  "Wait," he said, his finger paused on my clitoris like it was a button.

  "I don't want to wait!" I said through gritted teeth.

  "Don't you need to focus on your spell," he continued, applying just the slightest amount of pressure onto that sweet spot.

  "It's a little hard to focus on anything right now," I choked out, feeling the muscles in my pussy contract. I ached for him to fill me.

  "You need to," he insisted, now slowly moving his finger in a circle while applying even more pressure. "I won't let you come if you are not focusing on the spell."

  He moved his mouth back to my nipple and grazed it with his teeth. I gasped, squeezing his cock harder, trying to keep myself under control.

  Slowly, he removed his hand from my pussy. I stopped moving, feeling suddenly cold and vulnerable, with my naked body on top of his. He reached to my bedside table and picked up a quartz crystal, rubbing it with my juices before handing it to me.

  "Focus on this," he said, returning his hand and his focus back to pleasuring me. "Your telos, it's in here. Send your energy there, let the crystal absorb it."

  I nodded, the pleasure returning to me in waves as he crooked first one finger and then a second, into me. I pressed my hand that held the crystal into his free hand, pinning it against the bed to steady myself as he massaged my G-spot and my clit at the same time. My body was a pressure cooker and I moaned in anticipation of release. With my focus on the love spell, I bared down against his fingers, rocking against my nub faster. Just when I didn't think I could take it anymore, a huge wave of pleasure slammed into me, and I cried out before falling on top him, completely spent.

  He pulled his fingers out of me and brought them to his mouth, where he licked them and then kissed me, hard and deep, the taste of my own musk on his lips. Was I getting turned on again?

  "Wow," was all I could manage to say when we broke apart. I rolled off of him and opened the hand that held the crystal. My grip on it was so tight, its form indented into my skin.

  Finn rolled to his side and looked at me, rubbing his calloused hand along my body. "That felt good?"

  "For me, yeah. But what about you?" I asked. There was some guilt there, but honestly, I felt too good to feel too bad about it.

  "For me too. It felt good to get you off."

  "Well, I appreciate that for sure," I laughed awkwardly. "But is there anything you'd like to do?"

  "No condom," he shrugged. "Anyway, you needed to release some tension."

  I bit my lip. "Am I really that uptight?"

  He burst out laughing. "For the spell, Iz. For the spell."

  "Right," I said, relieved that he wasn't saying that I needed to get laid.

  "Will this sex magic stuff work without having, you know, actual sex?" I felt stupid asking, but we didn't fully do the deed, and nothing seemed to make that damned love potion work.

  He stopped stroking my body and looked away, like he was uncomfortable.

  "What?" I asked, suddenly paranoid. Did I smell weird or something? Did he notice something down there that made him decide against going all the way?

  "You wouldn't happen to have any condoms?" he asked, still not making eye contact.

  "I don't exactly do this much, so no. But you can go get yours, I won't go anywhere."

  "I ran out," he said, polite enough to not add when he ran out. Yesterday? Earlie
r today? I tried not to react. It really wasn't any of my business. Finn was helping me with the spell, that's as far as this went.

  "Maybe some other time then," I mumbled, immediately feeling like an idiot when it came out. As if there would be another time. Of course, if this didn't make the spell work, we'd have to go all the way. Assuming, of course, he still wanted to help.

  I decided that his response of "I hope so" was noncommittal. I knew he had loads of partners, but the thought of him having enough sex to run out of condoms smarted. And he must have just run out too, since his amount of hook ups was kind of staggering.

  "His hook ups..." I mused to myself. Now, I was one of them.

  Finn's breathing slowed as I snuggled into my pillows. I didn't want to think about this anymore, opting instead to focus on the afterglow of my orgasm while I drifted to sleep.


  I woke up with a start. The flood of sunlight across my bedroom told me I majorly overslept. Finn was pressed against me, his leg flung over mine. Each time I tried to extract myself, his quads clenched tighter, pinning me down.

  I poked his shoulder instead. "Finn..."

  He mumbled something but continued to ignore me.

  "Finn," I said louder, jamming my finger into his bone.

  "Come on, Iz," he said.

  "Let me up," I insisted. "I have to open the store."

  "Or what? You'll be fired?"

  "I won't have any business."

  "You probably won't anyway," he mumbled, eyes still closed. "Those sorority chicks are mad at you, remember?"

  He had a point there. I did a mental run down of my Tarot appointments for the day. It went fast, because there were none. But that didn't make me feel any better about slacking.

  "I still should get up," I told him, feeling pretty weird. Finn was in my bed, I was naked, and we had majorly fooled around. What did I do?

  "Let's just enjoy this," he said, his hand drifting up and down my body.

  "Finn," I started, his feather strokes on my breast a distraction. "We can't do this again."

  "Why not?"

  There was no good answer for that. I absolutely wanted to do everything again, and more. But it was Finn. Moody Finn. The guy that bedded at least three different girls a week. He ran out of condoms!


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