The Great Empire--Bilingual Edition

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The Great Empire--Bilingual Edition Page 32

by Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Barbosa De Melo

  - Precisely! I see that you are attentive and have a good memory.

  - A very different way of doing Western politics, which focuses its main concern on the short term!

  - When I visited New York a few years ago, I was convinced that the West lives very much on the basis of the immediate! I confess, I did not like it! It’s a very different culture from ours.

  Snu listened to her countryman’s opinion but did not want to comment, preferring instead to continue with the previous matter.

  -The political debate with three decades of analysis is a new process for me. The West does not use that criterion. I do think, however, that generations need to know which way they are going, where they are coming from and where they are going! Although I am new to political issues, I believe that countries need a North for economic issues, a, as steady as possible, development formula.

  - It is not just a question of development policy, but rather a matter of keeping on course. With the beginning of the Republic, we have had a period of great bewilderment and disruption, with manifest damage to entire generations. In order for this not to happen again, today we believe that a broad analysis must be made. With this we can measure the past and look to the future, maintaining a firmer course.

  Snu, despite disagreeing with some of her countrymen’s statements, did not want to take any initiative in the discussion, as it was not the place, let alone the time, to do so. Soon after, from a distance, signs became visible that the Congress would begin very soon. Indeed, moments later, the conversation had to be interrupted. The opening session was going to take place.

  As the President entered the stage, a shrill round of applause was heard from the congressmen who stood up for their leader. After brief moments of silence, the President began his paused speech. After a long and vigorous speech, it ended, focusing on the need for the country to continue its gigantic effort to continue its economic policies of recent years. For his part, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of the reforms under way and confirmed the President’s concerns. The Secretary General of the Party praised the unity of the country around the major options of the plan, stressing the importance of political stability in achieving the development of the country.

  In the afternoon, the work placed particular emphasis on the debate on the five-year plan. The Minister of Finance’s speech gave details of economic growth achieved in the previous period and presented detailed estimates for the next. He also warned of the need for close monitoring of costs and control of investments in order to avoid budgetary slippages. He was followed by speakers from the other ministries, with the session ending late in the afternoon at a very late hour.

  When Snu arrived at the hotel, she had no opportunity to meet with her sister and William. The next morning, to her surprise, upon arriving at the restaurant, the two were already chatting animatedly while having their first meal of the day.

  - Good to see you! - Said Snu, with a broad smile and as an apology for what happened the day before.

  -See, Congress wasn’t that boring! - Said William, staring at Snu.

  - What’s that look?! - Snu said to William.

  -This is the first time I’ve noticed certain details on your face! - William said emphatically.

  -How so! - Added Snu, a little curious.

  - Beauty is contagious in your family, isn’t it?!

  -Shut up! How was your day, yesterday?

  - Your sister is an excellent guide, you know! In one day I got to know the essentials of the city. We visited the most important areas and still had time to enter some historic buildings.

  -That does not surprise me. Besides being graduated in History, she is also an official guide at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so she is more than qualified!

  Snu, as she spoke, was staring insistently at the clock, as if worried about the control of the time, so moments later:

  - I have to go, I’m already late! – she said, embarrassed and in a hurry.

  - Don’t you dare! You just got here and you’re leaving without even having breakfast?!

  -I’m sorry, but I don’t have the time!

  - For now you are forgiven, but later you must be on time for dinner and a little chat! - Said William, a little upset.

  The traffic that morning was very intense, almost chaotic, so the arrival at the Congress Center was made with many difficulties and great delay. When Snu entered the hall, work had already begun and, aggravated by the difficulty of returning to her place, the delay was already about an hour. The friend, in a low voice, whispered in her ear:

  - I thought you weren’t coming!

  - Traffic problems! Where are we?

  - Analysis of economic policy on the international front.

  When Snu entered, the Minister of Economy took the floor. He was followed by other speakers - prominent leaders and figures from public and academic life in the country.

  In recent years the country had developed at a dizzying pace. The growth rate was now in double digits and in a sustained manner. The huge modernization effort established for the country years ago was now bearing fruit. The economy was growing sharply and the internationalization of companies and the country stood out in a particular way. In all areas of national life, enormous opportunities for national and international companies were beginning to arise. The rural populations, attracted by the rapid enrichment achieved in the cities, moved to the large industrial centers. A large number of cities, now transformed into metropolises, were boiling with activity and growing impressively. The enormous effort of modernity and renewal, however, dragged along strong distortions in society and the environment (everywhere, situations of increasing environmental complexity and social injustice began to emerge) that needed to be resolved.

