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Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals

Page 22

by Robert James

  Throwing hats in the air, hugging each other and dancing, they laughed and cried simultaneously. It was like victory day, after a world war, which, I realised, is exactly what it was. I wondered what effect all this would be having on the rest of my world wide audience, especially my totally psychotic family. I raised my hands

  “All people are equal in God’s eyes” My voice began again “The right to freedom and prosperity is inalienable under God. I call on the Supreme One to acknowledge this truth and renounce his Devine right to command the New World” There was a hushed silence, most probably all around the planet, as my voice continued

  “Ways must be found and actively pursued, to bring all those outside the New World into a mutually beneficial League of Nations. So that all can share equally in the generosity of our Creator” My automatic voice decreed “Let there be peace among all, let tolerance erase intolerance, understanding replace misunderstanding and dignity overturn denigration” I declared, to a once again cheering crowd “A new day has dawned on this planet, will you grasp it with both hands and build a new future?” I asked them. The people of Stonebridge certainly made it very clear that they would. After my speech, the three Arc Island leaders, Zoran and I retired to a small, leather-bound study. It didn’t need a ‘Men Only’ sign on the door, few women would be comfortable in that ultra masculine room.

  Meanwhile, Sharon, who, as the saying goes, was more than a pretty face, and by that I don’t just mean she also had a super sexy, sultry voice and a body to match, I mean she was really smart, had gone over to set up Stonebridge’s small but soon to be very sophisticated communication operation, with some of the radio guys from the T.T.V.s. It turned out, she was one of the New World’s leading authorities on radio technology and had received a few lucrative offers to work in other States, Centropolis was one of them. “What kept you in Port Rualé” I asked her later.

  “Love, dear Lord Robert, love” There was sadness in her voice .

  “He wasn’t the right one after all?” I asked, trying to show some sympathy. Sharon turned to face me, her breasts just touching my chest, looking straight into my eyes.

  “She, decided to go back to her guy” Sharon watched me for my reaction. Seeing none, she continued “We had something really good you know. There were always men, whenever we wanted them, but we were so good together. We really knew each other” She paused “At least, I thought we did” Sharon added ruefully, as she had snuggled into me.

  “So, how are those unfinished details of yours coming along Lord Robert?” Captain Millwell asked with respectful informality, as he handed me a steaming mug of coffee.

  “Still haven’t worked out how to get in and de-activate the Supreme One, Lady Ursula and Lord Edmond, without damaging the Supreme House” I answered truthfully.

  “By deactivate you mean kill them right?” The ever bloodthirsty Ken Blarty presumed.

  “I sincerely hope not” I told him “I certainly won’t deliberately”.

  “My Lord” Zoran looked at me curiously “Do you really think that they will give you a choice?” He asked, with a touch of sarcasm.

  “Those that live by the sword shall die by the sword” Quoted the Arc Island Governor “The thing is, just how do we get you in there without an all out attack?” Captain Millwell asked.

  “Even if we had all nine T.T.V’s and the six old ones” Zoran told him “None would land safely inside the main compound. The Supreme House has a system like these” Zoran held out his small black tube “Only much bigger. It would swat them like flies”

  “It also has a force shield which even these can’t penetrate” Zoran looked at all of us expectantly. Administrator Knight, who had barely spoken since we arrived, suddenly got up and began walking, with short stiff steps, back and forth in front of me

  “It’s very clear we are to plan two attacks, not one, two” He looked and spoke like a military commander, which, in years gone by, he had been. Now, those years melted away “It’s like boxing you know?” He asked, looking at our still blank faces expectantly.

  “You mean feint with the right, then hit ‘em with the left?” Zoran smiled up questioning.

  “Exactly” Knight exclaimed smiling “Know a bit about the ring old man? Er sorry Zoran” He apologized.

  “Well, I’ve watched a few bouts in my time” The old man chuckled, obviously not offended by Knight’s familiarity.

  “We set up the logistics for a major direct offensive and well, you know” Knight took on conspiratorial look “When you got a whole mob of angry people out front, you often leave the back door open, in case you need to make a run for it” He looked triumphant.

  “They cannot retreat” Zoran said simply, adding “They have absolutely nowhere to go”.

  “Bill is onto something though” Captain Millwell said to Zoran excitedly “What d’ya think Lord Robert?” He asked me. Then he waited for my reaction, along with the others.

  “The only problem I can see is that they know that they are invulnerable to any kind of conventional or unconventional attack” I told the Arc Island Governor “So they are not going to feel threatened inside their compound” I answered “Yet you’re right Governor Millwell, Administrator Knight’s plan does have merit” I answered and Zoran agreed enthusiastically.

  “Although they can get some of their infrastructure into the Supreme House’s safety zone” Zoran told us “Most of it they can’t” Zoran went on “A plentiful enough conventional attack could destroy everything but the Supreme House” He suggested, adding “They would not be able to sustain themselves for long”.

  “That’s it then, that’s it”, Ken Blarty jumped to his feet “We storm their base with artillery and starve ‘em out of that damn house of theirs” He exulted.

