The Great Empire--Bilingual Edition

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The Great Empire--Bilingual Edition Page 21

by Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Barbosa De Melo

  - I don’t want to expose my mother to a trip like this; I’d prefer that the person to go was you, uncle, if you’re available.

  - You have my support! We’ll handle the necessary documentation with Zeng’s help, if that’s okay.

  - I am available, not only for the power of attorney, but also to go to the palace, if you wish, of course!

  Her uncle’s and Zeng’s willingness to represent Li in the claim for the donation was a great emotional relief for her - a new meeting with the Empress was out of the question. The words of anger and hatred spoken that morning by Xi were still fresh in her mind - although she still couldn’t find a single reason for it, she would never forget that scene!

  Days later...

  In the palace, Zeng and Li’s uncle awaited the audience requested from the Empress. The request once again had to be conveyed through Zhu, to whom the Empress delegated much of the matter. When he explained to her the reasons for that request for a hearing, she was left in a very bad mood. She too remembered with intensity the moments experienced on the morning of her marriage. In spite of the long time elapsed, the Empress retained in her memory, still very present, the image of her veil reduced to strips and the anger that she had felt for such ignoble act, for which her reaction was not made to wait.

  - I don’t want to receive those people, let alone resolve matters of this “Li”!

  - For any particular reason? - Zhu asked, surprised.

  - Yes, but that’s none of your business!

  - They claim a donation from the Emperor to which they are entitled! - Zhu reminded, still not understanding the Empress’ attitude.

  For a moment the Empress wanted to detach herself from the memory of anger and intense bitterness that she still had.

  - I didn’t want to tell you this like this, but the memory I keep of the morning of my wedding still brings me a lot of trouble! That wretched girl turned my veil into a bunch of rags! I’ll never forgive her...!

  - What do you mean, you will never forgive her? Who told you Li cut your veil into pieces?! - Added Zhu, even more surprised.

  - Wasn’t she?! - Said the Empress, outraged.

  - Your words reveal that you don’t know what really happened that night. I always thought you knew! You’re always so well informed that I assumed you knew the whole truth about it!

  - You want to be more specific?!

  - I think you’re aware that you’re envied by a lot of people!

  Zhu took a brief break before continuing.

  - I never told you about this, because I understood that it was too hard for you what they did at that time, but it’s always the right time to restore the truth!

  - What do you mean by that?!

  - Simply, everything! - I said Zhu, serenely.

  - You’re making me anxious with your half words!

  - If you let me continue, I’ll explain! At that time your meteoric rise facilitated the envy and hatred that you built around you to lead your rivals to unite in a true conspiracy. They wanted you to feel a strong humiliation in front of everyone. They knew that you would lose control when you saw the veil destroyed, thus appearing before the Emperor in the worst possible condition!

  Zhu paused before continuing.

  - Contrary to what you imagine, it was not one, but hundreds of women who cut your veil into a thousand pieces.

  - You’re making me more and more angry with that long talk of yours!

  - Wait, and you will know everything that really happened. The concubines decided among themselves that, in the dead of night, in small groups, they would go up to your veil and each one would apply a blow of scissors in memory of the anger they had for you. For what I know this ritual lasted all night!

  - Do you know who those “bitches” were?! I have to cut them into a thousand...

  Zhu, before Xi advanced with her hatred, said:

  - Don’t ask me for names or details! I couldn’t learn more than what I just said. One thing I’m sure of - Li wasn’t there, as she had been excluded by all. As far as I could tell, it all happened in the greatest of secrets and under bloody commitments.

  - How did you know all that?!

  - Pure chance! One of the times I met you during the night, I was surprised by steps in one of the corridors. I had to hide. It was then that I heard a conversation between two women talking about a subject that I only later associated with what happened to you. Even though I did everything, I couldn’t find out more about it than what I just mentioned.

  The Empress, after listening to this explanation, referred to a compromising silence. That news came too late. Even today she still had a hatred of death for Li, but she recognized that she had hastened to the conclusion that it was Li who had destroyed her veil. But that no longer mattered! The important thing was to identify who these traitors were, “they would have to pay for everything they did! Those revelations made the Empress even more distressed. She would have preferred to remain in ignorance, so at least she had someone to cast all the anger she felt on. After those brief moments of reflection, she made quick decisions on the matter.

  - As soon as you can, you’ll get me a list of the names of all the women who were in the palace that night. As for the hearing requested by the relatives of that one, you’ll handle it yourself. Hand over the donations they’re entitled to. You can leave, I want to be alone!

  Zhu had never heard of their meeting on the morning of the wedding, so he did not understand the hatred that the Empress still felt for her rival.