  Near the end of the morning the congressman (a friend of Snu’s family), a man strongly committed to the Party, spoke:

  -Gentlemen, the current state achieved by the country is the result of coherent and decided policies in the recent past. Among the main vectors of development are: the opening of the economy to the outside world; an aggressive policy in the formation of young people; a process of industrialization of the country focused particularly on new technologies. In this context, the complementary effort of training and specialization of young university students abroad, combined with the implementation of a vast scientific research programme in liaison with the best Universities in the world is particularly commendable. And, in parallel, the implementation of a gigantic investment programme centered on partnerships, attracting cutting-edge technologies, thus laying the foundations for present success. If we look at a cross-cutting vision of our development, we have to highlight the merit of the government that, through a favorable climate, created the conditions for knowledge and modernity in the country, that has extended to all areas of public and private activity. In short, the opening of the economy to the outside, massive investments and partnerships in technology are building our future. Today’s cities reflect this degree of development, centered on a high urbanism, modernity, and expansion and witness our image in the modern world. But there is always a but, in this Olympic modernity, because a nightmare of inequality and pollution has been created. If it is true that what we have done to date has brought happiness to hundreds of millions of people, we must also recognize that these inequalities and pollution must be reduced for the good of all. And that is what I have to tell you.

  Enthusiasm did not take hold of the House this time, so there was little applause. After the speech, work was interrupted for lunch.

  In the afternoon the planned Congress guests’ speeches began. The session was long and monotonous for most congressmen until the beginning of Snu’s intervention. From then on, the resurgence of the good star shining in the firmament of the Congress was felt. Her presentation on the international financial markets once again aroused the curiosity and widespread applause of the congressmen - an unusual situation in these meetings. It should be noted that this favorable moment
was due in part to the initiative of the President of the Republic who, standing, applauded the intervention of Snu and, thus, was followed by everyone. For her, the enthusiasm of the audience had a surprising effect, so much so that, after the applause, she simply stopped listening to the other speakers. Her brain was held hostage to a single image - that of the President welcoming her speech. When the afternoon session ended, Snu was visibly a happy woman! Something inside her (in a very remote place in her brain) told her that that gesture of the President had represented much more than just applause. For Snu that occurrence deserved to be shared with friends and family, so she rushed to meet William and her sister, but what was not her disappointment when she arrived at the reception of the hotel and took note of a message they left, saying: “We apologize, but today we will arrive very late.” They had decided to go downtown to celebrate what little freedom they had left, since the next day William had a flight back to New York. As she read the message, Snu smiled “if I was in his place, she would have done the same”, she thought. She then walked to the dining area and, after a brief meal, she decided to relax a little by taking a walk outside. A walk along the contiguous streets helped her to “digest” the most remarkable moments of that day of Congress. On her return, and before falling asleep, she devoted about two hours to reading several chapters of a new book. After all, the day had represented much more than she expected and although she was alone it did not disturb her. Just before midnight she went to bed for a well-deserved night’s rest.

  The next day William was there, by the restaurant entrance, waiting for Snu to arrive.

  - In the mood to accompany me to Congress? - William said, in a defiant tone.

  Snu looked at her friend and, before answering, looked for marks of fatigue from his late return.

  - From what I can see, the evening didn’t do that much damage! - Said Snu, looking malicious.

  - We went to a variety show that included dinner! But the return time wasn’t as late as you think, by 2am we were back at the hotel.

  Snu was disappointed with her friend’s response, so she preferred to change the subject.

  - We must hurry! Today it’s important to be on time!

  The trip to the Congress was less stressful than the previous day, which helped the desired punctuality. William, after the check-in formalities, followed Snu through the corridors. On the way through the wings to the hall they were able to check out some of the most remarkable moments of the last days. On two panels were displayed photographs of many of those significant moments. Further ahead, another one was filled with graphics and statistics, thus giving a broad view of the event. That route also allowed them to meet several well-known people from national life with whom they exchanged opinions on current topics. Snu took the opportunity to introduce William whenever possible, thus providing conversations about the Western world. In one of these meetings Snu had the good fortune to meet an old childhood friend with responsibilities in the Party Central Committee, who reminded him of the importance of the New York Business Agency and the expansion of international business in the country where she was now assignee. For both Snu and William, it was an opportunity to talk to people from various political and social backgrounds, allowing them to have a broader view of the country. Snu proved to be an excellent friend and diplomat, allowing her to share a great deal of information. In these meetings, William, here and there, had the opportunity to exchange personal opinions, defending: that the strengthening of relations between peoples is a determining factor in the broad understanding between nations; that this knowledge can be achieved by various initiatives, from social, cultural, literary, to artistic and even political; that the foundations of citizenship, when based on the universal dimension of human rights, allow deepening international dialogue and cooperation, providing a culture of peace. He also defended that coexistence between peoples should be done in respect for the pluralism of their identities and cultures. William benefited from this exchange of ideas because he was not deprived of communication due to language barriers; otherwise the situation would have been very different. Understanding between peoples increasingly involves overcoming barriers. Throughout time, various initiatives have sought to disseminate a universal language. Simultaneous translation services (via internet) with voice recognition equipment can help to overcome this great challenge of humanity.

