A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4)

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A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4) Page 8

by Janelle Daniels

  Her body jerked when a clear view opened up. She gulped as Derek rested his hands on her shoulders, urging her to turn away, but she wouldn’t. Her dog, the one she’d sequestered in her room, lay lifeless and broken on the drive, her neck turned at an unnatural angle.

  Through his hands, he willed all of his strength into her. If she broke now, in front of the crowd, in front of whoever did this, the enemy would win.

  Her lungs wheezed in and out before she jerked her chin up and looked away. “Poor thing. He must’ve had an accident. I wonder whom he belonged to.”

  She turned, walking away with all the poise and breeding instilled from birth. She didn’t stagger under the heavy weight. She looked like she hadn’t a care in the world.

  But she’d loved that dog.

  Pride filled him. Magnificent. He’d never met another woman who equaled her. She’d stood on her own, shining through adversity. But she didn’t need to suffer though the grief of losing a beloved pet alone.

  He calmed everyone, convincing the crowd to go back inside before approaching Henry. “Is everyone accounted for?”

  Henry continued to watch the crowd, shrewd eyes taking in everything. “A sweep was done after the animal was discovered, and I’ve received word no one is missing.”

  “Good.” At least that was one less thing to worry about. “Bury him in the family pet plot and get the stragglers to move along.”

  When Derek knew his orders were understood, he went back to his study and locked the door.

  Opening the bookcase, he stepped back into the tunnel where he’d been only moments before. Only he wasn’t heading out to spy.

  He closed the passageway door, cut a sharp left, and climbed the narrow staircase.

  He was going to Charlotte.

  Chapter 11

  Charlotte closed the door with a soft click before she ran to the chamber pot and retched. Her body heaved, purging images as ruthlessly as the contents of her stomach. She sobbed between bouts, clutching her skirts beneath her.

  Daisy’s name had suited her perfectly. Happy, a great companion, and never one to hurt another creature. She’d curl onto Charlotte’s lap at night, whimpering if she’d neglected to give her pet enough love.

  Who could murder such an innocent animal?

  She heaved into the pot. Sweat pricked her skin.

  Oh no. No.

  Wrapping an arm around her middle, she hobbled to her bed and sunk down to the aquamarine coverlet. Numbness froze her heart.

  Only one person could kill such an innocent creature so carelessly.

  The Black Dahlia.

  Her hand jerked to her stomach. She couldn’t be sick again. Panting, she staved off most of the nausea. She shuffled to the window, tossed lace curtains aside, and pushed open the glass. She gulped pungent garden air.

  How had they gotten through Derek’s defenses? Daisy had been in her room this morning. She hadn’t told anyone to take her out. Besides, if someone had been with her, they would have been hurt too.

  Her eyes flailed open. A woman had screamed. Was it during the moment of attack or upon finding Daisy’s crumpled body?

  Eyes wild, Charlotte scrambled to the door, throwing it wide open in her haste.

  She shrieked when a male form blocked the door.

  “Shh. Charlotte, you’re all right. You’re safe,” Derek said, maneuvering her back into the room before he slipped inside and closed the door.

  She barely heard him. “We have to go! Someone might be hurt.” She struggled against his soft hold, motioning toward the door. “What are you doing? We have to go!”

  “Who might be hurt?”

  “A maid. A servant. Daisy was in my room this morning when I left. But anyone could have taken her for a walk. Someone could be in danger.” Bile rose. “Someone could be dead.” Panicked eyes vaulted to him. “My presence might have gotten someone else killed.”

  He pulled her into his arms, tightening his grip when she struggled. “Deep breaths. In. Out.” She didn’t listen, but her struggles slowed. “Come on. In and out.”

  She did as he asked. Hoping once she did, he’d listen.

  “Everyone is safe. A head count was done, and everyone is accounted for. Staff and guests,” he said before her struggles picked up again.

  “Everyone’s safe?”


  A sob escaped before she could catch it. She gripped his coat, holding him close instead of pushing him away. “Oh, Daisy.”