  The return to the village of Uncle and Zeng, bearers of the donated goods, allowed Li to have a renewed hope for the school project. The donation came at the right time. Thus, the funds given by the uncle and cousin together represented an excellent guarantee for the future of the school. Li’s self-esteem was thus at a high level, as she had long since forgotten! That day, after dinner, she took another walk through the garden of her house. It was a beautiful moonlit night! For the first time in many years, she realized that the shapes and shades of the plants and objects she walked by seemed different to her! Maybe because of her eyes, maybe because of the tranquility of her heart, or maybe because of the radiant clarity of that night! Ever since she was a little girl, she had got used to being a good observer - she was enchanted by the beauty of things and especially by the magic of the difference caused by the effect of light! A simple flower seen in the moonlight seemed different to her - it did not have the same brightness and beauty when, in broad daylight, the star king shone down on her, yet it was the same flower! This made her reflect on the form and essence of things - even though they were the same, to our senses everything is configured differently. As she wandered through those thoughts, Li came to a conclusion: things and beings, including people, are very dependent on each other, even in the image they give of themselves. These thoughts reminded her of her first encounter with Zeng, when he appeared among the schoolmaster candidates. From the very beginning she felt an intense light in his eyes (from then on Zeng had focused his attention on Li and this one had in her image the reflection of his fascination) - without realizing it, they had let themselves be caught in the meshes of passion...!

  On the way back from the walk in the garden, Li noticed the reclining chair, which her mother had left forgotten by the old tree hours before. Li sat down (the night mirrored a particularly pleasant moonlight) and, enveloped by the serenity of the moment, she let herself fall asleep. Soon after, she failed to answer her mother’s call, nor did she feel her approaching, who, without interrupting her sleep, gathered back to the house, with a smile on her lips. Some time later Li awoke - hours had passed for her! She had had a dream, pleasant and intense, so when she woke up, she went to meet her mother to tell her. As she entered the house, she noticed that she had already retired to her room. However, not wanting to leave it until the next day to tell her about that dream, Li knocked.

  - Mom, is it still possible to talk to you?!

  -Of course, my dear. Oh, come in! Wha
t’s that face?! What can I do for you?

  - That’s exactly why I want to talk to you!

  - I confess, I don’t understand! Can you be more precise?

  - You’ll understand! When I sat in the rest chair you left outside, I fell asleep. Then I had a strange dream that I want to share with you. What I have to tell you won’t take more than a few minutes, can I?

  - I’m always available; do tell me what you have to say!

  - So here it is... “The first images appeared at a time that seemed to be the present. We lived in a kingdom of vast territory on whose throne a small king sat. Because of his tender age, the decisions of governance were made in his place by a cunning, cruel and manipulative queen. In that kingdom the court was surrounded by the greatest luxury, while outside the palace the people lived with great difficulties, burdened with taxes. Despite the constant complaints of the population, the queen remained on the throne and with her back turned to the people, caring little for their suffering. When the successor came of age, already with full rights over the throne, the queen cunningly induced him to take part in a royal hunt from where he returned dead. In addition to the protests that were heard throughout the kingdom, the queen usurped the throne for her own benefit. And despite the constant outbreaks of revolt of the people and aggressions of neighboring kingdoms, her reign was long. When the queen finally felt that her end was near, she put her nephew in her place. With her death, the successor, still of a young age, was transformed by the military into a powerless figure. I remember that after this I had another dream, but from the images I realized that I had gone back to the time when the queen was still ruling, yet showing a different reality. It was a bright sunny day, I was walking along the path that led to the village and in the distance I saw a young man coming towards me, riding a horse of a shining white. As he approached, he smiled at me and said that the girl I was holding by the hand was also his daughter. At that moment I became aware that I was not walking alone and that I was holding a child. The young man stretched out his hands and raised the child, putting her in front of him on the horse back, and then he did the same to me. We left towards the village. When we arrived there many people from the village came to meet us and threw flowers at our passage and waved to us happily! Through the following images and as time went by we began to rise in the air towards the sky. As I looked back, I realized that a trail of light had formed with many stars following us! Then those stars began to fall on the earth, becoming people, multiplying and spreading across all continents! They lived in peace, with joy, without hatred or war. At the same time as all this was happening, I was invaded by a feeling of immense happiness... Then I woke up!”- What does this strange dream mean, Mother?!

  - I don’t know! I only know that the gods have many ways of showing us their purposes!9

  * * *

  9. From the romance between Li and Zeng was born a daughter, Lili, who, years later, continued, not only the school created by her mother, but also the Import and Export business that expanded throughout Europe.


  19th century

  With the first rays of sun the city slowly woke up for another day. Everywhere there were signs of gradual awakening. The morning was fresh and bright. The girls and other palace staff began their preparations for another event very early in the morning, so that there was nothing missing for the main meal of the day for the about nine thousand guests. For the widowed Empress, it was just another day among many, since these events represented the way she had to present herself in the social and political life of the nation.

  When the Emperor passed away, the palace’s finances were under control, so Empress Xi did not have to worry about financial management. Luxury extended to all the Empress’ acts and were now the golden rule. Meals acquired an additional reason for pleasure and extension of her social life. More than ten thousand guests often gathered at the table with a rich and varied menu - sometimes more than a hundred different dishes were served. In social life the Empress had an open attitude; however, in political activity she tried to be restrictive. At first, she made an effort to keep a daily agenda similar to that of the Emperor. In the morning she dealt with the affairs of the State, received noblemen and provincial authorities and foreign delegations. Over the years she gradually delegated the Palace Administration and a large part of her public functions to Zhu. As a result of this gradual detachment from the realities of governance and increased influence of the eunuchs in the life of the palace, the discontent of the noblemen and military as well as the provincial representatives grew.