  An acoustic signal, audible through all the corridors accessing the hall, warned that another session of the Congress would soon begin. It was therefore necessary that they should take their seats quickly. With the beginning of the session, silence was heard, waiting for the words of the first speaker. It was a long and active speech on the course of that great nation. The speakers who followed were equally deep in their analysis, although making shorter oratory journeys. In the late afternoon most of the congressmen were satisfied as they had listened to a high-quality panel of speakers, with issues treated across the various areas of national life. In all of them there was a central concern - the future, pointing to new and greater national plans. From what was heard, it was clear that a major turning point was underway in the country’s economic policy with profound implications at the national and international levels. The Congress ended as it had begun - with warm and meaningful words from the President. For William it had been a unique and rewarding experience, as well as for Snu for very different reasons that the future would eventually reveal.

  Later, already at the airport, William was waiting to board back to New York. When he wanted to share his impressions of that afternoon’s Congress with his friend, he got a bigger surprise from her - she always diverted the conversation to other matters. William did not care for that circumstance, but from the afternoon of the previous day Snu had been behaving differently (he would say, a little distant), “What is going on with her? “ As his friend had scheduled a return trip for the following week, William waited for a better opportunity to question her about it.

  Snu, after saying goodbye to her friend and returning to the hotel, was confronted with a message (somewhat strange) left at the reception by the Head of the Foreign Affairs Minister’s office, summoning her to an emergency meeting to be held the following day, at the ministry, at nine o’clock. The laconic content of the summons stated only: “to deal with matters of your interest”. That strange message left her intrigued, and because of it, in her late afternoon meeting with her sister she did not mention the reason why she could not go out with her, as agreed, but simply stated that she had to attend a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the following day. Snu, although she had relatively good control over her emotions, felt that the scheduling of that abrupt meeting could be a herald of unwanted surprises. Perhaps because of the anxiety installed that night, she woke up intermittently, assailed by concern about the reasons for such a summons. She put forward several hypotheses, the most considered one being that due to the recent financial movements made before leaving New York. In thought, she reviewed each of the financial investments made and, as far as she could remember, they had all respected the instructions received. In the morning, the fatigue of a poor night’s sleep was visible on her face. Despite the care Snu put on her makeup she could not completely disguise it. When she arrived at the hotel’s restaurant, she was given a new message, this time to inform her that a car was on its to take her to the ministry. Those movements, because they seemed strange to her, caused even more anxiety and nervousness. When she arrived at the reception, she handed over the document she had received, so she was immediately forwarded to the office of the Minister’s Secretary. Along the way, Snu sought to show a normal exterior serenity, in contrast with the tumult of emotions she felt inside. With every smile of greeting from the assistants, Snu tried to respond with a smile. When she arrived at the office, she was taken to an adjoining room. A large space, decorated with sobriety, in the center of which stood out an oval table disproportionately large and around which were crowded several chairs. The Minister’s Secretary
dragged one of these chairs and, in a graceful gesture, asked Snu to sit down and wait a minute. The decoration of that room had made a significant impact in Snu. She had no recollection, in all her professional career, of ever having been in such a richly decorated room! Little by little she let herself be conquered by the beauty and sobriety of the room and its adornments. So enchanted she was with the details that she did not notice the entrance of several people. Seconds later, with the dragging of one of the chairs, she became aware of the new reality. Surprised, she got up in a quick gesture, and one of those present made a sign for her to remain seated. Snu, still a little disoriented, obeyed instinctively. With all that, her heart rhythm rose abruptly to high levels, while her whole body was covered by an abnormal blood flow, and her face acquired a disused blush. For a moment she felt assaulted by fears “the matter must be very serious”, she thought. She imagined herself in a courtroom in front of a college of judges, prepared to the teeth to condemn her. The most dramatic thing was that she still could not remember what she had done so wrong to justify all that. Moments later, the character who sat in front of her began to address those present making a brief presentation of Snu. Faced with that new situation, her heart rate began to drop to levels closer to normal - thus confirming that she was not before the inquisitorial court she imagined. During the meeting Snu learned that the speaker was the then Secretary of State and that the man in front of her was the Assistant to the Minister. From what they said, it was good news. After all, the purpose of that meeting was an invitation: if Snu agreed, she would join the team of Assistants to the Presidency of the Republic, specifically in the Economy portfolio. When asked if she would accept the proposed post, Snu remained for a moment in silence, as if paralyzed, without being able to articulate a single word. Those present, faced with her silence, looked at each other in amazement and perplexed - for the first time Snu was unable to control her emotions, having resorted to an artifice with an affirmative nod. After the initial instants of lack of emotional control, she expressed her acceptance orally, thanking the honorable invitation. At the end of the meeting, Snu felt a grateful and more self-confident woman.


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