For the Lust of a Rogue: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

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For the Lust of a Rogue: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 23

by Olivia Bennet

  “Lady Caroline, it certainly is good to see you again.” The Dowager Duchess gave him a curious look.

  “Your Grace, it is an honor to join you tonight.” Lady Caroline spoke with poise and finesse. She then turned toward his father and curtsied. It was evident by the way both his father and grandmother talked to her that they were greatly impressed.

  Earlier that day, Owen had dropped by Aston Manor to inform his father that he wished to invite Lady Caroline to dinner—hinting strongly that tonight was the night he would propose. His father had seemed ecstatic, belting out orders for the servants to prepare a feast.

  After a short time of inane chatter, the Dowager Duchess announced that they should enter the dining hall.

  Throughout dinner, he observed Lady Caroline carefully. Her natural charm and beauty were more than enough to impress his family and he wondered whether he ought to propose before the dessert was served.

  She is not likely to refuse my proposal in front of Father. But, still, that is not a chance I can take. If she says no and Father witnesses it, he will lose all faith in me.

  “Lady Caroline, will you join me for a walk?” Owen asked after the dessert had been carried away. “I am sure you will enjoy a stroll through the gardens here.”

  “Yes, what a wonderful idea,” she replied with a polite smile. But Owen had begun to know her different smiles. This was the smile that could fool everyone else, but not him, not anymore. This smile was quite unlike the one he had seen her give that blasted solicitor. But not for much longer.

  He was going to walk with her away from the house and ask her to marry him. He did not want his father to hear a possible refusal or the reason why she would eventually agree to accept his proposal.

  “Lady Caroline.” His voice was soft and he reached for her gloved hand. “Since knowing you, I have thought what my future will look like, and I must say I cannot see myself without you by my side.”

  He could sense her discomfort, but he did not care.

  I have cornered you, Lady Caroline. There is no way to escape.

  Earlier, when they had been walking together at Brighney Manor, he had noticed something. In the middle of their tedious discussion about the disastrous ball at Wessex Manor, he saw a piece of paper stuck to the bushes.

  When she had not been looking, he grabbed the paper and stuck into his pocket. There had been an element about this paper that reminded him of something, but he could not figure out what. Then, when Lady Caroline went to change for dinner, he took out the paper.

  Once he realized what this was, he had to stop himself from laughing out loud with glee.

  He stopped near a fountain, turning to face her. “Lady Caroline, I know our courting has been brief, but there is no real purpose to wait much longer. You and I are well suited to be companions for the remainder of our lives. Your father does agree with me, and therefore I ask you to accept my proposal for marriage.”

  Caroline stared at him, her mouth open in surprise. She could not believe that he had asked her to marry him. Despite having suspected this was coming, hearing him say the words was something she could not fully comprehend. Jasper’s image floated to her mind, and her breathing became shallow and nervous.

  I cannot marry him!

  “I…” Her voice broke and she tried to calm her nerves. “Lord Estaria, you pay me a great compliment, and for that, I do thank you. I am well aware of the honor of your proposal, but unfortunately, I have to decline.”

  She flashed a look in Madeleine’s direction, as she braced herself for him to yell at her or show his displeasure in some way. But to her surprise, Lord Estaria stared at her with a curious smile. “I truly am sorry.”

  Finally, he spoke, but she was startled to hear the icy tone of his voice. “You will marry me, Lady Caroline.”

  “I beg your pardon, My Lord?” Icy chills shot down her back. All warmth had left Lord Estaria’s face, making him look like an entirely different person.

  “You are going to accept my proposal,” he said, speaking quietly and slowly. “If you refuse, I will be forced to tell your father about the true nature of the relationship you have with Jasper Langley.”

  She was rooted to the spot, her heart hammering inside her chest.

  How can he know?

  “Imagine the shame, when the mighty Lord Brighney—the Lord Chief Justice, finds out that his only daughter has been writing the controversial articles published in the Examiner.” His eyes were black, and he laughed cruelly. “Under Mr. Langley’s name, nonetheless! What will he think about the fine solicitor then?”

  She could not breathe. The tight corset dug into her ribs, and with every breath she inhaled, she felt as if it filled her lungs with led. “How did you…” She gasped, not having the strength to finish the sentence.

  He took a piece of paper from his jacket pocket.

  My article!

  She clung to the fountain, afraid that she would faint. Madeleine rushed closer to her, looking concerned.

  “Do not underestimate me, My Lady, or my position.” He sounded dangerous as he spoke rapidly. “As a Marquess, who will soon become a Duke, taking away a solicitor’s license is child’s play for me. Or simply throwing the honorable Mr. Langley behind bars.”

  This cannot be happening! I feel as if a dagger has been pressed deep into my chest.