  A few years later...

  As a result of the Empress’ growing self-disengagement from public life, an event would mark her reign forever, initiating a profound political change with devastating consequences for the entire Empire. Still very early, the officials had not even started their usual tasks and already a large number of senior military officers entered the palace, being led by the deputy of Zhu to the palace of Harmony to be received. The Empress had once again delegated the task to her advisor, to the displeasure of all the participants. The hearing began shortly afterwards, presided over by Zhu. For the uniqueness of the meeting, here we leave some of the records:

  - I ask your understanding for the absence of Her Excellency, the Empress, who, for very particular reasons, could not be present. However, all matters dealt with here will be known to her and decided as quickly as possible.

  After several considerations Zhu gave the floor to the Admiral in charge of the Navy who, after giving a brief description of the conflict that occurred in territorial waters with foreign forces, moved on to the main subject.

  -We need a reinforcement of facilities, particularly in warships. The defense of the empire and the best interests of the Nation demand urgency in the treatment of this matter. The new boats will make it possible to effectively repel the attacks by foreign armed forces we’ve been subjected to. Our petition includes a comprehensive description of all urgent needs and respective cost estimates, involving both material and human resources.

  Zhu, after having received from the Navy Chief of Staff the large number of documents detailing the request, then gave the floor to the Army Chief of Staff who listed the weaknesses of land defense, adding:

  -On our part, the situation does not have the Navy’s urgency, but it does have operational importance. We cannot allow the opposition forces to settle in our territory, so we must be prepared to neutralize them. Most of the existing equipment has not been upgraded in the last forty years - a good part is now obsolete or non-operational. We cannot sustain the situation much longer. I have with me a set of budgets to meet the most basic needs, for which I ask Her Excellency’s attention. We also attach a strategic plan for the restructuring of the ground armed forces, to which we have received the assent of the Council of War, here present.

  When Zhu collected the documentation delivered by the General, he was assured by the members present that the matter had been widely discussed. For Zhu that military petition was not easy to answer to. The state coffers had long been empty and the Empress’ personal financial resources were now beginning to show many weaknesses. When the hearing was over, Zhu took care to express the promise that the Empress would respond as soon as possible. Knowing financial situation as a whole, Zhu understood that it was a good idea to make an appointment with the head of the Imperial House and look for possible solutions to cope with all those expenses - the financial difficulties had been growing with the increase in the court’s sumptuousness and were now growing at a much faster rate than the revenue. When the head of the Imperial House spoke about the military’s petition, following Zhu’s information, he responded with the obvious:

  - You can’t get out of a depository what is not in there.

  The position of the head of the Imperial House did not surprise Zhu, since he knew his pragmatic side very well. Zhu himself had long suggested to the Empress a strong restraint on the expenditure side. Zhu knew that the
matter brought up by the military would give the Empress some headaches, but he had no other choice. Whenever he faced a difficult situation, it was already his practice to let the matter mature for three days before informing the Empress. This way he had more time to think about a possible solution. In such a way the Empress got used to this practice of Zhu that, consciously or unconsciously, she started using it herself too. So, however serious the issues, they had no imperial decision before nine days had passed. The high court leaders got used to this delay, so they always added the elements considered necessary to a detailed analysis, thus reducing the decision time. When days later the Empress learnt of the military’s petition, she immediately expressed her opinion to Zhu.

  - I’m glad I wasn’t at the meeting, so I always have a little more time to think...

  - Yes, but the matter is serious! If we don’t move quickly, the country is in danger of invasion by foreign forces!

  - Don’t let yourself be influenced by what the military says.

  - But...

  Zhu had not yet expressed his opinion and the Empress was already interrupting him in an unreasonable manner.

  - What they want is to surround themselves with “equipment” to better justify their wages to their “boys”. Do not forget that until today no one has dared to challenge my Empire!

  - This is serious...

  Once again Xi did not give Zhu the opportunity to finish his thought.

  - What the hell! It’s not with half a dozen or so boats that our enemies will respect us more! Let me think about it!

  Those matters were particularly unpleasant for her, as she did not share the opinion of the military chiefs, who thought that the court was closed in on itself. In the past, some of these petitions had already been examined. At that time the conclusion had been reached that there was no need for any modernization of military resources. For the Empress, expenditure on military means was only necessary in wartime. Now, and for more than four hundred years no one had dared to question the sovereignty of the Empire. And even if that were to happen, they had more than enough means to repel the intruders. For her it was out of the question to manufacture new boats for the Navy, even more so now that the state coffers were empty and the personal financial resources were not so great as to allow one more loan. Thus, taking into account the appeals of the head of her Imperial House and because she felt that this matter could not be postponed forever, she had decided to invite three dozen noble conservatives of her confidence to obtain their opinion. For that she used the already customary lunches.


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