  Tears sprung to her eyes, and she arched away from Derek. But he wouldn’t release her. Breath caught in her lungs as panic set in. She was ten seconds away from a complete meltdown, and she didn’t want him in the middle of it. “Let me go.”

  “No. You have me. You can release this.”

  She shook her head wildly. “No. You have to let me go.”

  “Trust me. Lean on me.”

  Her heart accepted his words. He’d been the one person she’d been able to confide in, to trust. He’d protected her and gone out of his way to deal with things no sane person would want to take on. And he’d done it all without complaint. He’d done it with kindness.

  The dam broke.

  Clenching him closer, she buried her face in his chest as the storm raged. Tears, heartache, and fear screamed out of her. She was lost, buried deep in grief that seemed to have no end.

  Would she die just as Daisy had? They wanted her to fear that. That they would break her neck and leave her behind without a thought. Like an animal slaughtered without remorse.

  What would become of her? How long would fear rule her? Until they were caught or she was dead?

  She drew a shaky breath as the tears slowed. “They’re going to kill me.”

  He squeezed her tighter. “No. I won’t ever allow them to touch you.”

  She pushed back, and he loosened his grip enough for her gaze to meet his. She didn’t care that her eyes were swollen, her nose was bright red, or that salty tears tracked down her cheeks. “For how long, Derek? How long will you keep me safe? How long will you hide me away?”

  “As long as it takes. I’ll never give up, Charlotte. Ever.” Something in his gaze pleaded with her, but she didn’t know what he asked or what he wanted.

  “If they don’t kill me, they’ll go after my family.”

  He nodded grimly. “We have to tell them. They’re vulnerable if they don’t know. It’s the only way to keep them safe.”

  “But what of your secret?” Would he really hand over that kind of power to her family? Risk his life, his career, if her family ever spoke of it?

  “It doesn’t matter as long as you all stay safe.”

  Her hands brushed over a wet patch on his navy blue coat where her tears stained the material. For the first time, she realized she was in his arms again. Truly in his arms. Her body pressed against his as it had during their kiss in the hidden passageway. He was strong, hard, and she fit against him perfectly. She scooted closer, relishing his heat as it warmed her chilled heart, comforting her.

  “Why are you doing this? Why go through all this trouble?”

  His jaw clenched, and she watched the muscle move in fascination. “It’s my duty to protect you.”

  “Oh.” Her heart fell. She moved away to her dresser and poured herself a glass of water to rinse her mouth, hoping he wouldn’t see her disappointment.

  What had she been thinking? Of course it was his job. She’d gotten too wrapped up in everything that had happened. It made her see things that weren’t really there. He was being kind, comforting. No different than he would with another victim.

  Yet the thought of him kissing another victim in a different place—

  “Come here,” he said.

  Finished rinsing her mouth, she did as he asked. She sat on the bed next to him, folding her hands in her lap, hoping she appeared at ease.

  His finger lifted her chin, and he swore. “I’m duty bound to protect you. It’s my job.”

  “I understand.” H
er heart ached. She couldn’t fault him for his honesty. He wasn’t lying, and that was something she should respect. “I’m a burden to you. I’m sorry—”

  His lips silenced her as he kissed her hard, determined. Charlotte moaned in surprise, and Derek deepened the kiss.

  She closed her eyes as hot feelings circled through her, pulling her into a dark abyss she never wanted to leave.

  This was heat. This was passion. This was raw.

  He told her in the way he tasted her, in the way he held her, that his protection went beyond duty, beyond necessity.

  She clutched him close, breathing his woodsy smell with every breath, kissing him with as much passion as he gave, answering his call. Her heart raced as he fisted her skirt before yanking her away.

  He tucked her head under his chin, the sudden loss of his kiss jarring her.

  His heart raced against her cheek as harsh breaths filled her ears.

  “This isn’t just my job, Charlotte. I care about you.”

  Her eyes shuddered. Hearing his words of affection shifted something within her. She mattered to him.

  While that gave her strength, she couldn’t hide forever. “They’re never going to stop.”