  She thought of Jasper. His arms around her, his promises that they would be together. His earnest eyes and his loving lips. Slowly, his image gave her the strength to stand upright. She inhaled deeply before looking determinately into Lord Estaria’s evil eyes.

  “I will never marry you,” she spat. She enjoyed seeing his look of disdain. But it did not last very long. Almost at once, he had regained his calm exterior.

  “Such passion for a man that is not even faithful to you.” He took a step closer to her.

  “What nonsense is this?” Her voice quivered, and her eyes filled with tears.

  “You should know the truth about Mr. Langley before you throw away your life for him.” He took her hand gently in his. “I only tell you this to protect you, because I care greatly about you.”

  “Tell me what?” She felt nauseous, and a blinding pain was pressing painfully at her temple.

  “Mr. Langley is not who you think he is—he has only been using you.”

  “You are lying,” she sobbed, yanking her hand away from him.

  “Ask him where he was last night,” Lord Estaria said. “Ask him who he was with.”

  Chapter 37

  Caroline stumbled away from Lord Estaria. She felt as if he had struck her across the cheek. His words reverberated in her head.

  He is lying, I know it! Jasper would never betray me.

  But something about the way Lord Estaria talked made her feel anxious. A tiny seed of doubt had been planted and no matter how hard she tried to rid her mind of this dreadful thought, she could not.

  “I don’t believe you,” she said with a shaking voice that did not even convince herself.

  “My manservant saw a young lady running away from Mr. Langley’s lodgings late last night,” he explained.

  “Why was your manservant at his lodgings?” She shook her head wildly, not wanting to think about this anymore.

  It has to be a lie.

  “I did not trust Mr. Langley,” he replied. “It seems I was right not to, and you should not trust him.” She turned around and ran away from him. She could not bear being near him for much longer.

  “Lady Caroline, wait!” She could hear him bustling after her. “Please, wait.” She did not want to stop, but she had no strength left. “I will give you until tomorrow morning to calm down and reconsider.” He stood behind her now.

  “Please do not sacrifice everything for a man that is not worth your love. For a man that only wanted to use you, to take advantage of your naivety, and your fortune.” Tears streamed down her cheek, and she turned to face him. “I will prepare for a carriage to take you back to Brighney Mano

  He walked away from her, and the world began spinning around her. A loud cry escaped her lips, and at that time, Madeleine put her arm around her, preventing her from falling to the ground.

  “My Lady!” Madeleine exclaimed.

  “Please, help me leave, I cannot…” She tried to take a step, but her feet would not carry her. Madeleine helped her stand.

  “You are pale as a ghost, My Lady.” Madeleine supported her, and they slowly neared the house again.

  “It’s all over,” she muttered sadly.

  “Calm down, My Lady. Breathe!” Madeleine sounded frightened, but Caroline could not talk about this anymore. Her heart felt as if it was breaking in half.

  Without fully noticing her surroundings, she heard Lord Estaria explain to his father and grandmother that she was not feeling well and that he would take her home. Before she knew it, they were in the carriage again. The ride to Brighney Manor was completely silent. She did not notice the tears that slowly began staining her gown as they slid from her cold cheeks.

  Madeleine helped her step from the carriage, making sure that Lord Estaria did not touch her. “I will return tomorrow. If you refuse me, then your family’s honor will be ruined.” He pulled on the reins and rode away, the clattering from the horse’s hooves echoed in the silent street.

  Once she was inside, she ignored Mrs. Wilson’s cries of surprise at the state she was in and rushed to her room. She flung herself to her bed and sobbed into her pillow. After a while, she woke up with a start. For a moment, she thought this had all been a terrible dream, and that she would be able to tell Lord Estaria that she was feeling unwell. But then the realization hit her with the force of a crashing wave.

  I feel empty inside. As if somehow Lord Estaria managed to reach inside me and pull out my heart.

  She sat up and looked outside. It was dark, but soon the morning sun would pierce the sky. She made up her mind in an instant.

  I need to see Jasper!

  Grabbing her dark cloak, she ran down the stairs. The house was still, but she did not care if someone saw her. She opened the door and ran outside. She thought she heard someone call her name, but she did not turn around. All that mattered at that moment was seeing Jasper.

  Her feet ached, and as she was still wearing the lilac gown, the corset pinched her ribs with every movement. She knocked frantically at the door until it was flung open, and the surprised figure of Jasper stood in front of her. His eyes were blinking rapidly—he had clearly been asleep.

  “Caroline!” He moved to let her inside, but she stood still. “What is it? Has something happened?”

  “I need to know,” she said faintly.

  “Come inside,” he urged. “You look completely exhausted.” She heaved a heavy sigh and entered his lodgings.

  “I need to know, have you ever lied to me?” Her voice trembled, but she shut her eyes tightly to prevent her tears from falling.