  “Hold it, just hold it Supervisor Blarty” I waved him back to his seat “I do not want mass destruction of that place” I told him firmly “It holds information and technology that belongs to the whole planet” I cautioned him.

  “This is true Lord Robert” Zoran said quietly “But the three of them don’t’ care about that, and” He paused “More importantly, they don’t know that you do” He was a very wise old man. We didn’t have long to wait for the New World’s reaction to my speech earlier. Within two hours, the newly set up system took its first call. Sharon, as our ‘operator’, had a few guidelines to save confusion. If I had actually met them, they could speak with Zoran or myself, depending on their rank.

  Otherwise Governors spoke to Captain Millwell, and all administrators who called would be put through to Susan in Carabindy. Most thought Susan was the New World’s largest city’s administrator. Admiral Davis was that first caller.

  “Lord Robert, I wanted you to know that Richards and I were totally against giving Lord Elton your tracking information” He was scared, not sorry.

  “It’s of no concern to me Admiral” I replied breezily “Remember you are, in my eyes, free to do as you see fit” I reminded him “Just avoid Lady Ursula from finding out”.

  “She already knows” The deputy leader blurted out.

  “She has sacked the three of us and is sending out new administrators for Sentoria” Admiral Davis told me.

  “Well, now you have a choice” I said dryly “My way or hers”.

  “Lord Robert we have declared our loyalty to you” He sounded pained by my cynicism “Tell us you instructions and you may be sure we will do your will my Lord” He added. I began the plan “Assemble a hundred fully armed men Admiral, put them aboard a fast warship and send them to Centropolis” I ordered him bluntly.

  “You are going to attack the Divine House?” He gasped.

  “Yes of course” I snapped “With all the T.T.Vs now under my command, taking it will be the easy part” I told him, adding “I need troops on the ground to maintain order and capture any who may try to escape” I explained to the Sentorian leader.

  “It shall be as you have ordered, Lord Robert” Admiral Davis replied “The ship will le
ave at dawn tomorrow, it’s a week barring bad weather” He told me.

  “There will be none” I assured him confidently.

  “Of course my Lord. I shall personally lead this mission” He said.

  “Very good Admiral, I’ll see you in a week then” I hung up.

  I almost had Sharon pass the Governor of Alpine Grand to Miss Proust when he rang, till Sharon whispered to me.

  “They provide the communications hub for this half of the planet, they’ve got the best technocrats too” She added, so I took the call.

  “Hello Governor, good to hear from you” I lied and listened to his nauseating adulation.

  “You no doubt know of Sharon Black” I checked with him.

  “Oh yes Lord Robert, we offered her a job recently” He replied.

  “Well, that’s who just answered the phone when you rang. She is my communication chief now” I told him. Sharon reached over and gave my upper thigh a gentle squeeze then left her hand there “I’ll put her back on Governor” I told him “And I would be glad if you could make your superb facilities available to her, so we can cut off the Supreme house entirely” I asked authoritatively.

  “Of course Lord Robert, please put her on” He responded. I did and they spoke about technical and logistics matters for some time, while Sharon kept me glued to the chair with her deliciously curious hand.

  Governor Barry came on the line, all praise and pledging oaths of loyalty, so I gave him the same instructions as those to Sentoria’s second most senior man. Now I had five of the twelve New World Nations with us, and Susan was sure she could get her old bosses.

  “Especially, if I could take you there in person” I’m glad Sharon didn’t hear the way Susan said that, I wanted my two best girls to be friends.

  “It’s probably a good idea for all of us to meet in Centropolis” I told Susan “Just to co-ordinate the plan”.

  “Oh really?” Susan sounded very disappointed. Governor Millwell, talking with the heads of the six New World Nations that I had not yet visited, managed to organise a conference in Port Rualé, Arc Island didn’t have the facilities.

  Governor Barry was over the moon at hosting an event that allowed him to strut the New World’s stage. What surprised us all was that there were no calls or transmissions from anyone in the Supreme Family. In their case, silence was not golden, it was a worrying concern. That night, after a simple but delicious meal, the people of Stonebridge and the few small villages scattered around the island, put on a show in my honour. While it certainly featured lots of beautiful young women and several extremely well built young men, it was not the least bit like Sentoria’s hedonistic romp. This was fully dressed, flashing eyes, with flying skirts revealing a pair of lovely legs for just a second. Their pirate heritage was a feature of the show, right down to accordions and fiddles. This was a truly wholesome society, with values that traced back for hundreds of years.

  Sharon and I spent our second night together in my small but super comfortable cabin, on board my T.T.V. That woman knew so many ways to play that, by the time we reached the big finale, I was as satiated as a man could be. She was certainly making sure I slept well. The next morning we were up early. There was so much that needed to be organised for this multi national conference in a few days. I dispatched one of the T.T.V’s, with Zoran on board, armed with his little black tube, to go and collect the three leaders who were furthest from us. Captain Millwell, to whom I’d given Elton’s weapon, would leave tomorrow, to collect the closer three.