  “We’ll find them.”

  Reluctant to leave his arms, she slid away, a part of her hoping he’d stop her. But she needed to stand on her own while she said this. “Yes. We will. But I can’t hide. I can’t stay in my room, or the house, cowering, hoping they’ll make a mistake. They’re here. They’re at your estate. If Daisy wasn’t taken out by a servant, then that means they slipped inside or… or one of the guests is responsible.”

  He cursed. “We’ll move you to another location. Take you somewhere safe.”

  “And then what? They’ll only find me.” He didn’t argue. He couldn’t. “I need to stay here. I need to interact with others. Something they say, something they do, could trigger my memory. I’ve heard their voices. If they’re among the guests, I can identify them.”

  “What if the person who’s here, who killed your dog, is just a pawn? What if that pawn wasn’t in the Leatherbys’ sitting room that night? What if you don’t realize you’re in danger until it’s too late?” His eyes heated at the thought.

  “I have you, Derek. I’m safe here with you.”

  His mouth opened to argue, but she hushed him with a finger to his lips. “I know you can’t be there every moment, but you have eyes everywhere. I’m more safe here than anywhere else. You know I’m right. You know this is the best chance of identifying the threat.”

  He gripped her wrist, slowly moving her hand away. “I don’t like it.”

  A sad, rueful smile curved her lips. “I can’t say I’m fond of it either.”

  His jaw clenched. He nodded once and took her hand in his, holding it secure in his grasp. “You’ll never be alone. A guard will always be posted in the hall outside your room. No one will notice them, but I want you to know you’re safe. You needn’t ever fear as long as you’re on my estate.”

  Her heart stumbled at his words, at what his eyes told her. He cared about her as a man cares for a woman. To her surprise, she cared about him too, more than she ever thought possible. More than she expected to. She’d had a crush on him years ago, but that was when he was an unattainable dream. A handsome viscount from her imagination. But Derek was a man. A man she admired, respected.


  His kisses communicated he desired her in return. The thought left a ragged, gaping pain within her chest.

  She worried that when this was all over, she wouldn’t be able to walk away from him with her heart intact. Because for the first time, there was a very real chance she might love the viscount.

  Chapter 12

  Charlotte tucked a curl behind her ear for the tenth time as she descended the stairs. The scavenger hunt started in ten minutes, and a crowd already gathered in the parlor. She smoothed the butterflies in the stomach one last time before taking a deep breath and entering the room full of excited chatter.

  Curving her lips, she tipped her head back, exuding a confidence she didn’t feel.

  Her mother rushed to Charlotte’s side, kissing her cheek. “Darling, I’m glad to see you made it.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this. You know how much I love scavenger hunts.”

  Her mother’s eyes lit in understanding. When Derek had held a private meeting with her parents, they’d both been horrified by what Charlotte had endured, by what she still endured. Her mother had scarce left her side in the last twenty-four hours, as if her presence alone could protect her.

  Charlotte would participate in the scavenger hunt today, but she wasn’t hunting down buttons or hatpins. She hunted a killer. Though exhausted and terrified, she had to do it.

  She’d never be free until Derek captured the Black Dahlia.

  She glanced around the room, noting half the guests mingling near the large area adjacent to the Queen Anne sitting arrangement. “Have they announced the teams yet?” No one seemed paired off yet, but that didn’t mean much.

  Lord Acton escorted Lady Pembroke and Lady Norland over to speak with her.

  Lady Pembroke fluffed the curls at her neck. “Heavens, no. They wouldn’t dare start the festivities without our host.”

  Lady Norland giggled nervously. “I wonder whom I’ll be paired with.”

  “Well, I hope it isn’t me. You’re terrible at finding things.” Lady Pembroke sniffed, oblivious to the insult she’d just delivered.

  Charlotte’s eyes narrowed at the woman. She didn’t have any tolerance for bullies, and Lady Pembroke seemed to crush Lady Norland under her heel more often. Just because Lady Norland’s husband had left her with little financial support didn’t mean she should have to suffer the company of Lady Pembroke.