  “No, of course not. Caroline, you are frightening me,” he said.

  “Can you tell me what happened here two nights ago?” She spoke quickly, hating herself for asking the question. For letting Lord Estaria affect her in such a way. Jasper stared at her, not speaking.

  Please, Jasper. Just tell me the truth, and calm my mind. I will be able to fight against Lord Estaria if you placate my fear.

  But his silence began egging on her nerves and anxiety. “Why are you asking about this?” His deflection made her heart sink.

  “Jasper? Please tell me! I have to know,” she begged.

  “I… I don’t remember what happened,” he replied lamely.

  “You don’t remember?” She repeated in disbelief. “Was there someone with you?”

  “Caroline,” he took a step closer to her, but she retreated away from him.

  “Tell me, please, Jasper.” The tears she had been desperately trying to keep at bay trickled down her cheeks. “You said you would not lie to me,” she insisted.

  “Lady Louisa was here,” he said after a long pause. “But I don’t rem–” She could not hear the rest of his sentence. She could not breathe anymore.

  Lord Estaria was right!

  She stumbled backward. All sounds were blocked from her, as a loud piercing echoed inside her head. She ran away from Jasper, ignoring his calls. She had to get away from him. Her eyes were filled with tears, blinding her. But then a sudden movement nearby made her look behind her. Expecting to see Jasper running after her, she was surprised to see a carriage racing closer.

  “Lady Caroline!” Madeleine cried, jumping out of the carriage as soon as it haltered to a stop.

  “Madeleine?” She stared at her lady’s maid, utterly confused to see her there. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mrs. Wilson saw you leave, and she sent me to get you,” Madeleine explained. She looked up at the driver of the carriage and saw Jimmy. “Come now, My Lady, let’s get you home.”

  She didn’t say anything but followed Madeleine into the carriage. The sun had begun to paint the street with an amber glow, but Caroline would rather have wanted the sky to remain black and bleak. For she could not see any light anymore—all hope had left her.

  Owen sat in his favorite stuffed chair, watching as the sun rose. He had not slept much that night, but he felt powerful and victorious, and sleep was not a concern he had. Later that morning, he would return to Brighney Manor, and Lady Caroline would accept his proposal. He was sure of it. There was no possibility that she would sacrifice her family for Mr. Langley.

  Still, he had been wrong about her before. That caused his great mood to falter slightly. A knock on the door pulled him from his contemplation.

  “It is Lady Louisa, My Lord.” Mr. Tiff looked at him from the front door. His large frame completely hid her from sight.

  “Let her in,” he replied, standing up. “What are you doing here?”

  “I…” Louisa slowly approached him. She reminded him of Lady Caroline when he had last seen her, pale and trembling.

  “What has happened?” His voice was strict. He no longer had the patience to appease her. She stopped abruptly. “Tell me, Louisa.”

  “It’s about the other night.” She spoke cautiously. He did not talk but waited for her to continue.

  “Owen?” She now seemed frightened.

  “What about the other night? Speak!” He commanded.

  “I… I wasn’t able–” she began, but he interrupted her.

  “What weren’t you able to do?” He took a step closer to her.

  Something is wrong!

  “I couldn’t go through with it.” Her voice was barely audible.

  “What did you say?” As her voice was almost a whisper, his voice grew louder.

  “Mr. Langley let me inside his lodgings, and he drank the potion, but–” Again, she took a step away from him.

  “But what, Louisa?” Owen was almost screaming now.

  “After he passed out, I tried to do it, but I couldn’t,” Louisa wailed.

  She has jeopardized everything!

  “You need to leave,” he growled.

  “I’m so sorry, Owen.”

  “You will leave, Louisa, now.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “If you tell anyone,” he emphasized the word. “I will make sure you and that child of yours will never again see the light of day.”

  Her eyes were wide with fear, and her bottom lip quivered. “Leave!”

  He did not need to repeat himself. As she ran away from him, a strangled cry was the last thing he heard after she disappeared through the door.

  It was quite clear that he was going to need to take further actions against Mr. Langley. He was going to have to eradicate him.

  Chapter 38

  Madeleine helped Caroline sneak into her room, through the staircase in the servants’ quarters. Brighney Manor was buzzing with life, as the servants prepared the morning chores. But she hardly noticed anything. Never before had she experienced such profound and piercing sadness. It was as if she was
hollow inside, nothing but the echoes of the happiness she had once experienced left.

  “My Lady,” Madeleine said timidly. “You need to change for breakfast.”

  “All right.” In a haze, she walked toward the mirror but did not look at her reflection. Madeleine helped her change and gently combed her hair and applied a thin layer of powder to disguise the red blotches from her tears.

  “You are ready, My Lady.” Madeleine seemed to reflect her own sadness, with her eyebrows furrowed with worry.


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