  Bill Knight turned out to be a truly a brilliant organizer, I doubt whether things would have run anywhere near as smoothly without his help. Once we had all the logistical details taken care of, I started work on an agenda. I didn’t bother with writing an opening speech, they seemed to be built into me somewhere, but, with so many aspects to this multi-faceted and oh-so-vital conference, I felt the need to lay it out in some kind of order, to avoid chaos. Like the six I had already visited, the other six New World Nations were each unique. Their sizes were roughly the same as those I’d seen, some big, some small. Also, each of them had a core function in the New World’s scheme of things. No doubt, each had its share of inequality and injustice too. I had hoped to get to all of them, before moving on the Supreme House.

  It had all looked so simple and straight forward then, deal with each of them then unite them. But events were dictating a course of action and it was time to prepare for it. By now I knew that I could just fly in there on my own and, if they shot at me, which I knew they would, it would simply deflect back at them and their own laws would be fulfilled. Automatic death penalty for trying to harm a member of the Supreme Family. As mine was a code of good for one, good for all, that would certainly have settled the justice issue. However, there was so much more to this mission than simply disempowering a demented old man and his two power crazy children. The world’s leaders had to learn independence, diplomacy and eventually interdependence. At least I now had an outline of a plan and plenty of assistance to help me accomplish it.

  If Zoran were right, and, after a lifetime as an insider with my power mad, super secretive family, he would know, then mounting a large enough force to destroy virtually everything but their central H.Q. could make those in the Supreme House ready to invite me to talk, rather than lose so much in a fight no-one could really win. Of course, the human losses, on both sides, would exceed a thousand souls, but that would not even come into their thinking. It did in mine. I firmly believed this mission could be achieved without a drop of blood being spilled, at least not by me. I needed at least two more, one hundred man plus divisions, from two of the other New World nations, to make this truly a force that represents the will of this planet’s people.

  Alpine Grand, Carabindy and Arc Island could not send troops, because they didn’t have any, nor did they have the means to transport them. But those three Nations were extremely active in the embargo on fuel and the electronic isolation, that was already falling into in place. Three of the others Nations had their own somewhat smaller port cities and could supply only a small armed detachment each at best. Susan had absolutely no doubt that the leaders of Centropolis would join us, and be able to mount and move a sizeable force, perhaps as many as two hundred. She spoke to her old boss, now clearly in awe of his one-time Administration chief, and was surprised to hear that he, now free to speak his mind, had long resented the Supreme Family’s absolute control. Given that they ran the planet’s largest and most populated state and the planet’s largest city, he and his executive staff were understandably resentful of being controlled by a senile meglo-maniac and his totally debauched children. If all went well, we would be there in a week, then we could bring an end to all that.

  “I’ll keep an eye on things” Susan had told me “But they’ll have all the facilities we need ready for us, it’s a very well organised city” There was no mistaking the pride in her voice. Perhaps my biggest advantage and their greatest danger was that they didn’t know their little black laser weapons just bounced off me. The end was becoming clearer, but getting there still needed some work. Our Captain and crew had met with the crews of the other three T.T.V.s. They had decided to offer a non combat agreement to the four crews still in the service of the Supreme House.

  Essentially, neither side would fire on each other or on the troops of the other side. The eight, still combat ready T.T.V.s would play no part in the struggle for control of the Supreme House and its priceless environs. Having put forward the proposition, our men waited for the decision of the other four crews. When their plan was agreed to, our T.T.V. Captain came over and reported to me.

  “It shall be as you said Lord Robert” He told me, he was clearly delighted and now very much a committed ally “If men die, it will be of their own decision, neither ordered by the Supreme One, or you Sire” He told me, respectful and warm.

  “And that’s a decision that should be left to those whose lives are on the line” Sharon contributed silkily
“Maybe it would be even better if their Mothers and wives made that decision” This was one smart woman. There had been a lot of socialising between the local girls and the handsome, uniformed crews and guards from the T.T.V.s. That was quite understandable when the facts were considered. To the Arc Island girls, these young men were worldly wise, highly intelligent warriors. To the crews, well, these girls were genuinely fresh and wholesome young women. A couple of the more enterprising among them came to ask if they could set up a sort of marriage agency, because so many of the girls had proposed! Especially to Peta Millwell.

  There was even a most attractive widow, in her early thirties, who had expressed an interest in our Captain.

  “None of the Supreme House combat staff are allowed marriage, I’m afraid Miss” Our T.T.V. Captain told the two enthusiastic young women, when they came to ask permission. His response had clearly disappointed many of the young men and women.

  “Well they are now Captain” I advised him smiling “So perhaps you should take the young ladies’ advice and go meet this charming woman” I suggested, putting a smile back on everyone’s face. Even our usually stern faced Captain clearly enjoyed that thought. As there was some forty eight hours before the big conference would take place, I knew it would be hard for me to do anything around here and I didn’t fancy sitting around in the town hall’s rooms or on our T.T.V.


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