  When no one spoke up, Charlotte turned a smile to Lady Norland. “I would be honored to partner you. Your quick mind would come in handy during an activity such as this.”

  Lady Norland flushed and glanced at the floor.

  “Oh. As would I. It would be an honor.” Lord Acton coughed, no doubt realizing how ungentlemanly his silence had been.

  He said something else, but Charlotte tuned into the inflections and timbre of his voice more than what he said. Was there something familiar about his voice?

  No. She shook her head at the unease curling through her. She was trying too hard to find something that wasn’t there.

  Lady Pembroke on the other hand, could walk over another without a moment’s hesitation.

  Conversation faded when Derek entered the room. Charlotte’s heart fluttered at the sight of him. Sugar lumps!

  The use of his Christian name was so natural to her. She was in deep.

  “Thank you all for joining us this morning.” Derek smiled, his gaze settling on Charlotte’s, and in that moment, she could have sworn he smiled only for her. “Scavenger hunts are a long-standing tradition in our household, and as you will find, this won’t be your run of the mill variety. You’ll be paired into teams of two. One lady with one gentleman. Both genders will be needed for different tasks.”

  A few nervous giggles echoed in the room. No doubt the unmarried ladies wished to pair with the beau of their choice. Charlotte certainly hoped to.

  He waited for the noise to settle down once more. “To make this fair, we’ve put everyone’s name in these hats,” he said as a servant held out two glossy black top hats. “One contains ladies’ names, and the other, the gentlemen. As I call your name, please step forward.”

  Derek reached into one of the hats, swirling the folded papers theatrically. The room collectively held their breaths.

  “Lady Downes and Lord Castlemire.” The group clapped as the two moved to the side of the room to strategize. “Miss Carlton and Lord Bartholomew.”

  Each person was called, one at a time, and Charlotte took note of the few remaining stragglers. Finally, she was the only unpaired lady. Did that mean she wouldn’t have a partner?

d finally, Lady Charlotte will be partnering me.”

  Surprise flitted through her. She didn’t know how he’d managed it with a random drawing, but she knew that their pairing hadn’t been a coincidence. Why had he felt the need to partner her? Surely, as long as she stayed with the group and never wandered out alone, she’d be safe. Between Derek, the other guests, and the surprising number of servants, Charlotte was never alone unless she was in her room or in need of a moment of privacy. Derek had been true to his word. It would be hard for anyone to attack her.

  “May I have your attention for another moment?” Derek called out. “Each team will be given an identical list of items to be found, along with corresponding points for each. Some items on the list will be easy to locate, as there are several, while others, the high point values, will be more difficult, whether because there is only one or because you’ll have to go to town to find them.” A woman gasped at the information, and Derek chuckled. “I told you, a scavenger hunt here isn’t commonplace. This is an event. If it’s too much for you, you can return at any time, and your points will be totaled from your collection. Any questions?”

  “What’s the time limit?” Lord Acton asked, and Charlotte winced again at his partner, Lady Pembroke. Poor Lord Acton.

  Derek smiled. “You have until four o’clock—six hours. No doubt you will need sustenance before then. There will be a picnic lunch set up on the south lawn for the duration of the hunt, so you can eat whenever is convenient for you. Any other questions?” The room fell silent, but a nervous energy hummed in the air. “No? Then we will pass out the lists, and once everyone has a list in their hands, you may open it and begin the search. Good luck.”

  Someone squealed in the group, but Charlotte didn’t turn to see who it was. Her eyes were only for Derek. He whispered something to a servant before moving toward her.

  His eyes skimmed over her. “You look well today,” he whispered. “Did you sleep all right?”

  Everyone was too busy discussing strategies with their partner to notice them or care what they discussed. “I did. Surprisingly so. I noticed a footman polishing a mirror in the hall outside my room yesterday. Interestingly enough, he was still polishing the same mirror when I woke. You have a most dedicated staff, Viscount Lawrence.” She bit her cheek.


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